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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    RE: Pregnancy (still ot)

    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    So... I was just reading a fic that has a pregnancy in it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand so I decided I would just include these few little tidbits for anyone planning on writing a fic with a pregnancy in it (any other ladies that have had children, feel free to add as well).

    Spoilered in case you just don't want to know LOL

    1. A woman's ovulation is not entirely a mystery. In fact, you can know that you're due to ovulate just by "signs" (without getting too graphic here) - and can even know the day you ovulated if you do temp taking. (as a side note, I am *not* talking about the rhythm method, I'm talking about a continuous and regular monitoring of one's body).

    2. Jack can do math.

    3. First trimester symptoms - some have all, some have none, some have a few to varying degrees: exhaustion, the poorly monikered "morning" sickness, bloating, cramping, mild spotting, also your hips start to spread.

    4. Sex can be determined at around the 20th week by ultrasound - I know it can also be determined by amnio but since I never had one I don't know when they do those

    5. A woman will generally feel the baby move for the first time around 18-21 weeks (women who have had children tend to catch on earlier b/c they know what they're feeling).

    6. From the very beginning you have to pee. A lot. My husband and I took a road trip when I was a month along. We stopped a lot.

    7. Most doctors, after confirming your pregnancy, will wave at you and say "See you at the 12th week" at which time you will then hear the heartbeat.

    8. Jack can do math.

    9. Strange cravings are hyped up - some women may have them, although generally I just got a hankering for something I normally liked and just had to have it. Like McD's nuggets. And I never made my husband go anywhere in the middle of the night.

    10. Also, I personally had heartburn cuz I carried my baby "high", some women carry the baby low and they get back pain.

    11. Your water does not always break. I had to have my broken for me in the hospital to induce labor.

    12. Jack can do math.

    13. Labor and delivery for the average first time woman is 14 hours. Some few have the super-births of which we envy, others, like a friend are in labor for two days.

    14. Pushing for the first time woman averages out to about two hours - I pushed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I also cracked jokes the entire time.

    15. Epidurals can be your friend. So are the nurses and it's possible you will become so emotional that you will want to make the nurse your best friend for life. There's a lot of hormones floating around in there.

    16. My first thought when my son was born was "OH CRAP, there really WAS a baby in there!"

    17. Jack can do math.

    Um.... I think that's it.

    La la la la... and remember every woman's experience is disgusting and painful in its own special way. So try to avoid what Hollywood tells you, compile experiences from your favoritest women, and please, please, please remember, Jack can do math.

    LOL, Shannon! Me:
    I had five miscarriages and lost six children (last was twins). I knew each time I was pregnant, and knew it really early. Along with all of the above that Shan mentioned (at least as far as I got), I developed an absolute AVERSION to Italian food. Which can be sort of an...issue...when you're half Italian and half Irish, living in a predominantly Italian community! LOL.

    Totally loved the "Jack can do math" thing. I'd add to that, "Jack is a father." And..."Babies can't count/speak/talk until about age 3, and by that I mean speaking cognitively and not muttering "dah" and meaning "I want bananas". Some start earlier, but...really, saying "yes Daddy" at seven months?
    Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
    Thanks Oma!!!
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

      I'm so innocent.


      After this, though, I fear I owe apologies to the world at large:

      And I haz pancakes and sausage here. No orange juice, though. Hmmm... Orange Juice.

      EDIT: Clickie for biggie

      and mmmm....pancakes...yum....I esp. love IHOP's choc. chip in choc. batter pancakes.....*drools*

      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
      Childbirth OT


      We found out Eli's sex with the ultrasound - we're planners and since technology let us... LOL

      But yes, I agree, a little research goes a long long way when it comes to these types of things. Of course you might find this even more funny - all I could think (and talk about) while pushing was how hungry I was and could anyone see the head yet?? I'm pretty sure the first thing I started asking about after Eli was born was where my food was...

      My husband tells people that the moment I tell you I'm hungry, you might as well feed me because my brain just entirely shuts down except for the singular thought of FOOD. And it's true if labor and delivery was any indication...
      *beams over a pan of tater tot hot dish*.....

      Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
      *trips over Bren's Plot Bunnies*

      Bren! I do hope you separated the female and the male bunnies!

      *goes around the house, giving Orange Juice*

      Vitamins are important! Especially after such a party

      LOL, Jenn, I knew you just had to go and do it

      OT Pregnancy:
      Ah, morning sickness. I once wrote a fic (not uploaded anymore though) where Sam had morning sickness; throwing up and immediately wanting a hamburger with pickles. And a reviewer told me I should do more research and that I should stop writing if I didn't know what I was writing about. I just shook my head; that WAS me when I was pregnant. Shannon's right. Every woman experiences her pregnancy in her own unique way. But yes research is important - even for readers.

      Jack looking at his Sam wearing his new Valentine's gift.
      - and yes vitamins are are electrolytes.....

      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      I'll have to amend that--I said that mine was clueless during labor with my first--who was induced and presented "sunny side up" so labor was difficult, and my spouse declares he's hungry and goes out to buy--not a cheap sandwich from the machine in the lobby--but a full on meal from my favorite Mexican place across from the hospital!

      And then when my second was coming so fast--he was driving to the hospital really fast and flew over the traffic humps in the hospital parking lot. Ouch! His excuse was that the van was brand new and he didn't want to have a baby in it.

      Oh well. He's a great father now, it just took some training.
      - I don't think driving like the Dukes of Hazard is good for the baby either....


        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        RE: Pregnancy (still ot)

        LOL, Shannon! Me:
        I had five miscarriages and lost six children (last was twins). I knew each time I was pregnant, and knew it really early. Along with all of the above that Shan mentioned (at least as far as I got), I developed an absolute AVERSION to Italian food. Which can be sort of an...issue...when you're half Italian and half Irish, living in a predominantly Italian community! LOL.

        Totally loved the "Jack can do math" thing. I'd add to that, "Jack is a father." And..."Babies can't count/speak/talk until about age 3, and by that I mean speaking cognitively and not muttering "dah" and meaning "I want bananas". Some start earlier, but...really, saying "yes Daddy" at seven months?

        Thanks Oma!!!
        Pregnancy OT
        I'm so sorry Pol Probably because I am a mom there's little that touches me quite like moms losing their children

        Yes, the talking thing. This is why I generally avoid baby!fic It rarely includes the real story like this one today when I made Valentine's cookies (from pre done dough):

        "Cookie mommy!"
        "No sweetie, two bites of your sandwich first."
        "Okay, but no cookies until you eat the last two bites..."
        :: goes off to play ::

        *repeat conversation over and over for an hour or so*

        "Cookies mommy."
        "Two bites."
        "Two or no cookie..."

        *repeat this for another hour*

        "Cookie mommy?"
        "Two bites."
        *FINALLY takes the last two bites...*

        YES I WIN I WIN!!!!! :: giggles ::

        Those are the scenes you don't see in fanfic...


          Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
          Pregnancy OT
          I'm so sorry Pol Probably because I am a mom there's little that touches me quite like moms losing their children

          Yes, the talking thing. This is why I generally avoid baby!fic It rarely includes the real story like this one today when I made Valentine's cookies (from pre done dough):

          "Cookie mommy!"
          "No sweetie, two bites of your sandwich first."
          "Okay, but no cookies until you eat the last two bites..."
          :: goes off to play ::

          *repeat conversation over and over for an hour or so*

          "Cookies mommy."
          "Two bites."
          "Two or no cookie..."

          *repeat this for another hour*

          "Cookie mommy?"
          "Two bites."
          *FINALLY takes the last two bites...*

          YES I WIN I WIN!!!!! :: giggles ::

          Those are the scenes you don't see in fanfic...


