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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Its just I got a nice review and if its from someone on GW I want to give a shout out. Maybe you could PM me the user names on FF.Net and GW?
    Compulsory as in you get fined if you don't though honestly al you have to do is get your name marked off. What yo do with your ballot afterwards is your concern. Loks like not only is John Howard not going to be Prime Minishter anymore but looks like he may lose his seat as well.

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    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
      Its just I got a nice review and if its from someone on GW I want to give a shout out. Maybe you could PM me the user names on FF.Net and GW?
      Compulsory as in you get fined if you don't though honestly al you have to do is get your name marked off. What yo do with your ballot afterwards is your concern. Loks like not only is John Howard not going to be Prime Minishter anymore but looks like he may lose his seat as well.
      LooL!! Nice, I like that system! And sure, I'll just post the whole list The other names are in brackets

      Anjirika = Anjirika
      Arwen_Undomiel = Arwen
      Blower'sGate = BG
      Cat283 = Buttercup (Boutondor on LJ)
      CrazyLikeAFox = Cat
      Djay = Djay
      DJgirl = Wendy
      ErinB = Erin (AerynB on and LJ)
      FaithStars = Faith/Jess
      Fehrytales = Fehry
      Gioia = Gioia
      Isabelqc = Isa (hariboo smirks on LJ)
      iolanda = Iolanda
      Josiesgirl = Lissa
      Kales = Kales/Kay (sorrel rowan on
      kamiikiteiru = Kami
      Kath_pup = Kath
      LC = LC
      Lilacs4370 = Jenn
      LittleMissJigsaw = Kelly (L.O.T.S. on and Pirategoddess on YT)
      Lutrina = Lutrina
      MaeveBran = Maeve
      marbleC (guy) = Walter
      Milena_D. = Milena
      natalia = Nat
      ObsessiveShip = Cecilia
      Odakota-Rose = Ren
      PengYn = MegYn
      PirateBijjy = Bijjy (GatePirate on
      Poundpuppy29 = Erika
      Rac80 = Rachel
      RinggoldGate = Susan
      SG1Cat (guy) = Darryl
      Stargate78fan (girl) = Dannii (Gommeroi on
      Stef = Stef (ValaMD on not to be confused with MD which is Isa’s nickname for me
      Tonttu (guy) = Tonttu
      Toomi = Toomi
      ValaMalduran = ValaM
      wt042 = Whitney
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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        Cool thanks heaps. We ned to ge the thread going Milena suggestions?

        Banner by Stef
        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


          Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
          Cool thanks heaps. We ned to ge the thread going Milena suggestions?
          You're welcome

          Ummmm, well I'm writing page 8 and it's going to be...NO! NO spoilers for you!!! Bad kitty! LOL!!! South Park! *giggles madly* No I have not been writing for too long...*denial*

          You could always fill out those Fic-discussion questionnaires...*innocent*...oh look, today is MoL's day *more innocent*

          Or I'm sure we could get some games going, I won't do pics cuz I'm too lazy to get my PB open and to pick some but the rest is good
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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            Yeah I'm really not into fc week not because I don't love fic (I'm addicted) just wish I had the time. Think perhaps I will write some AU stuff, which I will tell you about. BTW I have season 4 what are you after?

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
              Yeah I'm really not into fc week not because I don't love fic (I'm addicted) just wish I had the time. Think perhaps I will write some AU stuff, which I will tell you about. BTW I have season 4 what are you after?
              AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! *glomps your DVDs* Season FOUR!!! PMing you for the details
              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                Seaon 4 = funniness. I just love this
                JACK: In the middle of my backswing!!!!!!
                God makes me laugh every time

                Banner by Stef
                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                  I'm glad the flow was good. I had no idea that was so important when I was writing it.

                  Um...I think Isa meant to ask "2. Were they in character? If not say why you think so." And I think that just means, can you see Daniel and Vala acting and behaving this way? Does it seem natural for them or unnatural somehow?
                  Oh, I see. Yes, I think so. Maybe Daniel is a little too quick to admit his feelings to himself, since Vala is always teasing him in the series, and he doesn't really realise that all in all he like her though.

                  Sorry But I like Mitchell, and I'm a huge Ben Browder fan, and I sorta thought Mitchell got the short end of the stick in "Unending". Sam too for that matter. Anyway, I just wanted to explore it a little. It made sense for my moral-of-the-story later on.
                  Yes, well, Unending...I don't really know why they put Landry in it instead of Jack, since he was the leader character for eight years, and Landry doesn't really fit in the family, although I like him, he's a funny guy. What I want to say that Jack being on Odessy, the problem would be solved. But I see your point.

                  Well, since you're an S/J shipper I'm very glad you gave my fic a try. I know it's long, but I hope it was well worth it. Thanks for reading.
                  Yes, it was long, but since I'm translating a much longer fic, that's not a big problem. And it was worth it, so.. And it's easy to be a S/J shipper, since it's there in the series for more than 10 years.

                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                  Welcome to the Oven, Arwen!!!

                  I'm glad to see you in the Oven I'm sure you'll have loads of fun here. I just wanted to let you know though that this is a very "live and let live" environment, very accepting of all ships and characters so please try to keep comments like those about Season 9 and 10 as respectful as possible. It's totally okay with us if you don't like S9 and 10 but it's not cool to bash here, they have other threads for that. Thanks!
                  Thanks for the welcome. And you know, I just wanted to give my opinion about it, and that's what I thought. Just you can know where to put me about that.
                  'One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                  One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them'

                  SGA fanfiction I'm translating to english. It's a novel!


                    Hey Arwen glad to see you on!!!!! I'm Cat by the way.
                    Don't worry differing opinions are cool we all have them. I know there are heaps of us then can come up with insanely crazy pairings (Cam/Adria Isa?) but all get along with our mutual love of the Devilish!
                    You like LOTR??? That is so awesome!!!

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                    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                      OT but John Howard is gone now. To make this on topic GO DEVILISH, which I added onto my fanfic's summary. Everyone else should so do that!!!!!!

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by lutrina View Post
                        Hi all I'm new, but a big Daniel/Vala shipper

                        And I was just wondering if there was any spoilers related to the ship for the two upcoming movies.

                        ( There's probably pages full on the thread but to be honest i'm just to lazy to go through them all) LOL!!!

                        Also any good fic recommendations.
                        WELCOME TO THE THREAD!!!

                        Let me find that spoiler summary I did a little while back....


                        Hope that helps

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        *warms up hands*

                        Memento Mori - The confrontation & hug in the warehouse:

                        First of Le *SQUEE*!!! Again, much like in Flesh and Blood, there is that moment of "lets not be without each other", but this time it's more on Daniel's side, which is rather nice, because it is really in MM that we get to more of Daniel's feelings towards Vala. Throughout most of the before that between them we see Daniel caring and sometimes sweets, with a dose of biting sarcasm, but we never really see the "more shippy" side of Daniel. We see that he care, but to what extent is left lacking at times.

                        But in MM we get to see just how much he really does care. Even if he unwares of it, which knowing Daniel... Anyway, here when Daniel tell her to come home (to him) well, who didn't melt into a puddle of ship goo, but really it show just how much he cares. How much he see Vala as really being a part of his life. Then there is Vala, who is lost and so broken, and even as she holds a gun to Daniel you can see her shaking and her eyes, wow her eyes - watery and so full of emotion, you can see that she doesn't want to hurt him. The broken way she says his name, relieved and yet still a bit confused, and how she clings to him! Just wonderful. Add that to Daniel pretty much clutching at her and the cute little hair sniff thing - again so wonderful.

                        It's not hard to see why this moment became such a turning point for some on the fence. Dude had I been on the fence I would have jump full on and blindly after this.
                        ITA. I think what makes this episode so great is that we do get a completely reversed perspective. In many ways, I think we're always coming from Vala's POV in regards to the relationship....always seeing her feelings, her reactions, her journey. But this was the first one to really explore the way Daniel sees her, the way he reacts to her, the way he feels about her. What makes this episode so special to us shippers is that we are seeing our ship from a different perspective, through a different set of eyes But now I'm just babbling and being slightly illogical.

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        I so love that about them. They do trust each other. They might not always act like they do. They at times clash in their attitudes regarding certain things. And well, emotionally they still have issues to get over, but underneath all that there is trust. A weird odd unconditional trust that I don't think they, themselves, get but it is there.

                        It like the wordless psychic thing I sometimes go on about it. They just get each other. They don't always look to decipher it, but its there.
                        That is very true. I mean, they can act antagonistic or be frustrated or angry with each other...but when it all comes down to it...they're there for each other, without reservation....except for The Shroud. Which makes their relationship all the more interesting. They would do anything for each other if their lives were on the line...but they aren't completely lost in their feelings...they see the world around them and aren't willing to risk everyone else's lives for the sake of their own. So their relationship has a great maturity to it as well.

                        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                        Sorry But I like Mitchell, and I'm a huge Ben Browder fan, and I sorta thought Mitchell got the short end of the stick in "Unending". Sam too for that matter. Anyway, I just wanted to explore it a little. It made sense for my moral-of-the-story later on.
                        I agree about Sam and Cam....especially Cam I loved the little C/S bits personally...from what I can remember

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        I just to come to say both g'night, as it is almost morning and also after I finally finish my current to do list which includes but is not limited to the following:

                        - Betaing. (almost finished girlies)
                        - Fic week catch up.
                        - Summaries (3 by Sunday Stefella!)
                        - Icons I've been meaning to make/finish. Give me requests if you got them! Any you want. Not limited to SG too.
                        - Edit CoF 9 and 10
                        - write up last crack drabble of this bunch.

                        (To be done by Sunday.)

                        After all that is done, I am then focusing on:
                        - CoF, finish current devil!chapter
                        - next batch of crack drabbles
                        - Heroes, Tiva ficlets?
                        - The Discovery
                        - SASG, Kath you and Kay are so gonna be needed for this last one!
                        Are any of those crack!drabbles for Steffy?? You had many things that needed to be written for Steffy


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                          STEF!!! Somene to talk to!!!!! Hi trying to get to 1700 I am so close!

                          Banner by Stef
                          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            YAY!! *points at Spoilers*

                            Any Tiva icons? Like from "Undercovers"? Or not the latest episode but the one before that when they're in the car watching someone and Ziva totally gets in his bubble?
                            HEE! I think I can manage that. And dude! I loved that scene! Ziva is too cute at times!

                            And you know what? I there might be drabbles in store for them --- I'm expanding fandoms...... *EEK*!!!!!!!!!

                            Originally posted by natalia View Post
                            Icons! ....if you're makin some I would love some DV-Christmas stuff so I can use them on my msn i'm getting in the spirit
                            christmas music makes essays that much more manageable
                            No problemo!

                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            ITA. I think what makes this episode so great is that we do get a completely reversed perspective. In many ways, I think we're always coming from Vala's POV in regards to the relationship....always seeing her feelings, her reactions, her journey. But this was the first one to really explore the way Daniel sees her, the way he reacts to her, the way he feels about her. What makes this episode so special to us shippers is that we are seeing our ship from a different perspective, through a different set of eyes But now I'm just babbling and being slightly illogical.

                            That is very true. I mean, they can act antagonistic or be frustrated or angry with each other...but when it all comes down to it...they're there for each other, without reservation....except for The Shroud. Which makes their relationship all the more interesting. They would do anything for each other if their lives were on the line...but they aren't completely lost in their feelings...they see the world around them and aren't willing to risk everyone else's lives for the sake of their own. So their relationship has a great maturity to it as well.
                            Exactly. They have each other in the fore front of their minds but they're also aware of the bigger picture, the "greater good" to give it a name.

                            Are any of those crack!drabbles for Steffy?? You had many things that needed to be written for Steffy

                            I think so... at least one is. I have to double check BUT Vala/??? is posted!!

                            And on a random and fic topic note. I LOVE MY POST-ITS application. So handy. When the ideas come I just one clicky and go... sometimes words stops the flow in the whole open and new document process. To much time for Isa to think rationally.
                            banner by Stef


                              Hey, Cat, I'm awake now. I might be able to play with you for a little while.


                              Mitchell (paraphrasing): If we don't get those bracelets off, you may just have to marry that chick.

                              Can you recite the next line? (or that could be too hard. You could just name the ep.)



                                Okay, I'm an idiot...*facepalm* went and found the actual quote...

                                Mitchell: Look, the tablet is written in Ancient code, right? I know it's not the lost city of Atlantis we're looking for here, but whatever it is could be worth finding. Or you're just going to have to marry that chick.

                                Okay, what's the next line?

