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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
    I don't disklike DDL...but I did dislike Pete. He was just wrong for Sam.

    But mainly, I just can't get past the fact that not only did he follow her--but he also did something against the law. He asked another law enforcement officer to run a check on her background. That most certainly means he asked someone to run an NCIC (National Crime Information Center) check on her...and it's against the law for a law enforcement officer to do that for personal reasons.

    In real life, he could have lost his badge for that, and could have also faced criminal charges.

    Darn me for knowing these things.'s I shouldn't even mention it...

    * All right--this is creepy! Where is everyone?
    Oooo! Knowing that makes me angrier at him as well! Damn Shanahan! Besides the fact that he didn't even trust Sam he did something that he knew was illegal to get more info her, after storming out like that! *shakes head* I'm sooooo glad he's out of the picture.

    Originally posted by Pol View Post
    So...another random comment from me. I'm sorry, I don't always have a chance to read through the pages that fly by here.

    But...I wanted to share this. When watching Tok'ra 1 and 2, I realized when Hammond goes to see Jacob in the hospital, the overhead page is... "Dr. Shanahan, please report to radiology."

    What is it with the name Shanahan?!

    Okay, that was my random observation of the day.
    That is weird...what's with the resurrection on the thread? *runs off to catch up*

    (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
      I don't disklike DDL...but I did dislike Pete. He was just wrong for Sam.

      But mainly, I just can't get past the fact that not only did he follow her--but he also did something against the law. He asked another law enforcement officer to run a check on her background. That most certainly means he asked someone to run an NCIC (National Crime Information Center) check on her...and it's against the law for a law enforcement officer to do that for personal reasons.

      In real life, he could have lost his badge for that, and could have also faced criminal charges.

      Darn me for knowing these things.'s I shouldn't even mention it...

      * All right--this is creepy! Where is everyone?
      And if Sam was doing something illegal, Pete was going to arrest her? His friend's sister? Sorry Mark, I had sex with your sister and after I couldn't get information from her about her work, I had her investigated and found out she was a criminal


        Oh sure, I actually have to sit in front of a computer and you guys go all quiet.

        Carter, I know I said I thought we should get a pet, but this isn't exactly what I had in mind. Now, how are we gonna get the other one out of the tree?
        The lady at the pet store didn't mention this!


          *sigh* Fine, I'll just entertain myself.

          I thought this was the red colored sky episode! Why's everything yellow?


            *is sad no one wants to play with her*

            No! *pshaw* I was so not looking when you, Daniel, and Teal'c were chopping wood with your shirts off for that village!
            Uh huh.
            I was not!
            You have a drool stain on your shirt.


              I want to play the picture game!!

              I'm watching Part 1 of Moebius right now on TV! McKay is hitting on AT Carter as I type. Such a fun episode! I love how Jack asks if Daniel and Sam are together right at the outset.


                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                * All right--this is creepy! Where is everyone?
                I'm here. I'm always here. Just not very vocal.


                  Originally posted by Amalthea View Post
                  I want to play the picture game!!

                  I'm watching Part 1 of Moebius right now on TV! McKay is hitting on AT Carter as I type. Such a fun episode! I love how Jack asks if Daniel and Sam are together right at the outset.
                  On space channel? I was just watching that too! (wish i didn't have to wait for tomorrow for part 2, my DVDs are packed away in a box somewhere... stupid moving.) My mummeh watched it with me. Love Nerdy!Sam and Daniel. They're adorable!
                  Too cool for a signature.


                    Am I mistaken or is one of the photos in Egle's picspam, the same photo that Sam has in her open suitcase in "Reunion"? I guess its an old photo from Season 1 or Season 2 but not sure from which episode.

                    I still dont understand the "I would'nt be here" reply from Affinity when Sam asks Jack? I dont know what must have been going in his mind when she asks him that, it was the perfect time to let her know how he feels about her? It was as if she is depending on his answer to make the Yes/No decision to "HeWhoMustNotBeNamed"'s proposal.


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
             there have been a lot of milestones around here...

                      Pssst! Where is everyone?
                      Sleeping... I do that at 3:50 am .

                      And wow...that's...alot of milestoners Congrats all!!!

                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      I'm here. I'm always here. Just not very vocal.
                      Says the one with the most post of this thread!

                      Seahen on the picspam..
            's your puppy, Carter, doing? (do you have anymore pics?)


                        Originally posted by Ibaraz View Post
                        I think it was a conscious effort of TPTB to give Sam an alternative that was so very un-Jack.
                        Because, let's face it, besides having a job that includes a loaded gun (step out of the gutter, people, that's not what I meant!) I don't see any resemblance between the two.

                        I think TPTB chose to give Sam someone so very different from Jack, because in a way Sam needed it.
                        Had they given her an 'alpha male' I think we shippers could have had something to worry about. I don't think it would have lasted either way. I just think it might have looked, from a concerned shipper's point of view, like it could have. Am I making any sense here?

                        I also think TPTB chose to play out Chimera the way they did, just as you suggested Rachel, because Pete wasn't meant to last. Pete was never planned to be the guy Sam would choose to marry and spend the rest of her life with.
                        Jack's that guy. We know it, they know it, TPTB knows it.

                        But having said that, I do think the character of Sam needed a real relationship with someone outside the SGC.
                        She needed to see the life she was missing out on when she'd been setting her sights on Jack. And Pete was the way for her to do it.

                        In the end, though, she comes to the conclusion that Pete wasn't what she wanted, Jack was.
                        There were other ways for her to come to this conclusion, but TPTB chose Pete for this.

                        And now we've done that, Sam has had her doubts and gotten over them. She doesn't need to test the water for other fish, she already has the best one. She has Jack.

                        Wow... this turned out longer then I thought. I'm not sure I'm making a lot of sense, but this is at least how I see it.
                        re: bolded part....too late....*SPLASH!!!!!*...

                        Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
                        Hello Shippers!

                        And we are so grateful that you are ok.

                        I agree with you on this. TPTB didn't intend for Sam, or us, to completely fall for Pete, hence the reason for all that you mentioned above.

                        So I was reading the GW article about syndication of SGA S4 and the possibility of a BEST OF SG-1 episodes by MGM.

                        Does this mean the possibility of no more regular weekly SG-1 eps in syndication or am I just too tired from going to bed too late and am reading it wrong?

                        If I am, please forgive me now

                        And another thing, I'm really hoping that they put out a blooper dvd for SG-1 soon. The chemistry between the team has been great from day one. The guests always seems to have a good time. The cast has always commented on how much fun it was working together, so can you imagine the fun they've had over the years.

                        This is something I've been waiting to see.

                        Oh and BTW, great discussions guys.
                        I hope they give us a blooper DVD too....

                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        I'm here. I'm always here. Just not very vocal.
                        as am I....just working on downloading all of Rachel500's fantastic long fics.....and giving the downloader quite the workout....


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Says the one with the most post of this thread!
                          Well, I've been slacking lately. *is ashamed*


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                            Hi Shippers!

                            Quick pop in before work.

                            APA! So glad you're ok *hugs*

                            Thanks APA. I always had the impression that the Entity couldn't access her memories. However it does say that "this one has memory of you" So perhaps it can access Sam's memories, but not her thoughts (the way a goa'uld can) which IMHO is a big difference. Memories without thougts and emotions attached to them are little more than moving pix.

                            EDIT: THough pix are worth a thousand words
                            Yup. A little wind-blown, but otherwise fine.

                            And d'oh! I should know better than to post on the fly like that. Yes. Of course you're right about the "This one has memory of you" line. Hmm. Does this make me change my mind??? *ponders* Dunno. But as it relates to how the entity pinpoints Jack as being the one for whom Sam is "valuable", I still don't think it comes from Sam's consciousness but from the entity's direct observations, because it does state that explicitly. (With which, I know, you agree. )

                            Oh...not related to Mara's comments...but as to whether it was a trap specifically for Sam...when the entity tries to communicate in the MALP room, it specifically shows Sam's personnel file on the screen with her obvious indication that it's Sam it's inviting to communicate with. So I'm quite certain that the choice of Sam was calculated and deliberate.

                            EDIT: Melissa! Jena! Claudia!!! Ack! I can't believe I missed you all!


                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              Yup. A little wind-blown, but otherwise fine.

                              And d'oh! I should know better than to post on the fly like that. Yes. Of course you're right about the "This one has memory of you" line. Hmm. Does this make me change my mind??? *ponders* Dunno. But as it relates to how the entity pinpoints Jack as being the one for whom Sam is "valuable", I still don't think it comes from Sam's consciousness but from the entity's direct observations, because it does state that explicitly. (With which, I know, you agree. )

                              Oh...not related to Mara's comments...but as to whether it was a trap specifically for Sam...when the entity tries to communicate in the MALP room, it specifically shows Sam's personnel file on the screen with her obvious indication that it's Sam it's inviting to communicate with. So I'm quite certain that the choice of Sam was calculated and deliberate.

                              EDIT: Melissa! Jena! Claudia!!! Ack! I can't believe I missed you all!
                     too....and rained out....

                              bedtime for me




                                Hey family! I'm just lurkin' about the thread reading some of the great discussions about he who must not be name. And by that I mean Pete.

                                Some of you shippers have analytical skills that put me to shame.
                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                Sleeping... I do that at 3:50 am .

                                And wow...that's...alot of milestoners Congrats all!!!
                                Right... time differences exist... Here I was thinking; "But it's only 10:5-oh..."

                                I sure am on the ball tonight aren't I?

                                EDIT: Geebus....... and congrats to everyone who recently accomplished a milestone! I was just reading Melissa's post. There are tonnes of them!
                                Too cool for a signature.

