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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
    Sci-Fi Channel Marathon of season ten, today people!

    Watching Counterstrike, it kinda reminded me how quickly Vala's kidnapping followed the discussion Daniel and Vala had about his wife, (ie. the very next episode)
    Beyond that though, I just really liked these two exchanges for some reason. Call it character development, I suppose. And then the scene at the end as well...

    DANIEL: Look, we-we still don't know what happened down there.
    VALA: [trying to be matter of fact] They're all dead, Daniel, that's what happened.
    DANIEL: I'm sorry.
    VALA: What for?
    DANIEL: Well, believe it or not, I know how you feel.
    DANIEL: Adria was your daughter, and even though she was—
    VALA: Relief. That's what I feel, relief. [at Daniel's surprise] What, you don't think I'd want to be responsible for the enslavement of an entire galaxy, do you?
    DANIEL: It was hardly your fault.
    VALA: I knew she was the will of the Ori even before she was born. I could have done something about it, but I didn't.
    DANIEL: She was your child.
    VALA: Maternal instinct can only excuse so much. Of course I did tell myself that my relationship with her might prove to be an advantage. That at some point, some critical moment, I might be able to reach her in a way that no one else could.
    DANIEL: And you might have been right.
    VALA: I'm just relieved I'll never have to find out for sure.


    VALA: Can I ask you a question?
    DANIEL: Just the fact that you have to ask me to ask me makes me think I should say no.
    VALA: Back on the Odyssey, you said you knew how I felt. What did you mean?
    DANIEL: What?
    VALA: Well, with Adria. You said, "believe it or not I know how you feel." What did you mean?
    [Daniel sighs and groans a little. He looks into a room, his back to Vala.]
    DANIEL: Yeah. Um.
    [He turns back toward her then moves on in his search.]
    DANIEL: Ten years ago, my wife was taken as host by a Goa'uld.
    [Vala looks shocked. She begins to follow him, jogging to catch up.]
    VALA: The framed picture, on the wall in your office, is that her?
    DANIEL: Yeah. Her name was Sha're. We'd been married for just over a year when she was…taken. I swore I would get her back.
    VALA: What happened?
    [They stop and Daniel faces Vala.]
    DANIEL: Uh, I joined SG-1 and searched for her for over two years, but in the end I couldn't save her. For a long time I felt guilty that I'd failed her.
    VALA: And now?
    DANIEL: Now I can at least draw comfort from the fact that she's no longer suffering at the hands of the Goa'uld. I guess in a small way, I feel relieved as well.


    BRA'TAC: The council is in disarray. The Jaffa nation is fractured. And without Dakara to bring us all together, I fear everything we have fought for all these years will be lost.
    TEAL'C: The war is not over, old friend.
    BRA'TAC: If only I could have done more to oppose Se'tak.
    VALA: There's nothing to be gained by second guessing yourself. You can't remake the past, so look ahead… or risk being left behind.
    [As she speaks, Bra'tac looks at Vala as if he is finally taking notice of her. She leaves.]
    BRA'TAC: She displays the wisdom of a battle-seasoned warrior.
    [Teal'c hums in agreement.]
    DANIEL: She's a mother. Close enough.

    I'd forgotten how good the ep was *snuggles vala*
    My Fic: LJ &


      I know, I kinda had too, and then I saw it again and got a serious surprise.. xD
      I was just telling my brother, I seriously need to buy the dvd's. Funny thing is, even my brother gets D/V. First time he saw them he pointed it out lol..
      Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

      Sig by Odakota_Rose


        I love Counterstrike everything about that ep worked for me and I think it was a turning point for D&V
        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


          Disastrous day at catch-up...nappy time...BONES!

          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
          Ok so even though its not big here maybe 200 in October for halloween? I know we said 200 another month buts its just an idea to throw out there.
          Yeah, that could work, definitely Also, "The Quest 2" & "The Shroud" both have a wicked witch in them...and a scarred, pasty ghost of a man If you really think about it, in TQ2 you could find all of your Halloween needs. You could be a Goa'uld, an Ancient, an Ori/Orici, a villager, a member of SG-1, or a one-eyed monk

          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
          Although calling it VD would certainly explain why there's so many pox ridden whores around here...
          You know, I don't think I like your tone - your words are fine - but your tone offends me *glares*

          Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
          Well, considering Stef and Isa are two of the biggest whores around, I wouldn't be upset to be classed with such exalted company
          A whore for...shipping, a whore for shipping

          Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
          *smirk* wouldn't you like to know
          You know, I'm not sure I would...

          Now onto Stage II: Nap.