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            Totally loved the "Jack can do math" thing. I'd add to that, "Jack is a father." And..."Babies can't count/speak/talk until about age 3, and by that I mean speaking cognitively and not muttering "dah" and meaning "I want bananas". Some start earlier, but...really, saying "yes Daddy" at seven months?
            *that's* pushing it, but all my kids (and I myself) were using full sentences (at least, more than 5 word sentences) by 3 years old, and the average age for speaking in 2-3 word sentences is about 2, so it'd be pushing it for a child of Sam's (and Jack, who's smarter than he appears) to *not* be speaking pretty well by age 3. Just MHO, of course, but it actually bugs me in fics when Sam and Jack's kid is still baby speaking past the age of 2 or so. Simple sentences and simpler word choices, yes, but still speaking *well*.


              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
              Pregnancy OT
              I'm so sorry Pol Probably because I am a mom there's little that touches me quite like moms losing their children

              Yes, the talking thing. This is why I generally avoid baby!fic It rarely includes the real story like this one today when I made Valentine's cookies (from pre done dough):

              "Cookie mommy!"
              "No sweetie, two bites of your sandwich first."
              "Okay, but no cookies until you eat the last two bites..."
              :: goes off to play ::

              *repeat conversation over and over for an hour or so*

              "Cookies mommy."
              "Two bites."
              "Two or no cookie..."

              *repeat this for another hour*

              "Cookie mommy?"
              "Two bites."
              *FINALLY takes the last two bites...*

              YES I WIN I WIN!!!!! :: giggles ::

              Those are the scenes you don't see in fanfic...
              sandwiches OT:

              don't know why they'd be so reluctant to eat a sandwich though.....I loved sandwiches as a kid...though most of the time I did pick off any lettuce or other veggies that were on it.....I have matured since then...when I get a turkey sub from subway I will get honey oat bread and I will have them put like 5 different kinds of veggies on it....lettuce, spinach, green peppers, cucumbers, and onions are what I usually get on my subs....


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                *that's* pushing it, but all my kids (and I myself) were using full sentences (at least, more than 5 word sentences) by 3 years old, and the average age for speaking in 2-3 word sentences is about 2, so it'd be pushing it for a child of Sam's (and Jack, who's smarter than he appears) to *not* be speaking pretty well by age 3. Just MHO, of course, but it actually bugs me in fics when Sam and Jack's kid is still baby speaking past the age of 2 or so. Simple sentences and simpler word choices, yes, but still speaking *well*.
                yeah....esp. if the baby has Sam's brains...Sam was probably doing calculus right from the womb...


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                  *that's* pushing it, but all my kids (and I myself) were using full sentences (at least, more than 5 word sentences) by 3 years old, and the average age for speaking in 2-3 word sentences is about 2, so it'd be pushing it for a child of Sam's (and Jack, who's smarter than he appears) to *not* be speaking pretty well by age 3. Just MHO, of course, but it actually bugs me in fics when Sam and Jack's kid is still baby speaking past the age of 2 or so. Simple sentences and simpler word choices, yes, but still speaking *well*.
                  It's one of those things that depends on the child too - girls are more verbal than boys and *tend* to be ahead, younger kids with older kids to follow pick up more... a friend of mine, her oldest boy barely spoke until he was close to three - but he's super bright and perfectly on target now (he's working on kindergarten, they homeschool, and he's already doing math and on a 3rd grade reading level). My little guy doesn't speak as well as others his age, but he's really good at counting and puzzles - so it's also independent strengths of the child - not necessarily IQ level.


                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    sandwiches OT:

                    don't know why they'd be so reluctant to eat a sandwich though.....I loved sandwiches as a kid...though most of the time I did pick off any lettuce or other veggies that were on it.....I have matured since then...when I get a turkey sub from subway I will get honey oat bread and I will have them put like 5 different kinds of veggies on it....lettuce, spinach, green peppers, cucumbers, and onions are what I usually get on my subs....
                    Well. There were cookies.


