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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by djay View Post
    Yeh, good ideas Stef. I should read more!

    Here's an extract from MS' Chicago convention transcript thanks to MS Online.

    Spoilers for length:
    Audience member: What was it like working with Claudia Black and Ben Browder? Did you find that there was any jealousy because of their past?

    Michael: I think at first Ben was a little taken aback with the way the characters were sort of set out. That he was so used to working with Claudia and just quite frankly had finished with working with Claudia that he was so used to their dynamic between each other that to see her be a love interest with some other character was kind of a little bit...but what was hilarious is that we were shooting "The Pegasus Project" - [section missed] - character from Atlantis, right between Amanda and Claudia. So Claudia ended up playing the whole thing like she was enamored with Joe. And it kinda didn't make it to the edit, but he came up to me at certain points and said, "She just kisses ass to any guy." So we were both sort of like, "Hey, what's she doing?" So she does whatever it takes to get the job done. So I guess that's the only thing I can think of in terms of any jealousy or anything like that. It wasn't even... to have each other to work with being so comfortable working with each other. They were a great addition to the cast, both in their work ethic and their level of communication and their level of play within the group so they were wonderful additions to the group.
    That was my friend who asked the question!!


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      Originally posted by djay View Post
      Spoilers for length:

      Audience member: Can you tell us if there is any hope at all for us Daniel/Vala shippers in the movie?

      Michael: Any hope for Daniel/Vala shippers... umm... yes. And no. There's glimpses. There's hope. Is there any direct physical contact? Any marriage ceremony, anything like that? Maybe. I sound like Joe Mallozzi when he answers a question. Maybe. Could be. Possibly. Thanks, Joe.
      Yes, there's the part I was talking about!
      I think he was basically saying that we will get some scenes but nothing crazy. I think what he perceives to be "shippy" are BIG moments - kiss, sex, marriage, professions of love. So I interpreted him to mean that we will be getting something, just no major developments in their relationship.

      Originally posted by RinggoldGate
      WE LIVE by HAZMOT is the Fic about An unknown Alien life form has attacked Sam and Vala. Will the rest of their team be able to save them? What do these aliens want from these two woman?
      Awesome, thanks


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        According to Stargate Solutions, Continuum will be coming out Fall 2008 (while we know AoT is coming out in Spring 2008).


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          Hey fellow Fruitcakes how is everyone? First welcome to our two newest posters Heliosphere and PirateBijjy.
          Can I just say how much I love the quest 2? The pure angst of D/V as well as the conversation between Cam and Vala.
          Also love Teal'c
          Vala: Daryl?
          Cam: Smoky?
          Teal'c: Perhaps Puff.
          Has me cracking myself laughing. Love the straight face as it was delivered.
          Also love the moment afterwards when Cam agrees that the dragon is called Daryl. Love the look on Vala's face!
          How terribly angsty was Cam pulling Vala through the gate? Also Daniel pushing Vala out of the way when Adria attacks.
          Okay will add more later.

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            According to Stargate Solutions, Continuum will be coming out Fall 2008 (while we know AoT is coming out in Spring 2008).

            Oh the wait... I thought waiting a few months for the back half of season 10 was bad enough... A year in between that and AoT!!!

            I'm truly curious to see what kind of spoilers come out beforehand. So far they've been really good keeping their secrets. Personaly I hope there's very few spoilers. I'm a spoiler junkie despite teh fact I'd rather remain spoiler free... something about no will power and the neverending curiosity. as far as commercials go, I don't think there'll be as many, will Sci Fi air any for the movies inbetween SGA? Unless they're in for a cut I doubt it. Plus a 2 hour (or 90min) movie surely they won't spoil it all!!!! (thinking about 200, I knew most of it before I'd seen it thanks to spoilers months beforehand... as with Unending, and most of hte other eps...)

            Anyways, I'm off to bed. Sleepy and fed up of this uncomfortable chair...

            Are we discussing an ep tomorrow? Which one is it?


              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              Video Break:

              Because Daniel Loves Vala

              Romantic, maybe too much, but I love that sort of thing anyway.
              Awww, Susan, that was a great find! Thanks so much!

              Ok, I'm so falling asleep on my laptop, see y'all later.



                Originally posted by Toomi View Post
                Oh the wait... I thought waiting a few months for the back half of season 10 was bad enough... A year in between that and AoT!!!

                I'm truly curious to see what kind of spoilers come out beforehand. So far they've been really good keeping their secrets. Personaly I hope there's very few spoilers. I'm a spoiler junkie despite teh fact I'd rather remain spoiler free... something about no will power and the neverending curiosity. as far as commercials go, I don't think there'll be as many, will Sci Fi air any for the movies inbetween SGA? Unless they're in for a cut I doubt it. Plus a 2 hour (or 90min) movie surely they won't spoil it all!!!! (thinking about 200, I knew most of it before I'd seen it thanks to spoilers months beforehand... as with Unending, and most of hte other eps...)

                Anyways, I'm off to bed. Sleepy and fed up of this uncomfortable chair...

                Are we discussing an ep tomorrow? Which one is it?
                You're like me. I don't really want to know everything but I must read anything I find on the subject I have no self-control!

                I believe tomorrow's episode will be LITS. Since it had no Daniel, I put it to a vote. Almost everyone who replied gave a "yay" so we will discuss that...and then the next one will be "The Shroud."

                Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                Ok, I'm so falling asleep on my laptop, see y'all later.
                And the exodus continues. Looks like it'll just be me and myself here soon! Night guys.


