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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Oh, don't even get me started on the nightmare the process of making this vid is. I've never had this much trouble with WMM before!! I don't know what is going on. But I have managed to finish the basic I have to work on flow, timing, transition, etc. One day, I will finish day.....
    Well, sorry to hear it's just a pain in the as...
    but don't give up. I'm sure when it is done, it will be GREAT.

    Anyway, going to head off to bed. Talk to everyone later.

    Oh, and I am working on another poster (or two), maybe I'll use your taglines for them

    have a good dream!!
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      Aww... gioia ((hugs)) for you, sorry! Guessing you're ill after all??

      And thanks for reading my fics. You know what? For being ill, how about you get a fanfiction token for free, out of empathy and my incredibly too familiar knowledge of being dopey on medication. I can write that Continuum idea tonight as a oneshot if you want - no one on the thread would object to the Whump-a-Danny being put back a day to make you feel better

      And pssst... Stef, I would have given you one during your flu etc, but you already have enough to make me write 'Gone with the Wind 3: Daniel and Vala'

      kay x

      PS as a general rule, guys, if you're ill or down and fanfic would make you feel better, go ahead and challenge me if you think my writing's up to it or just send me a PM saying "I am evil taskmaster, now write, minion, write!"


        Originally posted by Kales View Post
        Aww... gioia ((hugs)) for you, sorry! Guessing you're ill after all??

        And thanks for reading my fics. You know what? For being ill, how about you get a fanfiction token for free, out of empathy and my incredibly too familiar knowledge of being dopey on medication. I can write that Continuum idea tonight as a oneshot if you want - no one on the thread would object to the Whump-a-Danny being put back a day to make you feel better

        And pssst... Stef, I would have given you one during your flu etc, but you already have enough to make me write 'Gone with the Wind 3: Daniel and Vala'

        kay x

        PS as a general rule, guys, if you're ill or down and fanfic would make you feel better, go ahead and challenge me if you think my writing's up to it or just send me a PM saying "I am evil taskmaster, now write, minion, write!"
        ohhh, Kales. I'm speechless. I LOVE you You're soooo kind
        I will be more than grateful if you will write that oneshot
        This really made me feel better now
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Once again, I've been very lazy posting here. But tis thread is so fast!

          Thanks very much for all the wallpapers.

          Thanks very much for the fics and fic recommendations.

          Re. female whumping: I don't mind it at all as long as it isn't some ratings violence *coughCSIcough*. And I love that show, but that annoys me.



            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RONJA !!!



              Happy Birthday, Ronja!!!
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                *runs in*

                *run out*


                  *walks in bleary eyed*.....Good morning Campers!

                  Ugh, remind me to never open my mouth mother asked me if I'd volunteer for a fund raiser today(It's my mother so, of course I said yes.....). I got my happy butt out of bed at 6:20 this morning to get ready and I'll be out the door in about twenty minutes. Nobody should have to get out of bed before 9am on a saturday.....

                  Remember to adopt a pet folks! Animal shelters are filled with loving animals ready to go home with you!

                  At nearly 28 years old, you would think I'd be able to turn down my mother ...alas, no. Plus, I love animals....

                  Happy Birthday, Ronja Darling!!!!

                  Stef, Kales, Everyone .......Your creativity is a joy to behold! I am constantly amazed at all of you

                  Much love and Happy Posting
                  It doesn't matter what you believe in, just believe in something. I believe in myself, in others, in Love, in peace and Health and well-being for ALL.....




                      Ok, finished watching Stargate and PU with BF.
                      There was a freaky scene with Spader and Sha're (or whatever her name is) She was upset because he had just found out they were married and she thought he didn't want her.
                      Sooooo Spader Daniel touches her cheek when he is reassuring her!!!!! Just like OUR Daniel does to Vala!
                      Dodo Dodo (that's the twilight zone music by the way)

                      He's her Lobster!
                      LTS: Life's too short


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Ah, MM. One of my favorites. You know, I just don't understand the "friend" interpretation. I mean, just take one look at the emotions written all over Daniel's face when he's hugging Vala, and tell me that is the look of a concerned friend. It gets me every time. It's like "I almost lost you. I can never let that happen again. I need you." But maybe that's me reading too much into it Although, that was the episode that made a shipper out of me. I'd always liked them together as friends, but that exact moment was when I realized that they were far more than that. *sigh*

               someone (djay?) asked for an "Ark of Truth" poster. I made one, but unfortunately, I couldn't find a decent place to put a picture of I'm afraid it's mostly Vala-related I like my last one better (I wonder why ) but, here ya go....

                        Yeah that's been my reaction to that hug...his expression is absolutely fierce...'just can't lose you again'...there also seems to be this moment of dawning realization'll be interesting to see the variation of this moment in 'Continuum' (as long as she doesn't die...shhh...maybe if I make this real small we can pretend I didn't really say it)
                        Great poster the tag line.


                        My Fiction:


                          HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONJA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          ........And I need to hustle my butt back to my paper (which I procrastinated on yesterday.... ugh). But before that, I shall give you guys a little something in return (in honor of Ronja's birthday!!! YAY!!!)

                          I present to you (in spoiler tags, because I'm too lazy to put it up just yet), Part one of: the Tentative Courtship of Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran!! (The series I'm working on)!

                          Part ONE: The Big Reveal
                          Series: The Tentative Courtship of Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran
                          Spoilers: To 10.20 “Unending”
                          Title: The Big Reveal
                          Rating: PG-13
                          Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 is copyrighted to MGM Studios, and I don’t own anything that has to do with it, except for the idea for this fiction.
                          Author’s Note: Ironically, you really do end up doing your best thinking in the shower. I had the time, just thought a bit about Unending, and just as I’m finishing, I came up with all this: Daniel and Vala, post-Unending. Now, they didn’t have 50 years together, or even the same 3 months, but what would propel them to be together now? So, the ideas in my head congealed, formed plot bunnies, and multiplied like… well, rabbits.

                          Here is Part One of the series, but it can really be a stand alone fiction: each of these fics are stand alone, but when you put them together, they form one long chain of shippy love. Enjoy ?

                          Summary: Whether it was for fear or, worse, anticipation, he had to know. He had to know everything, and he had to know now… before he made one of the biggest mistakes of his entire life.

                          When something burns in the back of the brain and threatens to consume every cell of the body, Daniel Jackson knew there was no escape, no ease to the discomfort, but one thing: satisfy it. The most unfortunate thing, however, was not that he felt it, but how intensely he felt it; he wasn’t much for comic books, but he always knew he had some sort of “Jackson-sense” for finding out things, even before he began his schooling as an archaeologist. There was always a certain nagging in the back of his brain when he knew he was on to something, or his subconscious mind wanted him to pay strict attention to one and only one detail he might’ve missed, the one piece he would need later on, the very last bit of evidence to a complex and complicated puzzle.

                          Lately, it seemed the puzzles weren’t from ancient, dead artifacts from civilizations long past. No, the two most complex mysteries he couldn’t seem to wrap his mind around involved two very-much-alive people, and the intricate dance they seemed to do around each other.

                          Himself, and one Vala Mal Doran.

                          Archaeologist, morally grounded, bookworm, “Action” Jackson.

                          Thief, morally ambiguous, con artist, sex kitten.

                          Did he just think “sex kitten”?

                          Shaking his head, he continued to walk down the corridors of the SGC towards the gym, where he knew his answers should be. Whether it was for fear or, worse, anticipation, he had to know. He had to know everything, and he had to know now… before he made one of the biggest mistakes of his entire life.

                          It was still a shock to see Teal’c, literally fifty years older than he was three months ago. The graying streak across his usually rich, dark black hair was still an anomaly to Daniel: something misplaced, unnatural to the warrior within and without.

                          Though he knew Teal’c was now older than Bray’tac, he still moved like the same old Teal’c, and it felt like nothing had happened. For him, Daniel, anyway, nothing had. But the Jaffa had lived a lifetime without him, done things Daniel probably could only dream of, and seen much. And it was because of what he knew and what he had seen that the archaeologist came to him.

