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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    From JM's Blog tonight...a picture of AT....(different than the other one)...


    *eyes patch*

    *grins a little...*

    Is it possible....?????

    EDIT: Okay...that picture came out much smaller than I'd intended. Here's the link if you want to see it up close and personal.
    Last edited by AstraPerAspera; 19 September 2008, 03:53 PM.


      Ohh, hmm. . . .

      Head of the SGC perhaps? I dunno what I'd like to see more. her being in command of the SGC (and being closer to Jack that way) or being in command of the Phoenix. . .
      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        *happy shippy sigh*

        And lets not mention the fact that I had something like...3 or 4 kens *giggles* and horsies!
        JANN! hun, where oh where is tat pic in your 'mythology' sig from? the one of AT and RDA kissing (at a con?)!?!?!?!?!?
        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        Oh boy, I'm 38 pages behind So I'll start by posting this...

        click for link [/center]

        then getting some sleep, then dedicating a coupla hours tomorrow to skipping a few pages catching up.
        yeah, same here.... i don't even wanna know how many pages i have to catch up on!
        Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
        From JM's Blog tonight...a picture of AT....(different than the other one)...


        *eyes patch*

        *grins a little...*

        Is it possible....?????

        EDIT: Okay...that picture came out much smaller than I'd intended. Here's the link if you want to see it up close and personal.
        too funny!


          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
          It's service dress, not dress blues. You guys should fix that before Seahen comes along, it might get ugly.

          *activates cloak*

          Whoa! I was scrolling so fast I didn't even notice. Thanks for catching it!

          Originally posted by leiasky View Post
          I'm not in the military. I have no idea what its called. Those who are in the military are free to correct those of us who don't know the proper teminology.

          And - hee. I'd never thought about Sam wearing Jack's sweater while they were fishing. It's not that large on her, so I doubt it. But it certainly is a nice thought to have!
          See sig (Thanks Bekki!)

          Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
          I've heard it referred to as "dress blues" by air force personnel. And I've heard service dress (my father is retired air force and I have a couple of friends in the air force as well). Service dress is probably the correct term, but you know how people make up stuff as they go along
          Can't remember hearing AF personnel call Service Dress-Dress Blues. There is a uniform combination called "Blues" though. But not Dress Blues. When I hear Dress Blues, I think Marines.


            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
            Can't remember hearing AF personnel call Service Dress-Dress Blues. There is a uniform combination called "Blues" though. But not Dress Blues. When I hear Dress Blues, I think Marines.
            Well, although the Air Force is like one really big small town (my family kept running into people we knew at other bases), I think terminology can probably change from place to place and person to person (despite the official name, we know how language is). It may very well be that I heard "dress blues" from a military wife, but I picked it up from the air force (my dad didn't retire until I was in college). :: shrugs :: Neither here nor there I'll be sure to call it service dress though, in my fanfics

            And look! After TWO YEARS I MADE 200 POSTS!!! **yay**
            Last edited by Nynaeve506; 19 September 2008, 05:10 PM. Reason: To point out that I made 200 posts...


              Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
              Spoilers of OT, anti-new guy rant, and general negative feelings. These are my feelings and my opinion, I'm not trying to get anyone to think like me, but I'm also not apologising for anything written below. Enter at your own risk and don't say I didn't worn you.


              Command also requires a degree of experience. The command Sam got in S8, we saw her grow into it. From the first time she took over the team in "Spirits" to "Evolution", and you might even add "Lost City". With the new "leader" we didn't get that. We have a guy who's never even seen the Stargate in his life get a command of the most important team in the SGC, even though he has no idea what he's doing. What ever happened to the fact that Jack wouldn't let the Russian colonel near the gate before he had the training needed, not even as an observer? All I saw in Mitchell was a little kid running around causing trouble. You said that command requires attention, and I agree, but where was that attention in Mitchell when he went off with that doctor (forgot her name) and got himself framed for murder. He wasn't drunk, he wasn't drugged, and he was on duty. There is no excuse for such actions. When he first came he said that he wanted to "learn from the best", so where was that learning part. As for Sam's degree of attention, the ep we saw tonight is the best pointer, it's only her and Felger, she could have tried to fix the gate, but then there would have been no one to watch their backs. So she knows what the priority is when she's in charge. Although I've read many fics where Sam and Daniel are acting like curious kids and have to touch everything in sight, that's fanon not canon. Now when some General somewhere or some politician reads Sam's file, all they will see is her going from 2IC, to team leader, to R&D leader, and then back to being 2IC in the team she once lead, serving under someone whom she tops almost a decade of experience. Was she really that bad that they knocked her down so much?

              Oh, and Mitchell isn't the one who got the team back together, in fact when he tried they dismissed him without a second though, the reason everyone came back was the new enemy, in which case Vala has a lot more to do with "getting the band back together" then Mitchell, he just took advantage of the situation. The only reason he kept command was the fact that a young white male hero is the formula to attract male viewers from the age 18-40, because they are the targeted audience for SciFi, and they can't exactly identify with a strong capable woman leading.

              I loved the way Sam acted on Atlantis. It really felt like I was watching my favourite character be herself again. A lot of Atlantis fans were against her crossing over. Few of them had seen the last two seasons of SG1 and that was the reason for their doubts, they didn't like her there. After watching SGA S4 they were wondering just WTH was it that they were watching in those SG1 seasons. And I understand them. If I started watching Stargate after S8, I probably would have ended up hating Sam.

              And for every step forward, they take two steps back. Yes Sam is more laidback, and it was nice to she her able to relax, but sometimes she was too relaxed. You mentioned OtG. Sam shouldn't have walked away at the end, she should have shot Mitchell in the knee, SG1 was captured and tortured for almost a day because of his irresponsible actions.

              That's the only reason I kept watching Atlantis, after the disappointing S3 I was thinking about giving up, if they put Mitchell there, I never would have seen another ep again.

              Sorry for any spelling mistakes. It's close to midnight and I'm tired.

              And to make up for the previous rant

              I absolutely LOVE all that you've written. You've hit on so many areas I could go on about. As I've said before I've hated Vala and Mitchell and, like so very many of us, noticed a real drop in quality during those last 2 seasons and not because I am against any kind of change and just the fact the Jack wasn't there. I knew there would be a difference but...Holy crap...let me calm down...every time I think of it....ahhh. I just caught a couple minutes of a scene from season 10 on SCi-Fi (unless Jack is in it there's not much of a chance I can make it through most episodes of 9 and 10) and not only did I notice the lack of...anything from Michell I noticed that not only is he always monotone but that his eyebrows hardly ever move. No expression at all.

              Anyway, back to the topic. I always took the fact that SG-1 was a joint command for Mitchell and Sam. More Sam because of all the years of experience compaired to...NONE of Mitchell(I can see him at most being a Capt. in no way is he a Lt. Col.). Once Sam came back I think it became her team. You can also see Daniel and Teal'c look to her when Cam gave them an order for her to protest if she wanted. During the scene when they are fighting the dragon(really...a dragon?) and Mitchell gives Teal's an order to run towrds it he looks to Sam and she nods "yes, go ahead", I LOVE that moment. No one takes Mitchell seriously. You can tell they are just being curtious to him as you would an annoying co-worker.

              I would hate to see Sam in charge of the SGC. Let a cliche' Gen. like Landry(I'm not picking. He just never did anything for me and actually made a few bad decisions along the way) run it or if we had our way have Jack back. Either alone or joint with Landry so he can go out into the field with his team. Let Sam be in charge of SG-1 when Jack isn't there and either give Cam his own team or put him in charge of the F02's. Other wise he can take second chair to Sam all the time

              One last thought. Honestly, not because he's my fav but truthfully, I think Jack was the best Gen. in charge of the Base. I love Hamond but if you recall there were times he was trapped by red tape. Jack had his priorities straight and made the tough choices. He always told the bourocrates to stick it when it was a matter of defending/looking out for anyone on his base. There are so many times I've cheered out load during season 8 when Jack get's in someones face or just "shoos" them away. He also was very hands on and eager to do the job himself before asking anyone else to do something dangerous. Remember him taking the gun away from the soldier so he can handle Daniel when he was possessed?
              I could go on and on but you guys know. You were there
              Mac Jackson
              Singer/Songwriter of
              "Harmony Constant"
              [email protected]
              Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                I absolutely LOVE all that you've written. You've hit on so many areas I could go on about. As I've said before I've hated Vala and Mitchell and, like so very many of us, noticed a real drop in quality during those last 2 seasons and not because I am against any kind of change and just the fact the Jack wasn't there. I knew there would be a difference but...Holy crap...let me calm down...every time I think of it....ahhh. I just caught a couple minutes of a scene from season 10 on SCi-Fi (unless Jack is in it there's not much of a chance I can make it through most episodes of 9 and 10) and not only did I notice the lack of...anything from Michell I noticed that not only is he always monotone but that his eyebrows hardly ever move. No expression at all.

                Anyway, back to the topic. I always took the fact that SG-1 was a joint command for Mitchell and Sam. More Sam because of all the years of experience compaired to...NONE of Mitchell(I can see him at most being a Capt. in no way is he a Lt. Col.). Once Sam came back I think it became her team. You can also see Daniel and Teal'c look to her when Cam gave them an order for her to protest if she wanted. During the scene when they are fighting the dragon(really...a dragon?) and Mitchell gives Teal's an order to run towrds it he looks to Sam and she nods "yes, go ahead", I LOVE that moment. No one takes Mitchell seriously. You can tell they are just being curtious to him as you would an annoying co-worker.

                *Spoilered for space*
                I would hate to see Sam in charge of the SGC. Let a cliche' Gen. like Landry(I'm not picking. He just never did anything for me and actually made a few bad decisions along the way) run it or if we had our way have Jack back. Either alone or joint with Landry so he can go out into the field with his team. Let Sam be in charge of SG-1 when Jack isn't there and either give Cam his own team or put him in charge of the F02's. Other wise he can take second chair to Sam all the time

                One last thought. Honestly, not because he's my fav but truthfully, I think Jack was the best Gen. in charge of the Base. I love Hamond but if you recall there were times he was trapped by red tape. Jack had his priorities straight and made the tough choices. He always told the bourocrates to stick it when it was a matter of defending/looking out for anyone on his base. There are so many times I've cheered out load during season 8 when Jack get's in someones face or just "shoos" them away. He also was very hands on and eager to do the job himself before asking anyone else to do something dangerous. Remember him taking the gun away from the soldier so he can handle Daniel when he was possessed?

                I could go on and on but you guys know. You were there
                I take issue with the bolded. While Cam had no "stargate" experience, the man had plenty of command experience. He was a F-302 squadron commander for crying out loud! You can't get more or better command experience than being a squadron commander in the Air Force. Sam, in contrast, had command of two people. He also had more time in grade than Sam. He just didn't have the off world experience that she did. As an officer in the military, you will ALWAYS be in command of people with more experience at something than you. The trick is knowing how to use the knowledge and experience of those in your command. If you lead based only on your experience and knowledge, what do you need troops for? The leader of SG1 is just that, the leader. And Cam used the exact leadership style he needed in that role. He recognized that he was leading an established and experienced team, and so he didn't need to be aggressive and demanding in his role as leader as you would say a bunch of new recruits who know nothing. That's why you can hardly tell he's in command. It's not because he's a poor or weak leader, but because he's leading an extremely knowledgeable and competent team who don't need much guidance from him.

                Anyway, how I feel about it. I get that people don't like Cam, but if you're gonna bash him, at least bash him for something he deserves.

                Heck, I once saw an Army Explosive Ordinance Disposal Major put in charge of the Finance office.


                  [QUOTE=Seahen;8961112]I take issue with the bolded. While Cam had no "stargate" experience, the man had plenty of command experience. He was a F-302 squadron commander for crying out loud! You can't get more or better command experience than being a squadron commander in the Air Force. True, but like you said: no stargate experience. For the many examples mentioned by others he should never been in charge of SG-1 no matter what sqaudron he was in command of. Plus the reason I can't accept him as anything above Capt. is based on his behavior. Sam, in contrast, had command of two people. He also had more time in grade than Sam. He just didn't have the off world experience that she did. That makes all the difference esp. with the first line of defense, best of the best team like SG-1. As an officer in the military, you will ALWAYS be in command of people with more experience at something than you. But they are at so opposite ends of the spectrum in so many cases it's hilarious. The trick is knowing how to use the knowledge and experience of those in your command. If you lead based only on your experience and knowledge, what do you need troops for? Manpower and a stronger team. The leader of SG1 is just that, the leader. And Cam used the exact leadership style he needed in that role. He recognized that he was leading an established and experienced team, and so he didn't need to be aggressive and demanding in his role as leader as you would say a bunch of new recruits who know nothing. That's why you can hardly tell he's in command. Personally, I think there are other reasons, Plus you should know who the leader is even if your an outsider. It's not because he's a poor or weak leader, but because he's leading an extremely knowledgeable and competent team who don't need much guidance from him. Then why is he there? Especially after Sam came back? Plus, as mentioned before, he didn't act like a leader. He got them into trouble more often than not.
                  Anyway, how I feel about it. I get that people don't like Cam, but if you're gonna bash him, at least bash him for something he deserves. Hold on, I wasn't bashing. Bashing is a mindless rant without substance. I, as well as others have stated what has happened. Not what we imagined. I would LOVE to like Cam and Vala. God knows I tried with every episode and continue to try now with the DVD movies but so far they constantly remind me, as well as others it seems, of the bad choices TPTB made in writing the last 2 seasons. You can like him all you want but don't be snippy to those of us that don't adore him. We're just discussing what we've expierienced ok? Jeepers!
                  Mac Jackson
                  Singer/Songwriter of
                  "Harmony Constant"
                  [email protected]
                  Our Music is at iTunes and Amazon:


                    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                    Spoilers of OT, anti-new guy rant, and general negative feelings. These are my feelings and my opinion, I'm not trying to get anyone to think like me, but I'm also not apologising for anything written below. Enter at your own risk and don't say I didn't worn you.


                    Command also requires a degree of experience. The command Sam got in S8, we saw her grow into it. From the first time she took over the team in "Spirits" to "Evolution", and you might even add "Lost City". With the new "leader" we didn't get that. We have a guy who's never even seen the Stargate in his life get a command of the most important team in the SGC, even though he has no idea what he's doing. What ever happened to the fact that Jack wouldn't let the Russian colonel near the gate before he had the training needed, not even as an observer? All I saw in Mitchell was a little kid running around causing trouble. You said that command requires attention, and I agree, but where was that attention in Mitchell when he went off with that doctor (forgot her name) and got himself framed for murder. He wasn't drunk, he wasn't drugged, and he was on duty. There is no excuse for such actions. When he first came he said that he wanted to "learn from the best", so where was that learning part. As for Sam's degree of attention, the ep we saw tonight is the best pointer, it's only her and Felger, she could have tried to fix the gate, but then there would have been no one to watch their backs. So she knows what the priority is when she's in charge. Although I've read many fics where Sam and Daniel are acting like curious kids and have to touch everything in sight, that's fanon not canon. Now when some General somewhere or some politician reads Sam's file, all they will see is her going from 2IC, to team leader, to R&D leader, and then back to being 2IC in the team she once lead, serving under someone whom she tops almost a decade of experience. Was she really that bad that they knocked her down so much?

                    Oh, and Mitchell isn't the one who got the team back together, in fact when he tried they dismissed him without a second though, the reason everyone came back was the new enemy, in which case Vala has a lot more to do with "getting the band back together" then Mitchell, he just took advantage of the situation. The only reason he kept command was the fact that a young white male hero is the formula to attract male viewers from the age 18-40, because they are the targeted audience for SciFi, and they can't exactly identify with a strong capable woman leading.

                    I loved the way Sam acted on Atlantis. It really felt like I was watching my favourite character be herself again. A lot of Atlantis fans were against her crossing over. Few of them had seen the last two seasons of SG1 and that was the reason for their doubts, they didn't like her there. After watching SGA S4 they were wondering just WTH was it that they were watching in those SG1 seasons. And I understand them. If I started watching Stargate after S8, I probably would have ended up hating Sam.

                    And for every step forward, they take two steps back. Yes Sam is more laidback, and it was nice to she her able to relax, but sometimes she was too relaxed. You mentioned OtG. Sam shouldn't have walked away at the end, she should have shot Mitchell in the knee, SG1 was captured and tortured for almost a day because of his irresponsible actions.

                    That's the only reason I kept watching Atlantis, after the disappointing S3 I was thinking about giving up, if they put Mitchell there, I never would have seen another ep again.

                    Sorry for any spelling mistakes. It's close to midnight and I'm tired.

                    And to make up for the previous rant

                    Regarding OT:
                    Very well put! I said something incredibly similar on the some thread somewhere here at GW! Great minds think on the same lines.

                    Nice GIF by the way! Way to get back On Topic!

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                    K-9, CLASS and much more...


