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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    Hehehehe. Just a-doing what comes-a-naturally (e.g. our jobs).
    Like you too!!!!
    *wanders off to find my fish*


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

      The longer the Hair, the more Canon the Ship.
      The more the wind let's the Hair dance, the more the rain will stop pooring.
      The more grip on the Hair, the less we loose sight of the love.
      The longer it takes to wash the Hair, the shorter the Shippers will have to despair.

      ...Or something like that.
      So, so true!

      Someone needs to take that bolded last line over to the art thread for a challenge one week.


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        *wanders off to find my fish*
        lol? Linda? lol?
        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        So, so true!

        Someone needs to take that bolded last line over to the art thread for a challenge one week.
        Art? Now that I *have* to see!

        THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
        K-9, CLASS and much more...


          Originally posted by Alan View Post
          lol? Linda? lol?

          *shippy sigh* Damn why couldn't that hot kiss be real....But it all worked out in the end


            So...ah. Yeah.

            They're in love, they're together, live with it and move on.

            Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
            I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

            First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

            Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

            Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

            Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


            Okay...venting off.

            I think I need to eat some dinner, I'm sounding kinda grumpy, eh?
            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              Originally posted by starlover View Post
              ...don't you say

    's like this big hall with a lot of small "stands" where people try to sell stuff or you can view stuff...
              For example with the 50+(years and up) people they see objects/stuff that is interesting for them...(I don't know what though)
              We also have these "markets" for gardens/household stuff/cars/rich people and so on... it's like an annual event...

              The place these "markets" are in are like convention centres...I think it's very similar to a convention now I think of it

              LOL I understand that...I was chatting with my bro's GF today...and it was a totally guttery girls subject and I didn't realise it ...but my dad was listening with us...and he was suddenly like "can you two please start with a different topic" we did...later we got the same subject while bro was there and my mom(no dad anymore) and bro went like ..."please stop" ...had also to do with annual check

              As for prudish around at all...not in my talk at least...I'm the worst in the family together with my dad ...I just don't tell my parents about my "activities"...if they ask I just smile and evade the subject ...I know my dad is not ready to know certain things just yet(I'm his little girl...the little girl after two big brothers and two miscarriages )

              As for the RST or UST in fics...I like both

              *hops out*
              The "market"
              It sounds a little like a flea market - there are individual sellers and they sell various items (anything from specialty foods to junk). There are also galleries (but that's more of an art thing) and then there are farmer's markets with local produce/local foods. I think dads have the hardest times with their girls growing up


                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
                I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

                First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

                Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

                Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

                Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


                Okay...venting off.

                I think I need to eat some dinner, I'm sounding kinda grumpy, eh?
                Fanfic rant:
                Honestly - I've always thought of Sam as the older sibling. Mostly because of her comment "my father wanted a boy" which Jacob wouldn't have said if he'd already had one. Also, Sam strikes me as the quintessential first born LOL - I'm a first born and I have a lot in common with her (I was also an AF brat, an officer's daughter, so I also have that in common). So...

                I read so many fics with her as the younger sib and hey, it's their fic, so if they want to do it, sure why not. But I get happy when people write her as the older LOL


                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  I decided against posting any screen caps from SGU. Sorry. It's less than a week away so its not too long to wait.
                  once the show airs, will you post them? i won't be watching it (got too bummed about what *wasn't* in the premier), but i'd love to see sam's parts and some caps too.



                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    So...ah. Yeah.

                    They're in love, they're together, live with it and move on.

                    Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
                    I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

                    First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

                    Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

                    Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

                    Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


                    Okay...venting off.

                    I think I need to eat some dinner, I'm sounding kinda grumpy, eh?
                    I kind of always assumed that Sam was the younger me Jacob probably just wanted boys and not girls. So I had no problems believing that whatsoever

                    *huggles Pol*

                    My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                    Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                    Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                      Originally posted by Pol View Post
                      Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
                      I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

                      First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

                      Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

                      Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

                      Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


                      Fanfic sort of OT


                      You're so right there Pol.

                      It has never ever been established in canon what Sam's age is relative to Mark's, not what his children's names are, if he had more after Sam mentioned them in Cold Lazarus (then we knew he had two but who's to say they didn't have more) or what the children or his wife's name is, or even if he's still married. It's true that the extremely brief glimpse we got of him in Seth he sort of looked older, and it would follow if you intepret subsequent comments about him (Seth, Devil You Know et al) to mean he left the family home not too long after their mother was killed... but... it's all based in asumptions, right? sorry, couldn't resist a little nod to Divide & Conquer there

                      I believe any assumptions people are making are based on "fanon" rather than canon and, therefore, they need to get over themselves.