                      Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                      It's one of those things that depends on the child too - girls are more verbal than boys and *tend* to be ahead, younger kids with older kids to follow pick up more... a friend of mine, her oldest boy barely spoke until he was close to three - but he's super bright and perfectly on target now (he's working on kindergarten, they homeschool, and he's already doing math and on a 3rd grade reading level). My little guy doesn't speak as well as others his age, but he's really good at counting and puzzles - so it's also independent strengths of the child - not necessarily IQ level.
                      Absolutely. It also depends - really - on how much the kid wants to communicate IMHO (which is part of why I actually suspect girls are generally ahead). My point was just I think the extreme where Sam and Jack's kid is overtly *baby* talking really late (I mean, more babyish even than 2-3 word sentences like "More Daddy") past the age of 3 is less real than those sentences at age 2 which is actually pretty average.

                      EDIT: Also.. Sam talks a lot (you might have noticed) so her kid will be immersed in language from the time it's ears start to work.


                        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                        Finally got them all uploaded! *phew*

                        Just this once leaving the [img] tags on, because, well THANKS, Oma!

                        back to lurkerdom,

                        Last edited by Bucky; 14 February 2010, 03:12 PM.


                          lol. ficlette:
                          4 year-old Matthew stomped his foot in frustration when the blocks fell again. "Oh... Fercryin'out loud!"

                          Sam, who was passing the playroom door, corrected automatically, "That's, For crying out loud, sweetie."

                          "That's not how Daddy says it," he said, pouting a little at the correction.

                          Sam just sighed, "Yeah. I know..."


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            lol. ficlette:
                            4 year-old Matthew stomped his foot in frustration when the blocks fell again. "Oh... Fercryin'out loud!"

                            Sam, who was passing the playroom door, corrected automatically, "That's, For crying out loud, sweetie."

                            "That's not how Daddy says it," he said, pouting a little at the correction.

                            Sam just sighed, "Yeah. I know..."

                            Yes LOL - I agree with you about before, I was just adding some clarification. You certainly know better than me - I only have one


                              Absolutely. It also depends - really - on how much the kid wants to communicate IMHO (which is part of why I actually suspect girls are generally ahead). My point was just I think the extreme where Sam and Jack's kid is overtly *baby* talking really late (I mean, more babyish even than 2-3 word sentences like "More Daddy") past the age of 3 is less real than those sentences at age 2 which is actually pretty average.

                              EDIT: Also.. Sam talks a lot (you might have noticed) so her kid will be immersed in language from the time it's ears start to work.
                              My kids all walked and were physical early and then didn't talk until they were around 2. They would say words--single or in two word sentences, but they made themselves understood with baby signs and gestures. On the other hand. My oldest crawled at 4 months (up the stairs and under his crib and I couldn't find him--and he'd never crawled before! And all this while I was going potty.) and walked at 8 months and figured out every kind of child safety lock for drawers and cupboards within about a day of me putting them on. We finally had to use those magnetic locks that had a magnet for a key (I think Jack would like those, because he seems to have a penchant for magnets. . .). Since we kept the key on top of the fridge, he couldn't get into the cupboards anymore. But he still didn't speak clearly under well after he was two.

                              But each kid is different--my cousin's son, who was three weeks younger, was speaking in sentences before he was a year old. But he didn't walk until he was 18 months old. And he never did crawl. You never know. . .

                              But has anyone else seen that commercial for The Family Guy with Stewie (the baby) standing next to his mom's bed. he keeps saying, "Mom. Mom. Mom. Mommy. Mom. Mom. Mom." And finally Lois yells, "What!" And Stewie says, "Hi." That's my life. Right there!
                              My Stories: FFdotNet
                              My Stories AO3
                              Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                Well. There were cookies.