                      Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                      QUOTE=Seahen;8961112]I take issue with the bolded. While Cam had no "stargate" experience, the man had plenty of command experience. He was a F-302 squadron commander for crying out loud! You can't get more or better command experience than being a squadron commander in the Air Force. True, but like you said: no stargate experience. For the many examples mentioned by others he should never been in charge of SG-1 no matter what sqaudron he was in command of. Plus the reason I can't accept him as anything above Capt. is based on his behavior. Sam, in contrast, had command of two people. He also had more time in grade than Sam. He just didn't have the off world experience that she did. That makes all the difference esp. with the first line of defense, best of the best team like SG-1. As an officer in the military, you will ALWAYS be in command of people with more experience at something than you. But they are at so opposite ends of the spectrum in so many cases it's hilarious. The trick is knowing how to use the knowledge and experience of those in your command. If you lead based only on your experience and knowledge, what do you need troops for? Manpower and a stronger team. The leader of SG1 is just that, the leader. And Cam used the exact leadership style he needed in that role. He recognized that he was leading an established and experienced team, and so he didn't need to be aggressive and demanding in his role as leader as you would say a bunch of new recruits who know nothing. That's why you can hardly tell he's in command. Personally, I think there are other reasons, Plus you should know who the leader is even if your an outsider. It's not because he's a poor or weak leader, but because he's leading an extremely knowledgeable and competent team who don't need much guidance from him. Then why is he there? Especially after Sam came back? Plus, as mentioned before, he didn't act like a leader. He got them into trouble more often than not.
                      Anyway, how I feel about it. I get that people don't like Cam, but if you're gonna bash him, at least bash him for something he deserves. Hold on, I wasn't bashing. Bashing is a mindless rant without substance. I, as well as others have stated what has happened. Not what we imagined. I would LOVE to like Cam and Vala. God knows I tried with every episode and continue to try now with the DVD movies but so far they constantly remind me, as well as others it seems, of the bad choices TPTB made in writing the last 2 seasons. You can like him all you want but don't be snippy to those of us that don't adore him. We're just discussing what we've expierienced ok? Jeepers!
                      Sorry, just calling it like I saw it. But then, what do I know.


                        Hi everybody, sorry to have been away for so long! I just haven't had much to add. But Nikki and APA came along and rattled my cage so I thought I would actually post something for a change.

                        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                        I'm afraid after the way Sam's character was treated over the years, there isn't much positiveness (is that a word?) on this subject left in me. I'll believe a good thing only when I see it...twice...just to make sure.

                        Good thing the ep is about to start. I need cheering up.
                        I wouldn't worry too much about that particular photo. But I agree with your take on Sam, Cam and SG-1. And Seahen's.
                        Spoilers for Enemy at the Gate:
                        JM said she came by for a "costume fitting". Now, given the fact that there must be several pairs of blue BDUs laying around that fit AT, I doubt that's what she's going to be wearing for all of the shoot. On the other hand, maybe having a costume fitted is just fancy shop talk for "making sure the old stuff still fits".

                        I am mighty happy her hair is blonde. She can keep it that way until they get done filming the third movie, dangit.

                        I thought the Affinity discussion was really good, and I think I have finally made peace with one of the most annoying sentences Jack ever said, ship-wise. Let’s see if our astute readership agrees, because I haven’t seen anyone approach it from this particular angle before.

                        Jack answers her key question with: “I wouldn’t be here.” But, if he really wouldn’t be there- if he would have quit- then why the frak didn’t he? It would have solved everything. He didn’t need Kerry to point out that he could retire- he voiced it himself in Affinity. I can't tell you how much this statement annoys me. Although I have. Repeatedly.He was very clear that he’d have packed it in for a shot at a happy home life, duty or no duty. So why not for Sam?

                        Notice that in Affinity he never says he thinks it would be fine for Sam to keep going on missions- he just says Pete could handle it, or that other people have families. So she has to push him to find out what he really thinks.

                        And then Jack pulls an astonishing about-face. After telling her that other people might want to have everything- a family, a marriage and all the excitement of being an intergalactic explorer, he does a complete 180 degree flip, and says he “wouldn’t be here.” And, it really doesn't matter if he's referring to Charlie and Sara or to her in this regard.

                        From the first season through Continuum there's plenty of evidence that Jack had reached a point in his life where he had figured out what was important- and maybe losing his family was the big wake-up call. We all saw in Zero Hour and Evolution how nervous he was at the thought of her leaving without him, even in Season 7 & 8. At the same time, I really believe what Jack said in Grace was true- he wouldn't get in the way of her career.

                        But these two positions are irreconcilable. He won't ask her to give up the things she loves to do- but he can't be involved with her if she does them. Frankly, I think this is a big part of why he keeps his distance from her, and why retiring never was the answer, rules or no rules. It wouldn’t have solved everything.

