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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    There's 50 pages to catch up on!!!! Anything interesting happen??? It'll take me all week to catch

    Nat, my friends suckered me into facebook.... addictive and be careful of viruses on application downloads. virus scanners usually pick 'em up right away and they're not that harmfull, just a pain in the rear.

    ETA: DJgirl... that gif was great!!!! just perfect in slow I finally saw that ep last night. There's a parrallel universe out there somewhere where Apollo wasn't quick enough with grabbing the towel right???
    Last edited by Toomi; 09 October 2007, 08:40 AM.


      Originally posted by Toomi View Post
      There's 50 pages to catch up on!!!! Anything interesting happen??? It'll take me all week to catch

      Nat, my friends suckered me into facebook.... addictive and be careful of viruses on application downloads. virus scanners usually pick 'em up right away and they're not that harmfull, just a pain in the rear.

      ETA: DJgirl... that gif was great!!!! just perfect in slow I finally saw that ep last night. There's a parrallel universe out there somewhere where Apollo wasn't quick enough with grabbing the towel right???
      I sure like to think that there is Toomi Glad you saw it and enjoyed it. I have to be careful not to pull that page of my PB up too often or I get sucked in and will watch it over and over and over.........and over.
      Sig made by me


        Originally posted by natalia View Post
        When they put her hair in the ponytail it REALLY reminds me of aeryn on farscape. maybe that's why they didn't do it too much?
        I love her hair in the scene with Ba'al though, it's loose but it's not too puffy just nice waves (like in Bounty).
        I also like the pigtails in Pegasus project, they're different somehow? fancier? i don't know but it's better. IMO.

        Edit: Kind of random but are any of you guys on facebook? they have the new "addicted to.." application and there's one for stargate. it's kind facebook...and this forum....just wondering.
        I have a myspace page, but not facebook.......yet. My friends keep trying to get me to go on that too.

        Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
        *shrugs* I've never seen Farscape so I'm not familiar at all with the hair situation there...they could've at least let her wear a lower ponytail sometimes, I mean I could've lived without the pigtails for at least 2 or 3 more episodes in the season.
        I completely agree with you Bijjy. I am not a huge fan of the pigtails myself. Though most men usually go ga-ga over them, so I can sort of see why then did it. I thought her hair looked nice at the beginning of Dominion, down and curly.

        Sig made by me


          Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
          *shrugs* I've never seen Farscape so I'm not familiar at all with the hair situation there...they could've at least let her wear a lower ponytail sometimes, I mean I could've lived without the pigtails for at least 2 or 3 more episodes in the season.
          Oh I totally agree! just trying to give some sort of reason why they wouldn't. but hey, CB is always gorgeous (oh is that my massive girl crush showing?)

          Originally posted by Toomi View Post
          Nat, my friends suckered me into facebook.... addictive and be careful of viruses on application downloads. virus scanners usually pick 'em up right away and they're not that harmfull, just a pain in the rear.
          Thanks for the advice i'll be careful I've just gotten to the level of "stud" on the stargate trivia. I feel so special. and kind of like I have a lot of space in my brain i could be using for something else...? lol oh well. 6000 points for me anyways.
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            To quote Rottingham, "It's not the size that counts, it's how you use it!!"
            Night, Ren!

            Oh really?

            "Well, in this case it's the size that matters. Actually, pretty much in every case."

            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
            Good Morning Fruitcakes!!!

            Cool, thanks Ren! I am just very scepical about Vista. I have not heard one person say a nice thing about it. I am more then willing to stick with XP. I like how it is set up and works with all my programs.
            Heh, I imagine it might get more stable with a bit of time, but first releases of any operating system worry me..

            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
            I was going to post Noir, I really was, but looking through my finished but not posted fic I came across OTOSOE. It's a Teal'c fic - vignettes - and they deal with how he deals with getting his new-old team back. And there is DV in it, so this isn't completely OT like my previous post. Plus the faster I post all the stuff I wrote over the summer the sooner I can post/write new stuff.

            So the link this is one, do not feel like you need to click/read, but I always like hearing from you guys

            On The Other Side Of Everything
            Uhh, yes we do Isa!

            Originally posted by Toomi View Post
            There's 50 pages to catch up on!!!! Anything interesting happen??? It'll take me all week to catch

            Nat, my friends suckered me into facebook.... addictive and be careful of viruses on application downloads. virus scanners usually pick 'em up right away and they're not that harmfull, just a pain in the rear.

