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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    *runs back in* omg so love love love that pic of CB!!

    *not here*

    *runs out*


      Originally posted by Ronja View Post
      *runs back in* omg so love love love that pic of CB!!

      *not here*

      ................................................................*runs out*

      V: Think Ronja really left?

      D: There's only one way to find out...

      V: How do you know she'll click the tags?

      V:.....................................................................Yup. Good point.


      V: You just wanted an excuse to do that, didn't you?

      D: Always. You complaining?

      V: My Daniel. He's learning!

      ..............And that, ladies and gents, is the meaning of procrastination! Enjoy.


        Ha! Love the pic wars, guys Been awhile since anyone had one here. It's so strange because when I go to other threads, it's usually ALL I see, rather than actual conversation. This thread maintains a nice balance, I think.

        I'd add something, but I'm not nearly as clever as either of you

        Oh God, I think my roommate is doing something I don't want to know about in the other room. Quick, someone distract me!!!

        And Kales, you still on? Isn't like 5am there or something?


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          Lol Stef, 4.21am to be exact.

          I have the books, the papers, and the files open in front of me hehe. Getting closer to work lol.


          ^ ... It's a distraction!

          kay x


            Maybe not the kind you're after right now though, lol. Cleo updated Honor Among Thieves, if that helps

            kay x

            ps... not as clever as you with pics... haha... lmao... the world's gone mad today...


              Now see, you're just putting even dirtier thoughts in my head with that pic. You're evil

              Hey, I've got nothing against staying awake until 5am, I do it almost every night. That would explain why I take 6 hour naps at 5pm.

              Thanks for the chapter update. I'm not sure how much I've read of that story. Will have to go back and look. Still have to finish a couple of others as well. But my mind is currently not in the mood to process words. Hence, why I am working on my D/V vid. I'm trying to map out the pacing...I want this to tell their whole story, so I have to break the vid into chunks in order to make sure I don't spend too much time on any one episode or portion of the season.

              It still feels strange to me that season 10 has triple the clips that season 9 does. I feel like season 9 deserves half of the vid, despite the fact that there were only 6-7 episodes with Vala I guess it's because her and Daniel were the centers of those episodes

              As for the cleverness, Kales, I am not good with words. LOL. What I mean by this is that I can never come up with little quips (hence, why I don't write much fic). I can never think of things to write on wallpapers or funny little bits to have on my icons. I have a better eye for images.


              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Now see, you're just putting even dirtier thoughts in my head with that pic. You're evil

                Hey, I've got nothing against staying awake until 5am, I do it almost every night. That would explain why I take 6 hour naps at 5pm.
                Does this mean that if we both slept at normal hours, we would cross over? or that we wouldn't, because we'd both be sleeping at exactly the opposite times of when we do? and more importantly, would I confuse myself less?

                Thanks for the chapter update. I'm not sure how much I've read of that story. Will have to go back and look. Still have to finish a couple of others as well.
                Np, Stef. Lol, Cleo updates about 11.30pm every night by my time, so I always look out for it because she updates daily lol, except on weekends. I'm so jealous of her review count it's almost 500....

                As for the cleverness, Kales, I am not good with words. LOL. What I mean by this is that I can never come up with little quips (hence, why I don't write much fic). I can never think of things to write on wallpapers or funny little bits to have on my icons. I have a better eye for images.
                Haha, I've snurched evidence that begs to differ but nevermind

                kay x


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Does this mean that if we both slept at normal hours, we would cross over? or that we wouldn't, because we'd both be sleeping at exactly the opposite times of when we do? and more importantly, would I confuse myself less?
                  Ha! Let's see, it was 4am there when it was 12am here, so there's around a four hour difference bteween us. Carry the one.......with a remainder of 5.....I have no idea.

                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Np, Stef. Lol, Cleo updates about 11.30pm every night by my time, so I always look out for it because she updates daily lol, except on weekends. I'm so jealous of her review count it's almost 500....
                  So a regular like that I'm highly impatient. That's why I prefer reading stories when they are done. I can't handle the suspense How many chapters does she have? Because if she's always updating, it would make sense that she has a certain amount of reviews for each chapter. You haven't written anything that long, have you? If you had, I'm sure you'd have 600 hundred (about half of them would probably be me, but it's the quantity that matters, right?).

                  Speaking of updates, wasn't Padfoot supposed to have finished that vid of hers by now?