                        Jack always told her to get a life. Getting married doesn't necessarily do that, it just makes it look that way. So I think he answered her loud and clear- Pete might have no qualms about her going through the gate every day, but he’s not Pete. He already suffered through the untimely death of one person he loved, and that was enough.

                        So he answered her, all right, but it was about much more than just Pete, and she couldn’t come to terms with it. Of course, by the start of Season 9, Sam got her priorities straight and was out at Area 51 “for a reason.” With Jack being in Washington, the reason might not have had so much to do with the regs as it had to do with staying out of harm’s way.

                        That doesn’t mean I think Jack and Sam went their own separate ways after she rejoined SG-1- but by then all the other problems they had were resolved, and he was in- hook, line and sinker. But I do think that if they’re not married now, that’s the reason why.
                        Last edited by VSS; 19 September 2008, 07:48 PM.


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          *flops into thread in relief at it finally being the end of the week*


                          <snipped for length>
                          Hmmm, I think you said that pretty well Twin! What Jack meant is, just as you say, intended to be vague and obtuse, and therefore probably meant a whole lot of things all at once. Plus, as Aveo pointed out, Sam's question was pretty vague in itself. Jack still thinks it's better for everyone if they don't admit to those feelings, plus by this point denying them has become second nature, frankly. Plus Jack is not exactly Mr Talkative when it comes to feelings He does not want to be having this conversation, but his affection for Sam is such that he doesn't want to not be there when she's clearly in need of someone to talk to. His default mode throughout is defence - you can even see it in the first thing he says when Sam shows him the ring box - "People usually wear these on their fingers". If something comes close to his emotions, he makes a joke. But this is such a painful one. He then spends the whole rest of the scene trying desperately to get out of the conversation and the situation - you can practically see the alarm bells going off in his head the whole time. As to what we might be expected to interpret it as, well I think that she is poking him to get the answer she was looking for in Grace and tried for again in his backyard in Threads. This is actually a halfway house between the two - in Grace she does ask him, effectively the same question (with 'what if I quit?' balancing 'if things had been different?'), but it's only in her head. Here she does actually try to confront him, but in such a roundabout way that as Aveo said, she's giving him a lot of leeway to make a non-answer, which of course he does. In Threads she's determined, and has clearly decided the direct approach is what's needed (although she has to work up to it), and as we were just discussing the other day, probably would have ploughed on with it, but is interrupted by Kerry. Significantly, Jack doesn't answer directly on any of these occasions, and when he finally does tell her, it's of his own accord. Which all goes back to what Jenn was saying the other day about how it was better that we had Kerry's interruption, because it allowed their moment of understanding/declaration to be more equal and natural.

                          Um, I think I had a point in there somewhere... Oh yeah, the vagueness. Well, basically there are whole layers of vagueness going on here - Sam is being vague in her asking, Jack is being vague in his response, and TPTB are being vague in leaving exactly what they were talking about as open to interpretation - I guess otherwise we wouldn't be discussing it would we?! But that's their default position when it comes to ship really, hint at it, not whack us round the head. Hence all the debates and discussions Although you could argue that really that's just a reflection of the position of the ship within the overall storyline - it's part of the story of these characters, it underlies everything and imbues it all with subtext as it grows and develops organically. And I think, if you asked shippers en masse, we'd generally agree that this is one of the things we love best about the ship, that it doesn't feel forced. I guess having vague scenes like this is the flipside!

                          Hmmm, that wasn't going to be anywhere near that long when I started it
                          Ack! I have no green. I am greenless! Nice post

                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          LOL. Sorry 'bout that. Didn't mean to upset ya'll. But this is Felger, after all. It's his fantasy at the end...both here and in The Other Guys, where Sam plants one on him. So...yeah...the boy doll is him. Which, while funny to a degree, is also vaguely disturbing...not just the eww factor...but Felger himself. Who's quite pathetic actually, although they play it for laughs. Which may be why, on the whole, this one and The Other Guys go way low on my list of episodes to watch, even though I do like Sam a lot in this one...always way more than I remember when I do actually watch it. She does a great job of walking the fine line between deservedly irritated and hesitantly compassionate. But's not quite enough to off-set the cringe-worthy Felger-factor. At least IMHO.

