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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Good night nudge...

    A fave piece of art from parsifal...with my caption...

    Fearsome warriors.
    Awesome couple.


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      OT re: the train crash in the Los Angeles area - skip if you're not interested:

      Hi family,

      I'm home and shaking. The train the crashed and killed so many this afternoon is my train. That's the train I take out of the city on my "light" days (days when I know I'll be able to leave the office by 3 pm. I take that train through to Simi Valley (the next stop the wrecked train was supposed to make).

      S. and I are just in shock. All I can think of are the faces of the folks that I see each week. Sadly, Pol
      Pol...just read your post after I made mine. I'm so glad you're ok!


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
        Sigh...had to go out to a political rally tonight. No time for shipping. But I thought I'd drop by and recycle another manip...

        Let me show you around Atlantis, General. You didn't get much down time on your last visit here.

        All I need to see is your quarters, Colonel. Now!*

        * gutter again!
        Sweet Dreams, Ship Family!!!
        Lovely manip (it's the first time I've seen it).

        And there must have been some interesting lighting in the original pic of Jack 'cos his hair has a light purpleish tinge to it (the things I notice...)

        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        I have a GIF of it here, somewhere...*rummages through pb account*


        Oh! Here it is!
        You know, I've seen the ep (I've seen them all) but I totally don't remember that!

        Speaking of noticing things, I've just got my SGA s4 dvd and have watched the first four eps (so far).

        Point one: I think it's so telling that
        Sam has a framed picture of Jack

        and Two: (and this is less J/S than just Sam)
        In a conversation with Sheppard at the end of the second ep, where he says that if Elizabeth is still out there he'll find her, Sam says "I know". Now to me, that was speaking of her past determination to find Jack at all costs (in '100 Days' and 'Abyss' and 'Paradise Lost' and even knowing of Jack's determination to find her in 'Grace'; and she could see the same determination in John, and possibly even his feelings for Elizabeth (I'm a total Sparky shipper)

        Am I off my rocker?


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Pol...just read your post after I made mine. I'm so glad you're ok!
          Me too.


            Happy Birthday,
            atlantis babe34


            I hope you girls have an awesome day!

            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Shippers with bad news...
              *hugs and positive vibes to those who need them*
              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                Morning shippers

                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                Backtracking a bit here because...well, cuz trying to have a cogent thought while people are wondering when dinner will be is nigh on impossible...

                ...Yeah. Exactly. What Jenn said. (Again ). In the two AUs, Sam was not only *not* part of the military, but as such, wasn't on the front lines. She worked at the SGC but she wasn't on SG-1. So any risk to her was only if/when the bad guys breached the gate or appeared in orbit, same as everyone else. There was neither cost to her careerwise, nor potential cost to her physical well-being and once those two barriers were removed, it's easy to see how the immediate attraction moved them to engagement/marriage much much sooner.

                And of course, as Jenn said, how it was possible the AU Jacks might have been finally brought around to realize that they did indeed have something to offer this warm and funny and brilliant woman. Who herself didn't have to wrestle with balancing soldier/scientist/woman as our Sam did.

                Kind of a win/win on both sides, on the surface anyway. Except, of course, in both cases Jack ends up dead. Which kinda makes a good argument for why Sam *did* have to have that third aspect to her and why it *was* necessary for Sam and Jack to endure their long and tortuous separation all those years. That is if you do believe in fate and destiny and things like that. Because, literally, from all the evidence we've seen from all the AUs we've encountered, the fate of the galaxy did depend on the two of them being able to do what they did, in spite of their feelings...or maybe even because of them. Which is why, of course, they can now go fishing. And eat cake. And take SG-1 out for lunch, on Jack.

                Dues paid.
                *nods*. What APA said So, see, the angst and the waiting is a good thing, because it means they can now be together happily having saved the world, and knowing that they have paid those dues For all those years on SG1 Jack needed Soldier Sam as much as he needed Scientist Sam and wanted Woman Sam. And in fact, in suppressing the feelings and denying themselves the desire for a relationship, ie, in suppressing the human sides of themselves (because of course exactly the same applies to Jack, it's just not quite so clear cut and we haven't been discussing it in the same way), they are able to focus on the military sides of themselves and get the job done. Not that it never impinges, as we saw in Entity, D&C, etc, but those moments come when their human side creeps too much to the surface. And not that it isn't a positive thing - as you said too, 'maybe even because of them'. Because the feelings were there and were driving them, however much they pretended they weren't. But it could easily be argued that without that strength of feeling then maybe one of them would have died at any one close call, without the feelings pushing the other to the absolute limit and beyond to save them. Basically it's a very delicate balance that they had to find, to keep the feelings there underneath but deny them too much breathing room so that they can do what they need to do.

                And I'm just rambling now...

                Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                "Thunk" is when you do this

                when you see something like this (spoiler for effect only)
                Yup, I thunked then

                Originally posted by hopalong View Post

                Speaking of noticing things, I've just got my SGA s4 dvd and have watched the first four eps (so far).

                Point one: I think it's so telling that
                Sam has a framed picture of Jack

                and Two: (and this is less J/S than just Sam)
                In a conversation with Sheppard at the end of the second ep, where he says that if Elizabeth is still out there he'll find her, Sam says "I know". Now to me, that was speaking of her past determination to find Jack at all costs (in '100 Days' and 'Abyss' and 'Paradise Lost' and even knowing of Jack's determination to find her in 'Grace'; and she could see the same determination in John, and possibly even his feelings for Elizabeth (I'm a total Sparky shipper)

                Am I off my rocker?
                Not off your rocker at all, on either account, IMO

                HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASMINA!!!

