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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Hello Oven Fun Friday I love these scenes they was so fun pic run pic run

    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


      Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
      Hello Oven Fun Friday I love these scenes they was so fun pic run pic run

      Loved the pic run! I love their banter in the episode!
      banner by Stef


        Hey, Fruitcakes! How goes?

        Thought you might like to know that I just posted chapter 2 of A Stolen Moment:
        ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



          Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
          Hey, Fruitcakes! How goes?

          Thought you might like to know that I just posted chapter 2 of A Stolen Moment:

          Wahoo! I needed a break from my essay-ing thanks!

          Edit: Left reviews on LJ!
          Last edited by natalia; 23 November 2007, 04:22 PM.
          My Fic: LJ &


            So. Very. Tired. A whole day shopping + a family/friend outing to see Enchanted has zapped my energy. The latter of the two I would definitely recommend seeing (my whole family enjoyed it). But I will try to catch up on and discuss all things DeVilish when I awaken tomorrow!

            Anyone finish a summary for the site yet?



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              Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
              Huh, this topic is not moving that fast as the S/J one, it's good.
              So, the answers...
              It was just right.
              I'm glad the flow was good. I had no idea that was so important when I was writing it.

              Sorry, but I don't really understand the question, I mean the first part.
              Um...I think Isa meant to ask "2. Were they in character? If not say why you think so." And I think that just means, can you see Daniel and Vala acting and behaving this way? Does it seem natural for them or unnatural somehow?

              When they were in Daniel's apartment together for the first time, and Daniel started to kiss her. (Also the conversation of Teal'c and Vala was funny ) (( It seems Odakota_Rose felt the same parts was great )
              I don't really now. Maybe some other kind of fun than minigolf for their dating.
              Those are my favorite parts too.

              Of coures the Sam/Cam's just horrible imagine them being together, and they really don't fit. And of course because Sam and Jack are
              Sorry But I like Mitchell, and I'm a huge Ben Browder fan, and I sorta thought Mitchell got the short end of the stick in "Unending". Sam too for that matter. Anyway, I just wanted to explore it a little. It made sense for my moral-of-the-story later on.
              I think it was good, but you could skip out that mission part in the end.
              Yeah, it was kinda weak.

              I don't really know..

              It was credible, because you put it after Unending, and it's easy to imagine them getting together, and it fit in the story.
              Thank you, I appreciate that.
              It was very optimistic and a little humourous, and the word in the *cough* sex part( I've read the original ) *cough* was carefuly chosen.
              Yeah, I tried to be as tasteful as I could.

              As I stated before, I did like the story, but I'm a newbie to ship fics in general, so I don't know what's others like. I've only read some S/J fics before.
              Well, since you're an S/J shipper I'm very glad you gave my fic a try. I know it's long, but I hope it was well worth it. Thanks for reading.


                lurk lurk lurk


                aww man caught by a hunk (well actually by my roommate)
                back to work.

                come on oven...heat up so i have something nice to read before i catch my zzzzz's tonight!

                My Fic: LJ &


                  Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                  Hey, Fruitcakes! How goes?

                  Thought you might like to know that I just posted chapter 2 of A Stolen Moment:
                  w00t! I'll get to it on the morrow because so very brain dead!

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Anyone finish a summary for the site yet?

                  Sorry! Half done - it's just been a busy week!! But they will be full of shippyness to your hearts delight!
                  banner by Stef


                    Duuuuuudes, ouch!!! I come back after three days and discover that my fic has come up and the group has gone silent! *sobs* Nah I'm good, I know most of your opinions on it anyways and I know that I wouldn't get great grades for some of Isa's awesome questions.

                    Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                    OOH! So when do we get this long awaited chapter of BF? Shall I pull out the cattle prods, dear Milena?
                    You can keep the cattle prods on standby Renny I just learned that my entire team for my Linguistics project has the combined competence of a mentally deficient cashew so I'm single-handedly redoing it all (plus my Sociology essay) for Wednesday...

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    Okay now on to the questions, for real this time. I just wanted to all get that out the way.

                    The Questions:

                    1. How was the flow and pace of the story? Too fast? Too slow? Too abrupt? Just right?

                    2. Where they in character? If not say why you think so.

                    3. What was the best bit for you in the story (eg. Best line, best moment)?

                    4. What did you feel could have been improved upon? If anything.

                    5. What was the toughest part for you? And why? Was it flow, wording, etc.?

                    6. What did you think of the ending and how did you feel about it? Did you think there should be more? (and while yes, I understand that we always want for more fic, lets try to think in terms for the story.)

                    7. What was unique about the setting of the story and how did it enhance or take away from the fic?

                    8. What did you think of the plot line development? How credible did the author make it?

                    9. What type of vision does the author use with her word choice? Is it optimistic, pessimistic, prophetic, cautionary, humourous, satirical, venomous, cathartic?

                    10. Did you like the story? If you have read any of the author's other stories, how does this compare?

                    + And special extra question, only for "Late":

                    11. Out of the two endings, which did you prefer? Which felt better for the fic to you.
                    Dude!! Awesome questions Isa!!

                    Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                    Myself, I prefer fanguy rather than boy...fanman just doesn't sound right...
                    HAHAH!! "Fanman"!! I love it!

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Actually, the D/V vid is a joint venture between Milena and I. STOP LAUGHING!! We'll show you...although, anyone who's ever chatted with the two of us might be afraid of what we come up with. If it's great, just assume I did it. If it sucks...blame it on Milena See how clever I am? I have a scapegoat. Mwah ha ha ha

                    As for the C/C....still trying to find good Carolyn clips...which is easier said than done. She was only in 11 episodes, and not exactly a central figure. I will accomplish this vid though...I WILL!!

                    YAY C/C vid!!!

                    And dude! No one will believe I'm capable of anything subpar

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    I'm not laughing Stef and Milena, I promis--- *ducks under table and... mauhahaha!!!*

                    *clears throat and sits back up* I have no doubt this will be good. I really don't. Your two brains, one vid, awesomeness shall ensue. That or crack!awesomeness. Either way, I can't wait.
                    Awesomeness definitely....*ponders what we have so far*...yes! yes...Awesomeness

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Yes, figuring out the song you want to use is key Th reason Milena and I are working together is because we both wanted to do the same song...although, if you listen to her (and why would you ), she picked out the song first. Which, chronologically speaking MAY be true...but I think the song had just been waiting for me to come along and love it
                    Yeah, no, she's totally right, I only 'found' it if you ascribe to logical chronology...or rational thought But I could never make those beats or timings, the fabulousness that is Stef is the reason this vid is taking off at all.

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Trust me, if Milena were the queen vidder of this thread...all you'd get were crack!vids
                    Dude!! Crack!vids are the coolest extreme!! Which reminds me...who has season 4 on DVD? I'm gonna need you for something later

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    But don't invest too much in this vid...the odds are we'll both go insane before we even make it halfway through
                    That's not true!!! Though we are 1/3 of the way through and I've developed a slight twitch...

                    Originally posted by Arwen Undomiel View Post
                    Hi! I've been hesitating for a week now to join this thread or not...but what a heck, let's have a try.
                    So, I registered to GW a month ago, and immediately jumped into the S/J family thread, I've always a S/J shipper, from the beginning of SG, which I started to watch from '97, so I'm really and old fan you can say. (Not that old in age, just in viewing ) I have to admit that for me, SG ended in season 8, although I watched S9 and 10, but just out of habit. I hate the Ori arc, and I don't consider it part of the SG, just a bad spin-off. So I don't that good in these season's episodes, but...
                    There was one thing I liked in these seasons, quite exactly the D/V ship. One of my favourite character is Daniel, and I thought he deserves a normal girl after his tragedy with his wife. And when I saw Claudia Black in Prometheus Unbound with her brilliant acting (just started to watch Farscape, only four eps so far, but she's good there too), and how she teased Daniel, I knew that something will happen between them, and I was kinda hoped it will. So, is that make me fit in this thread?
                    Btw, where's fruitcakes comes from?
                    Welcome to the Oven, Arwen!!!

                    I'm glad to see you in the Oven I'm sure you'll have loads of fun here. I just wanted to let you know though that this is a very "live and let live" environment, very accepting of all ships and characters so please try to keep comments like those about Season 9 and 10 as respectful as possible. It's totally okay with us if you don't like S9 and 10 but it's not cool to bash here, they have other threads for that. Thanks!

                    Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                    Exactly. That's when it all came together for me.
                    ....And suddenly there's a blinding flash of light and you become a rabid shipper.

                    Originally posted by lutrina View Post
                    Hi all I'm new, but a big Daniel/Vala shipper

                    And I was just wondering if there was any spoilers related to the ship for the two upcoming movies.

                    ( There's probably pages full on the thread but to be honest i'm just to lazy to go through them all) LOL!!!

                    Also any good fic recommendations.
                    Welcome to the Oven, Lutrina!!!!

                    There are tons of speculations but I can't find them for you (I suck at the "search" tool)... I'm sure one of the others will be able to help you with it though!

                    And for Fic recommendations, look under CrazyLikeaFox's signature where it says "Fruitcakes Anonymous C2" or something like that, it's the section of where we chose a lot of great DV fics ^_^

                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Guys a selfish plug here finally did second chapter of my Devilish fic.

                    The Past Returns: Memories of Qetesh Chapter 2
                    YAYNESS!!! *off to read*

                    Originally posted by natalia View Post
                    And also I just have to say I wish i had time to answer the questions on milena's fic but alas on do not. though i THINK that may have been one of the first fics I read when I came to the oven. possible one of the ones I took to my cottage - and read on the dock - and couldn't put down - which led to my first real sunburn ever. CURSE YOU DeVilish!

                    anyways. the point is I loved it and I wish i had time to discuss it more
                    Aww, I remember that! I think it was MoL...I remember you asking if there would be any new chapters before you left for the cottage I was sooooo awed and proud of my little ficcy then

                    You know there are only a few questions eh? Quick and easy to answer But school, I know, it must be done Good luck sweetie!!
                    Last edited by Milena_D; 23 November 2007, 06:40 PM.
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Duuuuuudes, ouch!!! I come back after three days and discover that my fic has come up and the group has gone silent! *sobs* Nah I'm good, I know most of your opinions on it anyways and I know that I wouldn't get great grades for some of Isa's awesome questions.
                      I know! *cries* My already low self esteem is feeling the strain of fic week. *clings to the DV in my head* They still like me! And your fic IS up! I'll get too it tomorrow after I do a 24 late answers to Erin's. I'm just been dropping the ball all week.

                      Dude!! Awesome questions Isa!!
                      Merci, cheri! I do try!

                      HAHAH!! "Fanman"!! I love it!
                      Still thinks of fan wielding anime bad guy!

                      Awesomeness definitely....*ponders what we have so far*...yes! yes...Awesomeness

                      Yeah, no, she's totally right, I only 'found' it if you ascribe to logical chronology...or rational thought But I could never make those beats or timings, the fabulousness that is Stef is the reason this vid is taking off at all.
                      I can't wait for the awesomeness.

                      And is it that song you sent me a while ago?? *curious*

                      EDIT: Btw MD, Tiva is rocking my world!
                      banner by Stef


                        Day Two of FIC WEEK:

                        Life Is Too Short by Erin

                        The Questions:

                        1. How was the flow and pace of the story? Too fast? Too slow? Too abrupt? Just right?
                        Yeah the pacing was fine.

                        2. Where they in character? If not say why you think so.
                        I can't say that anything either of them did was noticeably OOC.

                        3. What was the best bit for you in the story (eg. Best line, best moment)?
                        I REALLY want to know what he said after "straddling me" to throw her off completely,lol.

                        4. What did you feel could have been improved upon? If anything.
                        There honestly wasn't anything that I had big problems with

                        5. What was the toughest part for you? And why? Was it flow, wording,

                        Ya know I didn't find any of this story hard to read. The flow from chapter to chapter was good and I don't recall having to go back reread passages to get the meaning.

                        6. What did you think of the ending and how did you feel about it? Did you think there should be more? (and while yes, I understand that we always want for more fic, lets try to think in terms for the story.)
                        The ending was fine. And no there didn't need to be anymore...the story had got them to the ultimate payoff and then a little wrap-up so that the reader knows that the payoff was NOT just the point.

                        7. What was unique about the setting of the story and how did it enhance or take away from the fic?
                        Nothing unique about the setting, it was appropriate for the story.

                        8. What did you think of the plot line development? How credible did the author make it?
                        At least it had a plotline, unlike some of the stories out there that just throw them into bed without any exploration of their actual issues. The pace at which it flowed worked fine.

                        9. What type of vision does the author use with her word choice? Is it optimistic, pessimistic, prophetic, cautionary, humourous, satirical, venomous, cathartic?
                        Wow, quite a question for this story...optimistic and humourous.

                        10. Did you like the story? If you have read any of the author's other stories, how does this compare?
                        Yes I did like it and yes I've read her other work. This was fine for a first-time...some people, even after they've written numerous fics still aren't writing this well...she's taken the advice of the various people who have betaed for her and it shows in her more recent Kansas


                        My Fiction:


                          Day Three starts with this post.

                          Misappropriation of Lives by Milena_D

                          The Questions:

                          1. How was the flow and pace of the story? Too fast? Too slow? Too abrupt? Just right?
                          Pacing was good.

                          2. Where they in character? If not say why you think so.
                          Yeah, don't recall ever thinking that someone wouldn't have said/done something that way.

                          3. What was the best bit for you in the story (eg. Best line, best moment)?
                          I liked Daniel's line when Vala was in the infirmary(paraphrasing)"...the power you have over me..."
                          And "I lost you" heartrending...can definitely see him actually having that type of reaction by the end of Continuum.
                          And...can't remember how the line went but it was when he was eyeing the empty space beside her in bed.
                          OH and all of chapter 8...gutwrenching and so well written
                          Also really like the epilogue, giving Vala the opportunity to see Qetesh burn.

                          4. What did you feel could have been improved upon? If anything.

                          5. What was the toughest part for you? And why? Was it flow, wording, etc.?
                          Once again, I don't recall having to go back and reread anything.

                          6. What did you think of the ending and how did you feel about it? Did you think there should be more? (and while yes, I understand that we always want for more fic, lets try to think in terms for the story.)
                          Ending was great...very satisfying.

                          7. What was unique about the setting of the story and how did it enhance or take away from the fic?
                          All the settings were appropriate for the story.

                          8. What did you think of the plot line development? How credible did the author make it?
                          Absolutely credible

                          9. What type of vision does the author use with her word choice? Is it optimistic, pessimistic, prophetic, cautionary, humourous, satirical, venomous, cathartic?
                          Hmmm...cautionary and cathartic...oh and the opening chapters were positively creepy.

                          10. Did you like the story? If you have read any of the author's other stories, how does this compare?
                          Loved it. And I think I've read every single story of Milena's and love every one. This one is right up there with BF(when is the next chapter btw?) and Perchance to Live(next chapter of that would be good too)



                          My Fiction:


                            And that's it for me until late Sun or Mon...I've outta town for the weekend...big surprise B-party for my Sis, so I'm going back to my hometown for the weekend.
                            On Monday I'll try to do the 3 stories to get caught up.
                            Have a good weekend in the Oven, Cakes
                            later days


                            My Fiction:


                              Originally posted by LC_ View Post
                              10. Did you like the story? If you have read any of the author's other stories, how does this compare?
                              Loved it. And I think I've read every single story of Milena's and love every one. This one is right up there with BF(when is the next chapter btw?) and Perchance to Live(next chapter of that would be good too)


                              oooooooh millllleennnaaaaaaaa. your fans are gettting annnniixxxouussssss.
                              chapters? soon? please? yes?

                              EDIT: have a great weekend LC!!!
                              My Fic: LJ &


                                holy buckets fruitcakes what is up tonight? 6 of us in here and no chatter ( I realise i contribute to the no chatter as well )

                                don't make me post another pic run.

                                i'll do it.

                                i'll spam.

                                well not really.

                                where have all the fruitcakes goooooooooone

                                i'm allll aloooooooone there's no one here beside meeeeeeee. oh wait! there is! but they're all MUTE (or the equivalent for typing.....)




                                EDIT: 8 now. though I can only see 6 of you.well 5 and me. hmmmm. invisi-stef are you out there?
                                Last edited by natalia; 23 November 2007, 08:14 PM.
                                My Fic: LJ &