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Just glanced through the last few pages or so and I didn't see this posted anywhere and since it involves *that scene* I thought all my other thread-mates would love to see this. Michael's POV on 'that' scene. Although he's talked about it before. This one is even more interesting than the few other times he's been asked about it.

            Behind spoilers for length:


            from an event in Chicago not very long ago,

            from a transcript from one of Michael's recent appearances

            Audience member: I had to try. Okay. And I have an 'Unending' question.

            Michael: An unending question, or an "Unending"' question?

            Audience member: A question about the episode "Unending."

            Michael: Yes.

            Audience member: A lot of people thought it was against your character – the fight with Claudia – that you would just end it and kiss her and all of a sudden be like, 'Oh. I think I like you, too.' So, I know you and Claudia had some issues with that scene at first. And I was wondering if you could talk about like... obviously you did it so don't think it was the best in character, but could you explain why Daniel would all of a sudden like Vala.

            Michael: Well, the way the... In "Unending", talking about the fight that Daniel and Vala have and then they end up kissing at the end and making love at the end of that... well, in my imagination. She's wondering... she thought that was a little out of character. The original scene, as written, was far more out of character for Daniel. I'll explain it without betraying Rob's trust in this one, it just involved... the way Rob had originally written this scene was – for no particular reason – Daniel and Vala just slept together because they were on the ship for a long period of time. And afterwards, had Daniel following Vala around... the scene was basically about Daniel saying, 'So, are we in a relationship now, or what? Well, I just thought that after that happened... ' And she's like, 'Daniel, come on. I mean, is that the first time you've done that? Does that always have to mean you're in a relationship?'

            Michael: And I hate to say it, but I said, 'Look, why are you cutting his balls off?' I mean, here's a guy who's been like, you know, sorta thwarting her advances. So like... and he said... Rob and I... I look at Rob go, 'We're so on different planes in terms of understanding this character in this particular moment.' And he said, 'Well, how do you see it?' And I said, 'Well, Claudia and I agreed on this one. Well, look. Why has he been thwarting her advances? Is it because... it's because he's afraid. It's because he doesn't trust himself to be with anybody and he doesn't trust her romantically because he doesn't trust her motives are sincere. And because he's vulnerable,' I said. How do people react when they're afraid and vulnerable? And you know, quite frankly, afraid of their own vulnerability. I said, 'Well, in my experience they just generally tend to lash out. It's like a defensive response to it.' And so that's how that sort of evolved whereas whatever he was saying to her was... comes across like he's berating her, when what he's actually doing is he's showing... he's demonstrating through his actions his own vulnerability over the situation. Even though he's lashing out at her. And because of the way that she over the last couple of years, the way she constantly used him as the brunt of a joke all of the time, that there's a certain animosity that's built up there, too.

            Michael: And... so the scene came out with more of that dynamic between them and the fact that she actually... that when that happens that her guard is let down and his guard is let down... that's how it happens simultaneously. Because someone is asking her to be honest. Demanding that she be honest. And in doing so, he's also exceeding his own vulnerabilities, too. So that's kinda what that scene was born out of. I can understand why people didn't like the idea that Daniel was like this, but when people retain this much stuff over the years that they've been together, work together, there has to be a boiling point. We felt this environment on this ship in 'Unending,' especially we're now going to see an evolution in montages, the evolution of this relationship for sixty years. We wanted it to be a cathartic moment for them. We thought that this was the time and the way to go about it. So, as I said, I certainly was no fan of Daniel going, 'So, are we in a relationship now, Vala?" So yeah, that's what that was born out of. How many of you agree that that was a little out of character for Daniel? How many of you thought it was perfectly in character for him?" [About the same number of cheers and hands for both sides] Okay, that's cool.

            Audience member: I waited two years for that scene. So thank you!

            Michael: You're welcome.

            also posted on blu_chimera (my self-run Michael, and mostly Daniel, journal)
            Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
            Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
            Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



              Originally posted by Stef View Post

              You know, I don't think I like your tone - your words are fine - but your tone offends me *glares*
              Love you too
              Banner by Stef.

              The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

              HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                Yeah, most of the time the only way I can tell what Teal'c is feeling is by his words or his actions - rarely by his expressions But that's part of the reason why I enjoy Teal'c/Vala's dynamic so's so oppositional in nature. He's all stoic and low-key and she's bouncy and expressive

                But I feel we've veered from the topic at hand So.....who knows what's going on with this '09 calender? Where's that darn list...

