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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Wow, so I finished my DV vid (in one day!!). Gotta say, I'm really proud of this one, it's probably one of my favorites (and I'm not just saying that to get you to watch ). Although, I owe a large part of why I like it to "Unending."

    The last episode is definitely the inspiration for this vid/song. I mean, the chorus just fits them perfectly: "Maybe one day, we can turn and face our fears. Maybe one day, we can reach out through the tears. After all, it’s really not that far to where hope can be found. Maybe one day, we can turn this world around."


    Okay, enough are the links:

    By: Amy Grant
    YouTube Download
    That video was just so great! You caught every scene perfectly. You are very tallented with this! Thank you so much for making it and sharing it with us!!

    Now onto my views of the scene!

    Everyone has some very good points about why Daniel said the things he had said. The only thing that I haven't seen brought up is Vala's actions up to this point.

    Their first meeting...She's a con artist and a theif. She uses her "sex appeal" to try to get Daniel to help her. She ties him up and takes the ship.

    Second meeting....She starts off by making a joke saying she's pregnate and there's a one in ten chance it's his. She then traps him by using the braclets.

    In the cave...she makes a joke about not being this dissappointed since her and Daniel slept together.

    In Daniel's room at the SGC...she tries to seduce him, then goes on a little rant that turns out to be lies to get "sympathy sex" from Daniel.

    On the ship...She comes to him again wearing a nighty and holding pink fuzzy handcuffs.

    Leading into the rant....she takes off her shirt then tries to undo his pants (what woman wouldn't want to do that in his company).

    Taking all these things in, I can see why Daniel went on this rant about her. I'm not bringing these up to discredit Vala in any means. They are just to point out why, I believe, Daniel said some of the hurtful things to her during his rant. Vala has proven herself time and time again to be a loyal and trustworthy friend and teammate, but she still wants to use her "sex appeal" to her advantage in many instances. Daniel believed that this was just her latest ploy to stop her bordom. Her back was too him the whole time he was ranting. He didn't see the tears start or continue as he was saying this. It wasn't till after he stopped for a minute and really looked at her that he realized she was hurt. Then when he looked into her eyes he seen that there was really something there. That was when he realized how much she really did care and he could take that chance and let his feelings out as well.

    Wow, that was a little more then I first planned!

    Thanks to Wendy for the Thunkworthy siggy!! And Thanks to Neelan for the wonderful saying!!

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      Originally posted by Ronja View Post

      Plz ... looking for a scene where Daniel and Vala give each other that knowing smile... much like in the last scene of Unending.... but I need it from both angles... and in that scene u just see Vala's smile...

      I know there are these scene I just can't think of any atm *headdesk*

      Thank you!

      What about the look in Bad Guys when the people are kissing in the hallway. Or there are a couple of scenes in Talion where they give each other smiles and looks when they are in the briefing room!
      Sig made by me


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        I have another issue with this ep (please don't hate me everyone, I know I'm the only 'anti' in this thread so I hope you won't gang up on me). When Landry died they showed Vala crying in Daniel's arms. He wasn't there for his other teammates (Sam cried alone until Teal'c came to comfort her, and Cam was alone as well), could this be because he doesn't care if they're hurting or because he cares more about Vala than them?
        If you're talking about the scene from montage, it was before that event. They were still young in that scene. And if my memory doesn't fail me when, years after, Landry died, they were sitting at the table all together and mourned. Vala put her head on the table while Daniel was sitting at the other side.
        Last edited by gioia; 15 March 2007, 06:37 AM. Reason: 'cause poor grammer is EVOL
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          I could've sworn it was around the same time. If it wasn't, then what was Vala crying about?

          Sure they were all mourning but they weren't comforting each other, were they? And he still only looked concerned about Vala since he was sitting right near her and watching her.

          I'm sorry I'm making such a big deal about this... but still it seems from the way things were portrayed in this ep, Vala was the only one of his teammates whom he cared about... at least IMHO. I'd love for someone to prove me wrong, but I don't know if that's possible.


            Originally posted by gioia View Post
            If you're talking about the scene from montage, it was before that event. They were still young in that scene. And if my memory doesn't fail me when, years after, Landry died, they were sitting at the table all together and mourned. Vala put her head on the table while Daniel was sitting at the other side.

            Yep you're absolutely right there.... .....It was well before Landry even aged......I just finished watching a copy that my friend did for was nice to finally see it in peace and quiet.....I found I could absorb all the conflicting emotions of every one of the team in their own private "time bubble"..... *looks for General Landry smiley*

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              I could've sworn it was around the same time. If it wasn't, then what was Vala crying about?

              Who knows what it was about Jess.....I guess they wanted to leave that up to the individual's imagination...I have my ideas but they're staying private to me as I find speculation ruins my enjoyment of certain threads these days.....

              Deeds xx
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Oh no... am I ruining the threads??? Oh no I feel so awful now

                I guess i'll just go someplace where people know how I feel about this and don't think I'm nuts.

                I am so sorry.

                *hangs head in shame*


                  All episode was fantastic and very well done.
                  i've got no problem with all infamous scene. I appect, when you think the old seasons, it seems a bit out of character but Daniel has changed along the ten years. A lot. Period. And Vala somehow deserved it. I mean, goin' directly to unbuckle his pants..Geez, this woman knows nothing about subtlety which is why i like her, i guess..
                  Banner made by Stef

                  Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                    Originally posted by JessM View Post
                    Oh no... am I ruining the threads??? Oh no I feel so awful now

                    I guess i'll just go someplace where people know how I feel about this and don't think I'm nuts.

                    I am so sorry.

                    *hangs head in shame*

                    Jess....I know how much this particular episode has upset you but please do not think that every comment in a post - especially a generalisation - is aimed at isn't honestly....

                    But I do think that those of us that enjoyed the episode should feel free to put their point of views across in those threads that allow for both pro- and anti- comments.....I can't pretend to be upset about an episode I enjoyed and as you know I'm NOT a shipper in the slightest.....therefore I'm trying to keep my comments about certain aspects of it to a minimum so as to NOT upset anyone.....

                    Hope that clears it up for you.....

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      Originally posted by JessM View Post
                      Oh no... am I ruining the threads??? Oh no I feel so awful now
                      Nope, you're not ruining the thread. what's the fun if we all are shouting at each other how they are great. Different perspesctive is always a good thing, and really all this discussion,(bickering and sarcasm--sometimes) i think, is fun as long as we're not passing our boundries and stay respectful each other.
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Originally posted by gioia View Post
                        Nope, you're not ruining the thread. what's the fun if we all are shouting at each other how they are great. Different perspesctive is always a good thing, and really all this discussion,(bickering and sarcasm--sometimes) i think, is fun as long as we're not passing our boundries and stay respectful each other.
                        I guess you're right... thanks I'm glad you don't think I am.

                        Deeds - Okay, I thought I was one of the people you were talking about...sorry for the misunderstanding

                        I have no trouble with people expressing their views. If they liked it, I'm happy for them. It's just that I'm the only person here who didn't and I feel really alone and I don't know if anyone understands how I feel. And I assume that people do think Daniel doesn't care about Sam or Teal'c via this ep because no one's said anything to the contrary. It just really depresses me and I'm PMS'ing really badly so it's worse (if I wasn't I would have taken this whole thing a lot better). I'm actually crying ATM and I know that sounds silly but I feel Daniel's other friendships have died because there was no evidence whatsoever of them in the ep.

                        I'm just so sad about how this show turned out and as a fan of Daniel/Sam and Daniel/Teal'c friendships I felt like I was slapped in the face. It hurts...maybe more than it should.

                        And now I'm rambling like a nut... I'm so sorry.


                          Well if it helps....I think the team friendships have always been solid, are still solid, and always will be.....but then I see the programme as a bit of fun each week and whatever episode is shown I always manage to find something good about it....

                          It's entertainment for me I'm afraid, pure and simple....I don't read a lot into it and whatever I do and post on here again is purely for fun.....when the forum gets too much for me or the threads and/or storylines are not to my liking I just take a wee break....once again I'm not suggesting you do that....I'm merely saying what I do.....

                          However for Unending....

                          For what it's worth.....all the stuff we didn't see during those 50 years - in my imagination there were lots and lots and LOTS of times that Daniel spent alone with Sam, or Teal'c, or Landry or Mitchell as well as Vala....Speaking as someone who's been with the same bloke for over 25 years now believe me you can't spend every waking moment of those years with the same person and stay sane!!!!

                          Edited to add: I'm sure that Daniel and Sam would have worked together - after all he was studying all their history - surely some of the stuff he found out about would have been used to try and help Sam find a way out of the mess?....just my speculation and founded on no Scientific or Useful Knowledge whatsoever!....*giggles*

                          Deeds xx
                          Last edited by discodiva; 15 March 2007, 07:14 AM.
                          Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                          MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                            What you said makes a lot of sense actually. I think there are times when I may need to take a break from here, just for a while.

                            But those are some fun speculations and they do make me feel a bit better. Thanks.


                              I just thought as Jess was feeling lonely that I would step in...I'm not a Daniel/Vala shipper either - for me, I don't see them as a couple although I do see an attraction (Claudia really does have an ability to have great chemistry with everyone) and I see a genuine affection.

                              With Unending,


                              While I certainly don't begrudge the Daniel/Vala shippers their moment, I thought the scene where they got together only worked thanks to the efforts of CB and MS. Quite honestly, if a guy did that to me in real life and I did have genuine feelings for him, I would have walked out. I can't truly believe that Vala who has so much pride would take her time leaving and enable Daniel to see her so hurt. And equally I have problems with Daniel's 180 and suddenly kissing her, when he realises she actually does care about him and its not all an act, having been so cruel in the way he expressed himself. But hey. CB and MS acted their socks off and sell it as much as they can.

                              For me, the Daniel rant actually shows why the couple wouldn't get together any time soon despite the fact that there is an underlying genuine affection and attraction between the two; he can't see himself being with her and thinks she's playing with him. It's only the extreme situation and the fact that he finally loses his patience with her because they are stuck together that the events play out as they do...

                              Having said that, I do think that the final scene of them saying goodbye is very sweet and that they managed to make it work for such a long time is a nice touch and does show once they got together they stayed together which is a positive for the Daniel/Vala combo.

                              On a final note, on Daniel/Vala meaning less Cam/Daniel, Sam/Daniel, Teal'c/Daniel - I tend to think that whole section of montages and moments was imbalanced with the characters. Yes, while I'm sure Daniel spent time with Sam and Teal'c in the 49 years, 11 months and 364 days of time we didn't see, it would have been nice if from a balance perspective we'd lost the two Vala/Daniel moments in the middle (the crying one and the I can't believe its twenty years today one) and given Teal'c/Daniel a moment together and maybe even Cam/Daniel or Landry/Daniel.

                              That way the Daniel/Vala relationship is still shown in the beginning and end of their relationship, and through moments shown in the group scenes such as her on his lap at Christmas but allowed for more other friendships to be shown.

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                                Thanks Rachel I'm glad I'm not the only one who had some issues with it.

                                FWIW, I do think that MS and CB did a good job as far as the acting goes. I had issues with Daniel's 180 myself... I guess it just didn't seem very believable and feels forced to me. I agree about his rant.

                                This may sound weird but I had this feeling of deja vu as I saw those scenes, and it made me think that they were trying to turn Daniel and Vala into the John and Aeryn of SG-1... and yeah I know that these two are very different from the Farscape characters, but to me their interaction and the scenes/situations seem quite similar.

                                I have a question that may not make much sense, but I ask it anyway: after you get together with someone, is there still a chance you'll remain as good a friend to your other friends as you used to? I don't know why I still see a D/V romance hurting the D/T and D/S friendships but it just seems like the possibility is there. I look at the Christmas party scene and see Daniel ignoring Sam and Teal'c because he has Vala on his lap and it saddens me. Plus I have two very good, close friends who basically stopped talking to me and bothering with me after they entered romantic relationships, so I guess that's why I can see it happening with Daniel.

                                Anyway... I agree I think they could've done away with a few of those moments to make it more balanced and add something like a Teal'c/Daniel moment and maybe even made the Sam/Daniel moment a bit longer... as I think I mentioned before it seemed to me that it was just tacked on there to appease the fans of that friendship, not that I thought there was really any friendship shown in there at least from Daniel's side... I suppose I'm too cynical