                          “Hey, Teal’c,” he said nonchalantly, waving a quick hand in greeting. “Whatcha up to?”

                          “I am completing my daily exercise regiment, Daniel Jackson,” replied his friend with a cryptic smile. “Is there something you wish to speak to me about?”

                          “No---well, yes, in a… in a way. I mean, it’s not… not all that important if you’re, you know, busy.”

                          “On the contrary, Daniel Jackson. If there is something you wish to speak of, by all means. If it is important to you, it is important to me also.”

                          Daniel clapped his hands together and rubbed them, trying to quell his nervousness. “Oh, ok, well… Um, can we sit? Somewhere? This might take a bit.”

                          Teal’c gestured to the mats below him. “I believe the floor will be sufficient for our needs.”

                          They both took a seat, and Daniel continued. “Teal’c, I’ve only asked you about your… well, ‘fifty-years-that-never-were’ once, right? I asked you what I learned from the Asgard database.”


                          “Obviously I did more than enough research, even though I knew I was going to die, and it would die with me.” He smiled warmly at the thought. “I guess I would’ve gone stir crazy if I didn’t. In almost any case, I’d like to think that as long as I had my work, or a good book, or a pad of paper, I’d be happy.” Pausing, a small sigh passed from his lips. “But I keep thinking I did something much more than that. Teal’c, I’ve been thinking about what I lost in those fifty years, what could’ve, should’ve, would’ve been, and there’s something that I have to know, something that I’m afraid will match up with what I’ve been feeling lately.”

                          “What is it, Daniel Jackson?”

                          “I’d like to think I could make it fifty years without… doing something… bad. Er, I mean, doing something that wouldn’t be normal for me. I mean, I’m a guy. And I’d like to think I could control myself for fifty years, but…”

                          Teal’c raised an eyebrow. “Are you speculating that you did something rash, Daniel Jackson?”

                          Daniel groaned. “That’s not entirely what I meant. I don’t know, lately… lately I’ve been wondering if… if…”

                          “You engaged in sexual relations with either Colonel Carter or Vala Mal Doran?”

                          He shook his head. “Not with Sam. I mean, Sam and I have been through a lot, but I doubt we would’ve.”

                          “Then Vala Mal Doran?”

                          “…Were Vala and I involved? At all?”

                          Teal’c turned to him, his face somewhat of a mask. “Why do you ask this question?”

                          “It’s just lately, Vala and I have been… clicking. You know, we’ve gotten into this synchronized pattern of trading banter and jabs. And when I needed something, she was always there, and when she needed something, I was there. And it’s like high school or something.” Daniel chuckled softly. “Did you know she tried to proposition me for sex last week? She had on this slinky black thing with all this ruffly, pink fur on it, and she was holding a set of matching handcuffs. I immediately slammed my door on her, but after I thought about it for awhile, I started laughing at how ridiculous it was. And the more I thought about it, the sillier it was. I don’t know… that stuff doesn’t bother me quite as much anymore.”

                          “I see.”

                          “And it’s more than just that. Lately, I’ve noticed there’s been a bit more… I want to say, affection? Compassion? Like the other day, when we went to P9Y-585, and she tripped over… what was it, a tree root? A rock?”

                          “It was a tree root, Daniel Jackson. She twisted her ankle, and could not walk.”

                          “I carried her on my back all the way back to the Stargate.”

                          “I remember. However, I was surprised by the lack of your return.”

                          “I stayed with her in the infirmary and kept her company. Teased her about how much of a klutz she is.”

                          “Do you believe you could have a relationship with her, Daniel Jackson?”

                          He shrugged. “I don’t know. That’s why I wanted to ask you. In the fifty years you lived, did it ever happen? Were Vala and I together?”

                          He expected the Jaffa to say what he did next. “Vala Mal Doran has also asked this question, and I have neither confirmed, nor denied her inquiry. Unfortunately, I must also do the same with you, in order to avoid creating a time paradox.”

                          Daniel groaned in frustration, faceplanting his head in his hands. “Teal’c, I have to know, and I can understand if you can’t tell Vala, but… this is just unfair!”

                          Teal’c chuckled surprised him, though, with what he said next. “I cannot confirm nor deny your current path of questioning, Daniel Jackson. However, there are certainly more… simpler questions you may ask to seek relatively similar answers.”

                          This piqued his interest. “What?”

                          “The answers you seek are specific and direct, questions I cannot answer. Yet more generalized questions may warrant the answers you are searching for.”

                          “Are you saying that you won’t tell me the answers I’m looking for directly, but you can tell me if I’m on the right track or not?”


                          Well, this was interesting. “Ok, Tough guy,” he answered, “let’s see whatcha got. Was I happy?”


                          “Was I married?”

                          “No, you were not.”

                          “Did I do more than just study the Asgard database?”


                          “Were there more than just myself involved?”

                          “You did many things with Colonel Carter, Colonel Mitchell, General Landry, Vala, and myself.”

                          “Did I do things with just a few people individually?”


                          “Did I spend my time doing things with the girls?”

                          “No, you did not.”

                          Interesting. “Did I do things with one of the girls at a time?”

                          Teal’c paused for a moment. “You did,” he answered slowly, and Daniel took that as a hint of him standing on the borderline between what the Jaffa could and could not tell him.

                          “Was Vala happy?”

                          “Extremely. And extremely bored.”

                          “Was she… with anybody?”

                          “Yes, she was.”

                          “…Did she love him?”

                          “Indeed. Very much.”

                          The next question was just touching that point of no return, but he couldn’t help but ask it. “Did he love her back?”

                          Teal’c nodded. “Indeed,” he replied softly, a small smile appearing. “Although they at first struggled with physical attraction, it eventually became mutually romantic feelings.”

                          “How long had they known each other? Before the time dilation field happened?” His mind lost all ability to focus when Teal’c replied, “approximately three and one-half years”, and he realized exactly what that meant. Three and a half years? But she didn’t come through the Stargate until two years and three quarters ago, which meant… which meant… His eyes widened, and he somehow had a hard time breathing. “Three and a half?”

                          He could’ve sworn the Jaffa was laughing at him on the inside. “Indeed, Daniel Jackson. Will there be any further questions?”

                          His legs were past the Jell-o stage when he tried to stand up, and eventually, Teal’c had to help him a bit. “Thanks. No, no, that… that covered it, I think. Thanks, Teal’c.”

                          “You seem distracted, Daniel Jackson.”

                          “Understatement of the year,” he mumbled, blinking his eyes hard and forcing them open again like an owl. “I… I have to get to work, Teal’c. I’ve got a few things to think about now…” He beamed faintly, contemplating for a moment, before he turned to his friend. “Thanks, Teal’c.”

                          The Jaffa bowed. “You are welcome, Daniel Jackson. As the Tau’ri would say, ‘anytime’.”


                            HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RONJA!!!


                              Originally posted by djay View Post
                              There's a good new DV fic up on Ff too! It has Ark of truth spoilers:


                              Awesome fic rec loved it thanks Djay

                              Hey all I will have limited access to the net for a few days so I won't be able to live here like I do lol I am at the libary now so I don't have my laptop so I can't save your WP or banners I hope I remember monday to go back save them Great job Stef and Kales.

                              Happy B-Day Ronja
                              Have a good one!!!!!!!!!!!!
                              Last edited by poundpuppy29; 31 March 2007, 08:10 AM.
                              My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                              poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                                Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                                I present to you (in spoiler tags, because I'm too lazy to put it up just yet), Part one of: the Tentative Courtship of Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran!! (The series I'm working on)!
                                Hybridbabe, THAT was amazing.
                                Ohh Teal'c, thank you so much. I was afraid a minute that you'd not talk about those fifty years.
                                It was wonderful to see how he could bent his own way to help Daniel.
                                Can't wait to see the next part.
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