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                  Quick: What would you describe Vala as in CoT. All I came up with is resourceful. I'm thinking specifically of her getting the ship, and then "fixing" the cloak.

                  EDIT: Hey-o....16 people viewing the thread!!


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                    The Quest p.II is one of my fav ep, if not THE ONE

                    Sig made by slizzie1986


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Okay, I seriously just burst out laughing when I read that. She's off with some guys...then she sacrifices herself to save a leper
                      Well Vala is kind of spur-of-the-moment right?

                      Originally posted by ErinB View Post
                      Wow, that was great, Milena! I went to wikipedia and found this list of Arthurian characters. Elaine is a pretty name, but there's like a hundred of 'em. Well, not a hundred, but a lot... and I'm not sure any of their stories are as good as the one you found.
                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Perfect! (apart from her being dead and all)
                      I LOVE that they were buried together. Sigh!
                      Thanks! Being buried together was my favourite part too and I know that it says that Galahad got his whole purity/celibacy deal from his mother but I'm thinking it's because Dindraine (was that her name?) just died before he had a chance to do like his mother did with Lancelot and then he wanted to remain faithful to her Yes, I've thought about this wayyy to much to still be counted among the sane but I'm okay with that

                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      Pete. Calm down, hear me out. Guinevere's heart belonged to Lancelot, and she cheated on her husband, Arthur. Sam's heart presumably belonged to Jack, so she couldn't marry her fiance Pete, because she was in love with someone else. Pete is no Arthur...but it fits within the context of the story.


                      Jack is Arthur, Sam is Guinevere, and Cam is Lancelot That's how the triangle would work in my head.

                      But that's not D/V. Good find, Milena. I tried to see if Galahad ever had a female companion but I never came across...whatever her name was.
                      Thanks! And I like your Pete/Jack as Arthur theories, though I'm kind of partial to the second one with Cam as Lancelot And yes, I say that as a SJ fan, but I say she should have the best of both worlds!

                      Originally posted by djay View Post
                      Here's an extract from MS' Chicago convention transcript thanks to MS Online.

                      Spoilers for length:
                      Audience member: What was it like working with Claudia Black and Ben Browder? Did you find that there was any jealousy because of their past?

                      Michael: I think at first Ben was a little taken aback with the way the characters were sort of set out. That he was so used to working with Claudia and just quite frankly had finished with working with Claudia that he was so used to their dynamic between each other that to see her be a love interest with some other character was kind of a little bit...but what was hilarious is that we were shooting "The Pegasus Project" - [section missed] - character from Atlantis, right between Amanda and Claudia. So Claudia ended up playing the whole thing like she was enamored with Joe. And it kinda didn't make it to the edit, but he came up to me at certain points and said, "She just kisses ass to any guy." So we were both sort of like, "Hey, what's she doing?" So she does whatever it takes to get the job done. So I guess that's the only thing I can think of in terms of any jealousy or anything like that. It wasn't even... to have each other to work with being so comfortable working with each other. They were a great addition to the cast, both in their work ethic and their level of communication and their level of play within the group so they were wonderful additions to the group.

                      Audience member: Can you tell us if there is any hope at all for us Daniel/Vala shippers in the movie?

                      Michael: Any hope for Daniel/Vala shippers... umm... yes. And no. There's glimpses. There's hope. Is there any direct physical contact? Any marriage ceremony, anything like that? Maybe. I sound like Joe Mallozzi when he answers a question. Maybe. Could be. Possibly. Thanks, Joe.

                      Djay you beautiful beautiful person you!!! You made me fall off my bed squeeing though...I think I bruised Thank you so much for transcribing that!!!

                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      That was my friend who asked the question!!

                      Stef your friend should be built a shrine! Grab a chair, I'll bring some candles and we'll all dance around the DV shipping I'm tired Anybody know if pain can release endorphins to the brain cuz I've been in hyper-giddy mode since I (possibly) broke my jaw...

                      G'night Toomi and Erin!!
                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Quick: What would you describe Vala as in CoT. All I came up with is resourceful. I'm thinking specifically of her getting the ship, and then "fixing" the cloak.

                        EDIT: Hey-o....16 people viewing the thread!!

                        able, active, adventurous, aggressive, bright, capable, clever, creative, enterprising, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, original, quick-witted, sharp, talented, venturesome

                        He's her Lobster!
                        LTS: Life's too short


                          Originally posted by Stef View Post
                          Quick: What would you describe Vala as in CoT. All I came up with is resourceful. I'm thinking specifically of her getting the ship, and then "fixing" the cloak.

                          EDIT: Hey-o....16 people viewing the thread!!

                          I'd say ingenuity I agree that we should discuss LITS even though there is no Daniel, it seems most of us are huge Vala fans anyway and i think it gives great insight into her character and therefore into her relationship with Daniel.

                          Banner by Stef
                          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                            Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                            Thanks! Being buried together was my favourite part too and I know that it says that Galahad got his whole purity/celibacy deal from his mother but I'm thinking it's because Dindraine (was that her name?) just died before he had a chance to do like his mother did with Lancelot and then he wanted to remain faithful to her Yes, I've thought about this wayyy to much to still be counted among the sane but I'm okay with that
                            OMG its Daniel and Sha're! seriously think about it.
                            Goodnight to everyone who is going to the land of sleep.
                            BTW Susan I LOVE that video of Stef's I think its my fav.

                            Banner by Stef
                            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                              And just for the eyes
                              Sig made by slizzie1986


                                Hey madaboutdanny don't know if its been said but congratulations on 1,000 posts! Love the pics

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                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

