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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    congratz!! sam and jack are proud of you!
    Thank you

    Originally posted by Ikorni View Post
    I think you really need to write these little bunnies down and store them somewhere. I know I'd be happy to read such stories.
    I don't know what she's waiting on.

    Originally posted by MylittleEli View Post
    Just watching COTG again...the original version. I'm so enjoying watching for the shippy moments I missed in the past.

    Sam: your really gonna like me once you get to know me.
    Jack: I adore you already....

    Its so cute and hilarious. But he is a bit cheeky to her sometimes! I had forgotten how much he teased her in the beginning.
    I'm not convinced that she did hate it. That was just a cover

    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    I love the teasing!

    So did Sam

    Originally posted by Sam1969 View Post
    Hey guys. Long time no see!
    Just wanting to know what S/J discussions were in here.

    Oh and I was thinking.. Since I haven't made anything of them in awhile, I was gonna try and make some graphic or some gifs or something.
    You go girl!! Looking forward to seeing them.

    Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
    Jack & Sam & Stargate musings... My first post on the forum. Go easy on me.

    Anyway, I have loads more to write but that can wait for another evening. Thanks for suffering this lengthy post if you read all the way through.
    Welcome Probie.
    sig by Mada
    As a matter of FIC


      Welcome Starship Trooper!

      Someone get this girl some fanfic! Oh wait . . . I have some right here:

      S/J FanFic Lists
      S/J Fic Rec

      You might also enjoy a look at the Shiptionary.

      I would also encourage you to join us on the S/J Discussion Thread where we review and discuss episodes one by one sharing our insights on the ship.

      Be sure not to miss Ship Day on July 28! Here's a link to previous shippy celebrations:

      Ship Day 2012
      Shipsgiving 2012
      Shipmas 2012
      Valenship 2013



        speaking of children of the gods...has anyone read the first chapter of Selene's new Story in the "Stars" Series called Children of the Stars?


          Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
          Jack & Sam & Stargate musings... My first post on the forum. Go easy on me.
          Welcome to the wonderful world of Sam & Jack

          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          You might also enjoy a look at the Shiptionary.
          Wow, I didn't even know this existed - thanks for the link, hlndncr
          Last edited by Samantha-Carter-is-my-muse; 11 June 2013, 08:28 PM.


            Welcome to the insanity, Starship Trooper! We're all a bit crazy, but we're harmless to everyone but ourselves
            You should definitely check out the links that hlndncr posted, they're a great place to start.


              Hello, I am also like Starship Topper *waves* I have recently, through ill health been watching Stargate again. I began to watch it many moons ago when it first aired. I had totally forgotten how well written it was, with juicy stories. [even if there are some not so good episodes. I have adored the Sam & Jack dynamic for some time. It's great I've finally found somewhere to discuss this.

              I would like to pose a question, from one newbie, on this vast forum;
              Do you think the show would of suffered it the powers that be put Sam & Jack together?
              or was the cute scenes, lines and moments enough?


                On the whole, I do think that allowing them to become a genuine couple would have been a mistake. The unresolved sexual tension made for excellent viewing. Now, in the end, it would have been quite excellent to let it be known that they were together...


                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  On the whole, I do think that allowing them to become a genuine couple would have been a mistake. The unresolved sexual tension made for excellent viewing. Now, in the end, it would have been quite excellent to let it be known that they were together...
                  I agree with you but personally i know they are together and that's all that matters to me. just like i know that SG-1 is still active and going through that gate on a daily basis and Atlantis returned to pegasus and the Destiny Expedition made it to the next galaxy.


                    I tend to agree with you both, while it was great on the show - the sexual tension, the flirting and so on. Perhaps in the earlier seasons it would of been a mistake, but re-watching I think it would of been better if they had not hinted, but said that they were together. At the end.

                    I too, believe that they are together, in Jack's little cabin by the lake. I just wish they would close off everything with another movie. I guess that isn't likely though, as the years progress...


                      Originally posted by Stargategirl91 View Post
                      Hello, I am also like Starship Topper *waves* I have recently, through ill health been watching Stargate again. I began to watch it many moons ago when it first aired. I had totally forgotten how well written it was, with juicy stories. [even if there are some not so good episodes. I have adored the Sam & Jack dynamic for some time. It's great I've finally found somewhere to discuss this.

                      I would like to pose a question, from one newbie, on this vast forum;
                      Do you think the show would of suffered it the powers that be put Sam & Jack together?
                      or was the cute scenes, lines and moments enough?
                      Firstly WELCOME - I'm relatively new myself and have found everyone on here extremely nice and helpful too. It's great to, finally be able to discuss our love in this pretty cool fandom isn't it?

                      Now to your question, I loved the build up, the sexual tension and all those wee moments we got to see, I don't know if you watched Atlantis, there is a scene in season four (I think) that pretty much, confirmed for me that they are in fact together.
                      I also believe that if they had confirmed it in the show - and not focused on their relationship as a couple too much it could of worked. I have seen other TV programmes, where two characters have gotten together, and while it's really cool and squeeee worthy, the script writers focus their storylines too much on those relationships, rather on the premise of the show.
                      Sweet lavender sky ~ pastels parading slowly ~ twilight slowly falls


                        Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
                        Jack & Sam & Stargate musings... My first post on the forum. Go easy on me.

                        I never caught even a single episode of Stargate when it was on air. I guess I was just distracted by other programmes/things. Not too long ago, MacGyver popped up on Netflix. I remembered being utterly smitten with Richard Dean Anderson as very, very, young child. The whole family would gather around on Friday nights to watch it as it aired in South Africa. My brother and I were so obsessed we had our own MacGyver club. We would create obstacle courses for the kids in the neighbourhood and I'd hand-draw each membership certificate we handed out. I don't know whether it was just nostalgia or curiosity, but I couldn't resist re-watching every single episode and was amazed at how much of it I actually remembered. After watching him ride off into the distance on his motorbike and thank the audience as the final episode of MacGyver drew to a close, I just didn't feel ready to say goodbye to Mr Anderson. So Stargate SG-1 it was.

                        After consulting with a few reputable sources about whether or not it was worth watching, I was very kindly lent the complete collection – seasons one through ten. I've recently finished season ten and am now re-watching some of the episodes I really loved from earlier seasons. For the last few weeks, I've had these thoughts going round and round in my head as I've been obsessively devouring each episode and really want to find an outlet for them. I think this forum is probably the right place, but I feel a bit cheeky launching into a 'postal' (post all? get it?? nudge, nudge) essay right off the bat. Oh well, feel free to ignore me or move/delete post as required!

                        So... Jack and Sam... Never, in all my life, have I been SO involved in a television series relationship! I didn't even know what 'shipping' was until last week. But THIS... It's the kind of magic that you can't put down to any one thing. It's this beautiful combination of on-screen chemistry, subtle acting, directing, and clever writing. It's possibly the kind of thing that you can't recreate either. I am loving re-watching episodes and scrutinising each scene for the little signs... the meaningful looks, the body language, the growing familiarity, and the reactions when one of them does or says something to surprise the other – good or bad. It's most likely also the greatest source of FRUSTRATION I've ever had the pleasure, or perhaps pain, of witnessing in a television series! Just... D'OH!

                        I understand from a writing point of view that it is always a mistake to put your two leads together. The 'are they aren't they' draw makes for excellent television and I can list a number of shows that suffered greatly after the writers finally decided to put the characters together. I definitely think it wouldn't have been realistic to put Jack and Sam together until the series was drawing to an end, but I do think it was a terrible mistake to leave it as open as they did. It feels as though there is no certainty about the future of, or closure for, the characters you've come to know and love. What would've kept these two lovers apart for the rest of their lives? And I say 'lovers' because the deep, emotional, love affair going on between them is unmistakable. They don't seem to take a single action without considering the thoughts or feelings of the other – even if they don't always agree. Will these two exceptional and self-sacrificing individuals part ways, or end up with other people? It seems unthinkable, but we'll never know. It's like having the last page and a half, the final chapter, of The Time Traveler's Wife just ripped out, gone, and that's how it's presented to you. Even though the final chapter doesn't tie the book up in a neat, little, happy, bundle, the book is incomplete without it. Without closure.

                        Jack and Sam's relationship makes me equally happy and sad. I wonder how they felt continuously being presented with versions of themselves from different universes and timelines – very different versions, but always together. It must've been absolute torture for them! Despite the torture though, I can't help myself. I love these two and I love watching them together.

                        Anyway, I have loads more to write but that can wait for another evening. Thanks for suffering this lengthy post if you read all the way through.
                        Spoilered for length.


                        Feel free to gush about the ship as much as you want, it's been a bit quiet around here lately so new discussions are always welcome.

                        Originally posted by Stargategirl91 View Post
                        Hello, I am also like Starship Topper *waves* I have recently, through ill health been watching Stargate again. I began to watch it many moons ago when it first aired. I had totally forgotten how well written it was, with juicy stories. [even if there are some not so good episodes. I have adored the Sam & Jack dynamic for some time. It's great I've finally found somewhere to discuss this.

                        I would like to pose a question, from one newbie, on this vast forum;
                        Do you think the show would of suffered it the powers that be put Sam & Jack together?
                        or was the cute scenes, lines and moments enough?

                        I'm all about the angst and unresolved sexual tension (UST), so I really enjoy the fact they didn't get together. Too many shows (especially nowadays) get their leads together and just ruin the relationship/chemistry (Bones anyone?), although I think it could have been handled well in the case of S/J in Stargate. However, I like the fact that they're both honorable officers and think it would have been a huge mistake for them to get together if the frat regs still applied. Which they kinda do with Jack being the senior officer and Sam being in his chain of command.

                        The only time I think there would have been a window of opportunity is post Threads and before season nine (although I prefer to think seasons 9 and 10 aren't real), because with both their reassignments (Jack to HWS and Sam to Area 51) there would have been a small amount of time where they weren't in the same chain of command and therefore allowed to date. The bad thing about Jack's promotion to HWS is the fact that it oversees everything Stargate-related, including Stargate R&D at Area 51 which Sam was heading, so they probably had to get hitched for convenience's sake after a date or two before getting back and remaining in the same chain of command forever! If they even bothered to date, that is...

                        Anyway, the fact that their relationship has been left open for interpretation (although TPTB seem to agree they got together after Threads, yet Sam kinda contradicts that in Trio's deleted scene unless she was simply being discreet when talking to Keller) is what makes them so excellent for fanfiction! There are so many things to explore about their relationship that even now, years later, there are new fans of the show/ship and there's still quite a bit of new fanfic compared to some other shows that are actually still on air.

                        By the way am I the only one who thinks it's odd (yet cool) that the newbies always seem to come in pairs as of late?
                        Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                        Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                        On FFnet or AO3

                        My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                          On FFnet or AO3

                          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                            Originally posted by Stargategirl91 View Post
                            Hello, I am also like Starship Topper *waves* I have recently, through ill health been watching Stargate again. I began to watch it many moons ago when it first aired. I had totally forgotten how well written it was, with juicy stories. [even if there are some not so good episodes. I have adored the Sam & Jack dynamic for some time. It's great I've finally found somewhere to discuss this.

                            I would like to pose a question, from one newbie, on this vast forum;
                            Do you think the show would of suffered it the powers that be put Sam & Jack together?
                            or was the cute scenes, lines and moments enough?
                            Originally posted by Starship Trooper View Post
                            Jack & Sam & Stargate musings... My first post on the forum. Go easy on me.
                            Nice to meet new guys, as always. So welcome.

                            I understand from a writing point of view that it is always a mistake to put your two leads together. The 'are they aren't they' draw makes for excellent television and I can list a number of shows that suffered greatly after the writers finally decided to put the characters together. I definitely think it wouldn't have been realistic to put Jack and Sam together until the series was drawing to an end, but I do think it was a terrible mistake to leave it as open as they did. It feels as though there is no certainty about the future of, or closure for, the characters you've come to know and love.
                            Well, my personal opinion is that the show wouldn't have suffered...that much. On the contrary to what many people feel, things just felt strained to me in the later seasons and it went on for reasons that just didn't feel realistic to me anymore. As much as I like the UST that went on in the first few seasons, I felt that the ship was more than ready to be resolved.

                            But the beauty of it really is that there's so much left open to interpretation, especially what went on behind the scenes, not just after Threads, but so much in the early seasons as well. I've grown more and more comfortable with this openness as the years went on, so today, it doesn't bother me too much as it used to. My imagination more than makes up for it.
                            Fics | Art | Tumblr


                              Oh wow - thanks everyone! Total information overload and I'm still getting to grips with how this forum works. I'm not even much of a forum lurker (just a total Sam and Jack nut!).

                              I've especially enjoyed reading the Shiptionary and a good chunk of the Ship Day 2012 thread. Thank you hlndncr! You guys post some fantastic artwork and gifs. *floats off into a happy place*

                              Pol, I have read every chapter of your campfire series! Tis how I have ended up on GateWorld! You write the characters so well and it's such a great concept so you just have to keep writing! please say you will

                              *waves back at Stargategirl91* Maybe us Probies should stick together. Though everyone else seems like great company too...
                              sig by Jper

                              "It's just a little airborne... It's still good, it's still good!"


                                Originally posted by Stargategirl91 View Post
                                Hello, I am also like Starship Topper *waves*
                                *waves back* welcome to the wonderful world of Sam & Jack, Stargategirl91

