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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Sorry for the double post, but I just finished my fic for Ship Day. It's my first attempt at writing something like this so I'm both excited and nervous. But I'm glad I have at least something to contribute, as flawed as it may be.

    Ten days to Ship Day!


      Ten days? But my Ship day fic is so not wanting to come out right! I just can't seem to write Jack/Sam!

      *stalks off to WordPerfect grumbling*

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        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        I agree, IggyMing!

        And you really never know. I have a friend that went through seven SEVEN! rounds of IVF and other treatments and never conceived. So, she and her husband adopted two little girls and were bopping along happier than happy only to have her turn up pregnant earlier this year with twins. Totally unplanned. She's 41. And I know three couples where they thought that the mom was going through early menopause only to find out that their menopause had a heartbeat. In each case, their next oldest child was over 12, and in each case the mom was over 45. So. You never know.

        I also know many couples who have had to use IVF to conceive. In some cases, the IVF worked, and in others, they gave up or ended up adopting. Just when they completely gave up and were told that they would never conceive naturally, they ended up pregnant. And, this isn't just a couple of cases.... I know a lot of couples who have experienced this.

        I read an article recently that said that often, 40-something pregnancies happen b/c the mothers think that at their age, they are unlikely to conceive. And, they're right. But, "unlikely" doesn't mean "not at all". So, they end up not using any kind of contraceptive, and then end up preggers.


          Just watched Solitudes. Love it! AT and RDA pulled out all the stops; they were great.

          Love how Jack doesn't give up hope (until the very end), and won't let Sam either.

          The look on Sam's face when Jack tells her it was an honor to serve with her is heartbreaking. She's fought so hard for his approval and respect. Now she knows she has it just as she believes he's going to die.

          Another thought I had was when she says she has no regrets. I think at that point this was true. She had acheived her dream to go through the stargate and travel the stars (although she hadn't actually been on a space ship yet). She really had given it her all and accomplished a lot in her young life. But later, as Sam and Jack face death together (over and over again) you can definitely see regret in their eyes, from those things they have left(locked in a room) for an unspecified, and perhaps never to arrive, later time.


            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            Well...least anyone think I'm anti-kids. I have two of my own and they're the light of my life in ways few people could ever appreciate. But you all know grumpy old me. I'm canon-bound in my pov and tend not to fantasize over things that aren't fairly well grounded in what we've seen on the show. On all three shows, in fact, of which I am exceedingly fond.

            Anyway. Don't mind me and my non-AU world. I know it's not nearly as shippy as most people would hope.
            It's always good to hear a different POV

            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
            I completely agree. I want children so badly myself. I can't help but wish that for others, even (or maybe especially) for my favorite fictional couple.
            I hope your wish comes true.


              i'd think that if sam and jack had probs getting pregnant, they'd look to the asgard for help.

              woah, i just remembered there is no more asgard!

              but i'd think they'd try other means to get pregnant... other worldly means.



                Thanks Iggy.


                  Hate to go off topic about the pregnancy and stuff but I was watching a SGU episode with jack in it and i was wondering what do u think a typical day for the o'neills (Jack and Sam) is like? Like what's Sam life onboard the hammond is like and what jack does all day at Homeworld Command (Security)
                  Last edited by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard; 19 July 2010, 08:03 PM.


                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    Ten days? But my Ship day fic is so not wanting to come out right! I just can't seem to write Jack/Sam!

                    *stalks off to WordPerfect grumbling*
                    *jumpstarts ever's muse*....


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                      i could see him also picking homer or marge, just b/c he likes the simpsons so much. i could see sam saying to use those names for pet, not their children.
                      Sally, I love you! You just planted the first plot bunny I've had in over 6 months! *runs off to word*


                        Sorry for the double post, but I just finished my fic for Ship Day. It's my first attempt at writing something like this so I'm both excited and nervous. But I'm glad I have at least something to contribute, as flawed as it may be.

                        Ten days to Ship Day!
                        Yeah for new writers! ((hugs))

                        And only TEN DAYS? Gotta get started on my ultra shippy Abyss tag. Write, Aka! Write like the wind!
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                        Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                          Vid rec It's a slide show, but such a great way of doing a slide show

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                            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
                            Hate to go off topic about the pregnancy and stuff but I was watching a SGU episode with jack in it and i was wondering what do u think a typical day for the o'neills (Jack and Sam) is like? Like what's Sam life onboard the hammond is like and what jack does all day at Homeworld Command (Security)
                            Mostly sitting around waiting for something to happen and hoping it doesn't, paperwork, and meetings. In my experience, that's pretty much what you do most of the time in the military.


                              Mostly sitting around waiting for something to happen and hoping it doesn't, paperwork, and meetings. In my experience, that's pretty much what you do most of the time in the military.
                              In my little delusional world, though, their times sitting around waiting for things to happen have music in them, and you can see little thought bubbles coming up out of their heads where they are daydreaming of being with each other. With music, though. Because I'm delusional.
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                In my little delusional world, though, their times sitting around waiting for things to happen have music in them, and you can see little thought bubbles coming up out of their heads where they are daydreaming of being with each other. With music, though. Because I'm delusional.
                                Yes, well. I'm not saying people in the military don't spend a lot of time daydreaming about their family and those they love that aren't there with them...

                                Only, you know. Without the music.

                                Though I suppose cadences counting down the time until one gets home again might count?