            ETA: DJgirl... that gif was great!!!! just perfect in slow I finally saw that ep last night. There's a parrallel universe out there somewhere where Apollo wasn't quick enough with grabbing the towel right???
            There were large amounts of OTness. Imagine my shock when I got back after only being gone three days and found like 60 pages to read. Basically Milena and Stef turned into Cylons, then Milena croaked and.. somebody brought her back- Cat, I think. And now they have become Hathor and Anise and Cat and Isa are benevolent ascended beings who protect us mortals.

            Oh wait- you meant on topic stuff? Hmm.. *ponders*
            Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

            Sig by Odakota_Rose


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Big starred words coming from someone hiding behind someone else. Why don't you come out and face me like woman! I won't hurt you, I swear Don't you trust me? If there's no trust between fruitcakes, how are we to survive as a species??

              What she said.

              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Oh, my sweet Milena!Anise!Gus (or Mangus, if you prefer), how delusional sleep deprivation has made you. Night!
              LOL! I should be insulted but I'm simultaeneously reminded of Mongoose and Seamus!Daniel

              You realize that you're Stethorus right?

              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              What about MoMoMa?? (figure it out )
              I get the Mo and Ma and yuh uh awwwness!!!! But Mo?

              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Yes, my secret ship that never was! I might make some more for those if I know there's a market for 'em. And yes, I am literally made of win...even if I have no idea what that means.
              YES!! TTTB-C/L scene!!! ==> Gooood, they so should have expanded on it. They would have saved themselves the ire of the J/S fans seeing their S slip into Cness...damn but they had chemistry too

              Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
              I have to admit I've never been to Bologna (even though it's not too far from here). Have you taken up the local accent? The intonation is so funny, and the affricate S!!!!
              *runs into wall with glee*

              Somebody who knows what an AFFRICATE is!!!! You are fast becoming one of my favourite people

              Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
              Japanese definitely rocks!! But I'm afraid it'll be too difficult to study while I'm still so busy with university. And I have a thing for Swahili, I'd really like to study that language.
              SWAHILI!!! YES!! Me too!!! Well, like, all the African languages, I'm trying to master their clicks as we speak

              Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
              And Daniel and Vala rock indeed!! After all, Daniel is a linguist And Vala has the best accent known in the anglophone world, so even that's linguistics-related *scribbles frantically in IPA*
              *insane giggline continues*

              IPA!!! it sad that I transcribe Hamlet's speach into IPA when I'm bored?

              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Oh, I think we all know by now that I'm a shipper whore. I pretty much ship everyone with everyone. I do love Cam/Lam...even if Cam/Sam is a bigger ship for me. But honestly, as long as one of them is included in a story, I'm happy
              *points to Being Found*

              Originally posted by natalia View Post
              Edit: Kind of random but are any of you guys on facebook? they have the new "addicted to.." application and there's one for stargate. it's kind facebook...and this forum....just wondering.

              I have an account there but I soooo never go. I have a really hot picture there though Gotta love PS

              Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
              There were large amounts of OTness. Imagine my shock when I got back after only being gone three days and found like 60 pages to read. Basically Milena and Stef turned into Cylons, then Milena croaked and.. somebody brought her back- Cat, I think. And now they have become Hathor and Anise and Cat and Isa are benevolent ascended beings who protect us mortals.
              Your nonchalance over my passing troubles me Renny...just watch me stick you with a name, I did it to Cat and I'll do it to you too!

              *twirls with joy*

              22 emails already!!! 10 reviews on in 8 hours YAY!
              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

              Banner made by Stef!


                They're retaaaaaaliating!!!!

                Show them our valiance!!!
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                Banner made by Stef!


                  *waves* Hello my fellow Fruitcakes! *scurries off to attempt to catch up*
                  Banner by Stef.

                  The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                  HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                    Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                    *waves* Hello my fellow Fruitcakes! *scurries off to attempt to catch up*
                    *waves back*

                    Hi Kath!!

                    Good luck with the catch up!!

                    I'll be back to continue my pic runs
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                    Banner made by Stef!


                      Avalon 2, part 1


                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                      Banner made by Stef!


                        Originally posted by natalia View Post
                        When they put her hair in the ponytail it REALLY reminds me of aeryn on farscape. maybe that's why they didn't do it too much?
                        I love her hair in the scene with Ba'al though, it's loose but it's not too puffy just nice waves (like in Bounty).
                        I also like the pigtails in Pegasus project, they're different somehow? fancier? i don't know but it's better. IMO.

                        Edit: Kind of random but are any of you guys on facebook? they have the new "addicted to.." application and there's one for stargate. it's kind facebook...and this forum....just wondering.
                        CB has amazing hair. It's like perfection. *is jealous*

                        Well, yes, technically, I have facebook but I barely use it, and by barely I mean I check it once a week, or when I remember I have it, and then forget about it. But all my buds love it...

