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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
    I believe in seasons 9 and 10 Walter is refered to as "Chief" because he is "Master Chief Sargeant Walter 'Davis' Harriman". Landry often calls him Chief but I think the others particularly Daniel call him Walter. Mitchell I think calls him Chief. Teal'c of course calls him Sgt. Harriman. Depends on the situation and the person calling him. Both Hammond and Jack have refered to him as Walter with out him being in the room. (Prometheus Unbound, Hammond says, "And I'm taking Walter.)
    Thanks. It's mostly just me trying to get out of saying Walter all of the time, and trying to find an easier way to describe him (ie nobody is actually calling him anything).

    *sigh* I'm just a ball of goo and tears from watching THIS SCENE. It's one of the most romantic moments I've seen in a LOOONG time (since Unending, of course )--it's from BBC's 2007 Jane Eyre mini-series that I was gushing about a few weeks back (don't watch if you don't want the "reunion" to be spoiled ).

    Anyway, on that wonderful note, I think I will head off to bed...

    Night all! Time to dream of having shrimp babies with Daniel. That, or meeting a hot, rich British guy who's desperately in love with me. Either/Or.


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      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
      Isabel congrats on making 1,100
      For you

      Thanks Cat, and byes! I'll keep an eye on the Cakes. And don't worry, Anubis is your bipca!

      Originally posted by Stef View Post
      OMG, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE!!! The "Grunny Goes Nuts" one is great Seems GG gets as much into these things as KB and AP. I wonder why you like the "Pelligrino" one

      Because I love MiloV in all his hotness Pelligrino water Duh!
      banner by Stef


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        *sigh* I'm just a ball of goo and tears from watching THIS SCENE. It's one of the most romantic moments I've seen in a LOOONG time (since Unending, of course )--it's from BBC's 2007 Jane Eyre mini-series that I was gushing about a few weeks back (don't watch if you don't want the "reunion" to be spoiled ).
        Ohh, I really want to see that BBC version of Jane Eyre, people say that it's amazing. But I can't find them anywhere. Guess I'll have to wait until someone decide to pick up for our television.

        Night, Stef.

        OT, Battlestar Galactica.

        We're at S3, we lost Pegasus epi.3. I loved that ship!!
        But it was so great episode, I really felt for Tigh. But the end was great with Adama cutting his mustaches and everything.
        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Ok don't have time to catch up or comment on anything else right now but

          Milena I love your new fic! it's shaping up to be soooooo goooooooood
          and i promise not to bug you either...til thursday

          ciao bellas

          My Fic: LJ &


            Good Morning Fruitcakes!!!

            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Good evening my little fruitcakes!


            Oh, Wendy, just you wait. Your crush for BB will grow exponentially as the seasons progress. He'll become more crazy, tortured, and an infinitely more romantic figure.

            This is what I say to people starting out with Farscape. Watch season 2. If you don't fall in love with the show after that, then you can give up. I've watched all the seasons multiple times and I can say without hesitation that season 1 is my least favorite (still like it, but don't love it like the other seasons). There are a few bright spots, but there are also a lot of forgettable and/or regrettable episodes (ie Jeremiah Crichton). Season 2 is by far my favorite. There are so many fun, crazy, dramatic episodes in there. My J/A banner happens to be from one of them. I think 80% of my favorite episodes from the series are from that season alone.

            That is how I felt about Stargate Atlantis. I didn't really like much of season 1, a few episodes here and there, but season 2 was awesome, and season 3 was just as great too. I am really looking forward to Farscape season 2. I just have to wait for the rest of the eps of season 1 to get here first.

            Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
            I will say but one thing: Run from Vista as quickly as you possibly can. I spent a weekend troubleshooting various software on it for a work project a few weeks ago. Some of it isn't supported on Vista, others require all sorts of patches, fixes and other tweaking.
            So yeah, in general I'm staying with XP and looking at Dell for my next laptop too, hehe.

            See, I read all of that, and that's part of why I'm worried hehe.
            And of course there's Stef's (I think..) crazy wunderkid. It's amazing the OTness y'all get up to sometimes
            Cool, thanks Ren! I am just very scepical about Vista. I have not heard one person say a nice thing about it. I am more then willing to stick with XP. I like how it is set up and works with all my programs.

            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            Well, I see your .gif and raise you an animation:

            Look what you did, Milena! You're scaring Ren and Cat. And Cat's the crazy one who came up with the crazy baby thing the other day! The fact that she's scared of us is a bad sign!!

            And I am NOT high...unless you mean high on life *winks and gives an enthusiastic thumbs up*


            Very cute .gif's Stef
            Sig made by me


              My co-queen!!!
              everything is cool??
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                Originally posted by gioia View Post
                My co-queen!!!
                everything is cool??
                *TACKLEHUGS Gioia*

                I guess...LOL Work has been terrible. I hate having to take time off. Yesterday I hardly had time to play at all on GW while at work. Today is a little better. I didn't have time to look over that last chapter you sent, but I am going to do it at lunch even if it gets me in trouble.
                Sig made by me


                  I was going to post Noir, I really was, but looking through my finished but not posted fic I came across OTOSOE. It's a Teal'c fic - vignettes - and they deal with how he deals with getting his new-old team back. And there is DV in it, so this isn't completely OT like my previous post. Plus the faster I post all the stuff I wrote over the summer the sooner I can post/write new stuff.

                  So the link this is one, do not feel like you need to click/read, but I always like hearing from you guys

                  On The Other Side Of Everything
                  banner by Stef


                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    I was going to post Noir, I really was, but looking through my finished but not posted fic I came across OTOSOE. It's a Teal'c fic - vignettes - and they deal with how he deals with getting his new-old team back. And there is DV in it, so this isn't completely OT like my previous post. Plus the faster I post all the stuff I wrote over the summer the sooner I can post/write new stuff.

                    So the link this is one, do not feel like you need to click/read, but I always like hearing from you guys

                    On The Other Side Of Everything
                    of COURSE i neeed to click and read i'm such a fic-addict what else would I do with my lunch break if i didn't catch up on fic? homework you say? yeah that would probably be a good idea. alas it just does not happen when there is fic to be enjoyed and reviewed!!

                    Edit: but more Noir would be AMAZING too
                    My Fic: LJ &


                      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                      *TACKLEHUGS Gioia*

                      I guess...LOL Work has been terrible. I hate having to take time off. Yesterday I hardly had time to play at all on GW while at work. Today is a little better. I didn't have time to look over that last chapter you sent, but I am going to do it at lunch even if it gets me in trouble.
                      ahh, *sigh* work, as I always say, always get into our fun!!
                      I also had a bust time at morning, but now everything seems quiet for a change, thanks God!!

                      Yay, for the chap. I'm waiting it
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        I was going to post Noir, I really was, but looking through my finished but not posted fic I came across OTOSOE. It's a Teal'c fic - vignettes - and they deal with how he deals with getting his new-old team back. And there is DV in it, so this isn't completely OT like my previous post. Plus the faster I post all the stuff I wrote over the summer the sooner I can post/write new stuff.

                        So the link this is one, do not feel like you need to click/read, but I always like hearing from you guys

                        On The Other Side Of Everything
                        Edited for the idiocy.
                        I thought it was a new update to Noir!!
                        Last edited by gioia; 09 October 2007, 07:07 AM.
                        Banner made by Stef

                        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          I was going to post Noir, I really was, but looking through my finished but not posted fic I came across OTOSOE. It's a Teal'c fic - vignettes - and they deal with how he deals with getting his new-old team back. And there is DV in it, so this isn't completely OT like my previous post. Plus the faster I post all the stuff I wrote over the summer the sooner I can post/write new stuff.

                          So the link this is one, do not feel like you need to click/read, but I always like hearing from you guys

                          On The Other Side Of Everything
                          Oh my Gosh I LOVED THAT SOOOOOO MUCH! so emotional! and cute! an amazing! AH LOVE LOVE LOVE.

                          Just thought you'd like to know
                          My Fic: LJ &


                            the closest way i'll ever come to voting...

                            my favorite Vala-hair (?!) besides it being long and loose is...

                            the Insiders hair, best thing about the whole episode really other than cliff's wonderfully snarking face (multiplied a zillion times).

                            Not a big fan of the pigtails (although the reason for that could be is that 98% of the fics out there almost always has Vala twirling her pigtails like a child, which she isn't blergh...) although The Pegasus Project and the season 9 episodes are the exception.

                            Anyway Insiders hair with a dose of The Pegasus Project!


                            Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
                            Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
                            Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



                              Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                              the closest way i'll ever come to voting...

                              my favorite Vala-hair (?!) besides it being long and loose is...

                              the Insiders hair, best thing about the whole episode really other than cliff's wonderfully snarking face (multiplied a zillion times).

                              Not a big fan of the pigtails (although the reason for that could be is that 98% of the fics out there almost always has Vala twirling her pigtails like a child, which she isn't blergh...) although The Pegasus Project and the season 9 episodes are the exception.

                              Anyway Insiders hair with a dose of The Pegasus Project!


                              When they put her hair in the ponytail it REALLY reminds me of aeryn on farscape. maybe that's why they didn't do it too much?
                              I love her hair in the scene with Ba'al though, it's loose but it's not too puffy just nice waves (like in Bounty).
                              I also like the pigtails in Pegasus project, they're different somehow? fancier? i don't know but it's better. IMO.

                              Edit: Kind of random but are any of you guys on facebook? they have the new "addicted to.." application and there's one for stargate. it's kind facebook...and this forum....just wondering.
                              Last edited by natalia; 09 October 2007, 07:41 AM.
                              My Fic: LJ &


                                *shrugs* I've never seen Farscape so I'm not familiar at all with the hair situation there...they could've at least let her wear a lower ponytail sometimes, I mean I could've lived without the pigtails for at least 2 or 3 more episodes in the season.
                                Last edited by PirateBijjy; 09 October 2007, 08:17 AM.
                                Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
                                Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
                                Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.


