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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Anjirika View Post
    Yeah, I can't wait...

    ....oh and I'm snurching 'SPARKY: In Zen, Optimism and Blind Faith We Trust.
    May the Zen be with you' know spread the Zen around
    Of course, snurch away. We must spread the zen

    It's like some crazed 'shippy religion or something.

    Oh man this is taking major major willpower.... must not click tags...

    kay x


      OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooo much STEF!!!!!!! Going to folks home now, but I know when I get back tonight you'll have pictures up. You are a champion. In fact your beyond that now, he he he

      We got something ... and to me it sounded like a GREAT something ...

      Please please please


      lots of screencaps with him and her when they walk out of the surgery, and eye sex, and anything else because I wont get to see the episode in ages and it'll kill me not seeing. THANKSSSSSSSSSS!!

      Once again could hug you right now if I wasn't in the land of vegemite and VB. Virtual crash tackle hug will have to do ... please fall off your chair and act like you have someone hugging you. If possible, do it around lots of people, they'll think its funny, or lock you up, one of the two, he he.

      THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Spoilers are love.

      And thanks so so so so so much for caps Tonttu would green you if I could, but apparently I already have before, LOL!

      Is it just me or have they left a LOT to be resolved in the last episode??? The movies are going to have to be preety full on, because they are not going to satisfacterly (made it up) end the series with 1 episode.

      Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

      My StarGate Music Vids:


        Okay, so handing out some screen caps here. Unfortunately, they are not HD I'll get around to that some time tomorrow But before I get to that, did anyone else who saw the episode think that Daniel was...
        ...talking about something else when he stepped real close to Vala and said "I find it hard to believe that you don't feel something." My shippy heart is going to interpret it as having a double meaning. I mean, the look in his eyes, how his voice softens, how close he gets to her. Mmm hmmm....sure, it's platonic

        Hmm....what is she looking at

        Okay, now for the rest of the screen caps:

        LOVE this outfit on her

        Matching poses again. This is becoming a habit!

        You can't tell here, but Daniel stepped in front of Vala to protect her from a soldier's wrath


        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


          More screen captures...

          Just because I think they look cool together


          Wow, all of this squealing has worn me out! I think I'm going to head off to bed. For anyone not checking the spoiler brackets until watching the episode, jjust know that we got enough shippiness to make you squee but not enough to take over the entire episode And with that, I bid you all a fond farewell.

          EDIT: Seriously, last comment before I go to bed. Did anyone else who's watched the episode pick up on Vala's comment: "Daniel shared some of his findings with me last night before I went to sleep"? they've been hanging out at night, going over their "findings." Interesting. Yeah, I know, I have a dirty mind...but you totally know Cam thought it too (it cuts straight to him making a little expression). Then again, maybe this is all in my head....
          I don't care if it was all a made up memory...that kind of stuff has to come from somewhere....

          Last edited by Stef; 06 March 2007, 08:38 PM.

          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Omg, Stef you're torturing me. Seriously. Screen-caps?!?! *wails but refuses to click tags* But thanks for the "we get something" info I second that crash-tackle hug from Padfoot.

            Just tell me one superficial point in a vague way, anyone who's clicking tags, ie can someone write yes or no to the following questions for the person who won't see it for 12 hours (class gets in the way of important things.) .

            1. Do we get eyesex?
            2. Do we get any cool outifts? (it is adria and vala )
            3. How is Daniel's hair on a scale of ruffleable?

            kay x


              Originally posted by Kales View Post
              Omg, Stef you're torturing me. Seriously. Screen-caps?!?! *wails but refuses to click tags* But thanks for the "we get something" info I second that crash-tackle hug from Padfoot.

              Just tell me one superficial point in a vague way, anyone who's clicking tags, ie can someone write yes or no to the following questions for the person who won't see it for 12 hours (class gets in the way of important things.) .

              1. Do we get eyesex?
              2. Do we get any cool outifts? (it is adria and vala )
              3. How is Daniel's hair on a scale of ruffleable?

              kay x
              You have such self control. I HAD to click. Only skimmed through them quickly, but the D/V ones looks lovely, they are standing so close together in the ones I saw. awww cant wait to see this.
              Please check out my Doctor Who forum at

              There are boards for the classic series and new series and much more.


                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                1. Do we get eyesex?
                Yes x10, and then some
                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                2. Do we get any cool outifts? (it is adria and vala )
                Yes for Adria (one of my favorites)....Yes for Vala (but I'm pretty sure we've seen it before)
                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                3. How is Daniel's hair on a scale of ruffleable?
                That's not a "yes" or "no" question The same as the last however you would rate that. Personally, I could use a little more ruffleable-ness.

                Dropping off a "Dominion" wallpaper I threw together.....

                I'm beginning to realize that I never go to bed when I say I will. I'm such a liar.


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Haha no one does on this thread. It's such a warm fun place to be, all zenlike and smiley.

                  I never log off when I say I will or I do and then coming running back later.

                  Although I did go to bed at 11.30pm tonight, which is entirely new and different. Then again, I woke up at 4am. Ugh.

                  Haha, JaneC, it's not so much willpower as the essay I'm 1000 words into - my reward for finishing it - which I will *nods* *determination* - is watching the ep. So Daniel is not only inspiring my history career, he's keeping it from crashing and burning...

                  kay x


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Yes x10, and then some
                    SQUEEEEEEEE!!!! Brilliant.

                    Yes for Adria (one of my favorites)....Yes for Vala (but I'm pretty sure we've seen it before)
                    Woohoo! MB is rather beautiful. And I love that she and Vala actually look a bit alike.

                    That's not a "yes" or "no" question The same as the last however you would rate that. Personally, I could use a little more ruffleable-ness.
                    I knew that. Honestly. Em. Yeah. I'm seeing 7am from the wrong side for the fourth day running. I deserve a break on coherence.

                    Hmm... same as last... hmm... I personally could live with a little longer, a little looser looking as well. Maybe a return to season 9, Indy style? But without the beard

                    Dropping off a "Dominion" wallpaper I threw together.....
                    I'll check it out later but I'm sure it's lovely

                    *hands Stef yet another fanfiction coupon with grounds to challenge anything at any time*

                    ^At this rate you''ll be commissioning a whole series off of me, lol.

                    Oh and the other thing that's keeping me going? Beyond coffee? Cleo will have updated Honor Amongst Thieves (brilliant, even if she's a poor misguided other-side-of-pond-person in the spelling stakes )

                    *waves* Morning, Maeve!



                      Morning to you too. (although it is still before midnight here.)
                      thanks Stef

                      Thanks Wendy


                        Thank you for the caps, Stef! Plus another beautiful wallpaper to add to my collection.

                        VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Okay, so handing out some screen caps here.


                          Love the pics. This one is so cute.

                          Please check out my Doctor Who forum at

                          There are boards for the classic series and new series and much more.


                            @Maeve: I am just soo never getting used to the time-zone thing G'nite, I suppose *as she considers a morning coffee*

                            kay x


                              Originally posted by Kales View Post
                              @Maeve: I am just soo never getting used to the time-zone thing G'nite, I suppose *as she considers a morning coffee*

                              kay x
                              I'm not used to it either. It also doesn't help that I'm inclined to stay up till the wee hours of the morning. (It is 1:36 AM).

                              Now to avoid trout.

                              I don't believe I have linked either of these stories here
                     Cold Comfort


                     Momento Found
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                Thank you so so so so so much Stef lovely pics. They're so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love them all, I shall go to sleep happy tonight!

                                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                                My StarGate Music Vids:

