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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    How about this Isa?

    Banner by Stef
    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
      How about this Isa?

      You know he's totally thinking: Who's a sexy Prior? Damn, right, it's me!
      banner by Stef


        And also
        God damn it this room is covered with security cameras...and she's so close. How do I work around this?

        Banner by Stef
        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


          Originally posted by djay View Post
          Here's a Claudia banner for all the straight girls out there, who would switch sides for Claudia Black!


          Ohhh, me loves!!! But what about those of us who've already switched sides or are happily sitting on the fence, watching both sides?

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Here's a question I put to all 5 of you viewing right now (not including guests and myself)...if Vala had a favorite actor, who would it be?

          I don't know about a male actor, but I'm pretty sure she'd like Fran Drescher

          And those Prior!Daniel pics are pretty scary


            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
            *wheeled in by gorgeous nurse-man*

            I can't be bother with such things as motility when I'm so exhausted. I should comment on the above comments (*glares at Stef* No I put 'normal' in parentheses for you after the 'eccentric' Milena=Shawn) but I'm too tired.

            I leave you instead with links to my new fic...for the two of you who haven't read it yet

            AGFA at

            AGFA at my LJ

            Let the people rejoice!! And cry not for more because Milena has a midterm on Wednesday for which she has been faithfully ignoring the assigned reading

            Cry for more on Thursday
            Yay!! I'll read it soon!!
            Don't worry, I won't harass you further till um, Thursday

            Originally posted by Vale_Sg1 View Post
            Yep, 100% italian!

            I have to admit I've never been to Bologna (even though it's not too far from here). Have you taken up the local accent? The intonation is so funny, and the affricate S!!!!

            I've always been a sucker for languages, I'm so bummed that I can't follow the spanish course I wanted, I'll have to work at home and hope to do things the right way. For an italophone, basic spanish isn't that difficult, you'll see when you start with it. I studied German in HS, too, but I've forgotten almost everything and I'd like to pick it up again. I know I'm in a minority here, but I actually love the sound of German.

            Japanese definitely rocks!! But I'm afraid it'll be too difficult to study while I'm still so busy with university. And I have a thing for Swahili, I'd really like to study that language.

            You know, I'd really like to see Turkey someday. My aunt went several years ago and she enjoyed her trip immensely. She bought me a traditional doll in a white dress, I still have it

            Linguistics is just so interesting!! (which makes me wonder why I'm doing my MA in comparative lits and not in Linguistics *scratches head*)

            And Daniel and Vala rock indeed!! After all, Daniel is a linguist And Vala has the best accent known in the anglophone world, so even that's linguistics-related *scribbles frantically in IPA*
            Oh, I luv Bologna so much, its 'cucina' is the best. You can't believe how much I missed its tagliatelle alla bolognese. Eheh, the accent is so funny, but I didn't manage to even pick up succesfully the normal accent, let alone Bologna's. But I can 'pizza' like them, with 's'
            I can also say 'che ***** stai facendo?' with the true italian accent, and that hand gesture you know with fingers and all, I can swear perfectly, but that's all. Almost one year education, and I still can't really talk like a perfect italian which is just expected. You, people, talk soooo fast!!! I mean,really fast That's the why I like italian, you can curse people, but it sounds like a song

            I saw the Verona, once. Duomo, The Arena, Juliet's house(Villa Capuleti?) etc. I have to say that you live in a very nice place

            a traditional doll in a white dress??? I have no idea, any traditional doll with white dress I hope that one day you come to Istanbul, it's the one of the best places of the world that I've have ever seen. Of course, it has nothing relative with being my birthplace

            It really no schock that we love the linguistic because we all are fan of Daniel who speak several (23?) languages
            Banner made by Stef

            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
              You know he's totally thinking: Who's a sexy Prior? Damn, right, it's me!
              Vala: The Origin has became more attractive to all women all around the world!!( I swear Vala said something like that about Adria in F&B, in regards Adria having her mother's figure) I can imagine saying it now for Daniel too
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                *snort/chokes on drink/giggle*

                Yea, I think. According to the GW break down of the character he is:

                An S.G.C. technician stationed at the Cheyenne Mountain facility, Harriman is in often placed in charge of operating the S.G.C.'s dialing computer. Loyal to the staff and his job, he has been there from the inception of the S.G.C., shouting out encoded and locked chevrons, opening the Stargate for SG units to explore the universe, and closing the iris to keep out deadly assailants.