                Calendar Project Sign-Up Sheet

                - Stef
                - Ash (DVShipper)
                - Sg-Daniel
                - djay

                Is this right? Or are there more? If there are more, please feel free to name yourself. This is the first post I saw with a list

                So, how do we want to divide this up? I can take as many as possible, so no concern on my end. Do we want to do themed months like last time? Or maybe we can do chronology? January could kick off with PU and December could top off the year with Unending (or AOT....let's exclude Continuum ).

                Originally posted by Stef View Post

                So it looks like chronology might be the way to go. How do we want to break it down? Obviously D/V are in more than 12 episodes.


                JANUARY: Prometheus Unbound (beginning of the year = beginning of devilish)
                FEBRUARY: Avalons + Origin (What could be better for V-Day than a D/V caress/hug?)
                MARCH: ??
                APRIL: ??
                MAY: ??
                JUNE: ??
                JULY: 200 (it's wacky and crazy and fit for the insane heat)
                AUGUST: Counterstrike + Memento Mori (a change into more serious episodes for fall)
                SEPTEMBER: The Quest Part 1-2
                OCTOBER: ??
                NOVEMBER: Dominion (+ AOT?)
                DECEMBER: Unending (Christmas time!)


                Love the chronological order idea.

                I can probably do more than one month if you need me to.
                Sig made by me


                  Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                  Just glanced through the last few pages or so and I didn't see this posted anywhere and since it involves *that scene* I thought all my other thread-mates would love to see this. Michael's POV on 'that' scene. Although he's talked about it before. This one is even more interesting than the few other times he's been asked about it.

                  Behind spoilers for length:
                  Thaaaaaaaaank you for posting that! I want to go watch that scene again right now with all that in my head. Absolutely perfect! I love that the actors are obviously huge shippers, too!


                    Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                    Sci-Fi Channel Marathon of season ten, today people!

                    Watching Counterstrike, it kinda reminded me how quickly Vala's kidnapping followed the discussion Daniel and Vala had about his wife, (ie. the very next episode)
                    Beyond that though, I just really liked these two exchanges for some reason. Call it character development, I suppose. And then the scene at the end as well...
                    Oh yeah, that was some good stuff. Big time character development. And so well played in both action and reaction by our pairing.

                    BTW - just read LC's Award Winning Unending tag ----- rrrrrrooooowwwwwrrrrr!!!! Great stuff!!!


                      Came by to see if you guys approved of this . . .


                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                        Came by to see if you guys approved of this . . .

                        It's beeeeeeaauuuuutiful!!!


                          Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                          It's beeeeeeaauuuuutiful!!!
                          Tank ewe!

                          Click here daily to give free mammograms

                          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                            Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                            Just glanced through the last few pages or so and I didn't see this posted anywhere and since it involves *that scene* I thought all my other thread-mates would love to see this. Michael's POV on 'that' scene. Although he's talked about it before. This one is even more interesting than the few other times he's been asked about it.

                            Behind spoilers for length:


                            from an event in Chicago not very long ago,

                            from a transcript from one of Michael's recent appearances

                            Audience member: I had to try. Okay. And I have an 'Unending' question.

                            Michael: An unending question, or an "Unending"' question?

                            Audience member: A question about the episode "Unending."

                            Michael: Yes.

                            Audience member: A lot of people thought it was against your character – the fight with Claudia – that you would just end it and kiss her and all of a sudden be like, 'Oh. I think I like you, too.' So, I know you and Claudia had some issues with that scene at first. And I was wondering if you could talk about like... obviously you did it so don't think it was the best in character, but could you explain why Daniel would all of a sudden like Vala.

                            Michael: Well, the way the... In "Unending", talking about the fight that Daniel and Vala have and then they end up kissing at the end and making love at the end of that... well, in my imagination. She's wondering... she thought that was a little out of character. The original scene, as written, was far more out of character for Daniel. I'll explain it without betraying Rob's trust in this one, it just involved... the way Rob had originally written this scene was – for no particular reason – Daniel and Vala just slept together because they were on the ship for a long period of time. And afterwards, had Daniel following Vala around... the scene was basically about Daniel saying, 'So, are we in a relationship now, or what? Well, I just thought that after that happened... ' And she's like, 'Daniel, come on. I mean, is that the first time you've done that? Does that always have to mean you're in a relationship?'

                            Michael: And I hate to say it, but I said, 'Look, why are you cutting his balls off?' I mean, here's a guy who's been like, you know, sorta thwarting her advances. So like... and he said... Rob and I... I look at Rob go, 'We're so on different planes in terms of understanding this character in this particular moment.' And he said, 'Well, how do you see it?' And I said, 'Well, Claudia and I agreed on this one. Well, look. Why has he been thwarting her advances? Is it because... it's because he's afraid. It's because he doesn't trust himself to be with anybody and he doesn't trust her romantically because he doesn't trust her motives are sincere. And because he's vulnerable,' I said. How do people react when they're afraid and vulnerable? And you know, quite frankly, afraid of their own vulnerability. I said, 'Well, in my experience they just generally tend to lash out. It's like a defensive response to it.' And so that's how that sort of evolved whereas whatever he was saying to her was... comes across like he's berating her, when what he's actually doing is he's showing... he's demonstrating through his actions his own vulnerability over the situation. Even though he's lashing out at her. And because of the way that she over the last couple of years, the way she constantly used him as the brunt of a joke all of the time, that there's a certain animosity that's built up there, too.

                            Michael: And... so the scene came out with more of that dynamic between them and the fact that she actually... that when that happens that her guard is let down and his guard is let down... that's how it happens simultaneously. Because someone is asking her to be honest. Demanding that she be honest. And in doing so, he's also exceeding his own vulnerabilities, too. So that's kinda what that scene was born out of. I can understand why people didn't like the idea that Daniel was like this, but when people retain this much stuff over the years that they've been together, work together, there has to be a boiling point. We felt this environment on this ship in 'Unending,' especially we're now going to see an evolution in montages, the evolution of this relationship for sixty years. We wanted it to be a cathartic moment for them. We thought that this was the time and the way to go about it. So, as I said, I certainly was no fan of Daniel going, 'So, are we in a relationship now, Vala?" So yeah, that's what that was born out of. How many of you agree that that was a little out of character for Daniel? How many of you thought it was perfectly in character for him?" [About the same number of cheers and hands for both sides] Okay, that's cool.

                            Audience member: I waited two years for that scene. So thank you!

                            Michael: You're welcome.

                            also posted on blu_chimera (my self-run Michael, and mostly Daniel, journal)
                            Oh wow, awesome! Thanks for posting all of that - I always love seeing where actors are coming from on certain choices they make, and this definitely expands on earlier things MS has said along these lines. I'm glad to see that him and CB really thought about how powerful and important this moment was, that they fought for the characters and the relationships' integrity. Of course, in all honesty, I probably would have loved RCC's version too (I imagine there was more to it than "so *whine* what does this mean, Vala" ).

                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            Love you too

                            *sigh* You know I can never stay mad at you.

                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            Love the chronological order idea.

                            I can probably do more than one month if you need me to.
                            Sweet Thanks!

                            Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                            Thaaaaaaaaank you for posting that! I want to go watch that scene again right now with all that in my head. Absolutely perfect! I love that the actors are obviously huge shippers, too!
                            I love that Wasn't it MS who had said earlier on in SG-1 that he didn't really ship Daniel with anyone or didn't really want to play out a Daniel relationship on-screen (aside from the joking flirtation between Daniel/Janet)? Cause that means he totally changed his mind - it just took the right woman

                            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                            Came by to see if you guys approved of this . . .

                            Nice job


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Hey 'cakes!
                              Thanks to everyone for responses to my award...much apppreciated that ya'll took the time. Just wish I could get the 'winner banner' to appear in my sig....but everytime I try I get 'invalid file'...I'm thinking it might be too big, but I don't know how to figure out if that is the case or how to change it....anyone know what I can do?

                              Thanks Tay, glad you liked my "Unending' tag.

                              Thanks also for the posting of MS's comments about "Unending"...seriously how can we ever doubt his interpretation of what is IC or OOC for Daniel....he's lived in the character's skin for 10 years...if anyone is gonna understand the character, MS will.
                              And I'm totally with him about the scene the way it was originally written would have, in sense, castrated Daniel...which in light of him fending her off for twoish years, really wouldn't have made any sense at all.

                              But ya know, I was thinking about it and I'm actually glad we didn't get S11, cuz after the satisfaction of "Unending", what we would've gotten through out S11 would have been anti-climatic and in the long run, probably as unsatisfying as "Continuum" has been because after giving us in "Unending" what they did, they wouldn't have done anymore 'ship' development even close to what we got thru-out S10.
                              (off now to read the NC-17 tag to "Unending' that I didn't get finished this morning.)


                              My Fiction:


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                <snipped by me>

                                I love that Wasn't it MS who had said earlier on in SG-1 that he didn't really ship Daniel with anyone or didn't really want to play out a Daniel relationship on-screen (aside from the joking flirtation between Daniel/Janet)? Cause that means he totally changed his mind - it just took the right woman

                                Nice job

                                TPTB never gave Daniel a shot until Vala came around. Sha're was really doomed from the start. And then there was the looooooong dry spell. Personally, I'm glad they waited for Vala to come along.


                                10Q for the sig, pic, whatever thingy.

                                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi

