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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    ROFL on the quiz Bekki

    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    Well, of course he does I hope you remembered to send him a Father's Day card. *stern mom look*

    I think Granny protests too much
    No card, I did gave him a few that alright?

    Granny does protest too much....but that's what grannies are for In the good ol' days a lot of things were better

    To bring it back on topic

    Oh as for RDA's age, no problem for long as he keeps playing Jack and will hook up with Sam.
    And he looks very good for his age! IMHO.


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      ROFL on the quiz Bekki

      No card, I did gave him a few that alright?

      Granny does protest too much....but that's what grannies are for In the good ol' days a lot of things were better
      Whoever told you that? Stuff and nonsense my dear

      To bring it back on topic

      Oh as for RDA's age, no problem for long as he keeps playing Jack and will hook up with Sam.
      And he looks very good for his age! IMHO.
      He does But not as good as certain 'other' SG men


        Originally posted by jumble View Post
        Whoever told you that? Stuff and nonsense my dear

        He does But not as good as certain 'other' SG men
        Oh, ... you mean "Martin" Lloyd?


          That continuity shot of RDA and AT is very cute! I thought it was maniped myself until I saw that it's coming from a Legends auction.

          The wedding pic they're selling isn't really that valuable unless you want to pay hundreds of dollars for a signature. They sell that photo without the sig on their web site for like $15.

          I won a few things at auction when they were donating the profits to Amanda's charity and was disapointed when I got the script. It was a photocopy (and a poorly done one at that since it was copied on regular paper and the original was three-hole punched like normal scripts) - which means, they can just sell more of them.

          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post

          Side note about ratings:

          So I'm working on my next chapter and I'm trying to decide whether or not to push it up to an "M" rating. I don't do graphic sex, but I think I might be pushing it in this next episode. On one hand, I don't want to turn people off and I've read stories with T ratings that I think have done more than my story... Thoughts?

          Everyone has a different opinion and interpretation of how something should be rated. You'll need to decide for yourself and if you still feel it needs an additional warning, put it in a Author's Note before the chapter starts. So long as a potential reader is sufficiently warned, they have no grounds to whine and complain when they read something that might offend their delicate sensibilities.
          Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


            My Shippy Peeps!

            Gosh! It's been sooooo long since I talked to you guys. I've just been lurking from time to time.

            ***Hugs Family***

            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
            Happy Birthday, DM!
            Happy Happy Birthday DM !!!

            Originally posted by VSS View Post
            I don't even like behind-the-scenes stuff, but that is really quite the picture.
            Talk about chemistry! Sometimes I think they look better together when they're not acting.
            Indeed! That pic looks like there are definitely some less-than-innocent intentions from both parties.

            Fic prompt anyone?

            Anyone at all?

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            here's a weird question.

            what's your least liked shippy episode, and why?
            I don't think I have a least favourite. I love them all.

            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            from joe's blog -

            spoilered for sgu and 3rd movie stuff

            Kristintaps writes: “…tv guide dude says a source said that there is quality Sam / Jack time in SGU opener..Will you confirm/deny/ or plain ol’ comment??”

            Answer: I believe this is a reference to the SG-1 movie and not the SGU opener.

            Originally posted by Mis.Understood View Post
            Also...Yippee I'm no longer a Probie!!!!!!
            Congratulations Airman.

            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            Side note about ratings:

            So I'm working on my next chapter and I'm trying to decide whether or not to push it up to an "M" rating. I don't do graphic sex, but I think I might be pushing it in this next episode. On one hand, I don't want to turn people off and I've read stories with T ratings that I think have done more than my story... Thoughts?
            If it were some else's story you were reading how would you rate it?

            Sorry. That's all I got.

            So I've got this drabble running around in my head. How would Janet have brought up S/J's feelings to Sam if she felt she really had to.

            Here goes.


            Sam walks into the infirmary, glancing briefly at the clock before actually going through the door.