                          Although the backwards pants do crack me up every time.
                          Hehe...while I do agree that he is a pathetic and slightly disturbing charachter, I enjoy both these eps. Avengor, coz I see sooo much ship in that despite the fact that Sam and Jack aren't on screen together all that much. And The Other Guys, coz I find is hysterically funny. I really enjoy the hero worship of SG1, and the ineptitude of these nerds 'playing soldier'. I'm always ROFL when Felger and Coombs are going through the ship or base after they ring aboard (hehe, after I've recovered from Felger shooting with his hands ovef his eyes); Felger trying to be sneaky in this awkward crouch thing like a 60's cop show, or maybe the original ST and Coombs just walking along behind him, not even trying to be quiet LOL!! I also enjoy it coz, it's as though we, the viewer, are watching through the eyes of another viewer as it were. We're seeing SG1 through the eyes of someone who has read about them and worships them and wants to be one of them. And there's something about that, that I like. Plus all the scenes we do get of SG1 are great IMHO. Hehehe, I'm giggling just thinking about it. The scene where are standing close together and Felger and Coombes arenhiding behind them is hilarious too me. I know it's a little silly and slightly absurd, but I love it!

                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          Spoilers of OT, anti-new guy rant, and general negative feelings. These are my feelings and my opinion, I'm not trying to get anyone to think like me, but I'm also not apologising for anything written below. Enter at your own risk and don't say I didn't worn you.
                          <snipped for length>
                          I was going to comment on why I also felt Sam was slighted in seasons...seasons...the ones with that guy in them. But now I don't have to

                          Although - I will Spoiled for anyone who doesn't really care as it is slightly OT I guess. Oh, and please don't read it if you are a fan of Mitchell, you won't like it. You have been warned.
                          I was soooo disappointed and really very angry with what they did to Sam in S9.

                          Firstly TPTB saying it was a joint command is absurd. You CANNOT have a joint command of a military field unit FCOL! But TPTB knew, byt the time they said this that they had angered many fans by putting charge of SG1 over Sam.

                          My problem with it is this. Sam has at that point over 8 years of exp going through the gate in the elite front line unit. 7 of those as 2IC and 1 as CO. She has then taken up a leadership position as CO of R&D, where she would have had a lot of people under her command if I am correct.

                          They need her back at the SGC. No problems with that. They need her back on SG1, I agree with that too. But to put her back on SG1 and NOT give her unequivical command of it was a total slap in the face IMHO!! I don't really care what HIS command exp is. As far as going through the gate he was a green rookie. And I also don't much care that whether or not he was a Lt Col before her. I know for a fact that that is not really a consideration. Skill, expertise, knowledge and exp are. She has all of the above when it comes to the gate and gate travel and Mitch...HE...doesn't. Frankly, it was tantamount to a demotion IMHO. I agree with Seahen that a good leader knows how to use the knowledge and exp of those under him, but Mitchell doesn't do that at all in S9 as far as I'm concerned. HE wanted to learn? He should have been put in as Sam's 2IC, and learned properly. Instead, TPTB had him strutting around the SGC like he owned the place. Also, I don't care what they promised him, there were plenty of people far more qualified and exp for the leadership of SG1 in Sam's absence. No way do you give command of your flagship team to someone who has never even SEEN the gate.

                          So IMHO, Sam was completely done over by TPTB there. And they completely ruined what could have been a good character with Mitchell in the way he was intriduced. If he had come in, clearly wanting to learn (not just SAYING that) and he had've graciously accepted the 2IC position upon Sam's return, I think I may have at least been able to see hm on screen without feeling physically ill.

                          As far as Sam not being able to be both leader and scientist. Why not? She did it successfully for a year in S8, and the times before that when she had to take command. Besides, that's what having a good and competant 2IC is about. Being able to delegate to him. If there were some tech or something onlyshe could deal with, then she tells her Second, to take care of other things while she does what ever scientist type thing she has to do.

                          For a better way of intoducing Mitchell's character and having Sam in charge of SG1, I would refer you to Rachel's fic "there are still no fish in my pond" for which I can't find the link atm. Maybe later.

                          I think TPTB tried to redeem the Mitchell character some what in S10, but for me the damage had been done. And he was still the CO of SG1, which I can't stomach. Hearing him call himself "SG1 Leader" in the radio really does make me wanna puke.

