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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
    what does greening people mean. Is it something to do with greenback or an eco thing, I get that it's somehwhat complimentary.

    Also, the DV thing, I've never seen anything saying it was being put on ice but neither would anyone confirm it was being pursued. I'll be happy if Vala doesn't croak. But then that's me.

    Greening, may mean 'thumbs up', or 'well done', or 'how sweet' but normally it helps to make good reputations. You know repuations, right?
    Those green things beside your nickname?
    Those are your greens
    Banner made by Stef

    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


      No what you mean, Gioia. But, then I've only seen one Shep/larrin and one, may I add, Ronon/Dr Serenity. Oh, dear. I expect they might grow in development but I laughed all the way through PU. Mind you, I was already very familiar with Stargate Daniel and Aeryn Sun from Farscape.



        Sorry, Gioia, what green things???? Still, confused, does it have origin or not. If it's thumbs up, why? Sorry to be pedantic.



          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          What do you people think of Larrin from the SGA?
          Do you think she's got some basic line(flirtatious, badas!, the antigonistic relationship with Shep) along with Vala?
          Because I do. But for some reason I didn't work for me well. What I find so intriguing at Vala, I find boring at Larrin at best.
          I like her, and yes, there is some basic similarity between her and Vala, but I don't find her boring.

          Replivala: Hey, 300 posts!

          My Fanfic


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Oh, don't listen to those people...clearly they're idiots! Nobody knows what the writers have in store for any ship. I mean, honestly, when/where did the writers EVER say they were done with ANY ship, let alone D/V (their most prominent ship...and arguably a favorite among the writers)? Nowhere. These people who say stupid things like this are just trying to pump up their ship at the expense of others. I think most of that talk is just wishful thinking on their part. I mean, I came across someone a few months ago who basically took an innocent quote and twisted it completely around to fit their argument regardless of what the actor was actually saying.

            Whenever you get discouraged, just think of who is making these movies. While I am on the fence about BW, I KNOW that RCC is a D/V fan. Just listen to the man talk on the commentaries (or let his episodes speak for themselves). As long as he's somehow involved or attached, I have no worries.

            Oh, and as for ships in Continuum, the same question has been asked of JM about whether or not there would be any serious emotional scenes in the movie between either D/V or J/S and he gave the exact same answer to both. My honest opinion is that there won't be any major relationship revelations in these movies. There will be things we can enjoy for sure (AOT is a prime example of that) but nothing in league with Unending or MM. The truth is that even if the writers don't write a strictly shippy movie, it won't matter because the team still interacts...and as long as Daniel and Vala are still on the team together...and MS and CB still have the amazing chemistry they d...we should be fine Afterall, one of my favorite D/V moments of AOT wasn't scripted, it was just MS and CB doing their thing. Even if the writers don't do them justice, CB and MS will. Trust them if nobody else.

            Does that make you feel any better?

            Very kind of you to try and cheer me up! Thanks! I don't expect or really want any relationship issues in these movies either. Little bits here and there, maybe a bit of a shippy scene, that's all I want. They are action movies, not romantic comedies or dramas! I just ship so many different couples that I know aren't ever going to be on screen, I don't want to see people bring down the ones that actually do have a chance on screen.

            I did think season 9 and 10 were uneven in good/bad episodes and in the writing. But the Daniel/Vala stuff, when Daniel wasn't OTT grouchy (not counting the Unending scene, I thought that was justified), I think it was one of the big bright spots of the seasons.

            It brought back some things I thought were missing, and it brought someone who actually seemed to express some interest in Daniel! After Past and Present, there really wasn't much for Daniel even if he was grieving. After a while though, you know? You'd think one of the guest stars or even Sarah would have mentioned some sort of interest in him. It made great fanfic fodder, but it's nice to see things develop in canon. Then Vala exploded onto the screen and completely floored me with her vibe with Daniel.

            So I hope we do get a small tidbit in Continuum and a bit more in further movies!
            sigpic Heliosphere- multi-shipper, multi-thunker


              Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
              Sorry, Gioia, what green things???? Still, confused, does it have origin or not. If it's thumbs up, why? Sorry to be pedantic.

              They are right below the post count. Origin?

              My Fanfic


                The green blob next to my thread name? I'm surprised it hasn't changed colour. Private joke. Anyway, still mystified, sorry for those initiated, what does greens actrually mean????

                Or is just generally goodwill stuff.



                  Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                  Sorry, Gioia, what green things???? Still, confused, does it have origin or not. If it's thumbs up, why? Sorry to be pedantic.

                  Himm, well, I'm not so sure either about their origin but i think it comes with the boards. Anyway, the little square things under your post numbers are your reputations. When people write somethin you like, or do something you like(like banner, smiles, whatsoever), or when you see them, or even without a good reason you approve/green them. When they are getting on your nerves, you disapprove/red them.

                  I'm sure there is other people here who could explain it better than me. I'm sorry, I'm tired, and it's already midnight here, so english doesn't serve me well at tthis momet.

                  EDIT: Hey, you can check your greens, also your reds from your control panel!
                  clicking the scales above the post numbers, you can make greens or reds.
                  Yeah, it's like a good will thing as well
                  Banner made by Stef

                  Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                    Oh, the squares Leech,kind of a rank thing. Never noticed. Golly. What does that mean, you've just made a lot of posts.



                      OK Gioia, Leech, the squares. I see. Thanks. Been wondering for a bit but just thought it was US slang for something.

                      Curiosity appeased.



                        Hee!! Well done to me then!!!
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          And the green or gray circle by a person's username says if they are online or not. (green is online, grey is offline.)

                          My Fanfic


                            It's very sad. Apparently, soon I will take on a human host with a less than mega green reputation. Who knew! Well, possibly some on this thread had guessed. I am in deep internet grief. What happens when you're not green are you red?

                            Yours slinking into internet oblivion. Mag.


                              *waves* hello fruitcakes! how's it hopping?

                              Originally posted by stard7 View Post
                              Well I have seen all 10 easons and I love the daniel/vala relationship & I am praying they continue it in the movies! The chemistry is awsome, you can just tell the actors get on "in real life" & the acting is also amazing. I hope they make more than the 2 films, I was devistated when the show was cancelled & I hope they continue all the relationships!

                              WELCOME, stard7!
                     so nice to have you stop by and share in our d/v affections...they are quite wonderful and you're right, it definately has to do with the chemistry between MS and CB. I always love hearing MS talk about how much he loves working w/CB and that if each weren't respectively and happily married, well...*g* you can fill in the blanks

                              Originally posted by gioia View Post

                              gioia! You just completely made my day with this one...that is a treasure to behold for sure!

                              Originally posted by Stef View Post

                              ...There will be things we can enjoy for sure (AOT is a prime example of that) but nothing in league with Unending or MM. The truth is that even if the writers don't write a strictly shippy movie, it won't matter because the team still interacts...and as long as Daniel and Vala are still on the team together...and MS and CB still have the amazing chemistry they d...we should be fine Afterall, one of my favorite D/V moments of AOT wasn't scripted, it was just MS and CB doing their thing.

                              Dude, Stef, you're making it so hard to stay just make me want to see AoT so much more...the anticipation is killing me. I'm so excited about all this subtle DV you keep hinting about....*thinks about it* Can I wait? I don't know if I can wait! *breath in...breath out* Must wait till March....Must wait til March...Must wait till March...

                              ~My FanFiction~


                                Ok, guys, i'm off to bed.
                                See y'all later!!
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