                Harriman holds the rank of sergeant, and also serves as an intermediary between the Stargate Operations staff and the base commander. His uniform often bears the surname "Davis," leading to some confusion over his surname.
                So, if I were calling him something in a fic...what would I call him? Would I call him "technician" or "Sergeant"?


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Sergeant, that's what they call him, I'm almost positive.

                  Banner by Stef
                  Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    So, if I were calling him something in a fic...what would I call him? Would I call him "technician" or "Sergeant"?

                    Himm, in fics I see people calling him just Walter. I dunno why but I'd go with technician
                    Banner made by Stef

                    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                      SO COMPLETELY OT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!



                      HEREOS AWESOMENESS

                      They're all short vids made by Adrian Padsar (Nathan) with him and the cast. Dude, just DUDE!

                      EDIT: My favorites had to be the "Pellegrino", "Emmy Night", "Wipeout", "ZQKB", and "Primatech" and the Greg Gunberg ones were all awesome too
                      banner by Stef


                        Isabel congrats on making 1,100
                        For you

                        Banner by Stef
                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          SO COMPLETELY OT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!

                          TO ALL MY HEROES LOVING FRUITCAKES:


                          HEREOS AWESOMENESS

                          They're all short vids made by Adrian Padsar (Nathan) with him and the cast. Dude, just DUDE!

                          EDIT: My favorites had to be the "Pellegrino", "Emmy Night", "Wipeout", "ZQKB", and "Primatech" and the Greg Gunberg ones were all awesome too
                          OMG, I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THESE!!! The "Grunny Goes Nuts" one is great Seems GG gets as much into these things as KB and AP. I wonder why you like the "Pelligrino" one


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            SO COMPLETELY OT ITS NOT EVEN FUNNY!

                            TO ALL MY HEROES LOVING FRUITCAKES:


                            HEREOS AWESOMENESS

                            They're all short vids made by Adrian Padsar (Nathan) with him and the cast. Dude, just DUDE!

                            EDIT: My favorites had to be the "Pellegrino", "Emmy Night", "Wipeout", "ZQKB", and "Primatech" and the Greg Gunberg ones were all awesome too
                            Have bookmarked and will watch after classes tomorrow. With that I bid you all adieu, us ascended beings have to watch over the lower plains of many galaxies and let me tell you it is exhausting. Plus I've got a battle with Anubis that I've got to get back to. See you all tomorrow

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              Ok so I have almost finished a new Daniel/Vala one shot. It is my longest yet, over 3100 words. I'm in need of a beta. The fic is half angst and half fluff. Definitely rated R. Set after Dominion so spoilers for everything. Any takers? Private message me if interested.

                              (Why do I feel like I'm writing a personal ad?)
                              thanks Stef

                              Thanks Wendy


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                So, if I were calling him something in a fic...what would I call him? Would I call him "technician" or "Sergeant"?

                                I believe in seasons 9 and 10 Walter is refered to as "Chief" because he is "Master Chief Sargeant Walter 'Davis' Harriman". Landry often calls him Chief but I think the others particularly Daniel call him Walter. Mitchell I think calls him Chief. Teal'c of course calls him Sgt. Harriman. Depends on the situation and the person calling him. Both Hammond and Jack have refered to him as Walter with out him being in the room. (Prometheus Unbound, Hammond says, "And I'm taking Walter.)
                                thanks Stef

                                Thanks Wendy