                          Anyway, I could go on but I won't facial tic is getting pretty bad now

                          thereisnotseasons9&10 thereisnoseasons9&10 thereisnoseasons9&10
                          Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                          Thanks Bekki


                            Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            I take issue with the bolded. While Cam had no "stargate" experience, the man had plenty of command experience. He was a F-302 squadron commander for crying out loud! You can't get more or better command experience than being a squadron commander in the Air Force. True, but like you said: no stargate experience. For the many examples mentioned by others he should never been in charge of SG-1 no matter what sqaudron he was in command of. Plus the reason I can't accept him as anything above Capt. is based on his behavior. Sam, in contrast, had command of two people. He also had more time in grade than Sam. He just didn't have the off world experience that she did. That makes all the difference esp. with the first line of defense, best of the best team like SG-1. As an officer in the military, you will ALWAYS be in command of people with more experience at something than you. But they are at so opposite ends of the spectrum in so many cases it's hilarious. The trick is knowing how to use the knowledge and experience of those in your command. If you lead based only on your experience and knowledge, what do you need troops for? Manpower and a stronger team. The leader of SG1 is just that, the leader. And Cam used the exact leadership style he needed in that role. He recognized that he was leading an established and experienced team, and so he didn't need to be aggressive and demanding in his role as leader as you would say a bunch of new recruits who know nothing. That's why you can hardly tell he's in command. Personally, I think there are other reasons, Plus you should know who the leader is even if your an outsider. It's not because he's a poor or weak leader, but because he's leading an extremely knowledgeable and competent team who don't need much guidance from him. Then why is he there? Especially after Sam came back? Plus, as mentioned before, he didn't act like a leader. He got them into trouble more often than not.
                            Anyway, how I feel about it. I get that people don't like Cam, but if you're gonna bash him, at least bash him for something he deserves. Hold on, I wasn't bashing. Bashing is a mindless rant without substance. I, as well as others have stated what has happened. Not what we imagined. I would LOVE to like Cam and Vala. God knows I tried with every episode and continue to try now with the DVD movies but so far they constantly remind me, as well as others it seems, of the bad choices TPTB made in writing the last 2 seasons. You can like him all you want but don't be snippy to those of us that don't adore him. We're just discussing what we've expierienced ok? Jeepers!
                            Okay. Sorry Mac Jackson, But I have to say this.

                            As you know from my previous post I happen to agree with you about Mitchell.

                            However Seahen was NOT being snippy! She was simply stateing things the way she saw them, just as you did and just as I did in my previous post. I enjoyed reading your opinion. And although I don't really agree with her on this one, I enjoyed reading Seahen's. There was nothing snippy about it IMHO. It was just one shipper, taking the opinion of another and then giving us hers. Please don't see agression where none was meant. And understand that just as you are free to express your view, others are free to express theirs, and there is no snippiness intended.

                            I'm sorry shippers, but this has been a rather sore point for me lately and I felt Seahen was being unfairly treated.
                            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                            Thanks Bekki


                              Originally posted by mara-anni View Post

                              Okay. Sorry Mac Jackson, But I have to say this.

                              As you know from my previous post I happen to agree with you about Mitchell.

                              However Seahen was NOT being snippy! She was simply stateing things the way she saw them, just as you did and just as I did in my previous post. I enjoyed reading your opinion. And although I don't really agree with her on this one, I enjoyed reading Seahen's. There was nothing snippy about it IMHO. It was just one shipper, taking the opinion of another and then giving us hers. Please don't see agression where none was meant. And understand that just as you are free to express your view, others are free to express theirs, and there is no snippiness intended.

                              I'm sorry shippers, but this has been a rather sore point for me lately and I felt Seahen was being unfairly treated.
                              Mara, I think I love you.

                              Although I will concede that my post after was snippy.

                              I am not a good debater so if I came across as attacking your opinion, I'm sorry Mac. No hostility was meant. Since I was an Air Force Captain, I like to think I know what makes a good AF Officer. And when I used the term bashing, I meant a harsh, gratuitous, prejudicial attack. Not a mindless rant without substance. Cam is ALWAYS bashed on this thread. I think me and 2 others like him. So I tend to be defensive when I defend what I think are unfair critiques of him.


                                We can toss reasons around all day about why Sam wasn't in charge of SG-1, but at the end of the day, the ONLY reason why is that she's the girl.

                                She was in charge of SG-1 for almost an entire year. That alone gives her more experience, no matter what Cam did or didn't do. If she'd returned to Sg-1, she'd have taken over again, no questions asked, provided she was the correct sex.

                                I don't actually hold anything against Cam, I think he is capable of running SG-1, but not as capable as Sam. I do not particularly care for TPTB in this regard. And I agree with mara-anni that it was just another of many reasons why S9 & S10 were terrible.

