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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Right here! *passes*

    Anyone else want one?
    Banner by Stef.

    The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

    HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


      HEE. Passion fruit martini! I went to a Cuban resturatant the other night, and while the swordfish was a bit dry, I did have a passion fruit martini, unleasing my inner Vala. *cough*Bella*cough* and it was yummy!

      oh, um, afternoon!
      banner by Stef


        Image: cream dress, silver heels, passion fruit martini. All your fault.

        Banner by Stef.

        The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

        HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


          Last night for the first time I made Sangria for myself. It turned out quite impressive, lol, but I have to admit that I've never had any passion fruit martini or never ate passion fruit. that fruit isn't common around here and it's possible to find it but it's ridicously expensive but now I'm curious about it.
          Banner made by Stef

          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


            mmmm sangria....

            yeah that's really all i've got.

            *thinks about adding to fic that was started last night*

            we'll see

            My Fic: LJ &


              Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
              Image: cream dress, silver heels, passion fruit martini. All your fault.


              Originally posted by gioia View Post
              Last night for the first time I made Sangria for myself. It turned out quite impressive, lol, but I have to admit that I've never had any passion fruit martini or never ate passion fruit. that fruit isn't common around here and it's possible to find it but it's ridicously expensive but now I'm curious about it.
              Oh, I love Sangria. You can buy the best cheap Sangria in Caracas.

              Oh and the reason I'm snuck in:

              A late (LATE) bday present fic for Stef, which she has NOT been waiting for (well she shouldn't have been, considering she didn't know I was writing it ), over at my LJ: Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran making out
              Last edited by isabelqc; 05 February 2008, 06:17 AM.
              banner by Stef


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                Oh, I love Sangria. You can buy the best cheap Sangria in Caracas.

                Oh and the reason I'm snuck in:

                A later (LATE) bday present fic for Stef, which she has NOT been waiting for (well she shouldn't have been, considering she didn't know I was writing it ), over at my LJ: Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran making out
                That was freaking great! loved it!
                My Fic: LJ &


                  Originally posted by natalia View Post
                  That was freaking great! loved it!
                  Thanks Nat!
                  banner by Stef


                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                    Oh, I love Sangria. You can buy the best cheap Sangria in Caracas.

                    Oh and the reason I'm snuck in:

                    A late (LATE) bday present fic for Stef, which she has NOT been waiting for (well she shouldn't have been, considering she didn't know I was writing it ), over at my LJ: Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran making out
                    Lol, now that's a good reason to move to Caracas in my book!!
                    I'm going to check the ficlet at home but the title sounds very promising I"m sure it'll be something hilarious.
                    Banner made by Stef

                    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                      Okay, kids, there is the new announcement of SGA the new season.

                      Woolsey is goint to be the leader of expedition. That was excatly what I was expecting in reality and what I wanted. I might be sound off but I've never disliked him much and I think his storyline has very potential at S5- So I'm quite happy to see that how it'll play out. IOA probably want to have more influence over Atlantis and makes him the leader, me thinks..Anyway, another good news that MS will be appeared also at S5 as a guest star in unspeficied episodes which is great. I can't wait to see him at atlantis again.

                      Maybe he will tag Vala as well along the way, higly unlikely but a girl can dream, right??
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Okay, It seems that I'm trolling on the thread but I think I've come to love Ronon/Keller ship more by every passing day for entirely my selfish reasons. Hee, it seems that there is a great conflict among fans for this ship that used to be for Daniel/Vala. The people now, quit talking/whinning about my beloved ship, instead I'm seeing so many whinning about Ronon/Keller. All to good, at least, it seems, we're left alone

                        Of course, it might cause that there isn't new stuff about D/V like R/K but still I'm happy
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Originally posted by gioia View Post
                          Okay, kids, there is the new announcement of SGA the new season.

                          Woolsey is goint to be the leader of expedition. That was excatly what I was expecting in reality and what I wanted. I might be sound off but I've never disliked him much and I think his storyline has very potential at S5- So I'm quite happy to see that how it'll play out. IOA probably want to have more influence over Atlantis and makes him the leader, me thinks..Anyway, another good news that MS will be appeared also at S5 as a guest star in unspeficied episodes which is great. I can't wait to see him at atlantis again.

                          Maybe he will tag Vala as well along the way, higly unlikely but a girl can dream, right??

                          *raises eyebrow ala teal'c*


                          Atlantis S5 stuff
                          well that's an...interesting choice. guess i'll have to wait and see how that pans out....
                          but YAY for MS!! that will be great...we should start petitioning TPTB to get CB as well - Vala and Daniel in Atlantis (again) would be oh so awesome


                          random DeVilish lovin

                          how could they not wanna put some of THAT goodness in atlantis
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            My answer to that...

                            I think that was the only reason I watch that movie whenever it comes on. I mean, it's not a bad movie in and of itself, but my little Jamesy looking all hot is really enough for me.

                            Oh silly Kales, every program hates .png

                            Wait, what now about Pretty Woman? Seriously....I've ranted about Pretty Woman? I mean, I know I don't like it but I don't remember this conversation, Kales. Maybe in my passion, I blocked it out? But trust me, there are far more hot topic movies than that one. Just ask Milena...if she ever comes back.

                            Throw in a little C/S making out and I am there

                            Love me some C/S/ Maybe Tealc ships them as well.
                            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                              Oh, I love Sangria. You can buy the best cheap Sangria in Caracas.

                              Oh and the reason I'm snuck in:

                              A late (LATE) bday present fic for Stef, which she has NOT been waiting for (well she shouldn't have been, considering she didn't know I was writing it ), over at my LJ: Five Times Cameron Mitchell catches Daniel Jackson and Vala Mal Doran making out

                              Loved your fic. I was even late finishing my morning break. It was longer than I thought. The last time is my fave.
                              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                                Right here! *passes*

                                Anyone else want one?

                                Sure but I don't think my boss would approve. Drinking on the job is quite frown upon here.
                                Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )

