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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by hopalong View Post
    Auugh! Beautiful discussion about love, and my brain's fried and I can't think what to say. Except that I agree with the analysis.

    So I'll just drop the next wallpaper/sig set off.



    Awwwww Lovely!


      Hey everyone just popping in mid uni papers (I hate uni I want it to burn)
      Nice wallpapers hopalong and great discussions are happening. Personally I think Teal'c could be like a Devilish cheerleader, in his own subtle way. Cam I think just knows whats going on but is too amused just watching it. Sam I think just wants it to happen naturally like someone already mentioned but obviously she like the rest of us fruitcakes can see the Devilish love!

      Banner by Stef
      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


        Afternoon cakes
        feeling really down today *sigh*
        nothing seems to turn out right at the moment and everything just sucks *pout* or lets say, the little positive things that happen soon get overshadowed by the negative ones. often happens when i got too much time, then i think about things i shouldnt think about because they make me sad.


          Cheer up, Maggie.

          Anyone remember what Ba'al's host name was. I think it was mentioned in Continuum?



            thanks mag *hugs* feeling better already

            sorry, i cant remember the name of ba'als host, im sure they mentioned it in the movie, but dont remember.

            finally posted the third part of my ficcie

            THE POEM, part three


              Originally posted by whisper99 View Post
              That to me was all Daniel all but pissing on Vala saying 'she's mine' to the poor guy who had his face in Vala's cleavage. LOL!
              Yeah I was seeing it as territorial too, but more aimed at the general group 'cuz Marks couldn't see what he was doing...oh and perhaps a reminder to Vala too.
              lol...doncha just love what the subconscious makes us do...cuz I'm sure he woulda denied it if anyone had pointed it out.


              My Fiction:


                Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                It's a psychological theory about love and how we show it to each other. The idea is that there are different ways of showing love, and not everyone responds to every kind. The five "languages" of love are: Acts of Service, Gifts, Touch, Quality Time, and Words of Affirmation.

                Most people have a dominant language, but many are bilingual. For instance, if your dominant language is Gifts, you'll always remember to give people birthday and Christmas presents, you'll pick up souvenirs for them on your trips, give random little things you think they'll like, etc. But you also only feel loved if people give you gifts. So if your partner's language is Words of Affirmation, s/he will tell you all the time that s/he loves you, write poems or songs in your honor, leave cute sticky notes in prominent places, congratulate you on all accomplishments, encourage you when you're down, etc. S/he won't think it's a big deal if they forget to give you a birthday present or an anniversary gift, because they told you how special you were to them and how you make their life perfect. They think they're showing that they love you, but you won't feel loved because they aren't "speaking your language" by giving you gifts.

                Just as another, real life, example: my love language is Touch, but my mother's was Acts of Service. On my birthday, she would always let me get away with doing no chores, and cook my favorite meal—but we didn't hug or have snuggle time. She thought she was being a loving mother, but I never felt like she cared—and vice versa on her birthday. We both had to learn about the Love Languages before we could realize that we really did both love each other, just not in a way the other could understand.

                So how does this work for Daniel and Vala? Daniel has always been affectionate with his touch: cuddling with Sha're, touching Sam or Janet's arm when he's concerned about them, etc. And he clearly does this with Vala, as well. So I would say his love language is Touch.

                Vala? She's probably mixed, I'd say, speaking both Touch and Acts of Service. She's often trying to prove herself by doing something, not just for Daniel but for SG-1 in general, the way she freely offers information or help (Pegasus Project, Insiders, 200, The Quest, etc.). But she's also physically affectionate, giving Teal'c a hip bump or hugging Sam, and of course all the little things with Daniel. And notice how Vala is hurt when Daniel pushes her away? It's the physical act of refusing love and she feels it deeply.

                So unlike friendships or coupleships where the partners have different languages, where each must learn to speak and understand their partner's to coexist harmoniously, Daniel and Vala have an edge up by sharing the same language (at least mostly). As long as they both admit and accept that they love each other, there shouldn't be any misunderstandings or feelings of abandonment.
                ...Acts of Service definitely applies to me...not sure about any of the others...maybe Gifts(if I had the money to bought what and as much as I want to)
                And in terms of DV with 'Touch'...definitely...shall we do a pic run of all the 'hand-to-cheek' moments?
                ...I think they share Acts of Service too...Daniel is all about protecting and putting himself out there for people. And it just occured to me that they both sacrificed themselves)
                Fascinating...thanks for this.


                My Fiction:


                  Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                  Anyone remember what Ba'al's host name was. I think it was mentioned in Continuum?

                  Nope...pretty sure the host's name was never mentioned.
                  Why Mag...whatcha doing?


                  My Fiction:


                    Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                    Nope...pretty sure the host's name was never mentioned.
                    Why Mag...whatcha doing?
                    Ah, you know me so well. I am writing a Continuum tag, it's not an epic but I couldn't remember if he'd been named or not. I had the feeling it was mentioned just before the er ceremony. Maybe, I made that up, have that tendency when it comes to Continuum.

                    How's The Best going, you tempted me with a rather interesting scene!!!! Where is it!!!



                      Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                      thanks mag *hugs* feeling better already

                      sorry, i cant remember the name of ba'als host, im sure they mentioned it in the movie, but dont remember.
                      I'm pretty sure they didn' was something I was looking for. In my Continuum tag, I posited that he wouldn't remember his name after thousands of years...and that Vala would offer "Darryl" as a choice.

                      Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                      ...Acts of Service definitely applies to me...not sure about any of the others...maybe Gifts(if I had the money to bought what and as much as I want to)
                      And in terms of DV with 'Touch'...definitely...shall we do a pic run of all the 'hand-to-cheek' moments?
                      ...I think they share Acts of Service too...Daniel is all about protecting and putting himself out there for people. And it just occured to me that they both sacrificed themselves)
                      Fascinating...thanks for this.
                      I'd love to see a pic run of all the touchy moments. Great idea!

                      The thing about Daniel and Acts of Service is interesting...but I'm not completely sold on it. Daniel does protect others and put himself in danger's way for them, but it's not just for people he loves (and he doesn't always do it for loved ones). I think that that habit, for him, is just a result of his strong moral center—while for Vala, I don't see her doing it for anyone she doesn't love/care deeply for.

                      ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                      ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                        Sorry, haven't been around lately. I'm wondering...where do we stand right now on the calender deal? Anyone? Anyone?


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Thanks, Maggie, LC and Merry for casting your mind over the Ba'al's host name thing. I fast forwarded through Continuum, couldn't find anything so there we are. New fic.

                          Absence, Continuum tag fic. Based on the idea, what if Vala stayed and didn't come back after a few hours, how would Daniel feel. It's rated as T for now. So Infiniitespace junky, fanfic net, K-T, romance for anyone that wants to read it.



                            Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                            Mm, I've noticed that too. But I'm also seeing that it's a Daniel thing in general, just more prominent with the people he loves. Are you at all familiar with the 5 Love Languages theory? I'm guessing Daniel's language is Touch, and since those languages are unconscious...well, that explains a lot about how he deals with Vala, doesn't it?
                            His language is touch! I never though of that before. That is so adorable.

                            By the by for anyone who is interested. The 5 Love Languages are really good books. They have one for singles and relationships.

                            Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                            Yep..yep...yep...yep...yep.... I really REALLY wanted to see at least a LITTLE nudging being done in AoT or Continuum because Teal'c DID see for himself how happy the two of them could be together. And it wasn't like Teal'c popped into an alternate reality and saw them together or something - it was THAT Daniel and THAT Vala and how things would have naturally progressed for them under that circumstance. It was an alternate time, but not a parallel universe. I wanted to see just a LITTLE something subtle from Teal'c in either of those two movies. Even though he clearly doesn't want to interfere with the natural development of things he surely must also want to see Daniel happy.
                            SO TRUE! I was dying for it in Continuum. Some cute scene between Daniel and Qu'tesh where he is genuinly hurt to see her in that way. I was so sad to see no interaction between them at all. In my head I thought it would be an adorable scene if Ba'al made SG-1 watch Qu'tesh take Vala as a host. I think his true feelings come out for her when angst is involved.

                            I think Teal'c would intervene eventually. He saw how perfect they were for each other. He knows how complete they would make each other. I don't see him letting Daniel let her go or vice versa. Because as you is is what they wanted. Which begs a you think Daniel or Vala said something to Teal'c about themselves? Like if they ever didn't get it together that he could intervene a little? Not outright tell them...but give them nudges? I mean...if I found my soul mate and we had a re-set button? I don't think I would completely leave it up to fate...I would have a back-up plan. Maybe Teal'c is there back-up plan.
                            by: SerenaSerenity


                              Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post

                              SO TRUE! I was dying for it in Continuum. Some cute scene between Daniel and Qu'tesh where he is genuinly hurt to see her in that way. I was so sad to see no interaction between them at all. In my head I thought it would be an adorable scene if Ba'al made SG-1 watch Qu'tesh take Vala as a host. I think his true feelings come out for her when angst is involved.

                              I think Teal'c would intervene eventually. He saw how perfect they were for each other. He knows how complete they would make each other. I don't see him letting Daniel let her go or vice versa. Because as you is is what they wanted. Which begs a you think Daniel or Vala said something to Teal'c about themselves? Like if they ever didn't get it together that he could intervene a little? Not outright tell them...but give them nudges? I mean...if I found my soul mate and we had a re-set button? I don't think I would completely leave it up to fate...I would have a back-up plan. Maybe Teal'c is there back-up plan.
                              How wonderful would that have been to have had a scene between Daniel and Qestesh? Surely the thought had occurred to Daniel during his year of.... reading his own books and lying about that Teal'c and Vala were both hostages to the enemy in one form or another, and there was nothing he could do about it since he was stuck there on Earth being kept away from the gate. ANGST!!!! To see his poor Vala, possessed by a murdering snake... Well, it would have been a huge nod back to FiaD, and maybe even doubly angsty for it!

                              Daniel and Vala are both so darn smart, and wouldn't they have.... left themselves NOTES with Teal'c or something in case they started being STUPID in the new future? "Here, Teal'c, keep these for us in case we ever look like we're gonna do something REALLY dumb."


                                Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                                Afternoon cakes
                                feeling really down today *sigh*
                                nothing seems to turn out right at the moment and everything just sucks *pout* or lets say, the little positive things that happen soon get overshadowed by the negative ones. often happens when i got too much time, then i think about things i shouldnt think about because they make me sad.
                                Go watch Momento Mori. That's my prescription. And then watch Prometheus Unbound. And give yourself a hug. But don't go any further than that because you don't want yourself to think that you're easy.

