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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Probably because that comment was aimed at Isa, check yours now.
    Yes, I know...I was just trying to give you a subtle hint. Apparently, it was just a smidge too subtle

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    *cunning banter*
    *clever retort*

    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Stef = Stethorawnus or Stef+Hathor+Shawn+Gus
    Milena = Mangushawn or Milena+Anise+Gus+Shawn
    Well, I was actually referring to my LJ and FF names.....*cough*scifi_tv_addict and valamd*cough*

    Just watched latest episode of Heroes. Opinions: Peter=HOT, Sylar=BAD, Fly-Boy=STILL ANNOYING, MoMoMa=ADORABLE (when was the civil ceremonuy for those two crazy kids? ), HRG=NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!


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      Alright, this one is heading off to Daniel Dreamland. Have a good night Fruitcakes!
      Sig made by me


        One last post from me before bedtime.

        massive Daniel pic spam (because we can never get enough of Daniel)

        My favorite first.

        Then the rest but just as GUH!

        BTW may I ask that no Heroes spoilers outside of cuts please? I haven't seen a single new episode since the Season 1 finale (I got my job the day after the finale) so when I'm gone to work I miss every new episode of Season 2, now I just have to wait for the Season 2 DVD set *pouts*
        Puppet Hammond: Sergeant, make it spin.
        Puppet Walter: Spin? Sir, it doesn't spin.
        Puppet Hammond: What? It has to spin--it's round. Spinning is so much cooler than not spinning. I'm the General, I want it to spin. Now.



          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Yes, I know...I was just trying to give you a subtle hint. Apparently, it was just a smidge too subtle
          Yep, me & subtle are like this *breaks fingers*

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          *clever retort*
          *amusing anecdote with obvious metaphore*

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          *Well, I was actually referring to my LJ and FF names.....*cough*scifi_tv_addict and valamd*cough*
          I refer you to my answer to Bijjy's similar question.

          Also, is it not obvious yet that I'm having a major headdesk day? The brain is not connected to the body bone...

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          *Just watched latest episode of Heroes. Opinions: Peter=HOT, Sylar=BAD, Fly-Boy=STILL ANNOYING, MoMoMa=ADORABLE (when was the civil ceremonuy for those two crazy kids? ), HRG=NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!
          Yep, yep, that about sums it up. I was looking for the wedding bands but they must be wearing them on chains

          Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
          Alright, this one is heading off to Daniel Dreamland. Have a good night Fruitcakes!
          G'night Wendy!!!
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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            OH SNAP!!!!!!

            My midterm's been postponed till next week!!!!!!!!

            PtL, here I come!!!
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              Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
              Er,neither. *sighs* This is gonna be tough to explain (which is why I didn't before) I mean as in not wanting to get too close to people type of thing, not a literal, physical defense mechanism, but a emotional one, it's hard to explain MS said something about it once , and he siad it better than I evercould now if I only knew where to look it up at.

              *googles for a moment*

              blast it! I know I read that somewhere.
              Oh, I was kinda replying sarcastically about the defense mechanism, but there's an actual reason behind it, supported by none other than MS himself? Ok, I don't need any updates for your fic for now, Bijjy, if you can find this gem from MS you will be my best friend forever!!! Please, pretty please.


              EDIT: And with that, I really must sleep. Bijjy, you have 24 hours to come up with that MS go! (Or just ignore me, and I'll try to do the legwork on my own )


                Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                Alright, this one is heading off to Daniel Dreamland. Have a good night Fruitcakes!
                Originally posted by PirateBijjy View Post
                BTW may I ask that no Heroes spoilers outside of cuts please? I haven't seen a single new episode since the Season 1 finale (I got my job the day after the finale) so when I'm gone to work I miss every new episode of Season 2, now I just have to wait for the Season 2 DVD set *pouts*
                Oh, sorry. I thought my one word feelings wouldn't spoil anything

                Night you two

                Milena, dear, check your inbox.


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  You know, I could probably be like all of you negative-Nancies out there and take this 40+ minutes of silence as a slight against me, but I chose not to. I'm just going to assume that you are all thinking up some really deep and introspective things to say about D/V.

                  Yup...that's what you're doing.


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                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Oh, sorry. I thought my one word feelings wouldn't spoil anything

                    Night you two

                    Milena, dear, check your inbox.

                    Checking now. Stef, did I ever send you my crappy MM fic for scrutiny? Isa seems to think it has some potential *coughenablercough*

                    G'night guys!!

                    And for the Defense Mechanism Eyewear thing. I think what Bijjy might be talking about is Daniel's 'geek' persona. When the show started, glasses = geek basically right? So the glasses were like a barrier between him and the military, making sure everyone remembered he was in academia not a cowboy...type thing. Maybe, Bijjy?
                    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Checking now. Stef, did I ever send you my crappy MM fic for scrutiny? Isa seems to think it has some potential *coughenablercough*

                      G'night guys!
                      I don't believe so....

                      You going to bed already (or are you saying goodnight to the people who went to bed)?


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                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        I don't believe so....

                        You going to bed already (or are you saying goodnight to the people who went to bed)?

                        Then I'm clicking send It's only like 2 pages.

                        Nope, I was just saying g'night to the "responsible people" (ie, the quitters)
                        ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                          Then I'm clicking send It's only like 2 pages.

                          Nope, I was just saying g'night to the "responsible people" (ie, the quitters)
                          It better better be. You know, you could probably have a 20 page fic and as long as you only send it to me in 2-3 page installments, I'd beta it for you It's all what I perceive...

                          Ha! Responsible!! Although, I miss Wendy. Her daytime-ness and my nighttime-ness are not compatible...and therefore, rarely overlap


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                            Originally posted by Stef View Post
                            It better better be. You know, you could probably have a 20 page fic and as long as you only send it to me in 2-3 page installments, I'd beta it for you It's all what I perceive...

                            Ha! Responsible!! Although, I miss Wendy. Her daytime-ness and my nighttime-ness are not compatible...and therefore, rarely overlap

                            LoL, well there's an idea, I could send BF to you scene by scene For the MM scene, I'm looking for all your thoughts but mostly if it captivates you

                            And I would suggest moving into the daytime shift...but that would be ludicrous
                            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                              LoL, well there's an idea, I could send BF to you scene by scene For the MM scene, I'm looking for all your thoughts but mostly if it captivates you

                              And I would suggest moving into the daytime shift...but that would be ludicrous
                              Yeah...I don't see that working. Besides, if I did that, who would you have to go insane with at night?

                              Reading it right now...


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                                This silence perturbs me....

                                And Dustin Hoffman in a dress, wig and heels singing with and old man just...freaks me out...though I can't be sure it's DH and not the creepy old man...

                                And I haven't gotten to 1200 posts yet!!! Quote anyone still here?

                                Vala: Of course you do, silly.
                                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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