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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Yeah, I agree with what you and everyone has said on this topic. I just find it interesting that Cam only says Daniel's name once. That moment always drew my attention because it was such a small thing, but illustrated something very important. I wonder if that was BB's decision to change it up there...I know calling Daniel "Jackson" all of the time was. I wish these two had more screen-time together, I really enjoy the way they bounce off each other. See: The Fourth Horseman.

    I know. Cam and Daniel are a truely unstoppable force once the PTBs got over the "Interesting but limited gene pool" thing.
    thanks Stef

    Thanks Wendy


      Originally posted by Toomi View Post

      Cam: Is that not apples and oranges (If you frequent the BB thread, you'll laugh your butt off.....)
      HeeHee. I hadn't even thought of that reference. That is truely funny no that you made the conection.
      thanks Stef

      Thanks Wendy


        Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
        I know. Cam and Daniel are a truely unstoppable force once the PTBs got over the "Interesting but limited gene pool" thing.
        Did they get over it? I'm still waiting for some C/D scenes...season 10 offered very few! I mean, all we got little in MM and TQ2 Definitely could have used more!!

        EDIT: Okay, there were some good bits in Bad Guys too.

        Last edited by Stef; 10 September 2007, 01:01 AM.

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          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Did they get over it? I'm still waiting for some C/D scenes...season 10 offered very few! I mean, all we got little in MM and TQ2 Definitely could have used more!!

          EDIT: Okay, there were some good bits in Bad Guys too.

          I think they were beginning to (after all there is some nice interaction in Bad Guys before the team splits up) but the show got cancelled.
          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
            I think they were beginning to (after all there is some nice interaction in Bad Guys before the team splits up) but the show got cancelled.
            Okay, I don't know why but that made me laugh. Reminds me of that Arthurian comment about Percival's sister, Milena made a few pages back (she was hanging out with some guys, and then she died to save a leper).

            You're right, and that's what sucks. The team had finally gelled and Vala was starting to interact more with the rest of the team (they even had some Cam/Vala scenes!! *gasps*). It would have been nice to see more Cam/Daniel. It's a shame that once the show had begun to hit its stride after the "reboot" it was canceled *sigh*

            And I don't think we're going to be getting a whole heck of a lot of D/C in the movies...especially AoT because they split up into pairs again.

            Honestly, if they thought that their looking alike was going to be that big of a problem, then why did they hire Ben? Surely someone must have noticed the similiarities beforehand. And like we wouldn't be able to tell the difference!!

            Wow, I guess that hit a nerve. I want my hunk sandwich gosh darnit!!


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              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Okay, I don't know why but that made me laugh. Reminds me of that Arthurian comment about Percival's sister, Milena made a few pages back (she was hanging out with some guys, and then she died to save a leper).

              You're right, and that's what sucks. The team had finally gelled and Vala was starting to interact more with the rest of the team (they even had some Cam/Vala scenes!! *gasps*). It would have been nice to see more Cam/Daniel. It's a shame that once the show had begun to hit its stride after the "reboot" it was canceled *sigh*

              And I don't think we're going to be getting a whole heck of a lot of D/C in the movies...especially AoT because they split up into pairs again.

              Honestly, if they thought that their looking alike was going to be that big of a problem, then why did they hire Ben? Surely someone must have noticed the similiarities beforehand. And like we wouldn't be able to tell the difference!!

              Wow, I guess that hit a nerve. I want my hunk sandwich gosh darnit!!

              Preach it sister! Hello Daniel is the one with glasses and usually in the green base uniform while Cm wears the blue. On missions Cam wears a cap and Daniel either wears a bandana or nothing on his head. Really people it isn't that hard to tell them apart.=)
              thanks Stef

              Thanks Wendy


                Agree would love some more Cam/Daniel interaction, they are my current fav SG1 male characters. Also wondering if they'll have more Teal'c cause I honestly believe he got a bit of a raw deal the last couple of seasons, besides Talion. Feel free to disagree

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                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                  Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                  Agree would love some more Cam/Daniel interaction, they are my current fav SG1 male characters. Also wondering if they'll have more Teal'c cause I honestly believe he got a bit of a raw deal the last couple of seasons, besides Talion. Feel free to disagree
                  I agree with you about season 10 but I think he got A LOT in season 9. He had a whole storyline to himself with the Jaffa counsel. I didn't actually like that story, but it was all his Didn't CJ say he said more in that one season than in all of the others combined? A joke, but still.


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                    Okay, is it sad that I'm categorizing my songs for the mix (PU, S9, S10.1-5, S10.6-10, S10.11-15, S10.16-20)? With all the things I should be doing, I am instead doing this


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                      Some LITS caps:


                      He's her Lobster!
                      LTS: Life's too short


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        I agree with you about season 10 but I think he got A LOT in season 9. He had a whole storyline to himself with the Jaffa counsel. I didn't actually like that story, but it was all his Didn't CJ say he said more in that one season than in all of the others combined? A joke, but still.

                        That's true I think most of season nine except Vala episodes have been forgotten by me Honestly I'm not a huge fan of the story lines revolving around the jaffa in season nine.
                        Embarrassed to say that those two mentioned above are my current favs but as Milena can testify I also love Jonas and Jack of course. I like Teal'c to but he's not my fav. Sorry really OT.

                        NOt sad Stef it called procrastinating, embrace it

                        Hi djay!!!!!!

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                        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                          Hello, everyone! (Hi, Cat!)

                          Here is my favourite scene:
                          (Spoilers for size)


                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Agree love that scene!

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              Originally posted by djay View Post

                              Okay, that first one looks like Mitchell is being a player and hitting on both the ladies I'll give him credit, they look pleased!

                              The second one is cute (for several reasons), but I don't remember that! I didn't remember to cap this episode I'm going to try to be on top of things tomorrow and cap "The Shroud" -- even if D/V only have one scene. Oh, but what a scene it is!


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                                Wow!! Just two days away, and I missed a lot of discussion.
                                *runs off to catch up with the thread.*
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

