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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    BTW, just because I'm watching all the D/V scenes again:

    Anyone else squeeing over the fact that not only is Vala curled up next to Daniel in the bed, 20 years later, but one of his arms is wrapped around her waist? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

    EDIT: Found something else!!!! When Old Sam is talking about how they should let the beam hit them, Vala says, "And we'll all be dead", WATCH DANIEL'S HAND. It immediately moves over to hers, as if to hold her hand!!!!! And if you look at the way their sleeves are, it looks like they ARE holding hands!
    Last edited by Hybridbabe; 31 March 2007, 01:18 PM.


      Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
      Hehehehe, just wait until their first "official date"... Daniel's got something special planned for her. And don't forget: there's still the matter of asking (and finding) her father for Vala's hand in marriage.
      Ok. You got me. First date. I hope it includes somehow those damn handcuffs. That would be very special, right? No..well a girl can still dream

      And the wedding (If it happens... I don't know, it could all be a dream for all I know at this point ...)

      I shall leave you with a few dialogue tips in my head:

      Daddy Knows Best-
      "Jacek, I want to ask Vala to marry me."
      "Really? Congratulations!!! You're strong, courageous, and you can keep my little buttercup safe. But, unfortunately, I will have to say no."

      Paradise Lost:
      "Hello, Mother. What, you didn't invite me? I'm crushed. I wouldn't miss this day for the universe. And, should I be calling you Daddy now, Dr. Jackson?"
      Oh Boy. Jacek is a meany and Return of Adria..can't wait to read it

      I'm also tempted to make a very, very long and lengthy fiction about something else. Let's see if you can guess what it is from the title:

      "Misbegotten Legacies"
      Something about Asgard, i guess not very imaginative but still...

      Kales, You got yourself a hell of busy day. You're still working for us. You're certainly a very gentle soul. I'd green you If I could..
      Last edited by gioia; 31 March 2007, 01:40 PM.
      Banner made by Stef

      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


        Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
        BTW, just because I'm watching all the D/V scenes again:

        Anyone else squeeing over the fact that not only is Vala curled up next to Daniel in the bed, 20 years later, but one of his arms is wrapped around her waist? SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

        EDIT: Found something else!!!! When Old Sam is talking about how they should let the beam hit them, Vala says, "And we'll all be dead", WATCH DANIEL'S HAND. It immediately moves over to hers, as if to hold her hand!!!!! And if you look at the way their sleeves are, it looks like they ARE holding hands!
        I've noticed them before and I SQUEEED much like you
        It isn't pathetic to squeeeeee from that kind of things, is it? Right?
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          I've noticed them before and I SQUEEED much like you
          It isn't pathetic to squeeeeee from that kind of things, is it? Right?
          I saw those things too and squeee'd my heart out

          *looks around* There's another reason to exist?

          I found the word Squee in fandom... but then realised I do that in real life at real things, regularly. I love squeeing at the world. Makes me remember that earth is not a cold, dead place.

          Note to self. Stop quoting song titles.

          EDIT: gioia, it's allll good. I'm eating 'dinner' now and feeling much more energetic so it's alll good. And a slice of choco-energy after this will make it all better

          kay x


            Happy Birthday Ronja

            Here's a present for you
            Daniel/Vala - Season of Change


            Season of change life feels so strange
            Look into my eyes do you see the truth
            I'm lost and alone feelings unknown
            Come to me stronger than before

            On winds of time my soul will fly
            The angels are knocking at my door
            Oh now I need to be free
            From all this hatred I feel inside

            Let it be my dreams
            Let it be my thoughs
            All those things in my heart
            One too many days
            One too many years
            I wasted for nothing

            I never realized
            The truth is inside
            Of every man for all to see
            Listen to me now
            I'm so close to you
            Never felt like this before

            The carousel is spinning fast
            better enjoy while it lasts
            Every moment is like gold
            you'll remember when you're old
            And the meaning of this life
            is to live and is to die
            Make the best out of your dreams
            they're the world where you are free
            All the sorrow and the pain
            will be washed away by rain
            An eternal joy will come
            it can be found by everyone
            Though the end is drawing near
            I'm not feeling any fear
            I have found the truth inside
            after all the tears I've cried
            Season of Change...

