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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    *giggles insanely*


    Would green you if I could!

    And Kath Yes, you are.


      Nah don't worry about it if you can't give me any And I had a lot of fun making it, I was giggling like mad!

      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
      TekTek, & Gaia Online



        ^ found some lying around.


          Awwww thanks!!

          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
          TekTek, & Gaia Online


            Yay! Shes, *hugs*

            Go see the new pretty.


              Originally posted by Kales View Post
              Yay! Shes, *hugs*

              Go see the new pretty.
              The LJ Layout looks great Kales Very easy to read and the background is awesome!!!!!!

              Last edited by DJgirl; 18 April 2007, 02:38 PM.
              Sig made by me


                I'm at school and it never lets me quote here so will have to play catch up later.

                Dropping off a fic link. Beta'd by Kales (Kales I will credit you on the fic when I get home and have a faster comp)

                Unending spoilers...sorry people who have not seen Unending, but you aren't missing out on anything. I promise. I'm new to this ship writing so I'm a baby Dala writer. Its just baby gibberish.


                Sigh...tired of chemistry...wish MS taught it...would be much more interesting.
                by: SerenaSerenity


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Yay! Shes, *hugs*

                  Go see the new pretty.
                  I viewed and commented I love the colours and what you've done with the background, and you can't go wrong with purple I need to tinker with mine a bit more.

                  Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                  I'm at school and it never lets me quote here so will have to play catch up later.

                  Dropping off a fic link. Beta'd by Kales (Kales I will credit you on the fic when I get home and have a faster comp)

                  Unending spoilers...sorry people who have not seen Unending, but you aren't missing out on anything. I promise. I'm new to this ship writing so I'm a baby Dala writer. Its just baby gibberish.


                  Sigh...tired of chemistry...wish MS taught it...would be much more interesting.
                  Thank you for the fic, I'll read it soon

                  Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                  TekTek, & Gaia Online


                    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                    I'm at school and it never lets me quote here so will have to play catch up later.

                    Dropping off a fic link. Beta'd by Kales (Kales I will credit you on the fic when I get home and have a faster comp)

                    Unending spoilers...sorry people who have not seen Unending, but you aren't missing out on anything. I promise. I'm new to this ship writing so I'm a baby Dala writer. Its just baby gibberish.


                    Sigh...tired of chemistry...wish MS taught it...would be much more interesting.
                    Kami that was soooo far from gibberish, it was great. It made my shippy heart go all a flutter Makes me want to watch Unending again...LOL

                    Fabulous Job!!!!! Green for you

                    Last edited by DJgirl; 18 April 2007, 03:13 PM.
                    Sig made by me


                      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                      I can see how you would get confused if you didn't know they'd been involved before they were on the Enterprise. Long time Trek fan here, was a Trekkie long before I was a Gater!
                      Yeah, I just sat there and wondered why he was telling her this Of course, then I looked it up online and found out that they later got married.

                      Question: In my continuing effort to get knowledgeable on all things Sci-Fi, I'm thinking that maybe I should watch at least some of a Star Trek. Is there one series (aside from the original) that you guys would recommend? I'm not particularly fond of "Deep Space Nine" from what I've maybe not that.

                      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                      I was thinking more along the lines of having Daniel being the lowly one and Vala being all high and mighty. But things can be changed when I actually think about it properly

                      Do you have an LJ so I can credit you properly?
                      That is much better than my idea. He can be the rogue, and she can be the stubborn lady who is unimpressed by his vagabond ways. Wait....I need to stop this!!

                      Now I'm thinking about writing Vala and Daniel in some sort of historical romance. Oh gosh, I can only imagine how that would go

                      Here's the link to my LIVERJOURNAL. My user name is "scifi-tv-addict."

                      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                      James Purefoy.... *Drools* I had such a thing for him after that film!

                      If you're not going to read SF they might as well let you read fantasy at least! Probably because that would be to obvious for a feminist class, and you so should watch Voyager. After all, it's not often the captain turns into a lizard and mates with a crew member.
                      Wait, "Voyager" with Janeway? I always get them confused. But the whole lizard-mating thing sounds like fun

                      James him. "What a pair we make. Both trying to hide who we are, both unable to do so......something, something.....but that's knightly too." *sigh* I love him. He was also in the poor adaptation of Vanity Fair (and is currently starring in HBO's Rome). Wasn't a fan of that movie, but my God, he looks soooooooooo delicious in those black militia outfits!

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      Vala was so born to be a lady. She'd be like the Casanova of the female population.
                      No doubt.

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      Oh thank god we weren't the only ones. We watched the credits, twice, to find out who he was. Then imdb'ed him, because we didn't remember the name he pretended to be.

                      Small part but so droolable. Still, I preferred naked Paul Bettany. And Paul Bettany just... speaking. Being funny.
                      Yes, I do enjoy a naked Paul Bettany! But James Purefoy has that great outfit and was called the "dark prince" or something to that effect. I also liked Alan Tudyk "Your entrails will be your extrails......Pain! Lots of pain!"

                      Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                      Ok, here's my ships, and some of them I don't necessarily want them canon, I just love reading about them in fanfic, seeing pictures and manips etc, and just having fun with the ship

                      Star Wars: - Han & Leia, probably my first ship!
                      Ditto on that I LOVED/LOVE Han/Leia. They are pretty much my template for judging onscreen relationships

                      Originally posted by gioia View Post
                      Kath, DV trashy romance. Are you making it a Barbara Cartland romance I read one of them once
                      OMG, Barabara Cartland. I think my roommate made me watch the movie versions of some of her books. Oh dear. It was painful....yet surprisingly funny (and a really bad way). I actually asked my friend, who loved this movie, if the main guy was the heroine's cousin and she was like "no" but then it turned out he was. She got really upset. She was like "!!!" And she never watched it again. Ha!

                      Originally posted by Kales View Post
                      Yay! Shes, *hugs*

                      Go see the new pretty.
                      Yay! I like I changed my layout as well, thanks to help from the wonderful Shes

                      Okay, time to watch The Wedding Planner for my Rom-Com class and then study for my Cog. Psych. exam tomorrow.

                      Oh, and I got a 100% on my short story for my SF class! Yay! Of course, I still don't feel like it's good enough, so I might sit down one of these days and revise it some that when I die, my surviving relatives can publish it


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Yeah, I just sat there and wondered why he was telling her this Of course, then I looked it up online and found out that they later got married.

                        Question: In my continuing effort to get knowledgeable on all things Sci-Fi, I'm thinking that maybe I should watch at least some of a Star Trek. Is there one series (aside from the original) that you guys would recommend? I'm not particularly fond of "Deep Space Nine" from what I've maybe not that.
                        I personally like Next Generation the best. But my Dad, who loves, loves, loves Star Trek would probably recommend either Voyager or Enterprise!!

                        Oh, and I got a 100% on my short story for my SF class! Yay! Of course, I still don't feel like it's good enough, so I might sit down one of these days and revise it some that when I die, my surviving relatives can publish it

                        Congrats Stef!!! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself

                        Last edited by DJgirl; 18 April 2007, 03:14 PM.
                        Sig made by me



                          Well I finally gave in to the voice in my head telling me to stop lurking and join. It's isabelqc on hariboo_smirks over at LJ, for those who I have already started a rapport with . And at the moment I offer only the link to my account and my LJ where all my fanfiction is to be found.



                          *Presents offerings and slinks away*
                          banner by Stef


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                            Well I finally gave in to the voice in my head telling me to stop lurking and join. It's isabelqc on hariboo_smirks over at LJ, for those who I have already started a rapport with . And at the moment I offer only the link to my account and my LJ where all my fanfiction is to be found.



                            *Presents offerings and slinks away*
                            Welcome isabelqc!!

                            Sig made by me


                              DJG and everyone, thanks

                              I'm at school and it never lets me quote here so will have to play catch up later.

                              Dropping off a fic link. Beta'd by Kales (Kales I will credit you on the fic when I get home and have a faster comp)

                              Unending spoilers...sorry people who have not seen Unending, but you aren't missing out on anything. I promise. I'm new to this ship writing so I'm a baby Dala writer. Its just baby gibberish.


                              Sigh...tired of chemistry...wish MS taught it...would be much more interesting.
                              Yay! You posted it! And don't worry about the credit. Will go RnR in a minute.

                              And you can't have him, lol, he's teaching Medieval history at my university so I don't get bored

                              Stef, he was called the Black Prince: the prince of Wales at that time, he tended to wear black armour in battle so his men knew who he was --- or so my friend told me

                              ISABELQC!!!!! You joined! Yay! You're going to love it here, I swear *is v.happy*

                              oh and... Tonight's Domino Motion. Pure fluff, everyone, but it's a decent length. I wanted a break from the plot for a little while. Enjoy:

                              (17 mine's not a high horse)


                                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                                I personally like Next Generation the best. But my Dad, who loves, loves, loves Star Trek would probably recommend either Voyager or Enterprise!!

                                Congrats Stef!!! You shouldn't be so hard on yourself
                                Yeah, I think I was debating between either TNG or Voyager. I'm kind of steering away from Enterprise because I heard it was the "weakest link" so to speak.

                                You guys should have heard me and my friend in sf class today. Everyone was attacking TNG episode, but we refused to let them and basically had a rebuttle for everything they said. He He. Sounded like we were big ST fans.

                                So...yay!!! The teacher let us out of the movie showing tonight. Of course this means that I now have every excuse in the world to study properly for this exam And I still have to write a film v book analysis of The Chronicles of Narnia. Blah, blah, blah.

                                Yeah, I'm very sensitive about my writing, especially my creative writing. I just never feel like it's good enough. I don't know why I'm so sensitive to that particular outlet of expression. Probably because I'm a stronger artist than a writer.

                                I'm actually in the process of writing my own little spin-off story to SG-1. Like, what the third series could be like. It basically starts with this new team that goes to some other galaxy or something and manages to get stranded, without any way of getting back to Earth (even worse than SGA in the first season). They basically have to survive on whatever they can find in the planet/galaxy they're stuck in. I really wanted to get away from the SGC and just see how they would interact in this entirely new environment, with no touchstones to home (and no pre-made city to go to).

                                Most of the stuff I'm writing right now stems from the two leads' relationship with one another. Let's just say that they were married and it didn't end well. Plus, she's kind of a stubborn screw-up. Think a less-annoying Starbuck from BSG but mix in some O'Neill humor. Of course, right now it seems to be mostly just them bickering with each other I keep coming up with dialogue but I'm lacking an actual story!!

                                Oh...this thread is about DV, right? Let's see......

                                Daniel/Vala!! Woo-hoo!!


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