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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Next stop on this ambling trip down Shipper Memory Lane... Beneath the Surface!

    They work well together, no matter what their memories might be...

    And some more Shippy Snuggling...

    There was originally going to be a kiss in this scene, but TPTB thought it was more romantic without it...

    <Great Big Exasperated Shippy Sigh>

    I still think they ought to put together a DVD featurette with all those deleted kissing and Shippy scenes, and ile they're at it,they can add in all those takes of the Grace Kiss that got left on the editing room floor! They'd make a mint from Shippers round the world! I'd buy it!

    And then the bucket of cold Reality water gets splashed all over us...

    He made "sir" sound like a dirty word... and not in the good way...

    Poor Sam! Poor Jack! Poor Sam and Jack!
    Last edited by BrenRen; 04 July 2009, 10:44 PM.
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      And we're Shipping...

      2010... A great Angsty AlterShip scene in this one...

      I love the fact that he wouldn't be convinced until Sam told him this 'future' would never happen if he helped her with her plan... This scene was just loaded with Angsty Ship... But it's still a good thing it never happened!

      Up next, Absolute Power... An episode all in Daniel's head, but he gave us a sweet little scene between Sam and Jack, with Sam behind bars needing Jack's help...

      And that brings us to The Light:

      : Carter, you're in withdrawl!
      : Oh, *I'm* in withdrawl?!?!

      I always took that in a very Shippy light! (no pun intended this time! lol)
      Love and hot fudge,
      Bren Ren
      My stories!



        And now, the ultimate Angst Fest, Entity!

        Before the Angst gets under way, we have a moment of levity... Sam cracks a smile at one of Jack's lame jokes...

        A smile Sam is quick to try to cover up, but not before Jack catches her!

        And now, the Angst...

        The first shot didn't take her down, and Jack knows what he has to do...

        There is absolutely nothing of Sam in that cold, hard glare, probably the only thing that enabled Jack to fire that second mortal blast.

        Even in the blue light, you can see the heat of Jack's fury as he fires the zat.

        She lies lifeless on the floor, and poor Jack is almost paralyzed by guilt and grief.

        He's the only one in the room with her, but he's keeping his distance, hurting desperately but scarcely able to even look at her. You can practically hear him castigating himself for killing the woman he loves.

        But SG1 is granted another miracle, and Sam is restored to her own body. Jack's obviously dying to touch her, but between the witnesses and his own guilty shame, all he manages is a light touch of the bedding.

        Last edited by BrenRen; 04 July 2009, 10:46 PM.
        Love and hot fudge,
        Bren Ren
        My stories!



          And now for the Season Four Finale (which wasn't nearly as Shippy as the Season Three finale, but at least it had Dad!)...

          Sam gets to impress Jack by blowing up a sun! It now reminds me of GeekSam in Moebius answering the question of 'had she ever fired a weapon' by responding with something along the lines of 'does launching a rocket count?' Where does blowing up a sun fit in? lol

          And in the end of the cliff-hanger Finale, Sam, Jack, and Dad are all together, but lost in space (oh, yeah, Daniel's back there too )

          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Season Five opener Enemies!

            I absolutely adore the following exchange between Jack and Jacob... it's so... father-in-law/son-in-law like somehow:

            JACK: Excuse me. I distinctly remember someone saying "We're not gonna make it!" I think we made it.
            JACOB: I'm sorry, I overreacted. At the time it seemed we weren't gonna make it.
            JACK: Yes! Well, next time, maybe we'll just wait and see.
            JACOB: And blow the last chance I'll ever have to being right?
            JACK: What?!

            SAM: Welcome to MY life!

            JACK: WHAT?!

            And one more exchange:

            JACK: Carter? How do you know where to go in a place like this?
            SAM: I studied certain respects of the ship while we were on Vorash.
            JACK: You know how to have a good time, don't you?
            SAM: I'm having a good time now, Sir.
            JACK: You GO girl!

            Okay, Season Five's going to be fairly easy, as there just wasn't much ship for our viewing pleasure. We all know why... they put the brakes on after things got way too close in Sason Four. I'm still nursing occasional whiplash pangs from that sudden shift in the Ship!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              So... we have a couple of pics here from Rite of Passage. Not exactly shippy, but at least they are together!

              And another shot with loads of caption potential! <sniggle>

              Up next, 2001...

              First of all, thank goodness Joe ended up a goner. I kinda liked him. Better than that's for sure!

              These two are thinking that they just saved the world for the last time... and maybe now they can have some time to explore their relationship... Too bad the saviors turn out to be such villians!

              Jack meets Joe and is none too impressed. Sam likes him, though...

              Just a shot of Jack being Jack... And Sam enjoying it!

              Another potential love interest for Sam bites the dust, but Sam saves the day again....

              And Jack's quite proud of her... (And maybe just a *teensy* bit relieved that he doesn't have to worry about the competition... )
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                And now to the Shippy crescendo of Desperate Measures!

