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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
    And I have to say that this is the portion of that scene that I found a little rushed and OOC for Daniel.
    He's gonna give her the whole thing based on this short exchange?????????...and then he's not gonna expect her stay the night?????????
    It just feels to me more that he'd stop the whole thing at a certain point and say 'whoa, this is way too much, way too fast.
    Agree or disagree?
    I guess when you get into it....
    I think he was just so happy that he finally knew she loved him that he couldn't wait to be with her. Afterall, it has been two years for them...two years of all of that sexual tension. Plus, this last year has really shown the growth in their relationship. I don't think it's unrealistic to think that he would want to be with her then, at the moment he realized everything they'd been through, everything they meant to each other wasn't just a sham. Even Daniel's allowed to get caught up in his emotions...and I think that whole scene was the epitome of that. He got caught up in his anger and frustration that he didn't even both editing himself, and he got caught up in the overwhelming joy (or whatever) that he didn't stop himself from making love to her.

    It also helps that there was the line "life's too short" before this whole exchange. So the idea being that life is too short to question every little detail. They've been slowly building to this moment, and at some point, you just have to go for it, take a leap and hope things fall into place. He's been cautious for way too long (they both have).

    Just my take on it though


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      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      Wow, so I finished my DV vid (in one day!!). Gotta say, I'm really proud of this one, it's probably one of my favorites (and I'm not just saying that to get you to watch ). Although, I owe a large part of why I like it to "Unending."

      The last episode is definitely the inspiration for this vid/song. I mean, the chorus just fits them perfectly: "Maybe one day, we can turn and face our fears. Maybe one day, we can reach out through the tears. After all, it’s really not that far to where hope can be found. Maybe one day, we can turn this world around."


      Okay, enough are the links:

      By: Amy Grant
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      Simply amazing!!!
      Sig made by slizzie1986


        Originally posted by LC_ View Post
        Bless you Kales. Their morning after or the one where Cam's saying to the others "right tell me again that we're sure that Jackson and Vala aren't involved"
        And I have to say that this is the portion of that scene that I found a little rushed and OOC for Daniel.
        He's gonna give her the whole thing based on this short exchange?????????...and then he's not gonna expect her stay the night?????????
        It just feels to me more that he'd stop the whole thing at a certain point and say 'whoa, this is way too much, way too fast.
        Agree or disagree?
        See I took it as that was the next morning. Not that they just did "the deed" and she left. I seen it as they spent the whole night together. She just got up the next morning to go back to her room and get changed, and Cam was doing his morning run!

        Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

        My Clones!

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          Originally posted by LC_ View Post
          Bless you Kales. Their morning after or the one where Cam's saying to the others "right tell me again that we're sure that Jackson and Vala aren't involved"
          And I have to say that this is the portion of that scene that I found a little rushed and OOC for Daniel.
          He's gonna give her the whole thing based on this short exchange?????????...and then he's not gonna expect her stay the night?????????
          It just feels to me more that he'd stop the whole thing at a certain point and say 'whoa, this is way too much, way too fast.
          Agree or disagree?
          I took it as that was the next morning. Cam was running again(not much else for him to do) and she was walking out to go get ready for the day. I don't think that the love making was rushed at all. Like Steph said, it had been two years of this tension between them, Daniel FINALLY understood where she stood, so they just went for it.
          Sig made by me


            Originally posted by LC_ View Post
            Bless you Kales. And I have to say that this is the portion of that scene that I found a little rushed and OOC for Daniel.
            He's gonna give her the whole thing based on this short exchange?????????...and then he's not gonna expect her stay the night?????????
            Who said she didn't stay the night? I thought she did. My impression is that Mitchell is a morning jogger. When she walked out it never occured to me that she didn't. I thought the only reason she left was to shower and change or something like that. I think once they got into bed they were there until the next morning. So I guess I ask why do you think she left before?

            If its the darkness thing that kind of threw me the whole ep. I had to keep reminding myself its always dark in space and there is no real day there.
            by: SerenaSerenity


              Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
              See I took it as that was the next morning. Not that they just did "the deed" and she left. I seen it as they spent the whole night together. She just got up the next morning to go back to her room and get changed, and Cam was doing his morning run!
              Yeah after some thought did occur to me.
              I just wanted to get that said because initially that was the only thing that I found rushed about the scene...
              so my first reaction was "okay she's coming out looking pretty fresh from his bed(doncha just love the sound of THAT,lol), how likely is that he wouldn't be expecting her to spend the night?" Then I thought about it some more(as I am wont to do,lol) and came to a conclusion that I really liked,
              it is the next morning and while she has spent the night, she's fresh from we say?????????



              My Fiction:


                Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                Yeah after some thought did occur to me.
                I just wanted to get that said because initially that was the only thing that I found rushed about the scene...
                so my first reaction was "okay she's coming out looking pretty fresh from his bed(doncha just love the sound of THAT,lol), how likely is that he wouldn't be expecting her to spend the night?" Then I thought about it some more(as I am wont to do,lol) and came to a conclusion that I really liked,
                it is the next morning and while she has spent the night, she's fresh from we say?????????


                Love the idea of another romp before she left. I never thought of that. All I know is she was one satisfied woman!!!!!
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                  Who said she didn't stay the night? I thought she did. My impression is that Mitchell is a morning jogger. When she walked out it never occured to me that she didn't. I thought the only reason she left was to shower and change or something like that. I think once they got into bed they were there until the next morning. So I guess I ask why do you think she left before?

                  If its the darkness thing that kind of threw me the whole ep. I had to keep reminding myself its always dark in space and there is no real day there.
                  Just her mannerisms
         me she was acting like and looking trouble finding the right there had been no sleep involved...(which of course is entirely possible because,lol I have been in a similar situation,lol)..hmm...not happy about those 'bout 'freshly satisfied'?

                  please see my last post for a further comment

                  And I had the impression that Cam was jogging ALL THE TIME to keep from going stir crazy...which he obviously did eventually anyway....seriously I think he needs to be checked for ADD,lol



                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                    Love the idea of another romp before she left. I never thought of that. All I know is she was one satisfied woman!!!!!
                    Wouldn't you be??


                    Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                    My Clones!

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                    Snurch if you want!


                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      Yeah after some thought did occur to me.
                      I just wanted to get that said because initially that was the only thing that I found rushed about the scene...
                      so my first reaction was "okay she's coming out looking pretty fresh from his bed(doncha just love the sound of THAT,lol), how likely is that he wouldn't be expecting her to spend the night?" Then I thought about it some more(as I am wont to do,lol) and came to a conclusion that I really liked,
                      it is the next morning and while she has spent the night, she's fresh from we say?????????

                      Have to add my two cents...
                      YES! Never a question in my mind they had a morning workout. They finally find each other, realize they are made for each other, sleep together and the next morning I can only picture Daniel watching her while she sleeps and being so taken with her and his new found feelings that he can't help himself. Sorry for the run on sentence.
                      by: SerenaSerenity


                        Originally posted by GottaLoveDaniel View Post
                        Wouldn't you be??

                        ROFL GLD!!!!

                        Never said that I wouldn't be!

                        I think it is time for bed with all these wonderful thoughts running through my head! Have a good one everybody!!
                        Sig made by me


                          yep time for me to go to bed too.


                          My Fiction:


                            Oh I see everyone goes to bed after all this and has great dreams and I'm stuck trying to study.

                            Does anyone know how hard it is to study for anatomy and physiology when all you can think of is the morning after scene???

                            Haha...have a good night all. I'm off to, but sleep comes later.
                            by: SerenaSerenity


                              Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                              Oh I see everyone goes to bed after all this and has great dreams and I'm stuck trying to study.

                              Does anyone know how hard it is to study for anatomy and physiology when all you can think of is the morning after scene???

                              Haha...have a good night all. I'm off to, but sleep comes later.
                              OMG, it would be wayyy too hard for me to study anatomy right now (unless it was one specific anatomy I'm studing). See where my mind is? I don't envy you one!
                              Last edited by GottaLoveDaniel; 15 March 2007, 07:41 PM.

                              Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

                              My Clones!

                              My PhotoBucket
                              Snurch if you want!


                                Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
                                Oh I see everyone goes to bed after all this and has great dreams and I'm stuck trying to study.

                                Does anyone know how hard it is to study for anatomy and physiology when all you can think of is the morning after scene???

                                Haha...have a good night all. I'm off to, but sleep comes later.
                                LOL...geez kami I would think this conversation would right in line with studying anatomy? seem to be a bit of a writer...write the Daniel studying her sleeping fic and do the anatomy,lol
                                Yep I know I said I was leaving but one of my kids suddenly got sick so I'm just hanging around waiting to see what's gonna happen next.


                                My Fiction:

