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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post

      I always felt it was Jack's sweater she was wearing while they were fishing. Don't know why, just have.
      I love this idea

      I think he meant he wouldn't be in a position where he couldn't be with Sam.
      Yep, that's always been my take on it

      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      My daughter told me she had a dream last night that Shrek had to kiss Carter or he would die, lol.

      Do you think I need to cut back on my Stargate influence
      Maybe its the Shrek influence you need to cut back on


        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
        My daughter told me she had a dream last night that Shrek had to kiss Carter or he would die, lol.

        Do you think I need to cut back on my Stargate influence
        If you are being overly(?) influenced by Stargate, then a lot of the rest of us are too. I've been reading a lot of posts about dreams involving characters from SG1 recently and I think it has "influenced" me to have a few too. I had one really nice one recently where Jack was being very kind and supportive to me about something - like a big brother - and it was very nice.


          Originally posted by Mac Jackson View Post
          I wanted to ask everyone: What do you think they ment by that? Was Sam asking "If things had been different for us"? or was she asking "If things had been different..." meaning if his son was still alive and he was still married? Because his response could go either way. "I wouldn't be here" could be that he'd give up his job to be with her or that he'd be forced to leave if they were together or if Charlie was alive would it mean that his life would have been different because he wouldn't have taken that first suicide mission to Abydos. It's so confusing. What is the overall thought?
          Thanks for the help and time.
          The problem is that Jack is trying to be confusing here. He's still trying to get Carter to move on without him because he thinks she would be happy, so he's deliberately being vague and unhelpful. His "I wouldn't be here" could mean "I would never have gone to Abydos if Charlie hadn't died" or "I would have found a way for us to be together" - not to mention many things in between.
          At this point Sam is trying to push Jack into saying something that will make her say no to Pete. She wants to know if the feelings that he'd admitted in D&C were still there - because he's been hiding anything since Entity and she doesn't know if it's just hers that are still there. But she does give him some leaway(sp?) when she asks her last question, it could have meant practically anything.
          Jenn, Mara, Rachel, APA and Josi would be much better at explaining it with links to Grace and Threads and stuff so I'm going to stop rambling now because I've confused myself let alone anyone else...

          Nice mini pic spam there Luvnjack!
          sigpicMy Fanfic


            Deliberately not removing the img tags to make this point. I didn't notice until today that Sam's shirt color (under the sweater) is teh exact khaki-green as Jack's hat.

            Wow...symmetry all around.

            Edited: okay, so it's not exact, but it's close.

            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            I did notice, actually. In fact...more than just dressing alike...they actually match all the way around...even their heads....which is why I love this particular cap...

            Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


              *flops into thread in relief at it finally being the end of the week*

              Originally posted by crazydaze View Post
              Since joining this board I've been watching EVERY ship episode more intently!! I keep rewinding, pausing and slow motioning!!! My family think I'm crazy!!!
              Lol, I think you'll find everyone here can empathise with that And it's all a matter of perspective... maybe it's everyone else who is crazy for not getting it?

              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

              EPISODE OF THE WEEK

              Each week we will post 3 episodes. Please vote for the episode of your choice by Quoting the last voting post, removing the "quote" tags, and adding your vote to the episode of your choice. Voting closes on Saturdays at 0400 GMT. The Episode of the Week will be announced Saturday and open for discussion all week long. Commentary, caps, artwork, poetry and any other creative expression relative to the episode is welcomed and encouraged! The purpose of this is to have fun and hopefully further our enjoyment of the wonderful relationship that is Sam and Jack.

              The episodes up for consideration this week are:

              (Okay...I confess...this was hard because the last half of S7 is absolutely packed with important and very powerful episodes... do I do the double feature marathon of Evolution/Heroes/Lost City? or go for the Angsty Ship Trifecta of Grace/Chimera/Death Knell???? Decisions, Decisions....)


              1) Evolution 1&2 (0)
              2) Death Knell (0)
              3) Lost City 1&2 (0)

              And yes. I'm cruel. Very, very cruel. Mwa-ha-ha.
              I just realised we haven't had a watch of last week's ep!!! Anyone fancy a group viewing of Avenger 2.0 later tonight? Yell or stick up hands if so! Say 3 hours time or so?

              And eep, haven't multiquoted the last vote... will have to come back with that in a sec...

              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
              Speaking of which, anyone else notice how similarly dressed Sam and Jack are, at least colorwise, when they're finally fishing? And Daniel and Teal'c are all over the place. I find that oddly significant and rather sweet.

              Though, they do tend to dress alike... maybe she saw him put on blue that morning and decided to wear her blue sweater, too?

              (yeah, draw the mental image and you'll see what's nice about it )

              EDIT: OMG, I'm all alone in here (well, except for guests). Is Europe okay?
              Oh yes, and the way they're sitting and framed and look at one another - all subliminally screaming 'together'!
              And I love your mental image

              Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
              The problem is that Jack is trying to be confusing here. He's still trying to get Carter to move on without him because he thinks she would be happy, so he's deliberately being vague and unhelpful. His "I wouldn't be here" could mean "I would never have gone to Abydos if Charlie hadn't died" or "I would have found a way for us to be together" - not to mention many things in between.
              At this point Sam is trying to push Jack into saying something that will make her say no to Pete. She wants to know if the feelings that he'd admitted in D&C were still there - because he's been hiding anything since Entity and she doesn't know if it's just hers that are still there. But she does give him some leaway(sp?) when she asks her last question, it could have meant practically anything.
              Jenn, Mara, Rachel, APA and Josi would be much better at explaining it with links to Grace and Threads and stuff so I'm going to stop rambling now because I've confused myself let alone anyone else...

              Nice mini pic spam there Luvnjack!
              Hmmm, I think you said that pretty well Twin! What Jack meant is, just as you say, intended to be vague and obtuse, and therefore probably meant a whole lot of things all at once. Plus, as Aveo pointed out, Sam's question was pretty vague in itself. Jack still thinks it's better for everyone if they don't admit to those feelings, plus by this point denying them has become second nature, frankly. Plus Jack is not exactly Mr Talkative when it comes to feelings He does not want to be having this conversation, but his affection for Sam is such that he doesn't want to not be there when she's clearly in need of someone to talk to. His default mode throughout is defence - you can even see it in the first thing he says when Sam shows him the ring box - "People usually wear these on their fingers". If something comes close to his emotions, he makes a joke. But this is such a painful one. He then spends the whole rest of the scene trying desperately to get out of the conversation and the situation - you can practically see the alarm bells going off in his head the whole time. As to what we might be expected to interpret it as, well I think that she is poking him to get the answer she was looking for in Grace and tried for again in his backyard in Threads. This is actually a halfway house between the two - in Grace she does ask him, effectively the same question (with 'what if I quit?' balancing 'if things had been different?'), but it's only in her head. Here she does actually try to confront him, but in such a roundabout way that as Aveo said, she's giving him a lot of leeway to make a non-answer, which of course he does. In Threads she's determined, and has clearly decided the direct approach is what's needed (although she has to work up to it), and as we were just discussing the other day, probably would have ploughed on with it, but is interrupted by Kerry. Significantly, Jack doesn't answer directly on any of these occasions, and when he finally does tell her, it's of his own accord. Which all goes back to what Jenn was saying the other day about how it was better that we had Kerry's interruption, because it allowed their moment of understanding/declaration to be more equal and natural.

              Um, I think I had a point in there somewhere... Oh yeah, the vagueness. Well, basically there are whole layers of vagueness going on here - Sam is being vague in her asking, Jack is being vague in his response, and TPTB are being vague in leaving exactly what they were talking about as open to interpretation - I guess otherwise we wouldn't be discussing it would we?! But that's their default position when it comes to ship really, hint at it, not whack us round the head. Hence all the debates and discussions Although you could argue that really that's just a reflection of the position of the ship within the overall storyline - it's part of the story of these characters, it underlies everything and imbues it all with subtext as it grows and develops organically. And I think, if you asked shippers en masse, we'd generally agree that this is one of the things we love best about the ship, that it doesn't feel forced. I guess having vague scenes like this is the flipside!

              Hmmm, that wasn't going to be anywhere near that long when I started it
              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith



                1) Evolution 1&2 (0)
                2) Death Knell (6)
                3) Lost City 1&2 (14)

                Ohhh that was hard

                And, in case it got lost in the sprawling morass of my previous post... if anyone fancies an RT viewing of this last week's ep tonight (cause we haven't had one yet ), shout!
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  *more whistling*

                  I think Bev made this one

                  Just...they're Darn. Cute! *sigh*


                    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

                    Ohh, excellent lighting. Too bad all their smooch scenes aren't so well lit! LOL!
                    Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      *more whistling*

             I think Bev made this one

                      Just...they're Darn. Cute! *sigh*

                      They're sitting awfuly darn close, there!
                      Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        Ohh, excellent lighting. Too bad all their smooch scenes aren't so well lit! LOL!
                        I love that pic. *happy sigh* Look how she's grabbing his arm.


                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          If something comes close to his emotions, he makes a joke.
                          I think this is probably the most important thing. It's his pattern and Sam should recognize it by now. Though, she's probably too close to the situation to do so. Daniel and Teal'c probably DO notice.

                          and TPTB are being vague in leaving exactly what they were talking about as open to interpretation - I guess otherwise we wouldn't be discussing it would we?!
                          Well, we also have to realize that TPTB didn't originally set out to write all this sexual tension and mutual interest between Sam and Jack. The way AT and RDA played the characters made the writers realize they could play with this tension a bit. I think some of the writers/directors didn't care so much about it (which is why we get a lot of episodes where there is nothing at all) and some writers/directors who did. But, really, it came down to AT and RDA knowing and inhabiting their characters for so long and knowing what they would do, what kind of look they would give one another.

                          It never feels forced. The relationship, such as it is, played out in a natural way. Even if it was as frustrating for us as it was for the characters. THAT is the way to build a character and or relationships between them. Naturally and slowly. Anything else (SGA 4th and 5th season characters come to mind) and it is not believable or enjoyable to watch.

                          I don't think I've ever written such a long post! Chalk it up to work avoidance! LOL!
                          Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            I love that pic. *happy sigh* Look how she's grabbing his arm.
                            And he's got his hands on her cheek/neck. When a man does that, my knees turn to jelly.
                            Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                              Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                              They're sitting awfuly darn close, there!
                              Plus, her knee is touching his arm ... and they seem quite comfortable with each other there.


                                Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
                                The problem is that Jack is trying to be confusing here. He's still trying to get Carter to move on without him because he thinks she would be happy, so he's deliberately being vague and unhelpful. His "I wouldn't be here" could mean "I would never have gone to Abydos if Charlie hadn't died" or "I would have found a way for us to be together" - not to mention many things in between.
                                At this point Sam is trying to push Jack into saying something that will make her say no to Pete. She wants to know if the feelings that he'd admitted in D&C were still there - because he's been hiding anything since Entity and she doesn't know if it's just hers that are still there. But she does give him some leaway(sp?) when she asks her last question, it could have meant practically anything.
                                Jenn, Mara, Rachel, APA and Josi would be much better at explaining it with links to Grace and Threads and stuff so I'm going to stop rambling now because I've confused myself let alone anyone else...

                                Nice mini pic spam there Luvnjack!
                                OH I like your thinking...that she tried Jack into telling her pete was a no-no..but he didn't comply with her plans... (yeah my very short answer)

                                I like your post! Very good and you don't confuse me!

                                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                                I love that pic. *happy sigh* Look how she's grabbing his arm.
                                You are certain it's his arm that she's grabbing? *looks all sweet and innocent*