            I'll try to get the filesize smaller by encoding with x264 but it takes a long time with the settings I'm going to use
            I'll leave my computer on for tonight to encode it
            Hopefully I can get it under 50MB without losing much of video quality
            Inside soft clouds we have drowned so deep in slumber our feet have lost the ground...


              Originally posted by Kales View Post
              I saw those things too and squeee'd my heart out

              *looks around* There's another reason to exist?

              I found the word Squee in fandom... but then realised I do that in real life at real things, regularly. I love squeeing at the world. Makes me remember that earth is not a cold, dead place.

              Note to self. Stop quoting song titles.
              Haha!! Glad to hear I'm not the only one. I'm doing a lof of squeee-ing in real life too but it's something more like ahhhhhhhahhahhhhhh. I can't pronoun or say 'sque' like you It's anormal to our fonotic.

              EDIT: gioia, it's allll good. I'm eating 'dinner' now and feeling much more energetic so it's alll good. And a slice of choco-energy after this will make it all better
              Well, I've just eaten a packet of chocoM&M myself. Heh. There is always a chocolate in my bag, ya know? I like to be prepared. You never don't know when an Unas will be there after the turn of corner

              kay x[/QUOTE]
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                Okay, time for me to play catch up. Ugh, longest most fun shift ever is over. OT but do you know that I got paid to shop today?!?! Five hours of trawling round charity shops for books with a friend and co-worker. And got paid for it. Oh so fun, but I'm exhausted, because I was in charge at the shop before and after... just got in.

                But no worries about ficness! Here's my itinerary for the night:

                1. LC, finish that off for you.

                kay x
                once again Kay...'with bated breath',lol


                My Fiction:


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  And pssst... Stef, I would have given you one during your flu etc, but you already have enough to make me write 'Gone with the Wind 3: Daniel and Vala'
         there's an idea At the very least, that could be their Halloween costumes this year!

                  Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                  I present to you (in spoiler tags, because I'm too lazy to put it up just yet), Part one of: the Tentative Courtship of Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran!! (The series I'm working on)!

                  Part ONE: The Big Reveal
                  Oh, wow. That was wonderful, HB. Must.Have.More.

                  Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
                  Yeah I know about Sam = Mara but who else could be the love interest for our dear Luke/Cam? Certainly not that Amy girl- althrough she might be the best fit. Telya could be Mon Mothma (if we're thinking bout SGA), you know strong, leader- ^_^

                  What play were you going to go see?
                  ---------As for women whumpage- so longs as it isn't the kind in LITS like you said Stef I'm all for it!
                  Ha! I actually would see Weir as more of Mon Motha, if anyone. Teyla could be Teneniel Djo (is that her name?) from TCOPL....or maybe Winter. Am I getting too off-topic? Sorry.

                  I actually missed the play last night So, I have to see it tonight. It's "Big Love." It's based on this ancient Greek play we read in class called "The Suppliants." Apparently, there is going to be full frontal nudity. No word on whether it's male or female. Should be....interesting.

                  Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                  I shall leave you with a few dialogue tips in my head:

                  Daddy Knows Best-
                  "Jacek, I want to ask Vala to marry me."
                  "Really? Congratulations!!! You're strong, courageous, and you can keep my little buttercup safe. But, unfortunately, I will have to say no."

                  Paradise Lost:
                  "Hello, Mother. What, you didn't invite me? I'm crushed. I wouldn't miss this day for the universe. And, should I be calling you Daddy now, Dr. Jackson?"
                  Ha! I love those little lines...can't wait to read all of the wonderful dialogue that surrounds them when you get around to writing the stories. And, am I sensing a wedding for our couple in the near future?

                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Everyone on Unending scene:

                  I agree, lol, even if I like the plot bunny.

                  And Daniel looks... I watched it again to answer this ... empathetic. Almost sympathetic but closer to empathy. And not too upset himself, although his eyes are the definition of heart breaking... but IMO, it's the definition of someone's heart breaking for someone else, not himself. It's a mix of upset, worry and compassion.

