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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
    Thank you, thank you! And I'm with Erin, we should all have tag-names If I were any good at thinking some up though...*sigh*
    You know, Milena, now that I think about it, that x-mas pic was posted a few days ago and I noticed the weird carrot and just could not figure out why it was sitting there upright in the middle of the plate. I mean, it really sticks out against his black shirt, it's just odd. Maybe subconsiously the pic was in my mind when I finally guessed. And I shouldn't get a prize for guessing, I didn't actually know it... I was just persistent.

    Anyhoo, on with The Quest Part 2...
    I know we mentioned earlier how Vala's character was kinda 'dumb-blonde-ish' in Q1, and that it didn't jive well with her character in Q2, but I just want to reiterate what I posted before, that she does kinda stay light-hearted in the beginning of Q2 with the mention of Darrel the dragon, and running out to face it with "Morgan Le Fay". She certainly mellows out when they meet Merlin and the team splits up. And she certainly becomes more worried when Daniel starts working on the machine. Anyhoo, my point is, while it doesn't seem at first like Vala's behavior is the same between Q1 and Q2, I think it really is, and it changes/progresses quite naturally as the ep changes/progress.

    Did I lose anyone?


      Ooookay...just started watching the episode and HUGE glaring 'huh?' pops out at me. Adria has no powers in the cave right? And her protection comes from the stone from the city of's basically a piece of technology so how can she command it to expand at will??? And for that matter, why would she? She needs Daniel and she's obviously partial to her mother but the rest of the team is just standing in her way, why not let them go up in flames? Not that I'm complaining of course Just think it's weird.

      Oooh, when they're trying to guess the dragon's name, Daniel kind of snaps at the team with "Would you just give me a minute!". It's nice to see that snarkiness not directed at Vala for once

      Mitchell called Sam "Carter"...that sounded weird...that name is reserved for other people (Sorry, just my shippy SJ side don't mean to offend any CS people )

      LOL Teal'c's silent take-over of the explosives-run is hilarious. Poor Cam

      And I agree with you Erin, her mood really changes throughout, how could it not. But one moment that I really dislike is the weird little, happy head bouncing thing she does when Cam chooses her dragon-name...soo not in keeping with the competent/sane Vala we know and love.
      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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        Originally posted by ErinB View Post
        You know, Milena, now that I think about it, that x-mas pic was posted a few days ago and I noticed the weird carrot and just could not figure out why it was sitting there upright in the middle of the plate. I mean, it really sticks out against his black shirt, it's just odd. Maybe subconsiously the pic was in my mind when I finally guessed. And I shouldn't get a prize for guessing, I didn't actually know it... I was just persistent.

        Anyhoo, on with The Quest Part 2...
        I know we mentioned earlier how Vala's character was kinda 'dumb-blonde-ish' in Q1, and that it didn't jive well with her character in Q2, but I just want to reiterate what I posted before, that she does kinda stay light-hearted in the beginning of Q2 with the mention of Darrel the dragon, and running out to face it with "Morgan Le Fay". She certainly mellows out when they meet Merlin and the team splits up. And she certainly becomes more worried when Daniel starts working on the machine. Anyhoo, my point is, while it doesn't seem at first like Vala's behavior is the same between Q1 and Q2, I think it really is, and it changes/progresses quite naturally as the ep changes/progress.

        Did I lose anyone?

        Nope you didn't lose me. I understand exactly what you mean and agree with you. I think in the Q2, at the beginning, she was much more herself. What the writers had her doing was doing with Darrell the dragon and going out to yell Morgan Le Fay is exactly in character for her. I just think they went a little overboard in Q1. Maybe TPTB realized what they had done, and wrote her more herself for Q2. *shurgs*
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          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Ooookay...just started watching the episode and HUGE glaring 'huh?' pops out at me. Adria has no powers in the cave right? And her protection comes from the stone from the city of's basically a piece of technology so how can she command it to expand at will??? And for that matter, why would she? She needs Daniel and she's obviously partial to her mother but the rest of the team is just standing in her way, why not let them go up in flames? Not that I'm complaining of course Just think it's weird.
          Ooh, very true...
          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Oooh, when they're trying to guess the dragon's name, Daniel kind of snaps at the team with "Would you just give me a minute!". It's nice to see that snarkiness not directed at Vala for once
          Yeah, spread the snarky around, Daniel
          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          Mitchell called Sam "Carter"...that sounded weird...that name is reserved for other people (Sorry, just my shippy SJ side don't mean to offend any CS people )

          LOL Teal'c's silent take-over of the explosives-run is hilarious. Poor Cam
          Yeah, go Teal'c!
          Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
          And I agree with you Erin, her mood really changes throughout, how could it not. But one moment that I really dislike is the weird little, happy head bouncing thing she does when Cam chooses her dragon-name...soo not in keeping with the competent/sane Vala we know and love.
          I like that head bounce/smile actually, but my point was that her character in the beginning of Q2 followed her unusual incompetent/insane behavior from Q1, so it kinda works for me. At least she becomes more reasonable as the ep progresses.



            LOOOL Cam: Oh sonofa***** (when the bombs don't work)

            Ooooh, favourite shippy scene

            Vala runs toward the dragon full speed ahead
            Daniel (panicked): Wait! NO!!
            Daniel rushes after her as fast as he can while the others watch on from the treeline...
            Vala: Hey! Morgan...Le Fay! ...Daryl???
            Daniel: Ghannos Laal!

            Really it's the look in his eyes when he reaches Vala that hooks me the most. He's faced danger/death a million times over and granted, this is probably his first time against a dragon, we very rarely see true fear/panic in his eyes. I'm thinking that Vala running after the dragon gave him a heart attack and he was totally freaking out by the time he reached her *sigh*
            ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

            Banner made by Stef!


              Just finished watching Band of Brothers' "Why We Fight." Probably one of the best episodes of the mini-series....I get emotional every time I watch it! I highly recommend it. Anyway...

              Okay, lost track of whoever posted that link to the Continuum feature, but what you commented about in terms of MW's last comment...
              ...the arctic isn't the biggest thing we you think maybe it's the final showdown? Cliff Simon said he had a great death scene with Qetesh in the movie, his favorite, so I'm thinking that maybe this is it.

              Gotta say that this featurette got me more excited for the second movie...not for D/V but for the general story

              Originally posted by ErinB View Post
              As an aside, I LOVED Vala's braids in 200; wish she'd had more eps with braids. Maybe that's cuz I like to put my hair in braids when I'm lounging around. Oh well.
              So do I. I would trade her trademark pigtails for braids any day of the week...although my favorite hairstyle has to be the one from CoT. So cool!

              Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
              There's a better picture than that but the carrot is on top of the potato mountain, surrounded by a ring of peas In this pic it's actually behind the turkey/chicken, just follow Daniel's chest down
              Someone was bored during shooting!


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                Accompaniement to my last post because I didn't notice it the first time around...

                When Daniel runs up behind Vala, notice his left hand?? I SWEAR it looks like he's tempted to reach for hers As it is, he just rests the back of his hand against her hip but if her right hand wouldn't have been holding her gun we would have had a hand-holding moment there.

                Excuse me while I go squee
                ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                Banner made by Stef!


                  Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                  LOOOL Cam: Oh sonofa***** (when the bombs don't work)

                  Ooooh, favourite shippy scene

                  Vala runs toward the dragon full speed ahead
                  Daniel (panicked): Wait! NO!!
                  Daniel rushes after her as fast as he can while the others watch on from the treeline...
                  Vala: Hey! Morgan...Le Fay! ...Daryl???
                  Daniel: Ghannos Laal!

                  Really it's the look in his eyes when he reaches Vala that hooks me the most. He's faced danger/death a million times over and granted, this is probably his first time against a dragon, we very rarely see true fear/panic in his eyes. I'm thinking that Vala running after the dragon gave him a heart attack and he was totally freaking out by the time he reached her *sigh*
                  Yep, that's a good shippy moment Nice to see a reaction from Danny. heehee


                    Pt 2
                    (Did I mention I LOVE this episode?!)


                    PS i really do love Cam and Vala in this episode.

                    He's her Lobster!
                    LTS: Life's too short


                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Ooookay...just started watching the episode and HUGE glaring 'huh?' pops out at me. Adria has no powers in the cave right? And her protection comes from the stone from the city of's basically a piece of technology so how can she command it to expand at will??? And for that matter, why would she? She needs Daniel and she's obviously partial to her mother but the rest of the team is just standing in her way, why not let them go up in flames? Not that I'm complaining of course Just think it's weird.
                      You guys are all about killing tonight! First it's, why didn't the team just push Adria and Ba'al off the cliff. Then it's, why didn't Adria let everyone die.

                      My guess is that she can't fight the dragon in order to get the Sangraal, so she still needs them. Besides, if she killed off the team then she'd have nothing to hold over Daniel to get him to cooperate.

                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      Mitchell called Sam "Carter"...that sounded weird...that name is reserved for other people (Sorry, just my shippy SJ side don't mean to offend any CS people )
                      You see it as a negative from a S/J perspective, I see it as a negative from a C/S perspective. One of the things I love about C/S is that they almost always call each other by their first names (she even calls him "Cam" ). It really shows a how close they are

                      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                      LOL Teal'c's silent take-over of the explosives-run is hilarious. Poor Cam
                      Ha! I like how Cam doesn't get it at first..he just keeps trying but Teal'c is like no. Then Cam hands it over to Teal'c. So funny


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                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        Pt 2
                        (Did I mention I LOVE this episode?!)


                        PS i really do love Cam and Vala in this episode.


                        ^ That one makes me squee everytime, even though it is supposed to be a angsty moment.
                        Sig made by me


                          did I lose part one? Oh well, here we go again:


                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                            ^ That one makes me squee everytime, even though it is supposed to be a angsty moment.
                            You know, if you stare long enough at it, it almost looks like Vala's kissing Daniel's hair/head. Awww...



                              Oh I might have to change my shippy moment...well I would if it weren't for the almost-hand-holding in my previous one. But Daniel's worried "Vala be careful!" is sooo sweet I should start keeping score of the name drops again because since MM we see a marked increase Two already in this episode.

                              More lovely moments:
                              - Cam, Sam and Teal'c leave to find an exit while Vala stays with that there's no question about it
                              - Teal'c manhandling Ba'al, he's gotta be loving that, finally having the upper hand personally with a Goa'uld Lord.
                              - Any bit where Ba'al speaks
                              - Daniel sitting very comfortably next to Vala while he recounts everything he knows about the Ancients and the Ori
                              -Vala's proud grin as Daniel tells Myrdin how he didn't follow the rules when he was Ascended
                              - Daniel's soft, joyful smile as Vala points out that "Oma wasn't the only one to break some of the rules"
                              ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                              Banner made by Stef!


                                Well, djay pretty much covered everything in her two posts. But I don't care, you'll get to hear it all again.

                                FAVORITE SCENE/FAVORITE PICTURES:

                                Daniel sacrificing himself while Vala is being dragged away by Mitchell. Why? Gee...take a guess! I find this to be one of the most romantic moments in their relationship. Technically, he's saving them all...but he actually pushes Vala out of the way right before Adria opens fire (was she trying to kill her mother or destroy the dialing device?). He basically sacrifices himself for her, and she refuses to leave his side. If it were up to her, I have no doubt that she would have stayed and gotten captured along with him. OOOH, FIC IDEA!!!!

                                Anyone want to write a fic where they run to the gate but Vala stops at the last second and goes back for Daniel (everyone else has jumped through the gate, so it is too late for them to drag her). I wish I could but that fic would take multiple chapters to tell and we all know how well I do with multi-chapter fic updates. But someone? Anyone?

                                FAVORITE QUOTE:

                                MITCHELL: Well now you know that the hard part about being on this team is not risking your own life. It's watching your friends take chances with theirs. Congratulations. Now you really are one of us.

                                I've said this before and I will say it again, I think this is the first episode where the team comes together. I mean, there was always a team-vibe, but this episode was really when everything came together and solidified. That's what makes me more fond of SG-1 than the SGA team, who I don't feel have really reached that almost familial point yet.

                                Anyway, this moment is a perfect example of that. Just, wow. GREAT line, and I'm so glad it was delivered by Mitchell. I also like the bits before it where he brings up her sacrifice in BH. After watching it several times, it sounds as if Vala's death affected him somehow. That he was either sad or ticked off that she had flown the ship through the gap of the supergate. We saw Daniel mention it in MM, now Cam here. Interesting. I really think Cam/Vala were great in this episode...and I'm glad to see the writers get over their fear of putting them together. They're no D/V, but who is?


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