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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
    Response to gutteriness:

    I actually recently read a fanfic (rated M so I can't post it here) where there's a scene where they actually do have zero gravity sex LOL The story was pretty good, but I'll admit, it was a little hard for me to take that scene seriously.
    A bit too James Bondish - like that movie where James and the lady scientist are left alone in the space capsule or shuttle or whatever and are having sex in zero gravity?


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      OT: Stargate sounds extravaganza:
      A bit OT:
      I now have some of those phrases on my computer, and my cat was sitting on my desk next to the computer earlier today when the computer suddenly said in a man's voice "Good morning campers" ... and Cheyenne's head whipped around and she looked right at the speakers and her eyes got about as big and round as saucers. Awhile later, having left the room and coming back in, I found said kitty up on the shelf above the speakers - a place she'd never gotten to before, and every time the computer "spoke", her head would whip around toward the speakers and she'd get the most intensely curious look on her face. Just a cute little story.


        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
        A bit OT:
        I now have some of those phrases on my computer, and my cat was sitting on my desk next to the computer earlier today when the computer suddenly said in a man's voice "Good morning campers" ... and Cheyenne's head whipped around and she looked right at the speakers and her eyes got about as big and round as saucers. Awhile later, having left the room and coming back in, I found said kitty up on the shelf above the speakers - a place she'd never gotten to before, and every time the computer "spoke", her head would whip around toward the speakers and she'd get the most intensely curious look on her face. Just a cute little story.
        - probably thought the machine was possessed....


          The ABC’s of Sam & Jack Bloopers and Outtakes

          A – Assininity… er, Affinity—Jack looks at the ring, snaps the box shut (making Sam wince) and then throws it across the lab, out the door and into the hallway, where it hits the wall with such force that not only does the ring box break, but the cubic zirconium pops out of the cheap gold-plated setting.

          B – Beneath the Surface—“I remember feeling... feelings.” “For Tor?” “No, for Carlin.” “Really? Never would have picked him as your type…”

          C – Chimera -- "I am NOT going to forgive that little twerp, no matter what the script says!"

          D – Desperate Measures -- jack removes the handcuffs from sam. when her back is turned, he smiles and puts them in his pocket.

          E – Engaged?! Sam says, "It is theoretically possible." And Jack replies, "In that case... Will you marry me?"

          F – *Fishing!* Jack asks Sam to join him for a weekend *Fishing* trip... and she says "I thought you'd never ask! Let's go pack up!"

          G –

          H – Hot Toddy! "Oh, a Jumper ride home to the S.G.C., followed by a hot shower, followed by a hot toddy, followed by a hot blond."

          I –

          J –

          K – King Harry!— Harry tells Sam & jack those women in the background are his wives, then adds, "And since you two caught the bridal bouquets, I'd be happy to help you carry out the tradition. I am the King, after all!"

          L – Leaving it in the room—“None of this has to leave this room.” “It might be more fun if we kept in that storage closet on level 24…”

          M – MacGyver! — “We’ve got shoelaces, a belt buckle, and some chewing gum wrappers; build a nuclear reactor, for crying out loud! You used to be MacGyver! MacGizmo! MacGadget! Now you’re MacUseless! (yes, I unabashedly stole that from AT and the Solitudes OutTake! )

          N –Nineteen Sixty-Nine! At the campfire scene, instead of passing a mug to Sam, he pulls her to her feet and leads her to the bus. As they go inside, Jack tells everyone, "If this bus is rockin', don't come a knockin'!"

          O – Ogling! — After Jack ogles Sam’s nakedness in Out of Mind, she drops the blanket, giving Jack a whole lot more to ogle!

          P – Point of View—Jack returns to our universe and Sam’s dagger-filled glare. “You kissed me!” “No, I kissed her.” “But she’s *me*! With longer hair!” “You jealous?” “No! Well.. sorta… just feeling… left out. *You* kissed me, but *I* didn’t kiss you.” “We can fix that right now!” <pulls her into his arms and kisses her senseless>

          Q –

          R – Ripple Effect — When Martouf starts to move in to kiss Sam, she shoves him away and says, "What the hell do you think you're doing? I am a happily married woman!"

          S – Storage Closet!—In that lovely hallway scene in Sacrifices, Jack grabs Sam as she’s about to pass him, and they just happen to be standing in front of an open, empty storage closet… so he pulls her in there and they re-enact the Broca Divide Locker Room Scene.

          T – Time Travel — While discussing the time-traveling puddle jumper, Jack complains that Sam wouldn't let him go back and kick 's a$$ after he blew the stakeout.

          U – Urgo—Please see "The Old Alien Influence Excuse"!

          V –

          W – Warming up—Stuck in the Antarctic cavern, Jack tells Sam, "That's my side-arm, I swear!", she replies "That is one impressive side-arm, sir!"

          X –

          Y – Yo-yo — End of Grace: Jack says, "Need anything? Magazine? Yo yo?" and Sam replies, "Is that what you're calling it these days?"

          Z –



            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            Would that be 'Continuum Interrupted?' I'll admit I skipped over that part
            Yes! I really liked her story, but I have to admit that she got pretty creative in her gutter scenes. There were a couple of times I scratched my head and thought huh, I wonder how that works LOL


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              The ABC’s of Sam & Jack Bloopers and Outtakes

              O – Ogling! — After Jack ogles Sam’s nakedness in Out of Mind, she drops the blanket, giving Jack a whole lot more to ogle!
              I rewatched the remake of CotG this afternoon, and listened to the commentary, which for some reason caused me to pay more attention to the scenes as they went by. And I noticed in the cartouche room scene (I think) that Jack actually gave Sam one of those up and down glances like he did in Allegiance when he ogled her right in front of Jacob. He started early.


                Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                Yes! I really liked her story, but I have to admit that she got pretty creative in her gutter scenes. There were a couple of times I scratched my head and thought huh, I wonder how that works LOL
                now you and hubby have a few ideas....


                  Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                  Yes! I really liked her story, but I have to admit that she got pretty creative in her gutter scenes. There were a couple of times I scratched my head and thought huh, I wonder how that works LOL
                  lol! There should have been a running total about how many times they... I loved it and all but I hated having to skip through those parts to get through to the rest of the story

                  My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                  Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                  Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    i rewatched the remake of cotg this afternoon, and listened to the commentary, which for some reason caused me to pay more attention to the scenes as they went by. And i noticed in the cartouche room scene (i think) that jack actually gave sam one of those up and down glances like he did in allegiance when he ogled her right in front of jacob. :d he started early.:d
                    screen cap please!!



                      Originally posted by HamishRules View Post
                      Hi guys,
                      first post, Just wondering what you think but I reckon Jack and Sam have a thing for each other, you see this in a few episodes, but i can only remember one, Moebius, were they kiss in the Puddle Jumper. Theres another one were Jack resigns so he can kiss carter, Thats the time loop episode, The funniest episode ever.


                      What do you think?
                      Go check out the Sam/Jack ship thread. You'll find lots of people who agree. I do too. WoO was a great ep.

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Despite how much I totally hate the episode, I actually watched 2010 the other night. I don't hate it any less, but geez, Jack is hot in that episode!! I guess being abandoned, forsaken, and treated like crap by your "friends" is good for his appearance!

                        I wonder why, if the Ashen killed Hammond, they didn't kill Jack too . . . Maybe because nobody was listening to him anyway. <shrug>
                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                          Despite how much I totally hate the episode, I actually watched 2010 the other night. I don't hate it any less, but geez, Jack is hot in that episode!! I guess being abandoned, forsaken, and treated like crap by your "friends" is good for his appearance!

                          I wonder why, if the Ashen killed Hammond, they didn't kill Jack too . . . Maybe because nobody was listening to him anyway. <shrug>
                          i thought he was also smokin' hot in '1969'!

                          i don't like '2010' because i can't enjoy the episode. there's too much sadness, too much death, and sam and jack didn't get together in that timeline (and sam ended up with another loser ).



                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Go check out the Sam/Jack ship thread. You'll find lots of people who agree. I do too. WoO was a great ep.
                            Er...isn't that this thread?
                            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                              Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                              Despite how much I totally hate the episode, I actually watched 2010 the other night. I don't hate it any less, but geez, Jack is hot in that episode!! I guess being abandoned, forsaken, and treated like crap by your "friends" is good for his appearance!

                              I wonder why, if the Ashen killed Hammond, they didn't kill Jack too . . . Maybe because nobody was listening to him anyway. <shrug>
                              Because they didn't want to kill off the hottnest man on the planet....even if he was hiding himself away in his cabin. I mean really RDA just has that scruffy sexyness down. Really it doesn't get much better then this-

                              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                              i thought he was also smokin' hot in '1969'!

                              i don't like '2010' because i can't enjoy the episode. there's too much sadness, too much death, and sam and jack didn't get together in that timeline (and sam ended up with another loser ).
                              You know...somehow I always overlook the hotness of Jack in that episode

                              I agree with you '2010' is pretty depressing (even for me ) but then you think that 2010 is next year for us...and Sam and Jack are together

                              Oh and yeah Earth's still around too

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                                Yay! for Rachel's 2010 tag rec And for the every shipper moment list!

                                *huggles to Jess*

                                So guys two fic questions:

                                1. I'm wondering this...and I can't pinpoint an episode...but when you get hit with a staff blast...does it cauterize the wound? I know in Heroes there's blood...but you don't see blood with Jack but that's almost too fast to I'm wondering if there's any speculation about that.

                                2. That phone call from LC plot bunny floating around (the that implied that if Sam needed him, she could have called) if you could pick one episode, what episode do you think she/he would have called? For me it's really a toss up between entity (though I swear I've read a phone call fic as a tag to Entity before) and maybe Abyss. But is there any other mega episode that there might have been a phone call that I'm missing? (Yes I probably will write it )
                                1.) From promo pics I've seen, the staff blast must cauterize it.

                                2.) Personally, I'd definetely go with "Abyss", just because I think that Sam would feel so guilty that she'd have to make peace with herself by calling him. Sam isn't like Jack, she's not able to put things behind her if she believes them to be her fault. For examples:
                                ~ "The Other Side" - Sam is unable to hide her guilt when she realizes that the Eurondians were sending humans through the Stargate when the iris was closed. Jack has to tell her that it wasn't her fault.
                                ~ "Meridian" - Sam gets very upset when she believes that she's harmed Daniel more than helped with the hand device.
                                ~ "Paradise Lost" - Sam confesses to General Hammond that the current situation is her fault because she let Maybourne steal her zat.

                                I'm just saying, Sam seems more like the person who would be more worried for other people's well-being than her own.

                                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                                A bit OT:
                                I now have some of those phrases on my computer, and my cat was sitting on my desk next to the computer earlier today when the computer suddenly said in a man's voice "Good morning campers" ... and Cheyenne's head whipped around and she looked right at the speakers and her eyes got about as big and round as saucers. Awhile later, having left the room and coming back in, I found said kitty up on the shelf above the speakers - a place she'd never gotten to before, and every time the computer "spoke", her head would whip around toward the speakers and she'd get the most intensely curious look on her face. Just a cute little story.
                                Oh, that's so cute! I just love kitties!
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