                  And Vala's clearly breaking her heart. I suspect it's her past or the situation or both. I suspect the last... to justify... in that scene earlier on, with Teal'c in the ration room, she is actually losing it. Yes, it's funny, but she's also going mental on the ship and struggling with it.

                  I would put it down to a dislike of being trapped and cages, which comes from her past and also, we know she has a short attention span. I think that might be more her way of keeping busy so she doesn't have to think about things, and when she runs out of things to do, she's forced to think about things she doesn't want to.

                  It's also a nice parallel to Daniel opening up - okay, in blistering fashion, but hey, no one can deny he did share his feelings - and a nice follow-on from Dominion and the scene in TTTB/TPTB... Vala finally, finally, breaking in front of him absolutely and completely, finally trusting him to see her like that.
                  Yeah, I agree with your interpretation about "Unending."
                  My first thought, when I saw the scene for the first time, was the whole "lost a baby" thing. But I blame that ENTIRELY on Kales and her wonderful "Unending" fic that wrote about that. But, after watching it a couple more times, it became pretty clear that Daniel was comforting her and wasn't in the kind of pain that she was.

                  Still, she seems more upset than I would have pictured for being trapped aboard the ship. I think it might be the second part of the scene where she moves away from Daniel. There is just so much abject pain there.

                  Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                  BTW, just because I'm watching all the D/V scenes again:


                  EDIT: Found something else!!!! When Old Sam is talking about how they should let the beam hit them, Vala says, "And we'll all be dead", WATCH DANIEL'S HAND. It immediately moves over to hers, as if to hold her hand!!!!! And if you look at the way their sleeves are, it looks like they ARE holding hands!
                  Yup, I always catch that bit. She looks so sad, and you just see him look over at her with concern, reaching for her hand to comfort her


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Someone already posted this, but since we're losing, I'll post it again.

                    "Who would win in a fight, Vala or Teyla"?

                    Teyla's got the skills, but Vala's got the smarts. She's a very resourceful lady

                    Vote now if you haven't already done so.


                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      On Unending, and aimed directly at Miss Stefanie, I'm highly flattered that my fic actually influenced your reaction to an ep. I'm sure it's meant to be the other way around.

                      And LC, check your emails!

                      kay x


                        LC, congrats on 100!

                        EDIT: Where is everyone tonight???? I know it's Saturday and some people have more of a life than me but this is unreal...
                        Last edited by Kales; 31 March 2007, 04:00 PM.


                          Oh, Hybrid! A new fic.
                          Off to read it now.

                          On Unending

                          This was why I was so annoyed there was no goss from MS on Unending. I would love to have heard what that scene was all about from the writers point of view.

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Loved the fic, Hybridbabe! More! More!
                            (Djay's being demanding again )

                            Loved this part:
                            “I carried her on my back all the way back to the Stargate.”
                            Love that image!
                            He's her Lobster!
                            LTS: Life's too short


                              Guys? I was having issues with these fics... and now I realise why. They don't want to be two fics. They want to be one fic. So they shall be. Sprucing up is necessary but necessarily tomorrow morning, I think, as I am intensely tired and typing incoherent trash. Going for a nap.

                              Oh and ... The Daniel And Vala Sitcom, Episode One:

                              V: Can I borrow a book from you? It's called Making a Living in the Middle Ages...

                              D: *knew I'd convert her to history in the end, I did, yoda, done my work is!*

                              D: ... *still basking*....
                              V: Daniel, what date is it?
                              D: *thinks*

                              *still thinking*


                              D: You're mean to me.

                              V: You love me anyway, right?

                              D: Of course I do. But that has nothing to do with you being mean to me....

                              D:... except that I let you get away with it.

                              Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!

                              V: It's my favourite day of the year!
                              D: .... Vala.... it's April Fool's Day. Kay was just silly.
                              V: Exactly! And aren't you happy to be my friend on this fateful day?
                              D: *considers attempting to go to Atlantis... again...*

                              Happy April Fool's

                              EDIT: G'night guys. And Kath Pup I know what time it is where you are *grin*

                              kay x


                                LOL! Funny one, Kay!

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