                      You know, we don't even officially know Sam or Jack's ages or dates of birth since we've been given contradictory data about both over time.

                      I always assumed Sam was first born mainly because of the "My father wanted a boy" comment (although I concede that might just have been Sam making lighthearted banter because there was no real reason behind her name... for all we know her mother could have been a big fan of Bewitched. ). I also always imagined that Mark might well have gone on to have other children, and that Jack probably has siblings, nephews, neices etc. that we never hear about.
                      I've read plenty of fics where it's written contrary to how I imaginged but in the absence of anything canonical, as far as I am concerned, that's absolutely fine and, while I might say "oh I always imagined it was blah blah" in a review, it would only be to compare ideas and comment that the author has made me see something in a different way and thank them for doing so. Certainly not to be picky!

                      Sheesh indeed.

                      And yeah, Sam with blue hair. That's an image to go to bed on.

                      Go eat Pol.
                      Last edited by Cagranosalis; 27 September 2009, 03:53 PM.


                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        UST!! SERIOUSLY!! I have been waiting for confirmation for too damn long. I WANT RST!!!! :: throws a tantrum :: :: kicks a cat ::

                        :: sniffles ::

                        Ah, poor kitty. *huggles kitty*


                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        So...ah. Yeah.

                        Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
                        I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

                        First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

                        Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

                        Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

                        Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


                        Okay...venting off.

                        I think I need to eat some dinner, I'm sounding kinda grumpy, eh?
                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        Fanfic rant:
                        Honestly - I've always thought of Sam as the older sibling. Mostly because of her comment "my father wanted a boy" which Jacob wouldn't have said if he'd already had one. Also, Sam strikes me as the quintessential first born LOL - I'm a first born and I have a lot in common with her (I was also an AF brat, an officer's daughter, so I also have that in common). So...

                        I read so many fics with her as the younger sib and hey, it's their fic, so if they want to do it, sure why not. But I get happy when people write her as the older LOL
                        I agree with Twilight. I'm not sure why most fanfic writers make Mark older, but with the comment in "Forsaken" (I can't believe that Jacob would've wanted *two* boys right off the bat) and Sam's nature, I definetely think she's the firstborn.

                        Like Sam (and Twilight! ) I'm also the first born. I'm the Type-A personality, Straight-A in school, assertive, perfectionist, while my brother (2 years my junior) prefers to just slide by in school, and would rather have go to a football game then be inside studying (like me! ).

                        I know that some people have used the idea that Mark's defiant nature when his mom died is pretty synonymous with that of an older teenager who's rebelling against his father, striking out, and placing blame, while Sam seems to be younger child, who seems a bit more placid with the situation. I don't agree with this.

                        My brother and I went through much of the same reactions when my aunt was killed a few years ago (ironically, also in a car accident ). We were both very close with my aunt, and felt her loss deeply. Like Mark, my brother was the one placing the blame, and striking out. I reacted more like Sam, and was able to forgive my uncle much easier than some of the other members of my family (he was the one driving).

                        But anyway, I don't believe that Mark's age in regards to Sam's had any indication of his age. That's just his personality.
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Fanfic sort of OT


                          You're so right there Pol.

                          It has never ever been established in canon what Sam's age is relative to Mark's, not what his children's names are, if he had more after Sam mentioned them in Cold Lazarus (then we knew he had two but who's to say they didn't have more) or what the children or his wife's name is, or even if he's still married. It's true that the extremely brief glimpse we got of him in Seth he sort of looked older, and it would follow if you intepret subsequent comments about him (Seth, Devil You Know et al) to mean he left the family home not too long after their mother was killed... but... it's all based in asumptions, right? sorry, couldn't resist a little nod to Divide & Conquer there

                          I believe any assumptions people are making are based on "fanon" rather than canon and, therefore, they need to get over themselves.

                          You know, we don't even officially know Sam or Jack's ages or dates of birth since we've been given contradictory data about both over time.

                          I always assumed Sam was first born mainly because of the "My father wanted a boy" comment (although I concede that might just have been Sam making lighthearted banter because there was no real reason behind her name... for all we know her mother could have been a big fan of Bewitched. ). I also always imagined that Mark might well have gone on to have other children, and that Jack probably has siblings, nephews, neices etc. that we never hear about.
                          I've read plenty of fics where it's written contrary to how I imaginged but in the absence of anything canonical, as far as I am concerned, that's absolutely fine and, while I might say "oh I always imagined it was blah blah" in a review, it would only be to compare ideas and comment that the author has made me see something in a different way and thank them for doing so. Certainly not to be picky!