                Sam goes missing, and Jack will do anything to find her...

                Bargain with a homeless guy...

                Deal with Maybourne...

                Even put on the clothes he abhors (but looks so good in!) and deal with another Washington suit he can't stand...

                He manages to rescue her in the nick of time...

                And promptly gets himself shot for his efforts...

                It seriously looks like she's copping a feel in this cap... Or is that my foggy Shipper lenses acting up again?

                At any rate, she's right there by his bedside after his injury, in case he needs her (if she only knew how much he does!)...
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  Up next in my Shippy recollection is Fail Safe:

                  Jack gets a moment to admire Sam's, work...

                  And he's right there by her side when she needs some gratuitous touching!

                  Then we have some Shippy closeness in Meridian

                  And to wrap up Season Five, Revelations!

                  Jack blows Sam off when she's upset over Daniel's ascension...

                  Which is followed by some Shippy closeness...

                  Followed by Jack grabbing Sam's holographic six... Not a bad way to end a season at all!
                  Love and hot fudge,
                  Bren Ren
                  My stories!



                    Moving right along... Season Six Premiere, Redemption...

                    We start off on a great note, with Sam getting a great view!

                    Some Shippy closeness once again...

                    Followed by some flirting in Sam's lab!

                    More Shippy closeness...

                    Followed by some elevator flirting...

                    Don't recall at all what they were actually discussing, but their looks are certainly flirty!

                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      And now, Descent!

                      Jack and Sam get into a dicey situation with lots of cold water... Jack jokes about some serious shrinkage...

                      A brief Gratuitous Touching Moment (I love those!)...

                      More Shippy closeness... I love it when they do that too!

                      Sharing a look, right in front of everybody...

                      And lastly, I just like this cap... It has Sam and it has Jack, and that's all it takes to make me a happy camper! (The fact that they're both wet doesn't hurt! )
                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        Next stop on the stroll down memory lane... Abyss.

                        When Sam finds out Jack is missing, she's not a happy camper...

                        Teal'c stays close by for support, big Shipper that he is...

                        Meanwhile, poor Jack is being tortured to death, over and over, and over, and over...

                        Naturally, Sam's the one to figure out Tok'raJack's motivation for returning to Ba'al's fortress: No one gets left behind, especially the woman you love!

                        And of course, Sam stays by Jack's side (or technically, here, his feet) till he wakes up...

                        She's so happy to have him back!

                        Of course, he's pretty happy to see her, too!
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Up next for your viewing pleasure, Prometheus...

                          Jack is very concerned for Sam when he learns that the airlocks on the deck Sam's stuck on haven't been sealed on the ship that's about to go into space ...

                          But Sam manages to rescue herself in the nick of time. Then, just before she's about to be caught by the bad guys, Jack shows up to rescue her in the nick of time...

                          Together again!

                          They stop the bad guys, but get lost in space... Thank goodness Thor shows up needing their help!

                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Still Shipping right along... Up next is Unnatural Selection...

                            Just when they thought it was safe to go back in the water... or rather, into space...

                            But they can't go save the universe without taking a moment or two to flirt...

                            I've said it before, and I'm sure I'll say it again.... She's so pretty when she's smiling for him!

                            He just loves to be confused by her!

                            But the episode goes on, and Jack orders Sam to betray Fifth, setting into motion a sequence of events that will have repercussions for seasons to come...
                            Love and hot fudge,
                            Bren Ren
                            My stories!



                              And we're still Shipping!

                              Smoke and Mirrors...

                              Jack's accused of shooting the slimy b****** Kinsey, and Sam knows right away that Jack's innocent...

                              Sam goes to visit Jack in jail...

                              And I love this little exchange between Barrett and Sam...

                              Barrett: "You've seen the evidence against Colonel O'Neill, what makes you so sure that he's innocent?"
                              Sam: "When you work with someone that long, you just know."
                              Barrett: "No, there's something more than that. There's something you're not telling me."
                              Sam: "You're job requires you to be suspicious of everybody, even your co-workers. Where I come from, we trust each other with our lives every day. Maybe that's something you can't understand."

                              And what does Jack get for his troubles? He has to shake hands with the slimy b******* Kinsey!
                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                And now some serious Shippy goodness: Paradise Lost!

                                Sam loses Jack, and she's instantly devastated...

                                She goes a little nuts without Jack...

                                And Jack goes a little nuts, too...

                                Sam finally breaks down over losing Jack...

                                And Teal'c, the First Shipper of Stargate, is right there to catch her and give her the support she needs in Jack's absence...

                                Unfortunately, there's no reunion shot (but in my Shippy universe, Sam hopped aboard the Tok'ra vessel to help rescue Jack!)... So all I can finish with is that Sam figured out where Jack was (of course) and sent the Tok'ra to rescue him from the forest moon. I'm sure Jack and Sam had a sweet, Shippy reunion, I just wish we could have seen it!
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


