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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    ^ Thanks. I was feeling sappy. Hence the sitcom. My brain is actually at the level of pic-spam-as-communication e.g.:

    V: He's my lobster.

    D: *Don't make me kill you, especially because it's true*

    Okay, I am going to bed. Much more and I'll make myself gag on all the fluff I'm currently posting.

    kay x


      I'm to whismy to say anything atm so just THANK YOU EVERYONE!! Had an awsome birthday indeed


        YAY!! You used the lobster line!

        Happy belated bday, Ronja.
        He's her Lobster!
        LTS: Life's too short


          Happy April fool's to everyone and a late happy b-day to Ronja.

          Hybridbabe loved your fic and Daniel's realisation. Can't wait to see more.

          On a side note I have a whole day on Wednesday to brainstorm for my own Daniel/Vala fic, well I should be doing a politics essay but I don't think that's gonna happen.

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            LC, congrats on 100!

            EDIT: Where is everyone tonight???? I know it's Saturday and some people have more of a life than me but this is unreal...
            OH thanks...but I'm still waiting on the prize I was expecting for reaching 90...when can I expect
            And I would have been here earlier to say:
            Kales :
   like really like me(well my work at least). Read everything you had to say and yeah I understand about character dialogue nagging at you if it's not right...there was some stuff that just seemed off and I needed someone else(you) to tell me what was wrong..thanks.
            I am going to have to check punctuation rules for dialogue, because I seeing your capitalising the word after the end of quotes as incorrect...wonder if it could the difference in our ages.
            Thanks so much for the effort/time you have given me...much appreciated because I really wanted to get this right...I've read so many that are just not right and I just feel disrespectful of the characters if I can't get it right.
            I love these two so much it would wonderful to be able to actually make money by writing real saleable stuff.
            Hey I think I may be the first to post this tag scene.
            And the reason I wasn't here earlier was because my husband happened on MM being run on a station that is available on our satellite service...SO naturally I gotta watch Daniel claim it wasn't a date,lol


            My Fiction:


              Howdy everyone. I guess Saturday night isn't the big chat-fest you'd think it would be

              So, I missed that stupid play again!!!! This time wasn't my fault though, it was "sold out." This is not good. I needed to have watched that for class on Monday, and tonight was the last night. Oops. Who knew full frontal nudity was so popular?

              I keep meaning to say this, but I keep forgetting (so forgive the belated wishes):

              Oh, and congrats on 100 posts, LC


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Happy April Fool's Day!

                Can't sleep. Need to sleep, but can't.

                HB your fics are great as always!

                Stef the walls are great as always!

                Happy Belated b-day Ronja!!!!!

                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                <sigh>ya know all these 'unending' fics about a lost child are very angsty and I am enjoying them, BUT I gotta say I don't read that scene the same way.
                I don't see Daniel sharing her grief...and if it involved a child that they created he would be...I see him giving comfort and solace but the grief is not his....if it was shared grief I would think they would be embracing each other, but it's Daniel's arms around her, not mutal. So my take is that he FINALLY got her to open up about any of the following...Adria, Quetesh, Jacek...and maybe even Tomin(since she thinks he's dead)
                Anyone else see that...or am I a lone voice?
                I'm not saying you're wrong. I can see the scene both ways. Just want to input a bit. Putting this in spoilers because I never know when I'm gonna spill one...
                Can I add my two cents? I a post no one is going to answer to and knowing I am going to anyway. I've unfortunatly had the oppurtunity to see such scenes in real life and the men always try to be strong for the women. They deal with it a different way usually. They feel (not all, but a lot) that they have to be the strength of the relationship and carry the woman through. They put themselves second. I think Daniel would and is the same way. If they did lose a baby (and I see this scene being at least a day or two later because they would have kept her in the infirmary for a bit) he would be so concerned for her that he would just hold her. In my head I've always seen it as the first day they allow her back to her and Daniel's room, Daniel goes to get her something to eat. He comes back to find her on the floor crying. He drops everything and falls next to her, grabbing her into his arms. He is hurting to, but at that moment she needs him so badly nothing else matters. I'm not trying to be all women=weak, men=strong. I am woman...hear me roar. And I guess since I've watched that almost exact scene play out in real life...well I guess that makes me biased. I guess I connect the two. And that was more than anyone wanted to know. I just wanted to explain why I thought it could work that way.

                Wow...depressing...must end on happy is good...especially on a biscuit. Haha. And...when Vala was in Daniel's you think she checked him out...naked? There...Daniel naked...happy thought.
                by: SerenaSerenity


                  Happy Birthday Ronja! Glad to hear you had a great day.

                  Oh and Happy April fools day!

                  It's April fools day? *Evil grin* This is going to be fun...
                  Last edited by Arwen; 31 March 2007, 10:18 PM.

                  Spread the Mckay LOVE... around and around ... until you get Dizzy!

                  Daniel and Vala Forever xXx
                  "You should of seen me! I was amazing!"


                    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                    Happy April Fool's Day!

                    I'm not saying you're wrong. I can see the scene both ways. Just want to input a bit. Putting this in spoilers because I never know when I'm gonna spill one...
                    Can I add my two cents? I a post no one is going to answer to and knowing I am going to anyway. I've unfortunatly had the oppurtunity to see such scenes in real life and the men always try to be strong for the women. They deal with it a different way usually. They feel (not all, but a lot) that they have to be the strength of the relationship and carry the woman through. They put themselves second. I think Daniel would and is the same way. If they did lose a baby (and I see this scene being at least a day or two later because they would have kept her in the infirmary for a bit) he would be so concerned for her that he would just hold her. In my head I've always seen it as the first day they allow her back to her and Daniel's room, Daniel goes to get her something to eat. He comes back to find her on the floor crying. He drops everything and falls next to her, grabbing her into his arms. He is hurting to, but at that moment she needs him so badly nothing else matters. I'm not trying to be all women=weak, men=strong. I am woman...hear me roar. And I guess since I've watched that almost exact scene play out in real life...well I guess that makes me biased. I guess I connect the two. And that was more than anyone wanted to know. I just wanted to explain why I thought it could work that way.
                    ITA 100%
                    I do think it was a miscarrage I think he was being the strong one it fits their relationship real well Dominion shows us that how personal he is with her and he would be the strong one

                    on a personal note I have some stuff written for my D&V fan fic and it will be NC-17 that scene will not let me go it's all because of the drinking game I had the none liquer drinks but drinks that were sweet and since then I have been having alot suger and suger unlocks that part of my brain
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                      I'm not saying you're wrong. I can see the scene both ways. Just want to input a bit. Putting this in spoilers because I never know when I'm gonna spill one...
                      Can I add my two cents? I a post no one is going to answer to and knowing I am going to anyway. I've unfortunatly had the oppurtunity to see such scenes in real life and the men always try to be strong for the women. They deal with it a different way usually. They feel (not all, but a lot) that they have to be the strength of the relationship and carry the woman through. They put themselves second. I think Daniel would and is the same way. If they did lose a baby (and I see this scene being at least a day or two later because they would have kept her in the infirmary for a bit) he would be so concerned for her that he would just hold her. In my head I've always seen it as the first day they allow her back to her and Daniel's room, Daniel goes to get her something to eat. He comes back to find her on the floor crying. He drops everything and falls next to her, grabbing her into his arms. He is hurting to, but at that moment she needs him so badly nothing else matters. I'm not trying to be all women=weak, men=strong. I am woman...hear me roar. And I guess since I've watched that almost exact scene play out in real life...well I guess that makes me biased. I guess I connect the two. And that was more than anyone wanted to know. I just wanted to explain why I thought it could work that way.

                      Wow...depressing...must end on happy is good...especially on a biscuit. Haha. And...when Vala was in Daniel's you think she checked him out...naked? There...Daniel naked...happy thought.
                      Ha! I like that thought

                      As for what you said about "Unending," I agree. When I first saw it, that was kind of where my mind went...and it's still kind of there in a way. I have begun to accept the idea that she was just frustrated but...
                      ...I always feel that she is a little more devastated than that situation would warrant. But I'm still not sure if I can get onboard with the miscarriage thing for logical reasons But I definitely get this overwhelming sense of grief, like something really dramatic happened, when I watch that scene, regardless of what my brain is saying Ah, the conflict!

                      But I agree with your point about Daniel. It is, a lot of the time, the men that feel the need to be "strong." And that's what I felt he was doing, regardless of the reason for Vala's breakdown. He was being strong for her.

                      Just my thoughts though

             I made another "The Ark of Truth" poster. As per request, it is more DV-centric. The tag is inspired by the one Kales suggested

                      Last edited by Stef; 31 March 2007, 09:49 PM.

                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Tired now. Will leave everyone with this final thought...

                        Does Daniels arms look almost as shiny and smooth as Vala's??? Is he an arm shaver??

                        by: SerenaSerenity


                          Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                          Tired now. Will leave everyone with this final thought...

                          Does Daniels arms look almost as shiny and smooth as Vala's??? Is he an arm shaver??

                          I don't know! Sure feels...I mean looks like it

                          Thats one sexy picture kamiikiteiru. I wonder why I haven't seen it before?! It looks like its from season 9. Do you know what episode it is from?

                          Spread the Mckay LOVE... around and around ... until you get Dizzy!

                          Daniel and Vala Forever xXx
                          "You should of seen me! I was amazing!"


                            I'm pretty sure that it's just a promotional pic. There are actually a few others...

                            The Daniel/Vala one is clearly the best....but I also enjoy the one with everyone laughing Vala and her boys.

                            Although, gotta say, I prefer the black shirt/black pant combo over the black shirt/green pant one.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Well at one of the cons he admitted to shaving his chest (it is just too smooth not to be!)
                              He said it started at college when some hockey mates shaved the teams name or something in his chest hair. He said it just never grew back the same!
                              I'm not complaining, I love his chest! Would like to see it hairy too (just for comparison, of course! Hehe!)

                              Last edited by djay; 31 March 2007, 11:30 PM.
                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                Shaving is OK. His chest is just perfect
                                and morning people!!
                                I started the day with picture of MS's chest in my head. Thank you
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