                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Haha, I've snurched evidence that begs to differ but nevermind
                  Yes, but those have all been music lyrics. Most of the time, I just put "Daniel and Vala" on there somewhere. Always gets a bit tricky. I onlt think I did it well on maybe 2 or 3 wallpapers (the "Ring of Fire" and "The Reason" ones).

                  Question, and feel free to reject me here, Kales. Would you mind proof-reading my fic? I trust your judgement on these things. I want to publish, but apparently one read-through isn't enough to secure my confidence


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Originally posted by djay View Post
                    Ok, this is driving me nuts.
                    A work colleage and I were at the lunch table today and she said "Don't even go there!" to someone. And I just grinned because it sounded JUST like Daniel Jackson. But for the life of me I can't think of the episode he says it in. Anyone know?
                    I just grinned like a cheshire cat!

                    If someone else hasn't answered this it is in the famous bedroom scene of Season 9's The Ties that Bind. She suggests they might be stuck togeather for the rest of their lives and that is what Daniel is refering to with the "Don't even go there."
                    thanks Stef

                    Thanks Wendy


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Ha! Let's see, it was 4am there when it was 12am here, so there's around a four hour difference bteween us. Carry the one.......with a remainder of 5.....I have no idea.
                      Oh so not gonna touch that. *is still confused*

                      So a regular like that I'm highly impatient. That's why I prefer reading stories when they are done. I can't handle the suspense How many chapters does she have? Because if she's always updating, it would make sense that she has a certain amount of reviews for each chapter. You haven't written anything that long, have you? If you had, I'm sure you'd have 600 hundred (about half of them would probably be me, but it's the quantity that matters, right?).
                      I think it's about 31 or something. But they're all fairly short compared to mine So clearly I should just split my chapters after writing in batches and update nightly so people like me get hooked

                      Speaking of updates, wasn't Padfoot supposed to have finished that vid of hers by now?
                      Hmm, I believe she was. *looks around in shifty manner*

                      Then again, doesn't she also have limited net access atm??

                      Yes, but those have all been music lyrics. Most of the time, I just put "Daniel and Vala" on there somewhere. Always gets a bit tricky. I onlt think I did it well on maybe 2 or 3 wallpapers (the "Ring of Fire" and "The Reason" ones).
                      Lmao! *rofl* ... yes, because my chapter titles and chapters never have song lyrics in them lmao.

                      Question, and feel free to reject me here, Kales. Would you mind proof-reading my fic? I trust your judgement on these things. I want to publish, but apparently one read-through isn't enough to secure my confidence

                      *pre-emptive SQUEEE!*

                      Seriously fine, brilliant, would be glad to!! Send me it, sure. You have my email... if not, [email protected]... attached as .rtf format, if you don't mind

                      Aw thanks I feel flattered now.

                      Okay, I'm going for a shower, because a shower and coffee makes up for no sleep of course lol.

                      kay x


                        Hello, thanks for this photos!!

                        i miss Daniel and Vala

                        yeah thanks for my video but i'm not proud of it because i'm a lot of problem with my software ;


                          Argghh, pic war. I missed the party again.
                          You're amazing ladies. Thanks so much for piccies and caps
                          CB has a great smile. Normally I don't like that kind of 32-teeth smile but it suits her wonderfully

                          Originally posted by Kales View Post
                          I have the books, the papers, and the files open in front of me hehe. Getting closer to work lol.

                          kay x
                          Hahha, you're just like me when i was a student. I always prepared to work, had everything for studying but at the end of night... can't say i had much success. There was always something to distract me or I used to turn the alarm on at some ridiculous hour of the morning like 6.00AM to study before leaving for college, then go to bed and when the alarm begin to ring, I turn off the damn thing and continue to sleep
                          Actually, when I think of it, I missed the lessons too..
                          I was a bad, a very bad student at college.
                          Banner made by Stef

                          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            Argghh, pic war. I missed the party again.
                            You're amazing ladies. Thanks so much for piccies and caps
                            CB has a great smile. Normally I don't like that kind of 32-teeth smile but it suits her wonderfully

                            Hahha, you're just like me when i was a student. I always prepared to work, had everything for studying but at the end of night... can't say i had much success. There was always something to distract me or I used to turn the alarm on at some ridiculous hour of the morning like 6.00AM to study before leaving for college, then go to bed and when the alarm begin to ring, I turn off the damn thing and continue to sleep
                            Actually, when I think of it, I missed the lessons too..
                            I was a bad, a very bad student at college.
                            Ha! Sounds a bit like me Although, I'm a bit more paranoid. For big days that I know I have to get stuff done (the morning is usually when I do everything, having wasted the night doing nothing), I set like, four alarms because I know that there's a good chance that I'll just ignore the first couple It's really hard to put in the effort when it's post-Spring Break in your last semester of college. Besides, I have more pressing concerns (like getting a job).