                        Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                        Oh really?

                        "Well, in this case it's the size that matters. Actually, pretty much in every case."

                        Uhh, yes we do Isa!

                        There were large amounts of OTness. Imagine my shock when I got back after only being gone three days and found like 60 pages to read. Basically Milena and Stef turned into Cylons, then Milena croaked and.. somebody brought her back- Cat, I think. And now they have become Hathor and Anise and Cat and Isa are benevolent ascended beings who protect us mortals.

                        But you're not supposed too....

                        Benevolence. Middle name. Except not.

                        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post

                        Originally Posted by Stef
                        Oh, I think we all know by now that I'm a shipper whore. I pretty much ship everyone with everyone. I do love Cam/Lam...even if Cam/Sam is a bigger ship for me. But honestly, as long as one of them is included in a story, I'm happy
                        *points to Being Found*
                        *also point to BF*

                        *shifty eyes and then points to future chapters of Chains*

                        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                        *waves* Hello my fellow Fruitcakes! *scurries off to attempt to catch up*
                        *waves/tackles* Hey, Kath! Coming out to play?!?!

                        OT- watched Heroes Such a flirty episode *giggles*.... and I think the TPTB realized they needed to move away from the ridiculous awesome Petrelli chemistry, no?

                        EDIT: Milena, love Vala's face in that last pic!
                        banner by Stef


                          *Gives up* Gah!

                          Sadly, I can't come out and play because I've got to be up ridiculously early to hand in a maths assignment and then go to work. Bah. On the other hand, I am now the proud owner of an absolutely fabulous purple military style coat. It's nice and warm, looks good and is PURPLE! Like Cadbury's chocolate shade of purple. *fangirls new coat*

                          Night Fruitcakes, have fun without me! *Hugs*
                          Banner by Stef.

                          The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

                          HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


                            Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                            *Gives up* Gah!

                            Sadly, I can't come out and play because I've got to be up ridiculously early to hand in a maths assignment and then go to work. Bah. On the other hand, I am now the proud owner of an absolutely fabulous purple military style coat. It's nice and warm, looks good and is PURPLE! Like Cadbury's chocolate shade of purple. *fangirls new coat*

                            Night Fruitcakes, have fun without me! *Hugs*
                            *pouts* But yay for the new coat! Purple and red are my dream colour for a new coat, but sadly no suck luck finding one I fangirl Guess I'll just keep using my black one or my leather jacket.... *sigh*

                            Come to play soon!
                            banner by Stef


                              PIC RUN just cuz.

                              V: Hey, look at this!
                              D: What?
                              V: You have to look, Daniel.

                              D: Eh, they're not really my thing.
                              V: So? It'd look good.

                              V: I'm going to get them anyway.
                              D: Vala.
                              V: Trust me.

                              S: Are you sure Daniel said to get them?
                              V: Daniel, doesn't know what's good for him.

                              Later on a mission.....

                              C: Jackson, what the hell are you doing...
                              D: It's the pants. I told Vala they were too tight.
                              C: TMI, Jackson, TMI!

                              D: Fcuk!
                              C: Wha....*eyes nervously*
                              D: You don't want to know...
                              C: Good answer.

                              D: I told you they were too tight, they keep bunching...
                              V: If you had just listened to me and gone au natural, this wouldn't be a problem
                              C: (off screen) TMI!!!!!!

                              EDIT: I see you all down there... don't think I don't - my contacts aren't that blurry yet
                              banner by Stef


                                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                                What she said.
                                Your nonchalance over my passing troubles me Renny...just watch me stick you with a name, I did it to Cat and I'll do it to you too!
                                *snort* Yeah right. And besides that fact, I only found out after the fact. I didn't even have a chance to properly mourn you and then you were back threatening life as we know it

                                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post

                                But you're not supposed too....

                                Benevolence. Middle name. Except not.
                                Erm, yes- I really am
                                Sorry I didn't get to comment earlier, had to run in to work for a few hours.
                                *wanders to LJ to comment*

                                Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
                                *Gives up* Gah!

                                Sadly, I can't come out and play because I've got to be up ridiculously early to hand in a maths assignment and then go to work. Bah. On the other hand, I am now the proud owner of an absolutely fabulous purple military style coat. It's nice and warm, looks good and is PURPLE! Like Cadbury's chocolate shade of purple. *fangirls new coat*

                                Night Fruitcakes, have fun without me! *Hugs*
                                Ack. *tries to lasso*
                                Sadly, my lassoing skills are lacking.
                                Have fun with your coat *grin* And come back soon!
                                Renny Roo, the Keeper Of the Fruitcakes

                                Sig by Odakota_Rose

