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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    *runs around in circles*

    I finally figured out how to make GIMP work! Wheee! Now I can make pretties for Ship Day!


      Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
      *runs around in circles*

      I finally figured out how to make GIMP work! Wheee! Now I can make pretties for Ship Day!
      Yay!! And just remember if you have any questions to go over here to the Secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam and Jack thread

      My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
      Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
      Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


        Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
        Yay!! And just remember if you have any questions to go over here to the Secrets on how to make artwork of the Sam and Jack thread
        Ooh, thanks! I could use those links!


          Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
          Ooh, thanks! I could use those links!
          You're welcome and if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask

          My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
          Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
          Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


            Hola, my Shipper Family!

            Just playing a little catch-up.

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I'm gonna stick my nose in here just a little, just to give a little perspective.

            Do you know, in the last couple of weeks, there's one thread on this forum that lost over 100 posts? and why? It was full of hotlinked photos that started at 130K and went all the way up to 800k EACH. (and it was NOT a stargate thread)

            It had gifs in it that were 2-3 MEGS each

            The limit for inline pics is 100K.

            And that's for a good reason.

            The average person that pic spams posts 1-10 per post. Most people view the forum 20 posts per page, which means, in a thunk thread you may need to download 20- TWO HUNDRED photos per page.

            This is why we have limits. Do the math. 200 photos at 100K each is 20000K or 2 megs

            bit of a trial on high speed, it makes the thread near on unviewable if one is on dialup.

            and that's if everyone is playing by the rules and adhering to the limits.

            If they're not and each of those photos are even 200K each, then that's 4 megs at the upper limit

            If we let people run willy nilly, hotlinking massively high res photos, the threads would be unviewable even on high speed.

            That's why we have limits.

            Why the limit of 200 pixels tall on a sig? You should see some of the sigs we've deleted. Ones that had over a meg of content in them. Which, if you're not on high speed or it's linked to a slow server, it bogs down the whole forum. Notice how the forum hangs every once in a while. Notice how it's often Clintonio that's downloading? That service has a horribly slow server and it literally - if enough people on the thread are using it - slows the page load down to a crawl.

            That's why we have limits

            not to personally mess with anyone, but to do all we can to keep the forum as viewable as possible.

            and if we let some people fudge with the sig size, how much can we fudge? 10 pixels? 20?, 50? 100? 400?

            then we'll have people making 3 line posts and their sigs are five times as much as their posts. Which means, if you're reading the thread you have to scroll and scroll and scroll just to get from post to post.

            That sucks, trust me. It's a pain in the butt to have to scroll down 2-3 pages worth just to get to the next post

            ANd why have we started to crack down in the past few weeks?

            Because we had something to crack down on.

            because it wasn't just 1 or 2 people fudging them, it was 20, 30, 40...

            I know that some have left because of the rules crack down. Do you know that we've had just as many, if not more, leave because of the atmosphere of hate? Or because they were sick and tired of pages taking 10 minutes to load because of so many pics? Or that just got sick and tired of scrolling through 2 pages of sigs for every one post?

            Nothing that we do will keep everyone happy. We know that.

            but the rules that we make and the decisions that we make aren't aimed at any one group, they're in an effort to make things as possible and accessible for as many people as we can
            Posts like this scare me! I'm so confused! What do you mean by "inline pics". How do I know if any picspaming/gifspamming I do is within the rules. How much is 100K?

            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            Okay speaking of old people being in love I have to rec this song... It's actually a Mulder/Scully vid (and it's quite awesome) it's such a perfect Sam and Jack song, Walking Her Home I dare you to listen to the song and not cry In another time and place that could have been their song *sniff*
            Gorgeous vid! Thanks for sharing! I just started watching The X-Files a couple days ago and am throughly enjoying it!

            Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
            We get our first taste of AlterShip, and I like it! Jack and Sam are engaged!

            I really wish they had kissed...
            Actually, they did kiss! It's really little, but you can see it if you look really closely. I don't have the screencap. Anybody else have it?

            Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
            There was originally going to be a kiss in this scene, but TPTB thought it was more romantic without it...

            <Great Big Exasperated Shippy Sigh>

            I still think they ought to put together a DVD featurette with all those deleted kissing and Shippy scenes, and ile they're at it,they can add in all those takes of the Grace Kiss that got left on the editing room floor! They'd make a mint from Shippers round the world! I'd buy it!
            I heard that the only reason they didn't put the kiss in "Beneath the Surface" was because we had already gotten a kiss with "Window of Opportunity" a couple episodes before and TPTB thought that it would be forcing the 'ship too much.

            Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
            So I was flipping through the channels and what do I find is on...Happy Feet!!! You know that movie with the penguins! *squeee* Aww Penguins are so cute!
            Originally posted by jumble View Post
            And it has a very shippy Production Manager
            Ah, that's so cool! (((Martin)))

            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            On topic:

            I was thinking how sad I am that they toned down "Beneath the Surface" and I love that people write fanfic where more happened. I was thinking about eventually one day writing my own BtS fic... I've noticed that some authors seem almost apologetic that they're doing a "cliche" fanfic plot, but truthfully there are only so many plots you can do and I've found that all writers have their own unique perspective so what's the harm? You know? We all love S/J, want to see them together, and have our own way of imagining them deal with very guttery angsty situations
            Personally, I have to agree. Although sex before marriage is something that I'm totally against, I would have loved to see the repercussions of an intimate relationship between Sam and Jack. You have to wonder whether or not they would have remained on the same team or would have tried to get out of the chain of command in order to continue a relationship. I also think that it would have made for some very interesting episodes as you get later in Season 4. Our timeline's Sam and Jack could have been the one's trying to have a baby in "2010", and the consequences of "Entity" could have been even more horrific for Jack.

            I've always thought that the one area where Stargate is lacking is dealing with the fallout of certain episodes, not only between Sam and Jack, but with the entire team. I mean, fast forward one episode after Sha're dies in "Forever in a Day" and Daniel's already kissing another woman! And with what? Only a brief mention that his wife recently died? How about the effect of Drey'auc's death on Teal'c in "Redemption"? How about "Death Knell"? "Metamorphosis"? So many times I wish that SG wasn't always so focused on sci-fi action and storylines, and took a little more time to examine the characters.
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              Thanks for the shippy review, Lara! But may I just say that the end of the book bugged me to all ends? LOL!

              Spoilers for people planning on reading the book:
              Ah! The infamous mission to P3X-595, and we still never found out what Sam "took off"?

              Lara, have you posted these shippy parts anywhere else? I'd like to go back and reread some of the previous books you've posted, and I want to know where to expect some shippiness! ~Jess
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Ohh, Bren! What a lovely stroll down shippy lane! But - you forgot the deleted Trio scene and Continuum!
                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                  Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                  Ohh, Bren! What a lovely stroll down shippy lane! But - you forgot the deleted Trio scene and Continuum!

                  You're right! They hadn't happened as of the last time I ran this, and I'd actually forgotten! I'll add those two items to the fix-it list--I want it to be as close to perfect as possible when I share it on the Ship Day celebration!
                  Love and hot fudge,
                  Bren Ren
                  My stories!



                    Don't forget...SGA - The Return Part 2 where O'Neill tells McKay that he's watched Carter do the panels and then later he tells Weir to bring Carter next time.



                      I actually meant to write a post Seth Campfire and wrote this instead. Enjoy. Just Right - another "embrace me" story.

                      I'm off to try to catch up on the thread!

                      Edit: Bren!!! Awesome shippy recaps!
                      Last edited by Pol; 05 July 2009, 11:59 AM.
                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                        Personally, I have to agree. Although sex before marriage is something that I'm totally against, I would have loved to see the repercussions of an intimate relationship between Sam and Jack. You have to wonder whether or not they would have remained on the same team or would have tried to get out of the chain of command in order to continue a relationship. I also think that it would have made for some very interesting episodes as you get later in Season 4. Our timeline's Sam and Jack could have been the one's trying to have a baby in "2010", and the consequences of "Entity" could have been even more horrific for Jack.

                        I've always thought that the one area where Stargate is lacking is dealing with the fallout of certain episodes, not only between Sam and Jack, but with the entire team. I mean, fast forward one episode after Sha're dies in "Forever in a Day" and Daniel's already kissing another woman! And with what? Only a brief mention that his wife recently died? How about the effect of Drey'auc's death on Teal'c in "Redemption"? How about "Death Knell"? "Metamorphosis"? So many times I wish that SG wasn't always so focused on sci-fi action and storylines, and took a little more time to examine the characters.
                        I remember this discussion happening a long time ago but I don't remember when LOL. I too am a wait for marriage person (and I did), but when I write, I write "in character". So because J/S clearly don't share that same value then it doesn't bother me... I write a little gutter in my stories, but I try to be relatively mild. I have to admit that getting married has probably caused my version of mild to be more medium LOL.

                        The whole fall out thing is one of the reasons I like Rachel's Aftershocks series. And why I too would like to write a BtS fic where more happened (yes, I know a thousand people have written one, but not me and I do it for my own personal enjoyment and then invite everyone else to join in )


                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          Don't make me tie you to a chair! *waves duck tape in the air* You better stay...or else...

                          Me in the gutter? Nah......okay yeah I live in the gutter Hehe! Reminds me of a few weeks ago when my Mom was like "Are you writing sex?" and I'm like "Uh...nooo..." I left out the part that I was writing a fic about a one night stand You know what's weird and I hope this isn't just me but for me my writing is really personal and I tend to put a lot of myself in it...I don't think I could ever show my parents my writing

                          And I like fluff *cough* I write enough of it *cough* what can I say I love imagining Sam and Jack doing everyday things together....
                          *tsk tsk*....


                          If I were to write any gutter at all I would make sure Sam and Jack are married first....but I most likely wouldn't as I firmly believe that the marital act is sacred and should never be brought out of the sanctity of the couple's home....for me to write about it I'd feel kinda like a voyeur.....

                          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                          Well, I bid thee a good night. Good night and shippery dreams. And for you in the gutter, many fishing dreams...

                          :: runs off giggling ::

                          Originally posted by Regularamanda View Post
                          I've been hanging out at the woohoo thread too much

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          Thanks for the shippy review, Lara! But may I just say that the end of the book bugged me to all ends? LOL!

                          Spoilers for people planning on reading the book:
                          Ah! The infamous mission to P3X-595, and we still never found out what Sam "took off"?

                          Lara, have you posted these shippy parts anywhere else? I'd like to go back and reread some of the previous books you've posted, and I want to know where to expect some shippiness! ~Jess
                          can't wait to read it if I ever get a chance...

                          Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

                          You're right! They hadn't happened as of the last time I ran this, and I'd actually forgotten! I'll add those two items to the fix-it list--I want it to be as close to perfect as possible when I share it on the Ship Day celebration!
                          you gettin' senile already?

                          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                          I remember this discussion happening a long time ago but I don't remember when LOL. I too am a wait for marriage person (and I did), but when I write, I write "in character". So because J/S clearly don't share that same value then it doesn't bother me... I write a little gutter in my stories, but I try to be relatively mild. I have to admit that getting married has probably caused my version of mild to be more medium LOL.

                          The whole fall out thing is one of the reasons I like Rachel's Aftershocks series. And why I too would like to write a BtS fic where more happened (yes, I know a thousand people have written one, but not me and I do it for my own personal enjoyment and then invite everyone else to join in )
                          hmmmm...I thought both their dog tags said they were Catholic....could be mistaken though...course they might not practice it anymore even if that's what their dog tags say


                            Originally posted by nell View Post
                            Don't forget...SGA - The Return Part 2 where O'Neill tells McKay that he's watched Carter do the panels and then later he tells Weir to bring Carter next time.

                            I can't believe I forgot those, too! And not only that, but one of my favorite Jack lines:

                            "Oh, a Jumper ride home to the S.G.C., followed by a hot shower, followed by a hot toddy, followed by ..."

                            Followed by... a hot blonde?

                            Love and hot fudge,
                            Bren Ren
                            My stories!



                              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

                              I can't believe I forgot those, too! And not only that, but one of my favorite Jack lines:

                              "Oh, a Jumper ride home to the S.G.C., followed by a hot shower, followed by a hot toddy, followed by ..."

                              Followed by... a hot blonde?



                                I'm working on a chapter of my fanfic and it's driving me crazy. I'm not happy with it, but I'm pushing through because I can always improve it in the revision stage, but it's the pushing through that's hard.

                                So I came to get ship inspiration. "White Flag" came up on my iPod again today I thought of another song that would be cool - Chris Rice has a song called "Here Come Those Eyes"


                                here comes those eyes
                                there goes my ability to breathe
                                those legs are walkin' her to me
                                oh,tell me i ain't dreamin'

                                here comes that smile
                                i can't even move , can't even blink
                                cause i don't wanna miss a thing
                                and i ain't even foolin' when i say the boys are droolin'
                                and the girls are just starin' her down

                                my knees go weak and my heart starts to pound!

                                it happens every time
                                she saunters into the room
                                it all blurs and all starts to zoom
                                and then my head starts spinnin'
                                she gets a few feet away
                                and suddenly we're both in slow motionlike we're alone in the deep blue ocean

                                i know it's just a feelin'
                                but it might as well be real because i think i might be fixin' to drown
                                my knees go weak and my heart starts to pound!

                                she takes my hadn
                                i don't know what to say
                                she understands anyway..

                                and here comes those eyes
                                can she even see what i'm thinking of
                                if this is what they call love
                                i can't believe im in it
                                thankin' heaven every minute
                                i'm the luckiest boy in this town
                                my knees go weak and my heart STOPS
                                i can't catch my breath
                                i think i'd better sit down
                                my knees go weak and my heart starts to pound!

                                I think it'd make a cute Sam centered vid.