                            So, as I sit here eating my taquitos from Taco Bell, I realize that I have discovered the key to weightloss. You can eat something like Taco Bell as long as you only eat one meal a day! That's pretty much what I've been doing. It's mostly because I'm too lazy to either make anything or go out and buy anything. So, I wind up putting off eating from 10am through 3am (that's a solid 17 hours without eating, for anyone who's interested). I've already lost 12 pounds. Ha! Victory is mine! It's all about disciplining the mind, people I was just joking with my friend that I should write a book "How to Make Laziness Work For You." Just wait for it, you'll be able to say "I knew her from Gateworld!" That, or I'll just be so unhealthy that I'll have a heart attack at age 25. Eh, you make sacrifices.

                            But back to a relevant topic...I'm curious, we discussed our favorite DV scenes awhile back. I'm now wondering, has that selection changed for anyone? Does anyone have a new favorite scene after watching "Unending"? For me, I don't know, it's hard to say. I LOVED their scenes from the last episode...but are they my favorites? Tricky, tricky.

                            Update on the vid, Kales (and anyone else who is interested)...phase 2 has been completed. I've edited it all together, now I just have to go back and fix problems, work on flow, attempt to establish a narrative. That is the worst part. Bleh. But I think it's coming out pretty good. It really is a chronology of their entire relationship. Although, sadly, some scenes/episodes had to fall by the wayside (the PU fight scene, "Origin" and "The Ties That Bind," "Company of Thieves," etc etc). Can't include everything, I suppose. Although, I really want to!

                            Okay, well, heading off to edit some more.


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              LOL, Stef! I'd buy a copy of that book!

                              My fave scene is still the Avalon bbq, but I just ADORE that


                              He's her Lobster!
                              LTS: Life's too short


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Ha! Sounds a bit like me Although, I'm a bit more paranoid. For big days that I know I have to get stuff done (the morning is usually when I do everything, having wasted the night doing nothing), I set like, four alarms because I know that there's a good chance that I'll just ignore the first couple It's really hard to put in the effort when it's post-Spring Break in your last semester of college. Besides, I have more pressing concerns (like getting a job).
                                You know, I'm more than happy that I didn't take too serious college. I've graduated from Economia but I don't remember much now except maybe Keynes. I was having dream about him.*Iyghhh* Our education system sucks on great levels I'm working in a logistic/Transporting firm now and I could have been more happy If they had learnt to us anything about trucks. Really

                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                So, as I sit here eating my taquitos from Taco Bell, I realize that I have discovered the key to weightloss. You can eat something like Taco Bell as long as you only eat one meal a day! That's pretty much what I've been doing. It's mostly because I'm too lazy to either make anything or go out and buy anything. So, I wind up putting off eating from 10am through 3am (that's a solid 17 hours without eating, for anyone who's interested). I've already lost 12 pounds. Ha! Victory is mine! It's all about disciplining the mind, people I was just joking with my friend that I should write a book "How to Make Laziness Work For You." Just wait for it, you'll be able to say "I knew her from Gateworld!" That, or I'll just be so unhealthy that I'll have a heart attack at age 25. Eh, you make sacrifices.
                                Woman, you've been *this* close to being my cause of death with your diet suggestion. Ahhaha, I gotta lose three pounds. Summer is coming, I don't want to have nighmares from swimming suits I'm totally doing your diet from now Long Live Taco Bell!!!!

                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                But back to a relevant topic...I'm curious, we discussed our favorite DV scenes awhile back. I'm now wondering, has that selection changed for anyone? Does anyone have a new favorite scene after watching "Unending"? For me, I don't know, it's hard to say. I LOVED their scenes from the last episode...but are they my favorites? Tricky, tricky.
                                Oh, I've got a lot of fav. scenes
                                For example, I love how she says 'Promise, Promise' to Daniel during the basketball game when he said: ' I'm gonna kick your ass'
                                Last edited by gioia; 23 March 2007, 01:02 AM. Reason: I messed up with quoting..What a suprise..
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

