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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    I think that for as long as they were/are forced to be "Sir" and "Carter", I can see them relishing calling one another by their names.

    That being said, Jack's been known to call the woman in his life - Sara - Baby. I don't see Sam putting up with that very often.
    I also think that for Sam, just being able to call Jack "Jack" after all those years would be enough for her.


      I also think that for Sam, just being able to call Jack "Jack" after all those years would be enough for her.
      And I'm still of the opinion that "Sir" and "Carter" will become their "meaningful" names for each other.
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      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
        And I'm still of the opinion that "Sir" and "Carter" will become their "meaningful" names for each other.
        In ... erm ... private moments.


          In ... erm ... private moments.
          Wink wink, nudge, nudge, say no more!
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          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            In ... erm ... private moments.
            Holy Hannah! *as she smiles*
            I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
              In ... erm ... private moments.
              My vids Sig made by me


                Akamaimom, thanks. I love them too. They look so adorable togehter.
                Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
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                  Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                  I love these captions!

                  But the second one does beg the question. . .

                  Do established "together" Sam and Jack call each other nicknames?

                  I can see them sticking with "Sam" and "Jack" mostly because it would seem new to them after "Sir" and "Carter". But I can see Sam saying, "Could you get that for me, hon?"

                  But "Dear", "darling", "Sweetie", "babe" or the like--only in the most sarcastic of times.

                  Whatcha think?
                  I'm in total agreement. I think I can hear Jack slyly calling her "Sammie" just to goad her, though. Heeheehee. But I don't think he could stop calling her in, er, you know...
                  Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                    Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                    I'm in total agreement. I think I can hear Jack slyly calling her "Sammie" just to goad her, though. Heeheehee. But I don't think he could stop calling her in, er, you know...
                    Hehe, Sammie is my nickname .. so it means that I am Sam Carter .. in real
                    No, I am just kidding. But it would be super cool. Btw, I think that they would be able to think out new nicknames .. for this forum
                    Something like ..
                    CoolBarbieGirl and NumberO'neJack I wonder what thy would some up with .. if they have to think about thier nicknames
                    examples :
                    ColOneInLove for Jack and Sablondie for Sam
                    Willen, Teslen and totally addicted to Helen Magnus! Amanda's fan.
                    / Twitter / FanFiction / CZ Blog /


                      Akamaimom, thanks. I love them too. They look so adorable togehter.
                      Yes! They do! And SOOO together!

                      And as for names on this forum, he'd probably go for "GeneralHomer" and she'd go for, "ColonelCurie" (as in, Madame Curie--scientist. . .).

                      Or they'd call themselves, "Hook" and "Sinker". "Line" and "Reel".
                      I know--lame--but that's what I've got just now. I'll keep thinking. . .
                      My Stories: FFdotNet
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                      Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                        Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                        And I'm still of the opinion that "Sir" and "Carter" will become their "meaningful" names for each other.
                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        In ... erm ... private moments.
                        Sam would want to hear him call her Samantha I think. The only time he openly admired her "attributes" was when she was wearing the blue dress in Emancipation and he addressed her as Samantha. (He also called her Samantha after tussling with her in the locker room, before he started whumping on Daniel in Broca Divide, but she doesn't know that.) And when she imagined having a personal discussion with him in Grace what did he call her? Samantha (and aren't his lips just yummy when he elongates those syllables, mmmmmmm Jack's lips!--wait, what was I talking about?)


                          Could someone point me to the Shiptionary, pretty please?


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            Could someone point me to the Shiptionary, pretty please?
                            Here's one: It's Not About the Fish


                              On the nickname front - I'm definitely on the "Sir" and "Carter" boat. To hear them call each other that in said "Private Moments" would just be sooo... *giggle* I can't even explain. And yes, the long drawn out "Samantha" is sinful. I think "Jonathon" would be weird, but I think the simple "Jack" will keep its punch for a loooong time.

                              I know some people like it, but for some reason the thought of Jack calling her "Sammie" drives me mad. I think it's so... I don't know. Degrading, patronizing, obnoxious-y sounding...? I can only hear it being said in a drawn-out snarky kind of way, and to me it just goes against all the strong, smart, kick-buttness that is Sam. But that's just me, I know lots of folks like it, and no offense is meant towards you!!! *hugs* I also can't stand in fanfictions when Jack calls Daniel nothing but "Danny" I mean, he said it what, ONCE in the show? Argh!

                              Anywho, rant over.

                              Who else is STOOOOKED for Ship Day!!!???
                              The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                              |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                                Originally posted by MajorSam View Post
                                I think "Jonathon" would be weird,
                                Especially cause it's not his name

                                At least if one assumes what's onscreen takes precedence over what's written offscreen or in the credits.

                                EDIT: I should add I can't see them calling each other, in private, anything generally other than Sam and Jack, with an occasional "Carter." I definitely can't see her calling him 'sir' privately as anything other than a tongue-in-cheek joke.
                                Last edited by JenniferJF; 21 July 2010, 06:35 PM.

