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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Metamorphisis! Let the Ship continue!

    Sam and Jack behind bars together!

    An Angsty Snuggle

    And Jack carrying Sam!

    A very good episode, indeed!
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      Lunch date!

      Some Shippy closeness...

      And Sam and Jack standing elbow-to-elbow smiling at each other!
      Love and hot fudge,
      Bren Ren
      My stories!



        And now, Full Circle!

        Skaara invites Sam and Jack to his wedding...

        Jack looks so hopeful...

        This is one invite Sam's only too happy to accept!

        And that's the Ship through the end of Season Six... Up next, the Shippy goodness of Season Seven!
        Love and hot fudge,
        Bren Ren
        My stories!



          Season Seven was a turbulent one for the Ship. The Shippertown Roller Coaster of Blind Faith was running nonstop, and it was one wild ride, let me tell ya! In fact, it was the unbearable tension of this season that finally prompted me to screw up my courage and try writing fanfic. Three dozen stories later, I've become a pretty decent writer, and I've even branched out into other *universes*! Long live fanfiction!

          Back to Shipping down Memory Lane...


          Some more Shippy closeness...

          Jack interrupts Sam's presentation with that lovely phrase, "Let's not dwell."

          Which always brings a smile to Sam's face!

          And then we get this lovely exchange:

          JACK: "All I'm saying...just for the record...this is the wackiest plan we've ever come up with."

          "Wackier than strapping an active Stargate to the bottom of the X-302?"

          "Oh, yeah."

          "Wackier than-than blowing up a sun?"
          Jack: (as he walks out the door) Yep!
          Sam: "He's probably right."

          I love it when they flirt like that!
          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Strolling merrily along...

            Fragile Balance!

            Sam waking Jack up...

            Sam and Jack togetherness...

            And next is Space Race!

            More Sam and Jack close together goodness!


            Flirting in Sam's lab? You don't say...

            And we close with a lunch date!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!




              Did anything else besides kissing happen in that episode?

              Oh yeah, she calls him Jack!

              If he'd said "Yeah, Sam?" Instead of "Excuse me?" I don't think Sam would have come to the same conclusion to try to move on... And if he'd invited her fishing then, I bet she'd have said yes! Oh, the missed opportunity there... <Angsty Shippy Sigh>
              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                Fasten your seat belts and hold on tight, folks. Rough road ahead!

                It's time for the Shipper's Digest version of Chimera!

                First he sniffs her hair... and we all know he likes what he sniffs there!

                Then things get a bit awkward and uncomfortable...

                Things stay that way until it hits them that they can flirt freely, coz now it's meaningless coz Sam's got a boyfriend... hey, at least they're flirting, right?

                The flirting only does so much, though, and her smile just doesn't quite make it all the way up to her eyes now.

                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  Death Knell!!

                  Sam goes missing and Jack's not at all happy about it...

                  Sam suffers some pretty hefty whumpage...

                  But in the end, Sam and Jack work together to save their sixes...

                  And we get a lovely, MegaAngsty snuggle...

                  Which goes on and on and on...
                  Love and hot fudge,
                  Bren Ren
                  My stories!



                    And on we go to one of the Angstiest episodes of the series: Heroes!

                    Sam teases Jack about his lack of participation...

                    Jack gives Kinsey his honest opinion of him (not Shippy, but so funny!)...

                    Sam gets a little flustered praising Jack on camera...

                    But the fun comes to an abrupt end...

                    Jack gets shot (and Janet dies <SOB>)

                    And Sam flips out!

                    But Jack makes it out okay, leading to the Angstiest embrace of all Ship History!

                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      And now on to Lost City... This is a big, shippy ep, so lots of pics! Woo Hoo!

                      First, Sam and Jack share an interesting bet (double or nothing of what, we ask!)

                      Then Jack sticks his head in the Ancient machine again...

                      Which prompts Sam to show up at Jack's house...

                      They beat around the bush for a bit, but before they can get to the good part of the conversation...

                      Daniel shows up (with Teal'c) and first looks towards the bedroom... Guess Daniel's not as clueless about Sam and Jack as he often seems...

                      In the engine room, Sam again tries to tell Jack how she feels, but he stops her. "I know," he says. Shades of Han and Leia, anyone?

                      After he saves the world again, she calls him Jack!! Woo Hoo!!

                      She touches his face!

                      Jack gets frozen, and Sam's very worried about him...

                      And we close on one of the Angstiest shots of all time!
                      Love and hot fudge,
                      Bren Ren
                      My stories!



                        Season Eight: New Order!

                        Jack's frozen in action, and Sam will do anything to save him... She starts with some forceful bargaining with Weir...

                        She leaves everyone behind she "cares" about for the one person she truly cares about...

                        She gets kidnapped and tortured by an angry and hurt Fifth...

                        Who really tortures her with this life in the middle of nowhere, far removed from the life and love she knows deep down are what she truly needs to be happy...

                        Meanwhile, back on Thor's ship, Jack knows about Sam going missing and is not at all happy about it...

                        Jack and Sam are finally reunited, and he can't help but to touch her!

                        Jack gets promoted and can do anything he wants...

                        Within reason...

                        So naturally, his first order of business is to promote Sam!
                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Season Eight is just full of shippy goodness, isn't it?!


                          Cute exchange here as Sam jumps up to attention when General O'Neill enters the room, and Jack tells her (only one time), at ease. There is definitely an adjustment period here to their new ranks...

                          Jack gets distracted from Sam's closeness by Daniel...

                          More Sam and Jack closeness... with Teal'c on guard against intruders and interruptors...

                          Jack has to shoot Sam, coz Anubis took over her body....

                          Shades of Entity, anyone?

                          Look! They're holding hands!

                          After their ordeal, she has a hard time keeping her hands off of him...
                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            And we're shipping...

                            Zero Hour!

                            Some fun mirroring...

                            Daniel studiously ignoring Sam's and Jack's flirtacious goodbyes...

                            A touch of Angst as Jack has a hard time adjusting to missing Sam and his team as they go off-world without him...

                            And we finish with some hallway flirting...

                            There she goes beautifully smiling for him again. It's no wonder this man fell in love with her!
                            Love and hot fudge,
                            Bren Ren
                            My stories!



                              Skipping along over to Affinity...

                              ANGST WARNING!

                              Get those tisue boxes ready and unearth your horde of chocolates!

                              ANGST WARNING!

                              Jack wonders why Sam hasn't been pestering him with technobabble for a while...

                              Sam reluctantly confesses that gave her this:

                              She practically begs Jack to give her a reason to say no...

                              But the poor man just wants her to be happy, so he gives her a vague, cryptic response: "I wouldn't be here." Let the Angst ensue!
                              Last edited by BrenRen; 04 July 2009, 10:56 PM.
                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                After that Angst-fest, how about a little light flirting from Sacrifices?

                                Teal'c son, Ryac, is having his wedding at the SGC (coz, really, who doesn't love a wedding? lol) ... and of course, Jack is going so nuts he's ready to drag Sam into the nearest storage closet... (oops, careful, I might slip into the gutter again!)

                                Some hallway flirting...

                                Holding on for dear life...

                                Caught in the act...

                                Just another day in the life....
                                Love and hot fudge,
                                Bren Ren
                                My stories!


