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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
    Oh Kris, Those moments make the episode for me. And the one coming up where daniel Protects Vala from Adria.

    and another Cam Vala moment when Cam pulls Vala through the gate.

    Oh I know those scenes were absolute perfection! Loved them to pieces in this.

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    I remember when Sam punched Ba'al being the first time I really liked Sam in any way. I guess I have a thing for violence

    Aw, I love Daniel's deterioration scene. Vala is losing it I wonder if she's ever really had to see someone she cares about slowly fall apart before her like this. Her reaction suggests not. Oh, and I love that Cam calls Daniel "Daniel" for the first time in what I think ever. It was a nice moment between them.

    Yay!! Favorite scene of the entire episode!! I love "The hard part about being part of this team is not risking your own life, it's watching your friends taking chances with theirs." Such a brilliant line, especially coming from Cam. That's when I really started to respect him as a leader...that he was able to recognize that and confront Vala with it. But gosh, her face after he walks away just rips your heart out, doesn't it?

    Oh, and I the only one who thinks that the fact that Cam brought back up Vala's "death" signified anything? Like maybe Daniel wasn't the only one who might have missed her when she "died." Maybe that's me just reaching, but the fact that he automatically went to that kinda suggested to me that he was still a little bitter about it in some way...that it was a case of watching his "friend" die.

    Uh-oh. Bye-bye, Ba'al!!

    SO many good points here. I couldn't probably touch on them all. I really like the Cam bitterness thing. I never thought about that before...probably soo completely true. More and more im thinking Cam completely stole the show in this episode. Look at Cam in that doorway. He’s sooo just watching her…I love that he confronted Vala and not Sam. I think Sam was ready to.

    And then of course Daniel at the end...

    Daniel POV here would be awesome. I want to know what is going on in his head. All that Ancient knowledge. All the emotions…the exhaustion…being with Adria…has he already started planning what he’s going to do here?

    ~My FanFiction~


      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

      The holding Daniel scene: There's a quick moment where you see her press her lips to his hair - I die.
      totally missed that! anyone have a cap of that or shall i go search the ep for it?
      My Fic: LJ &


        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        Um, not watching, because I don't have my episodes with me, but from memory:

        The eyes: Seriously, right? The woman WOWs me every time. Because just wow.

        Also, quickly, with the "Jack almost died..." scene. I love how it's "Jack", not "General O'Neill" because it just adds that extra level of intimacy. It's Jack, Daniel's best friend, and they are clearly close enough (DV) that she can throw that out with ease and familiarty. They talk, about Sha're (Counterstrike), Jack, life. They connect.

        And dude, that CV moment! *clings* "The hard part about being part of this team..." *DIEZ* Because it's such a beautiful exchange. And at the end at the office. Again, great CV/team moment. And Vala's frustration with the computer. Dude, it's a little thing, but so poignant.

        The holding Daniel scene: There's a quick moment where you see her press her lips to his hair - I die.

        Ba'al. I love the arrogant *******. He is just awesome. And the exchange with Sam and Teal'c are great.

        Adria. Dude, bad@ss and when Daniel pushes Vala out of the way because she is trying to protect him (them). God they are so, (and I steal a Farscape line here) "You just don't protect me, I protect you." Yes, ripoff, but it works here too.

        and I end my ramblings.
        Oh my gosh...the Jack thing?!!! I never ever thought of that. How much does that change that whole dialogue for me...In such a good way. That came would speak so intimately about Jack, Daniel's best friend....*shakes head* I may have to go back and rewatch. That is absolutely brilliant!

        ~My FanFiction~


          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
          Isa and Nat, I tried to find that picture earlier but couldn't. Is it a screencap or promo shot? Anybody have that pic?
          i've never seen it before but I totally want to now!
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            but it was VERY well done he makes me think of an older brother or something just trying to look out for the best for his kid sister and take care of her...well he makes me think of MY older brother maybe...
            Oh, definitely. I think you really get that vibe from him in this episode especially. You really see how much he cares for his team, which is a nice thing to see (there's another scene in Dominion where he confronts Vala that I also love).

            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            Also, quickly, with the "Jack almost died..." scene. I love how it's "Jack", not "General O'Neill" because it just adds that extra level of intimacy. It's Jack, Daniel's best friend, and they are clearly close enough (DV) that she can throw that out with ease and familiarty. They talk, about Sha're (Counterstrike), Jack, life. They connect.
            Wow, i never really thought of that but you are so right, she does say "Jack." It's little things like these that add a nice touch, show a familiarity between the two that there isn't always time on-screen to show.

            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            Adria. Dude, bad@ss and when Daniel pushes Vala out of the way because she is trying to protect him (them). God they are so, (and I steal a Farscape line here) "You just don't protect me, I protect you." Yes, ripoff, but it works here too.
            Ha! Love it. What episode is that from again? I totally forgot *hangs head in shame*

            Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
            SO many good points here. I couldn't probably touch on them all. I really like the Cam bitterness thing. I never thought about that before...probably soo completely true. More and more im thinking Cam completely stole the show in this episode. Look at Cam in that doorway. He’s sooo just watching her…I love that he confronted Vala and not Sam. I think Sam was ready to.
            Wow, you are so right. I mean, as much as I love D/V in this episode...I think it's the turning point for Cam's character. Practically everyone I've talked to has said this was the episode that made them see Cam in a new both a character and as a leader. You're right, I think he really does steal the show here...and I think he finally starts proving the nay-sayers wrong. I mean, that speech will go down as a classic Stargate line, and Cam was the one who stepped up and said it.


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              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              Isa and Nat, I tried to find that picture earlier but couldn't. Is it a screencap or promo shot? Anybody have that pic?
              Originally posted by natalia View Post
              i've never seen it before but I totally want to now!
              banner by Stef


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                Last edited by natalia; 24 February 2008, 05:46 PM.
                My Fic: LJ &


                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post


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                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    So, Adria was aiming at the DHD, right? The romantic in me likes to think that Daniel thought Adria was going to hurt Vala so he pushes her out of the way and protects her with his powers

                    EDIT: Yeah, Kris...I'm not sure what she was aiming for. But Daniel looks like he jumps in front of Vala. I don't believe that Adria was going to knock off her mom so blithely, so I have to assume she was going after the DHD so she could trap them.

                    So glad I wasn't the only one who noticed you i'm a bit of a romantic and assume it was towards Vala...hence Daniel jumping in front. But her quick look away from Vala threw me off. I watched her pretty closely during that to see if her eyes lifted, but i couldn't really tell. They could have. They might have. Maybe it was just bad editing or direction or something shrugs.

                    I loved my pie and cake they were delicious. Thanks for bringing em over, Stef. So what do I do with my dessert dish and fork? Who's doing the dishes? Nat? How about you? *evil smirk*

                    ~My FanFiction~


                      Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                      So glad I wasn't the only one who noticed you i'm a bit of a romantic and assume it was towards Vala...hence Daniel jumping in front. But her quick look away from Vala threw me off. I watched her pretty closely during that to see if her eyes lifted, but i couldn't really tell. They could have. They might have. Maybe it was just bad editing or direction or something shrugs.

                      I loved my pie and cake they were delicious. Thanks for bringing em over, Stef. So what do I do with my dessert dish and fork? Who's doing the dishes? Nat? How about you? *evil smirk*
                      WHY DO I have to do the dishes? I didn't EAT anything! ...or is it cause i didn't COOK anything? geeesh.

                      i'm TRYING to write fic....but if you want me to do dishes instead then FINE i can turn on some tunes and bop around the kitchen instead
                      My Fic: LJ &


                        Originally posted by natalia View Post
                        WHY DO I have to do the dishes? I didn't EAT anything! ...or is it cause i didn't COOK anything? geeesh.

                        i'm TRYING to write fic....but if you want me to do dishes instead then FINE i can turn on some tunes and bop around the kitchen instead
                        ooh did this inspire Nat to write fic?!!! Yeah! *does a little dance*

                        And no worries about the dishes...they can sit in Stef's sink and get all gross and moldy until your ready to get to work on them. I'm sure she won't mind

                        ~My FanFiction~


                          Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                          ooh did this inspire Nat to write fic?!!! Yeah! *does a little dance*

                          And no worries about the dishes...they can sit in Stef's sink and get all gross and moldy until your ready to get to work on them. I'm sure she won't mind
                          that's disgusting...*looks at her own sink* and possible not so far from the truth...ick.

                          actually i'm kinda back looking at something about the stuffed giraffe from part 1 again - series of drabbles i guess you would say...we'll see what comes out of it. should be a lovely mix of angst and fluff when i'm done with it ...hopefully...
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            Originally posted by fluffypigeon View Post
                            And no worries about the dishes...they can sit in Stef's sink and get all gross and moldy until your ready to get to work on them. I'm sure she won't mind
                            The disturbing thing is, I probably won't

                            Originally posted by natalia View Post
                            i'm TRYING to write fic....but if you want me to do dishes instead then FINE i can turn on some tunes and bop around the kitchen instead
                            This fic wouldn't happen to be about what we discussed earlier, would it? *blinks sweetly*


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                              Spacey! Come here please.
                              Spacey: Yes ma'am?
                              The Oven had a party and we need some dishes done.
                              Sure no problem. I can do them but I want payment.
                              Well there is left over lemon pie and some cake.
                              That will do for starters. I'm sure there are some Fruitcakes who can come up with better payment.
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                Originally posted by natalia View Post
                                that's disgusting...*looks at her own sink* and possible not so far from the truth...ick.

                                actually i'm kinda back looking at something about the stuffed giraffe from part 1 again - series of drabbles i guess you would say...we'll see what comes out of it. should be a lovely mix of angst and fluff when i'm done with it ...hopefully...
                                Oooo...that sounds fun! I have the little stuffed guy in mine too coming up in future chapters...welll....erm...sorta.

                                ~My FanFiction~

