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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Um...I can only guess what it is about based on the rating...but other than that, I don't know what it's about. You could always just use the tail-end of that quote "...To Those Who Wait." I can't think of anything off of the top of my head, sorry

    Whetever it's title, I can't wait to read it. It's a combo of boredom and a desire for that kind of scene


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      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      *bows in humble reverence to the vidders*

      I just got my zen trashed in the Sparky thread of all places. Can anyone challenge me some DV angst to rid myself of it?

      kay x
      Don't lose the Zen, never lose the Zen, especially not in the Sparky Thread, it wasn't all that bad...not really...

      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Hey, thanks for finding the link...and the well wishes. Only time will tell. I'm trying to get a job in the media industry (advertising/marketing)...not going so well at this point But I got a free Twix, so there's the silver lining

      Ugh, now I have to prepare for leading class discussion on The Two Towers tomorrow. Do you think it's a problem, when discussing how different the book and film are, that I didn't actually read the book? Looks like I'm going to have to rely on all of the obsessive knowledge I've garnered about LOTR over the past few years (and believe me, I've accumulated A LOT of information). Who am I kidding? I'll probably just sit there and gush about Faramir for the whole class

      So, I managed to subtly reference D/V in my romantic comedy class today. I was talking about how every genre of film/television includes some sort of romantic element...and I brought our lovely couple up as an example. He He. I'm shameless, I know. Not nearly as bad as when I brought up "kirking" in my SF class

      ^_^ I think that is so cool that you referenced Kirk and the whole Dala element. As for LotR:TT just skim the chapters and then use the movie as a reference point. Firstly (from me mum) the book ends with shelob, the elves don't show up at helms deep, Faramir is an ultimate good guy in the books. She lets them go and doesn't take them to the white city..etc. Hope that helps!

      Night Dala fans! ^_^
      Being a shipper, is the only way to be.
      |My Fanfics|My Fanart|My Orig. Stories|


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        (Who is Jacob?! Why is he beating Daniel?!)
        ARG STEF! Jacob is Sam's dad and he's a wonderful character. You really need to go watch some of the old seasons. I loved Jacob in season 7's "Grace".

        I think he appeared somewhere in season 2 or 3 or 4, geez I'm bad at this, but check Gateworld for the ep called "The Tok'ra", and one before that maybe.


          Major General Jacob Carter first appeared in season 2 episode Secrets but became a host to Selmak in The Tok'ra part 2 of the same season and died trajically in Threads in season 8. He was always the Tok'ra who was most understanding and helpful to us. I like Jacob but Daniel is my crack.
          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
            ARG STEF! Jacob is Sam's dad and he's a wonderful character. You really need to go watch some of the old seasons. I loved Jacob in season 7's "Grace".

            I think he appeared somewhere in season 2 or 3 or 4, geez I'm bad at this, but check Gateworld for the ep called "The Tok'ra", and one before that maybe.
            Ah, I see. Am about 3 episodes away from "The Tok'ra" right now. I think I was totally confusing him with that creepy guy Sam had a thing with...what was his name....he was in "Ripple Effect." Whatever. That guy FREAKS ME OUT!!!

            Anyway, I feel useless. I've done nothing all night. I haven't even wasted my time reading fics or fiddling around on photoshop. Anyway, I did notice a few wallpapers I made awhile back that I don't recall ever posting, mostly because I don't particularly care for any of them. But since I haven't contributed much in the past week, I thought I'd post them anyway. You be the man's junk is another man's treasure and all that...

            Can you tell that I'm in a downer mood tonight? Anyway, going to bed for the night


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              Quick fic rec before I actually go to bed...

              "Cats, Candles, and Confessions"

              It's about the aftermath of that "Unending" scene. It's really cute, check it out

              One day I will post mine...I keep coming up with random dialogue/ideas when I'm half-asleep but never remember them come the morning


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                can't wait to read the fic, LC..
                Banner made by Stef

                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Can anyone challenge me some DV angst to rid myself of it?
                  Kay, I had a good idea for a fanfic with plenty of angst. I thought the false memory in Dominion had great potential.
                  Woolsey discovers evidence from Vala's past that makes her a security threat to the SGC. She is removed from SG1 indefinitely. Daniel and Vala escape together and become fugitives in an effort to clear her name!
                  Lots of room for angst such as:
                  ...DV facing the fact that they may never see each other again
                  ...Daniel (and SG1) defending her to TPTB
                  ...Vala having to own up to her past and deal with people's perceptions of her still being that person
                  ...Daniel trying to convince her that she has changed and is a different person today
                  Could be pre or post relationship. Now if only I could write...

                  He's her Lobster!
                  LTS: Life's too short


                    Ok, this is driving me nuts.
                    A work colleage and I were at the lunch table today and she said "Don't even go there!" to someone. And I just grinned because it sounded JUST like Daniel Jackson. But for the life of me I can't think of the episode he says it in. Anyone know?
                    I just grinned like a cheshire cat!

                    He's her Lobster!
                    LTS: Life's too short


                      Hey all, busy busy week. Thats why I haven't been in much ... or at all. Lol, but I love coming back and seeing this thread still very much alive.

                      Am catching up right now on all the many fics everyone has posted and will give feedback as I go, on their sites, because I cant for the life of me remember whos who, especially when eveyone has diff names on every site, he he. I have the same name everywhere, makes it easier for me too, lol.

                      OMG, love that first wallpaper Stef, and you really do have to watch ALL the episodes, even though I love my Dan and Vala, nothing beats the old episodes, I still miss all of the characters as they were back then, *sigh* the hair cuts. LOL!

                      And Djay, he says it to Vala,

                      "We might have to spend the rest of our lives together"
                      "Don't even go there"
                      "Theres literally a bond between us ..." etc etc. Lol!

                      And thats in ties that bind.

                      Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                      My StarGate Music Vids:


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Hey, thanks for finding the link...and the well wishes. Only time will tell. I'm trying to get a job in the media industry (advertising/marketing)...not going so well at this point But I got a free Twix, so there's the silver lining

                        Ugh, now I have to prepare for leading class discussion on The Two Towers tomorrow. Do you think it's a problem, when discussing how different the book and film are, that I didn't actually read the book? Looks like I'm going to have to rely on all of the obsessive knowledge I've garnered about LOTR over the past few years (and believe me, I've accumulated A LOT of information). Who am I kidding? I'll probably just sit there and gush about Faramir for the whole class

                        So, I managed to subtly reference D/V in my romantic comedy class today. I was talking about how every genre of film/television includes some sort of romantic element...and I brought our lovely couple up as an example. He He. I'm shameless, I know. Not nearly as bad as when I brought up "kirking" in my SF class

                        I really hate compairing books to movies. It always makes me so I thought LOTR did a pretty good job though. If it hadn't been so long since I've read that book I'd probably be able to help you. The biggest thing I remember (and it was said) is the Elves going to Helms Deep (movie they were there, book they wasn't). Sorry my brain isn't working right now to think of any more. (I know, I'm no help at all). Don't even get me started about the HP movies verses the book. You'd get the longest rant you've ever read about all of those. I've settled myself to the fact that movies and books are too different genras and enjoy them differently!

                        It's great that you brought up D/V though. I probably would have as!

                        Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                        My Clones!

                        My PhotoBucket
                        Snurch if you want!


                          @ Anjirika... Yeah, I was just already on a bit of a downer and feeling sensitive Feeling a bit better today though.

                          Got a history paper to write tonight so guaranteed to be online all night lol.


                          Kay, I had a good idea for a fanfic with plenty of angst. I thought the false memory in Dominion had great potential.
                          Woolsey discovers evidence from Vala's past that makes her a security threat to the SGC. She is removed from SG1 indefinitely. Daniel and Vala escape together and become fugitives in an effort to clear her name!
                          Lots of room for angst such as:
                          ...DV facing the fact that they may never see each other again
                          ...Daniel (and SG1) defending her to TPTB
                          ...Vala having to own up to her past and deal with people's perceptions of her still being that person
                          ...Daniel trying to convince her that she has changed and is a different person today
                          Could be pre or post relationship. Now if only I could write...

                          Love that idea, thanks djay! Hmm... I have Domino to finish, and then I have this other 12 or 13 chapter floating around my skull, but maybe!

                          Ooh, books vs. films. Let's not go there. I may have an apolexy. I tend to watch the films rather intentionally forgetting there was a book. The HP books and films don't exist to each other for me, lol.

                          Speaking of, gotta run to the bookshop!

                          See you lot in 6 hours

                          Oh and Stef! Squeee! (((Stef))) --> the 23 vid!

                          kay x


                            I have a Question, I am sure many of us read or heard from the vine that Stargate: Continuum is a timeline plot. If not I’ll post my comments and question in a spoiler tag

                            My question is when Baal removes the Stargate from Earth and resets the timeline. This means that most of the goauld that have been killed will be once more…that also means Sha'uri will be alive, do you think this will have an effect on our beloved Daniel and Vala Ship. I could be over thinking it and I did check the IMDB for any credits for the character of Sha’uri and none was there. But let me know what you think.

                            Love, love, absolutely love D/V!!!! May they have fifty more years with each other!


                              Anjirika thanks for the comments...on my comments. And anything that floats in my head will be a fic at some point. I just have two shows to write for at the moment so I'm going back and forth.

                              Stef loooooved the wallpapers! Can't wait to get home to my own puter and put them up. Yea! And that Candles fic was great! I loves it. Thanks for the rec.

                              Nefertiti as to your question about the movie.
                              Yes, the removal of the stargate means Sha're is alive. But without the stargate Daniel and her never met. So although I think it would be cute to have a scene between them, nothing can happen. Daniel knows they can't change timelines. He can't save her and preserve the future. Once they get the stargate back she will be dead again. He has had enough time to get over her...well as much as you can get over a deceased spouse. He knows he can't play that card.

                              Oh and someone mentioned this thread having points or something...and we need to give it points. So it has a reputation as well? How can I vote or whatever? I'm a newbie...still learning.
                              by: SerenaSerenity


                                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                                Anjirika thanks for the comments...on my comments. And anything that floats in my head will be a fic at some point. I just have two shows to write for at the moment so I'm going back and forth.

                                Stef loooooved the wallpapers! Can't wait to get home to my own puter and put them up. Yea! And that Candles fic was great! I loves it. Thanks for the rec.

                                Nefertiti as to your question about the movie.
                                Yes, the removal of the stargate means Sha're is alive. But without the stargate Daniel and her never met. So although I think it would be cute to have a scene between them, nothing can happen. Daniel knows they can't change timelines. He can't save her and preserve the future. Once they get the stargate back she will be dead again. He has had enough time to get over her...well as much as you can get over a deceased spouse. He knows he can't play that card.

                                Oh and someone mentioned this thread having points or something...and we need to give it points. So it has a reputation as well? How can I vote or whatever? I'm a newbie...still learning.

                                Good point thanks I was getting a little worried there for a minute LOL I can be silly at times.

                                As for voting...if you look at the top of the page, you'll see yellow stars. You can give each thread a rating of one to five stars. So Please give this one a five star rating.