                And other shippery messages:
                *waves* Hey Mrs C, good to see you
                Wooooo yaaaaaay for John and Teyla for Life
                (((((Jess and family)))))
                (((((Pol))))) So glad you're OK.
                Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                  Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                  She got the concept, just not the parlance. And yes, she is a Jack thunker!
                  As long as she's a Jack thunker, words are unnecessary

                  Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                  "Thunk" is when you do this
                  when you see something like this (spoiler for effect only)
                  That's the perfect explanation

                  Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                  I'M GOING TO CREATION CON IN VANCOUVER IN APRIL TO MEET AMANDA!!!! Holy friggin moly, am i one happy fangirl right now!!!!!
                  Woooohoooooood! Congratulations you lucky lucky girl



                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    Mostly Jack/RDA

                    You had to explain that to your Mom? But then, I had to explain it to my daughter
                    And SHEP!!! Don't forget the shep thunking!

                    I will not explain this to my family..nuhuh! They understand fishing and my squee'ing...that's enough!

                    Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
                    G'day ship family. Long time no post. Just wanted to say...

                    Happy Birthday
                    atlantis babe34
                    Happy Birthday from me too Girls!! Woohoo(d)!

                    Originally posted by Pol View Post
                    OT re: the train crash in the Los Angeles area - skip if you're not interested:

                    Hi family,

                    I'm home and shaking. The train the crashed and killed so many this afternoon is my train. That's the train I take out of the city on my "light" days (days when I know I'll be able to leave the office by 3 pm. I take that train through to Simi Valley (the next stop the wrecked train was supposed to make).

                    S. and I are just in shock. All I can think of are the faces of the folks that I see each week. Sadly, Pol
                    *hugs* good to hear you are alright


                      Originally posted by Alan View Post
                      Thank you both.

                      Now...does anyone know where I can get a transcript of the commentary for Lost City please?
                      I can't believe I found this as quickly as I did! GW search is a wonder, really

                      And reading that again, myself, I find its interesting that they immediately bring up the idea that Sam's working on a Naquadah generator instead of going fishing.. cause as I said earlier, it's again a power source (ZPM) which is again her temptation to not go fishing ultimately in Moebius as well. It being mentioned there really makes me think that parallelism isn't coincidental at all.

                      Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                      I think always thought of Jack as being self-deprecating but not an idiot LOL - regardless of what he thinks of himself, he thinks she's hot And so who's going to *really* argue when a hot, smart woman wants him? Certainly not Jack O'Neill.
                      I always figured it went off pretty much like we saw in Moebius - he expressed an initial interest cause, though she was interested, she never imagined she'd attract a man like him...

                      And, yeah. Pretty much that fast and with similar results too. Bringing us back to "Stop Thinking and Shut up and kiss Jack."
                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      First we lose the "Previously, on Stargate SG-1..." which may not seem like much, but that whole intro builds the entire S/J ship going all the way back to D&C.
                      My poor husband has been forced to see Threads so often than when he hears that intro start he whines, "Not the Joss Whedon Intro Episode... again..." (cause.. it goes back almost as far as one of his... and bet you never imagined anyone calling Threads that!)

                      I know, you wouldn't think my husband would have had to watch Threads a lot, would you?


                        From the sometimes the simplest solutions are the best department:

                        This may be sacrilige, and considering how long it took me to come up with the idea I guess I can't really blame them for not having thought of it sooner, but...

                        Wouldn't it have been easier to check everyone's hands (and possessions) for one of those Goau'ld ring weapons rather than go through the whole Za'tarc testing spiel? Really?

                        Apparently, though, NO ONE thought of that. lol


                          Thanks for the b-day wishes everyone ((((family))))

                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          From the sometimes the simplest solutions are the best department:

                          This may be sacrilige, and considering how long it took me to come up with the idea I guess I can't really blame them for not having thought of it sooner, but...

                          Wouldn't it have been easier to check everyone's hands (and possessions) for one of those Goau'ld ring weapons rather than go through the whole Za'tarc testing spiel? Really?

                          Apparently, though, NO ONE thought of that. lol
                          Ah, yes but Astor (sp?) used an Earth gun to blow her brains out. So they didn't know that they should be looking for Goa'uld technology.


                            Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                            Thanks for the b-day wishes everyone ((((family))))

                            Ah, yes but Astor (sp?) used an Earth gun to blow her brains out. So they didn't know that they should be looking for Goa'uld technology.
                            Oh, there are lots of real reasons that idea wouldn't have been the only solution. Though Astor wasn't really triggered and thus not 'ready' for fighting. And ya gotta admit, the fact Martouf was standing around amidst all that "high security" with one of those rings actually on his finger is pretty funny


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Oh, there are lots of real reasons that idea wouldn't have been the only solution. Though Astor wasn't really triggered and thus not 'ready' for fighting. And ya gotta admit, the fact Martouf was standing around amidst all that "high security" with one of those rings actually on his finger is pretty funny
                              Yeah it was, but it's not the only time the writers have used an easy solution? I mean look at AoT

                              They were lowering the shield on the Replicator and noone thought about holding a regular gun close by (even tho they know it works), or even do something simple as to close the door, cause that would have stoped half of the story from happening.



                                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                                Yeah it was, but it's not the only time the writers have used an easy solution? I mean look at AoT

                                They were lowering the shield on the Replicator and noone thought about holding a regular gun close by (even tho they know it works), or even do something simple as to close the door, cause that would have stoped half of the story from happening.

                                Really, the biggest of all times. Why do we seem to be the only race/planet/what-have-you that guards it's gate (well, almost the only). I mean, it's only the ROUTE into your world. Why keep that secured?!

                                And don't get me started on why everyone always stands with their backs to their prisoners. Or their backs to the ring platform...

                                Obviously, the answer is because otherwise we wouldn't have a story.. but.. still...