            She knows she shouldn't be here at this hour but really, where else would she be. She quietly makes her way up to Jack's bed and looks at him, lying there, fighting for his life and she feels a profound sense of loyalty to him, not just as her CO, but as a man who continually gives himself in service to this planet and to mankind.

            Sam didn't hear Janet walk up to the bed but saw her when she stood on the opposite end. Then she asks,

            "How's he doing?"

            "He's, comfortable." Janet not wanting to tell Sam that he really hadn't shown any improvement gave a euphemistic response.

            Sam understood and merely responded with "Ok."

            "How are you doing?" Janet was genuinely concerned for the Major and her friend.

            Sam opened her mouth to respond with the standard 'I'm fine.' but the words just wouldn't come out. She knew that Janet wouldn't believe her and at two in the morning, she just didn't have the energy to fake it. So Sam bowed her head briefly before raising it again, looking at Janet she shook her head ever so slightly.

            Janet also understood.

            "What are you doing here at this hour Sam? You've been going non-stop since Colonel O'Neill came in. It won't do either of you any good if you both end up in here. Get some rest.

            Disbelief replaced Sam's earlier expression, as she realized that, as gentle as it had seemed, the doctor had just given her an order.

            Janet started making her way back to her office when Sam asked.

            "How do I do that?" The look on Sam's face brought Janet back to Jack's bed and around to her side. "It's Colonel O'Neill."

            "I know who he is Sam." Janet's words came out softly but with the knowledge that she was aware that Jack was more to Sam than just her CO. She knew they'd never crossed any lines but that didn't necessarily stop the feelings they had for each other.

            Sam's eyes met Janet's and knew she was more exposed now than she'd ever been, so she didn't plan on holding back.

            "Janet he's lying in this bed and he's dying. We both know that. Unless we find a way to beat this thing...... What am I supposed to do? Go to bed and hope when I wake up, he's alive. Get some rest? How do I do that Janet? How I am I supposed to do that?"

            The tears in Sam's eyes didn't fall but they had the same effect. It confirmed what Janet had known for some time now. Sam was in love with Jack O'Neill, who happened to be her CO, and while she couldn't acknowledge that fact without causing both her friends some sort of harm, she knew it couldn't continue the way it was going. For both their sakes.

            "Get an hour. As your doctor I don't want to see you anywhere around in under an hour, you hear me.

            Nodding in understanding Sam confirmed, "Yeah."

            Before Janet turned away Sam told her "Thanks Janet."

            "As your friend Sam, if Colonel O'Neill makes it through this, you both need to sit down and work this thing out. Trust me. This isn't something you want the Military to work out for you."

            Denial was second nature so without forethought Sam was already speaking the words on reflex, "I don't know..."

            Quickly Janet touched Sam's arm, "Hey, this isn't a judgement on you Sam. I'm speaking as your friend here, remember?" Sam looked into Janet's eyes and saw the genuine concern she had for her reflected there. Recognizing her understanding Janet continued, "Stuff happens. Deal with it."

            Sam dropped Janet's gaze and turned slightly to look at Jack still lying very still on the infirmary bed. Without looking at Janet again she nodded then both women turned and quietly walked out together.

            Sam didn't enjoy the conversation but she knew Janet was right. She and Jack had to deal with this thing between them before the organization dealt with it for them. She was grateful that Janet had the guts to tell her and the love for her to do it in a way that she could hear. Before leaving Sam turned to Janet and said "Thanks."

            Janet smiled warmly at her friend and tried to put on a stern voice, failing somewhat she told Sam, "An hour Major."

            Sam felt the first smile she'd had in a long time come to her face. Nodding as she turned to leave the infirmary, she called back, "Yes Doctor." As she stepped out into the brightly lit hallway Sam left the man she loved in the care of the friend she trusted, going hopefully to find an hour of peace as she had been instructed.

            Let me know what you think and how you think it would have gone.
            sig by Mada
            As a matter of FIC


              Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
              Side note about ratings:

              So I'm working on my next chapter and I'm trying to decide whether or not to push it up to an "M" rating. I don't do graphic sex, but I think I might be pushing it in this next episode. On one hand, I don't want to turn people off and I've read stories with T ratings that I think have done more than my story... Thoughts?
              I honestly don't know, I'm not a wrighter. I know that I often find the ratings a little high for the content of the story, but that might be because of our difference of culture. You know, since I,m frenche and all... And I've read Sade at 13 and George Masterton at 10. But erm,... You know I'll read your story without even noticing the rating

              Originally posted by Kirdy_Mulder View Post
              *Does the 250th post dance*

              (actually, you really don't wanna see that. Try to imagine something in between Carlton of The Fresh Prince and Chandler from Friends and you'll get the idea...

              *Tries to image all SG characters like a Mr Potato Head*

              *Wonders if he should do the dance nekkid on this thread, just for the occasion*
              You're placed 1st
              erm... sorry. Too much Mario Kart!

              And I really don't mind you runnin' around nekkid!

              About RDA... I find him in a really good shape and always sexy. But I think the slim body suits him better. It's how he is, that's all. But I'll take him anyway


                (Belated) Happy Birthday,
                Devilish Me


                I hope it was great!

                Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Like being old enough to be my father ever stopped me...

                  Seriously, RDA is the same age (give or take a few months) as my hubby, although I am 11 years older than you so it's not such a stretch for me. I have a bit of a"history" of finding older men utterly delectable if I am honest. You're only as old and the woman you feel and all that,

                  Re ratings:
         lists graphic sex etc. as Mature Adult of which they don't allow those stories (although I've found a few on there I'd consider a bit beyond just mature). The problem with ratings is, depsite guidelines, they tend to be quite subjective - even film board ratings are prone to this. For instance I notice both Continuum and Ark Of Truth are rated 12 in the UK but...both contain scenes of people getting killed violently and also beaten up as well as swearing - Ba'al for instance is see being riddled with bullets and Daniel says "Oh s***"... I'm not sure I'd consider that suitable for a 12 year old.
                  Sorry, I completely digressed there; the point being ratings are going to be subjective depending on the person rating so I would say, if you think it might border on M, rate it M to be on the safe side. Better that people think you over cautious than read it and be offended.
                  Originally posted by leiasky
                  Everyone has a different opinion and interpretation of how something should be rated. You'll need to decide for yourself and if you still feel it needs an additional warning, put it in a Author's Note before the chapter starts. So long as a potential reader is sufficiently warned, they have no grounds to whine and complain when they read something that might offend their delicate sensibilities.
                  Oh, I definitely love older men. I thunk RDA earlier in the series. That eleven year difference between you and me probably makes a lot of difference in how we see him now

                  Yeah, the subjective thing throws me off too because plenty of M rated fic is well, graphic (despite the website's push not to allow it). Personally, what I have written doesn't bother me. I'm not a smut person by any means, but it's part of the plot... ARGH. I may put an author's note at the beginning and have people tell me what they think and then go accordingly. I still think it's T but probably pushing T. Then again, movies like to push that PG-13 rating all the time...


                  Happy Birthday DM!


                    Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                    My Shippy Peeps!

                    Gosh! It's been sooooo long since I talked to you guys. I've just been lurking from time to time.

                    ***Hugs Family***

                    So I've got this drabble running around in my head. How would Janet have brought up S/J's feelings to Sam if she felt she really had to.

                    Here goes.

                    Let me know what you think and how you think it would have gone.
                    ***hugs back***

                    It's very good! You should continue it Really! I'd love that, would you?


                      Ficathon stories

                      Fever by Polrobin
                      Fragile Moments (Chapter 2)by Sapphtastic
                      Apocalypse at 0830 by Twilight506
                      Thinking by SG-1fanintn
                      Cherish by SG-1fanintn
                      Bubblebath by timepresent
                      How Jack Fell Down by lexkitten
                      The Anniversary tradition by lexkitten
                      The State Secret Scrapbook by lexkitten
                      Keeping Score by lexkitten
                      In the Heat of the Moment by lexkitten
                      Five times Sam Wished the World had Ended by Trinity1.0
                      One More Day by Regularamanda
                      Promise by Regularamanda
                      A World Way by Sapphtastic
                      Lost and Found by Rachel500


                      Just updating to add my own fic - late, but better late than never. And now I can go read! (Well tomorrow as I have a CV to write tonight....)
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                        Happy Birthday, DM!

                        I just found this facebook quiz (and I'nm not sure if this link will work...but oh well,) And, me being me, I think it is highly important that you ALL take this quiz! (if you have facebook!)

                        I'm not a potato either. Great quiz, thanks Bekki.

                        And thank you all for the b-day wishes.
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                          I'm not a potato either. Great quiz, thanks Bekki.

                          And thank you all for the b-day wishes.
                          I was relieved to find out I wasn't a potato. Spudmeister is though. Would he be a Spud-a-Cop?


                            Originally posted by never_on_earth View Post
                            ***hugs back***

                            It's very good! You should continue it Really! I'd love that, would you?

                            Thanks for reading it and for responding.

                            Here's the thing. I get this scene playing in my head and I have to write it down. I'm really glad that I can share it with shippers like myself because I love hearing from you guys. But I've only done like 2 lenghty stories. I kinda stick to the short fic/drabble length.

                            I appreciate the encouragement and I'm really glad you liked it. Maybe one day I'll get the scene where they finally do have the talk in my head. If I do, I promise, I'll write it.
                            sig by Mada
                            As a matter of FIC


                              (Repost from Samanda)

                              Hey, just dropping off something the Ship creator (Sally) showed me last night . Stargateprops auction

                              Go to the auction and vote, and you could win these props worn by Amanda . Who wouldn't want to own something worn by Amanda?


                                Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                                Oh, I definitely love older men. I thunk RDA earlier in the series. That eleven year difference between you and me probably makes a lot of difference in how we see him now

                                Yeah, the subjective thing throws me off too because plenty of M rated fic is well, graphic (despite the website's push not to allow it). Personally, what I have written doesn't bother me. I'm not a smut person by any means, but it's part of the plot... ARGH. I may put an author's note at the beginning and have people tell me what they think and then go accordingly. I still think it's T but probably pushing T. Then again, movies like to push that PG-13 rating all the time...


                                Happy Birthday DM!
                                RDA is incredibly thunkable whatever your age - isn't it a state of mind and not a state of being (age that is rather than RDA's thunkability status although I would say the latter is a state of being rather than a state of mind)...seriously, I think my medication may be making me loopy!

                                Anyway, my advice on fanfic ratings for what it's worth:


                                T is suitable for teens, 13 years and older, with some violence, minor coarse language, and minor suggestive adult themes.

                                This to me is the old Mills and Boon leave it at the door; waking up cuddling in bed, allusions to sex but no real description of any sex beyond kissing and potentially touching. (Think second base).

                                M is strong but non-explicit adult themes, references to violence, and strong coarse language.

                                I would define this as there is a sex scene but you're not particularly describing what goes where in crude or explicit terms. So sex couched in romantic terms is fine (as in VSS's As The World Turns or Karibou's early stuff Learned by Heart Kept in Mind, Reap What You Sow, etc)

                                MA is Content is only suitable for mature adults. May contain explicit language and adult themes.

                                To me that is graphic sex/erotica where the act is described in detail, and which is not really allowed on, what you more usually find on sjalways; more in the realms of Telkena/Sue Corkhill, (although occasional fics do make it on but are probably a smidge over the line such as Karibou's excellent Sam and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance).


                                In summary, you're probably the best judge as you know what you've written but if in doubt forewarn in the author's note as Tammy has suggested.

                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

