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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
    Not to open a can of worms, but.... I watched that very ep this morning, and once again, looked hard for any signs of Sam/Teal'c. I don't mean to be insensitive to those who think it was S/T shippy, but I'm sorry, I just can't see it. All I saw were two very dear, longtime friends who were giving each other a hug b/c another friend had died. Purely platonic, IMHO. I haven't heard AT's commentary, but I can imagine it was purely tongue-in-cheek.
    I agree. I never saw S/T and I never will. (That is when I'm even acknowledging the existence of S9 & S10, which I generally don't.)

    The thing I hate about Unending (besides the completely meaningless annihilation of the coolest alien allies ever) is absolutely no mention of Jack. I mean Thor is his best buddy. And 50 years! Come on, Sam would have said something.


      I agree. I never saw S/T and I never will. (That is when I'm even acknowledging the existence of S9 & S10, which I generally don't.)

      The thing I hate about Unending (besides the completely meaningless annihilation of the coolest alien allies ever) is absolutely no mention of Jack. I mean Thor is his best buddy. And 50 years! Come on, Sam would have said something.
      I didn't like the ep, either. I just. . .can't. It was too sad.
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        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I agree. I never saw S/T and I never will. (That is when I'm even acknowledging the existence of S9 & S10, which I generally don't.)

        The thing I hate about Unending (besides the completely meaningless annihilation of the coolest alien allies ever) is absolutely no mention of Jack. I mean Thor is his best buddy. And 50 years! Come on, Sam would have said something.
        Especially since she and Jack had been in a relationship (and likely married) prior to the events of "Unending". And I too find it inexcusable that Jack wasn't at least mentioned - by Sam, and his supposed best friend, Daniel. Plus I always wondered why the writers picked 50 years for them to be stuck there. One would think all of them would have gone off the deep end in a far shorter time than that. And, while I'm at it, I find it hard to believe that it would have taken Sam 50 years to figure out a solution, and then Cam would wind up being the one to point out a power source.


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          The thing I hate about Unending (besides the completely meaningless annihilation of the coolest alien allies ever) is absolutely no mention of Jack. I mean Thor is his best buddy. And 50 years! Come on, Sam would have said something.
          Yup, I totally agree!

          Jack should have been there. There was a gaping hole, a huge missing piece, and it was Jack. As I understand it, RDA agreed to do 5 episodes that season, and unfortunately, he was on 3 SGA eps, and 2 SG-1s. They really should have taken him away from one of the SGA eps and put him on Unending. B/c of Jack's omission, it's one of my least favourite eps.


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            Especially since she and Jack had been in a relationship (and likely married) prior to the events of "Unending". And I too find it inexcusable that Jack wasn't at least mentioned - by Sam, and his supposed best friend, Daniel. Plus I always wondered why the writers picked 50 years for them to be stuck there. One would think all of them would have gone off the deep end in a far shorter time than that. And, while I'm at it, I find it hard to believe that it would have taken Sam 50 years to figure out a solution, and then Cam would wind up being the one to point out a power source.
            Yes to ALL of this. It was an intriguing idea, but I wasn't thrilled with the episode. They showed Vala and Daniel's heartache, but didn't show any of Sam's--and she HAD to have been hurting about losing Jack. I guess if you completely negate any relationship at all between Sam and Jack it was good--but TPTB had given too many hints and remarks about them having been together prior--it made no sense for them to completely sublimate the topic.

            But then, I look through my shipper glasses a little too often, perhaps. **GASP** If there IS such a concept!
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            Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              Yes to ALL of this. It was an intriguing idea, but I wasn't thrilled with the episode. They showed Vala and Daniel's heartache, but didn't show any of Sam's--and she HAD to have been hurting about losing Jack. I guess if you completely negate any relationship at all between Sam and Jack it was good--but TPTB had given too many hints and remarks about them having been together prior--it made no sense for them to completely sublimate the topic.

              But then, I look through my shipper glasses a little too often, perhaps. **GASP** If there IS such a concept!
              Oh, don't even get me started on the fiasco that was the D/V scenes (and their relationship as a whole). And it's not just about seeing ship. As Hedwig pointed out, Daniel (and Teal'c for that matter) were Jack's closest friends; they would have missed him just a little. And as I said, Thor wouldn't commit suicide at all, ever without speaking to Jack.

              TPTB were totally schitzo about S/J always in S9/S10. Sometimes I think they wanted to pretend like S1-S8 never happened.


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                Yes to ALL of this. It was an intriguing idea, but I wasn't thrilled with the episode. They showed Vala and Daniel's heartache, but didn't show any of Sam's--and she HAD to have been hurting about losing Jack. I guess if you completely negate any relationship at all between Sam and Jack it was good--but TPTB had given too many hints and remarks about them having been together prior--it made no sense for them to completely sublimate the topic.

                But then, I look through my shipper glasses a little too often, perhaps. **GASP** If there IS such a concept!
                I'm not trying to stir up any "conflict", but I think the bolded part was the whole point, actually, since Season 9 and 10 were mostly about the whole Daniel-Vala-Adria arc than anything else. And anything else was just window dressing.

                As to the last sentence - "a little too often" - impossible!

                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Oh, don't even get me started on the fiasco that was the D/V scenes (and their relationship as a whole). And it's not just about seeing ship. As Hedwig pointed out, Daniel (and Teal'c for that matter) were Jack's closest friends; they would have missed him just a little. And as I said, Thor wouldn't commit suicide at all, ever without speaking to Jack.

                TPTB were totally schitzo about S/J always in S9/S10. Sometimes I think they wanted to pretend like S1-S8 never happened.
                And I agree 100% with the bolded bit.

                And I'm biting my tongue to stop myself from saying anything about the last sentence (*which I agree with*).


                  Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                  Not to open a can of worms, but.... I watched that very ep this morning, and once again, looked hard for any signs of Sam/Teal'c. I don't mean to be insensitive to those who think it was S/T shippy, but I'm sorry, I just can't see it. All I saw were two very dear, longtime friends who were giving each other a hug b/c another friend had died. Purely platonic, IMHO. I haven't heard AT's commentary, but I can imagine it was purely tongue-in-cheek.
                  First of all, I don't think that anything in this episode can be classified as purely "relation-shippy" as opposed to "friend-shippy". The only things you can see are the hug after Landry dies, Sam and Teal'c holding hands at the table, and Teal'c's seemingly knowing look at the end of the episode in the Gateroom (which can be chalked up to 50 extra years of close friendship). People can see as much or as little as they want.

                  Also not looking to open a can of worms, but considering we're talking about it. I, in no way, ship Sam and Teal'c, but I personally feel that, after 50 years, it would be natural and logical for Sam to gravitate towards one or more of her teammates (if only to help her deal with living without Jack) even if it's just simply a really close friendship. The fact that that person was Teal'c certainly makes the most sense to me. Daniel had Vala, and considering Teal'c was the only other member of the original SG-1, Sam knew him the best.

                  Throughout the series, we've seen that Teal'c has done a very good job of comforting Sam in various situations, such as "Paradise Lost" and "Heroes" (there was also a deleted scene in "Meridian" where Teal'c comforts Sam before Daniel's death). I've always seen him as the steady base of the team, their "rock", and especially with Sam because we saw that more often. In addition, we all know Teal'c as the First Shipper, he was there for their confessions in "Divide and Conquer", and he comforted both of them in "Paradise Lost" and "Grace". What I love about the implications of Sam/Teal'c (friendship or relationship) is that Teal'c's very much aware of Sam's love for Jack. He knows that he could never fill Jack's place in Sam's heart, yet, he's so willing to comfort Sam just the same.

                  In other words, believe what you want about what happened between Sam and Teal'c in "Unending", but personally, I absolutely love the Sam/Teal'c friendship and that episode just feels very natural to me in regards to their comradery. There are still things that I dislike greatly about the episode (RDA not appearing in the last ep, no mention of Jack by either Sam or Thor), but I there seems to be great hatred for the role that Teal'c supposedly did or didn't play in it, much of which I like is misguided.

                  I know that I'm in a very small minority in this thread, but this is very much my humble opinion.

                  Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                  Especially since she and Jack had been in a relationship (and likely married) prior to the events of "Unending". And I too find it inexcusable that Jack wasn't at least mentioned - by Sam, and his supposed best friend, Daniel. Plus I always wondered why the writers picked 50 years for them to be stuck there. One would think all of them would have gone off the deep end in a far shorter time than that. And, while I'm at it, I find it hard to believe that it would have taken Sam 50 years to figure out a solution, and then Cam would wind up being the one to point out a power source.
                  Regarding the time table, if I remember correctly, the script originally said that they were stuck there for a smaller amount of time, but when they saw the actors in their makeup which made them look older than they had originally intended, they readjusted the number of years.
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                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    I'm not trying to stir up any "conflict", but I think the bolded part was the whole point, actually, since Season 9 and 10 were mostly about the whole Daniel-Vala-Adria arc than anything else. And anything else was just window dressing.

                    As to the last sentence - "a little too often" - impossible!
                    Yup. I agree with this, too.


                      Just because Teal'c is the man.

                      *smilies by zuz
                      The Return of King Arthur
                      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                        I know that I'm in a very small minority in this thread, but this is very much my humble opinion.
                        I don't think that what you said is at odds with what I said. I agree with the whole S/T friendshippy part


                          Originally posted by IggyMing View Post
                          I don't think that what you said is at odds with what I said. I agree with the whole S/T friendshippy part
                          I agree. I think S/T were very close friends. And Teal'c probably did understand better than anyone what/who Sam left behind. For that reason alone, I can't see them having any kind of a relationship beyond a really close friendship.

                          Also, in my world, Sam and Jack were most definitely married by that time. She wouldn't betray her vows and neither would Teal'c. Just MHO.


                            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                            Yes to ALL of this. It was an intriguing idea, but I wasn't thrilled with the episode. They showed Vala and Daniel's heartache, but didn't show any of Sam's--and she HAD to have been hurting about losing Jack. I guess if you completely negate any relationship at all between Sam and Jack it was good--but TPTB had given too many hints and remarks about them having been together prior--it made no sense for them to completely sublimate the topic.

                            But then, I look through my shipper glasses a little too often, perhaps. **GASP** If there IS such a concept!
                            So agree. Re the bold: Sam's heartache totally read through to me in this ep. Maybe it was my shipper glasses, but the ep wouldn't have worked for me at all without it.

                            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                            I'm not trying to stir up any "conflict", but I think the bolded part was the whole point, actually, since Season 9 and 10 were mostly about the whole Daniel-Vala-Adria arc than anything else. And anything else was just window dressing.
                            Alas, yes.

                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            First of all, I don't think that anything in this episode can be classified as purely "relation-shippy" as opposed to "friend-shippy". The only things you can see are the hug after Landry dies, Sam and Teal'c holding hands at the table, and Teal'c's seemingly knowing look at the end of the episode in the Gateroom (which can be chalked up to 50 extra years of close friendship). People can see as much or as little as they want.

                            Also not looking to open a can of worms, but considering we're talking about it. I, in no way, ship Sam and Teal'c, but I personally feel that, after 50 years, it would be natural and logical for Sam to gravitate towards one or more of her teammates (if only to help her deal with living without Jack) even if it's just simply a really close friendship. The fact that that person was Teal'c certainly makes the most sense to me. Daniel had Vala, and considering Teal'c was the only other member of the original SG-1, Sam knew him the best.

                            Throughout the series, we've seen that Teal'c has done a very good job of comforting Sam in various situations, such as "Paradise Lost" and "Heroes" (there was also a deleted scene in "Meridian" where Teal'c comforts Sam before Daniel's death). I've always seen him as the steady base of the team, their "rock", and especially with Sam because we saw that more often. In addition, we all know Teal'c as the First Shipper, he was there for their confessions in "Divide and Conquer", and he comforted both of them in "Paradise Lost" and "Grace". What I love about the implications of Sam/Teal'c (friendship or relationship) is that Teal'c's very much aware of Sam's love for Jack. He knows that he could never fill Jack's place in Sam's heart, yet, he's so willing to comfort Sam just the same.

                            In other words, believe what you want about what happened between Sam and Teal'c in "Unending", but personally, I absolutely love the Sam/Teal'c friendship and that episode just feels very natural to me in regards to their comradery. There are still things that I dislike greatly about the episode (RDA not appearing in the last ep, no mention of Jack by either Sam or Thor), but I there seems to be great hatred for the role that Teal'c supposedly did or didn't play in it, much of which I like is misguided.

                            I know that I'm in a very small minority in this thread, but this is very much my humble opinion.

                            2. Regarding the time table, if I remember correctly, the script originally said that they were stuck there for a smaller amount of time, but when they saw the actors in their makeup which made them look older than they had originally intended, they readjusted the number of years.
                            1. Your logic IS sound. I would imagine after some time, they probably did take some physical comfort in eachother. But no shipping here either.

                            2. Huh. Interesting. Learn something new every day!

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                              Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                              I would imagine after some time, they probably did take some physical comfort in eachother.
                              I must adamantly disagree if what you mean by "physical comfort" implies any kind of sexual relationship. Hugs, hand-holding, absolutely. I think they did that at appropriate times before the events of Unending. But the notion that adults have to yield to sexual desires in order to find comfort or happiness is just plain wrong. In fact, such an act would hurt the very close and beautiful relationship Sam and Teal'c already share, IMO. And it is that implication that AT hints at that I found so off-putting.


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                I agree. I think S/T were very close friends. And Teal'c probably did understand better than anyone what/who Sam left behind. For that reason alone, I can't see them having any kind of a relationship beyond a really close friendship.

                                Also, in my world, Sam and Jack were most definitely married by that time. She wouldn't betray her vows and neither would Teal'c. Just MHO.
                                my opinion too, for just the reasons you stated.