                          Sheesh indeed.

                          And yeah, Sam with blue hair. That's an image to go to bed on.

                          Go eat Pol.
                          I think I remember someone mentioning that RDA had thought of Jack as an only child. In my head, I've always thought of him as either an only child or seriously alienated from any siblings he has. I also kind of thought his parents were dead. The only reason is because it seems to me that Jack would find family important and I can't imagine him abandoning his parents... I mean I suppose there could have been "off screen" moments, but it seems strange the writers would never have addressed it if they were still around (plus, let's be honest, IF Jack's parents are alive, they're one foot in the grave).

                          As for the "My father wanted a boy" comment - knowing what we know about Jacob it seems that it would have made him a pretty cold father if he didn't want *any* girls. Jacob loves Sam and is very proud of her. I could see him having been initially upset that he had a girl first, but once Mark came along letting that go. But if he'd wanted two boys, yikes, I just have to imagine that Sam would have some serious resentment issues. In fact, I've always wondered *how* Sam found out about her name (I'm taking it that she meant it seriously because it makes no sense to say it if it isn't true). Did she have resentment issues? Was that maybe why she tried so hard to please her father by going AF?


                            Originally posted by Pol View Post
                            So...ah. Yeah.

                            They're in love, they're together, live with it and move on.

                            Okay, now for the OT, fanfic related (SGU spoiler avoiders, this is safe to read!):
                            I've gotten some comments, some public, most private, about how I wrote something "wrong" in my latest Campfire, where I made Sam the elder sibling.

                            First, may I's fanfic. I can write Sam as having blue hair if I wish.

                            Second, can someone point me to an episode and/or canonical moment where we're told that Mark is the elder sibling? I can't remember ever hearing/learning that. And...if I missed it, :::shrug::: *cough*fanfc*cough*

                            Third, hell, I've written fics where Mark and his as-yet-unnamed wife (I called her Jenny) had two more kids. Again...fanfic.

                            Don't get me wrong. I never, ever mind an honest critique of my writing, it's how I get better. point to something as "wrong" because it's not canon? Puh-leeze. We'd have to stop reading anything, oh, I don't know..."confirmational" in any way, now wouldn't we?


                            Okay...venting off.

                            I think I need to eat some dinner, I'm sounding kinda grumpy, eh?
                            Just thought I'd pop in and say I'm fine with having stuff added to or subtracted from Sam's (or Jack's or Daniel's or Teal'c's) families. At least one of my favorite stories about Sam (and Jack) has her having a bunch of brothers and sisters (older and younger), and there's a story or two about Jack having a bunch of brothers and sisters and the parents are still alive. Those stories just show what a creative streak a lot of writers have, and for the most part I've enjoyed them.

                            You can add me to the list of people who don't mind at all when stuff is added that isn't canon ... unless it's maybe way over the top, outrageous, outlandish, beyond belief, stretching anything credible ... unless, of course, those are done intentionally to be funny.


                              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                              As for the "My father wanted a boy" comment - knowing what we know about Jacob it seems that it would have made him a pretty cold father if he didn't want *any* girls.

                              I disagree with this in a way.

                              I don't think that wanting all boys makes you a cold father at all. (My Dad wanted all Mom wanted a girl Ironically I'm like a minature of my Dad and have nothing in common with my Mom ) But sometimes I think that a father doesn't know what to do with a girl, because girls are so different from boys. But a boy you can play catch with, play football, teach him how to fix things, get him into sports, take him fishing, teach him all those things that little boys learn from their fathers. While with can't really because they like to play with dolls and worry about clothes and blah blah blah. So I don't think that it's that far off that Jacob wanted all boys.

                              Oh and in The devil you know (whichever the second one is) when it shows Sam reliving her memories of when her Dad tells her what happened to her Mom...I always assumed that Sam was home alone and that Mark was older and was working or something, I can't really imagine Mark being younger then Sam's 13 years old and Jacob not telling them together.

                              My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                              Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                              Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                                Again, I agree with Twilight. The comment sounded genuine to me and I don't believe Jacob would be that cold.

                                I imagine him as the kind of guy who probably would've wanted a boy first, being that special first-born legacy and all (He probably also envisioned a son following him into the military as well). My father also wanted a boy first, instead he got a daughter who was "Daddy's Little Girl" and wanted to do everything he imagined a son doing. I'm sure that Jacob quickly got over his preference (especially after Mark), but that doesn't change what he wanted from the beginning.

                                Plus, I definetely see him also wanting a daughter, if only for his wife to dote over. Ya know, 'a kid for me, a kid for you'.
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

