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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    PS stef, don't let the negative vibes get you down... I stopped going near ep threads when they managed to trash The Shroud lol. Eps that good getting trashed? I'm outta there... And the writers have done a great job intergrating Cam and Vala into the team *is defensive of TPTB on this* - giving them equal and justified screen time so doesn't count as them taking over. You'd think they'd be happy that Daniel and Teal'c - two original team members - got screen time together, because I admit they did seem to pair the 'new' *yeah, right* members with old for a while as if they were scared we'd be bored or something due to a lesser connection or other nonsense.


    kay x


      I would make an apology but no, because this post is totally justified. PADFOOT THAT VIDEO IS AMAZING. Really, truly, totally, love it utterly brilliant amazing.

      kay x


        I finally saw Bad Guys and I liked it. I thought it was much much better than Bounty. I agree with u all about the ep discussing threads they are so negative I glad I read yours first in this thread Kales yours was more objective. Not as much D&V as I had hoped but still a good fun ep.
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Thanks Padfoot for the link to your site, I was looking for the Three Little pigs vid anyway.

          And as for Bad Guys . . .

          Bad Guys wasn't as bad as people are making it out to be on the episode board. I thought it was fun. And loved the looks between Vala and Daniel as the couple started making out. Vala looked like "yeah looks like fun" and Daniel looking at her out of the corner of his eye thinking "I wonder if she is thinking about Prometheus" Then the end scene when they are about to go through the gate and looks like he is going to say thanks but then he is like, "no, she will hold that over my head for the rest of my life" To give Vala her due she was the one who saved them.

          As for the last episode . . .

          I don't want the series to end but I am very hopefully about what is going to come out in the last episode for this ship, especially since neither the actors nor TPTB seem to be reigning back on the sparkyness.

          Just thought I would console poor Stef who is battling it out on the episode boards.

          And Happy Valentine's Day!!!

          Banner liberated from Stef

          My Place for friends


            I forgot to say this in my previous post Congrats on 500 posts Stef and I forgot to say

            Happy Valentine's Day
            Daniel & Vala
            My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
            poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


              Originally posted by Dr,jackson View Post
              happy VALA- TINE
              LOL! thats exactly what i thought too when i wrote "Valentine" today

              btw. HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY GIRLS!!!


                I forgot that everyone had valentines day a day late. He he, well for us anyways. So silly, can't believe I forgot that.

                First of all I'm just going to say this once Stef, stay away from things that make you feel negative. This sounds like a great episode to me and I can't wait to see it. Who cares what all the episode thread people are saying, I mean, to they have their own banners. We have Daniel/Vala shipper ones, so we count, they don't!! Ha ha, anger burst over with. But yeah, never liked going there myself, so I don't.

                Oh and why is it that Teal'c/Vala have 5 stars on their thread and we only have 4, LOL. Even Sheppard/Weir only have 4 and I had always considered them the Sam/Jack of Atlantis. Hmmmm, weird.

                And Kales ... I made a vid To Evermore's running! Lol, I didn't know you liked the song. And thanks so much, I'm so glad you liked the vid. It's been so long since I've actually made one and it's so good to hear people still like to watch.

                Parthenos "Three Little Pigs" is still my fav vid ever. One of the first I ever made and I love it like a child, lol. Let me know if the link is dead though cause I'll fix it for you.

                Nice piccy Djgirl. And HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!!

                For everyone today.

                And it's my 100th post! WOOT!

                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                My StarGate Music Vids:


                  Aw, thanks for the kind words guys. And I'm glad to see that I am not the only one who enjoyed the episode for what it was Ooh, and 500 posts? I'm moving right along, aren't I? (I'll best about 80% those posts came from this thread ).

                  I'm currently fighting an urge to go into the ep thread...because I have been battling it out a bit, and I like to respond to people when they reply to me....

                  Oh, and I really enjoyed that video Padfoot. I didn't even know they made an acoustic version to "How to Save a Life." And WOW was MS angry sounding in that clip If I were an extra, I'd be afraid. Especially liked him yelling at CJ, who was smiling. So bizarre to see MS acting so angry...usually Danny is in control and composed. Which is probably why I liked this episode...because he wasn't his usual self

                  Anyway....HAPPY V-DAY guys! Unfortunately, I have to now go and be a buffer for my friend and some guy (wasn't my decision). Good times. Talk to you guys later!


                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    Congrats on 100 posts Padfoot. I really can't wait for the last 3 ep I think it's going to be raining D&V I can hope can't I. I think Vala and Sam will have some bonding.
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      Hello everyone... I'm in a good mood and guess what? I'm WRITING A FANFIC. AND it's DV! Should go up tonight. Will post link when I finish. I may even have the next chapter of Domino Motion for you. Uh huh. I may. Lol, I had tons of classes and stuff today and I have an entire day bogged down in fourteenth century famine tomorrow, so I'm declaring this a break before I go nuts.

                      The other thing I want to ask is and I apologise for the slight OTness... over on the Daniel Appreciation thread we're doing a collab fanfic centred on Daniel - basically all the eps he's worn a bandana and trying to make a short story out of why he would do such a thing. Anyone who wants in on it, cross over and post ... we've got a list up of eps and I'm keeping a running tab on who's 'booked' an ep already.

                      Oh and OnT: Wonderful fic that I'm reading - a serial DV by FBI Bones called Savoir Aimer. The grammar can be a bit dodgy but her grip on character is good and her plot is rather fun, so I'd advise speed-reading so the 'too'/'to' errors or things like it don't get in the way. She's got a couple of other DVs at her profile, too, and a review count I envy

                      Link @

                      kay x


                        Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
                        Congrats on 100 posts Padfoot. I really can't wait for the last 3 ep I think it's going to be raining D&V I can hope can't I. I think Vala and Sam will have some bonding.

                        Woop! Seconds that, Padfoot. I still love you for the Evermore.

                        Haha me too! I think we're in for a great mix of serious and funny as well - I can't wait to see (Family Ties/Dominion spoilers)

                        Vala and her father, and I can't wait to see Daniel's reaction to what's essentially Vala but more kleptomaniac and less trustworthy, and then the three of them in the same room... I'm seeing flustered!Daniel in our future. Actually, I'm seeing baffled and speechless!Team in the future and I can't wait!

                        Although the spoilers JM said on his blog and the way the actors have been bigging this up as a very "actor's acting" episode dealing with "topical" themes is making me think we're in for a killer twist halfway through that makes everything much more serious.

                        So, throwing this out there - sorry if it's a sensitive subject for anyone, tell me/PM me and I'll not talk about it or tag it separately - "topical." War on terror, terrorism? Symptom of our times that that's the first thing that comes to my mind... The Ori are going to try something sneaky, I think. And I can't help but think Vala's father is going to 'betray' her - but I suspect it won't be entirely his choice - brainwashing along Za'tarc lines or coercion of some description.

                        And I think Adria's going to be behind it - "the unthinkable" and Vala even trapping Adria and setting her up that way. So yes, the daughter from Hell has hurt her, tried to kill her, convert her and take/kill the man she loves and the galaxy she lives in ... but I can't help but feel something needs to happen to push Vala over into actively going after Adria in such a forward thinking, downright cold way. So my belief is they're going to tie the two eps together in a

                        COMEDY --- SERIOUS REALISM (a la Heroes) --- Adria's gone too far --- We have to trap her --- Vala has to at least try to kill her or deal with making that decision.

                        And - final speculation - the massive change that's happening to Adria's character. I think she's going to become a Goa'uld Just randomly, I have no spoilers to back it. But as usual with these things, if right I reserve size 7, colour red...

                        Oh and Sam and Vala do have moments in family ties - CB said so in an interview. I think it's going to be "the sgc gave me the chance to know my father when I didn't think I could, give yours a chance" type thing. Or maybe they'll talk about hating their fathers for their mothers' deaths or something.

                        kay x


                          Wow Kales you've practically covered everything there.

                          With regards to
                          Vala's father

                          (Did that need spoilers??) I saw Epic Movie the other day, where the actor playing THAT role plays the Lion. He's a funny actor, and I am soooooooooo excited to see the 2 of them working together. It's going to be an absolute scream. But at the same time he has this kind of evil/dark thing about him that scares me, LOL! Hence why he's a hilarius actor but not one of my favs. So you could be right about which direction the ep might take Kales, nice fic idea anyways.

                          And poundpuppy, yeah I heard they get some interaction, hopefully its some more goodness, because I absolutly love
                          that carter has another girl around, I love the hug when Sam comes back, it's so cute. And Sam seems so flattered. And in Quest Part 1 when Vala sort of sleeps on Sam's shoulder. Lol, she's slightly stunned but then just leaves her there and doesn't even care.
                          Very cute.

                          Oh and was watching Momento Mori last night (again) and I love at the end when Daniel says the ol' "it wasn't a date" line when Sam does a sort of happy double take thing as though she's saying "well, well, well. I told you you liked her." He he he, That really was a good episode.

                          All in all we're going to get some great Dan/Vala interaction I know we are, and Kales can't WAIT to read the fic, and I had no idea you wrote Domino Motion, I swear thats the name of the fic I just started reading.

                          And so great to see that someone in Scotland loves Evermore. Hurrah!!!! Darn it, I bet you have a cool accent *is jealous*

                          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                          My StarGate Music Vids:


                            Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                            And poundpuppy, yeah I heard they get some interaction, hopefully its some more goodness, because I absolutly love
                            that carter has another girl around, I love the hug when Sam comes back, it's so cute. And Sam seems so flattered. And in Quest Part 1 when Vala sort of sleeps on Sam's shoulder. Lol, she's slightly stunned but then just leaves her there and doesn't even care.
                            Very cute.

                            Oh and was watching Momento Mori last night (again) and I love at the end when Daniel says the ol' "it wasn't a date" line when Sam does a sort of happy double take thing as though she's saying "well, well, well. I told you you liked her." He he he, That really was a good episode.

                            All in all we're going to get some great Dan/Vala interaction I know we are, and Kales can't WAIT to read the fic, and I had no idea you wrote Domino Motion, I swear thats the name of the fic I just started reading.

                            And so great to see that someone in Scotland loves Evermore. Hurrah!!!! Darn it, I bet you have a cool accent *is jealous*
                            Hehehehe... I actually don't have much of an accent. Well, not nowadays. Unless I'm back in Auchinleck - my native village. Then I sound like a Burns poem. In Edinburgh, with the uni being something like 30% foreign students - loads that don't speak English as a first language - we mostly adopt neutral accents if we didn't already have them. Easier all round.

                            Oh and I love that as well, that Sam has a girl buddy. We've been getting Jack/Daniel/Teal'c and even Mitchell buddy moments for years

                            I have heard of a place where humans do battle in a ring of jello.
                            Call Daniel.

                            ^ couldn't resist

                            Okay chap 4 of Domino Motion isn't happening tonight... because this one shot just went over 7,500 words I've only got a few scenes to go so it will be up tonight.

                            Hehe if you read me, remember to drop a review
                            kay x


                              Ha ha, I found it creepy yet funny how you mention 2 of the songs of the vids we'd been discussing in your fics, lol. You have lyrics from Evermore in one and another is called "How To Save a life" ha ha.

                              And yes I had read that fic before, yours I mean, and I didn't review, which was very rude, I shall re-read as I don't think the 3rd chapter was up when I read it last and review this time. And will eagerly await the next chapter.

                              I'm sure you still have a cool accent, I live in apart of Aus where there are quite a few with strong Aussie accents, I mean my Uncles all sound like Steve Urwin, lol. But I went to drama school where most of the aussie kids either put on an American accent or that slight british type accent, much like claudia blacks. So most of the people I know sound like the aussie actors from farscape, that type of accent. And it sounds shocking on that show, LOL. Don't get me wrong, love Farscape, but our accents sound so unprofessional, ha ha.

                              And love that line with Teal'c and Jack, ha ha. Wish the girls could do something bonding like that, like braid each others hair or paint each others nails or hire a male stripper. Meh *shrugs* who knows.

                              Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                              My StarGate Music Vids:


                                It's up and I'm drained and sleepy and tired now so pardon my incoherence... hehehe... I'd really appreciate feedback on this one, I'm all sorts of tingly nervous about it so please tell me what you think or drop a review...

                                "Ways & Means"
                                Spoilers for Family Ties.
                                He put his larger hand in hers. "I'm not going anywhere."
                                Whole fic @

                                kay x

                                ps. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.......zzzzzzzzzzzz........zzzzzzzzz

