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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
    You know, every time I see Sam put the donut back, I think - "HEY you TOUCHED that..." I know, like that's not the point of the scene. But it's what I *think*.
    Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
    You're not alone. I pay attention to that little detail as well.
    Me too.

    Aren't there two episodes where she picks up a donut and puts it back? In one she's thinking about eating it (in "A Matter of Time"). In the other she's using the donut to explain something about physics. Or is that the same episode?

    Hmmm ... methinks I'll just have to go watch a few episodes to find out.


      ROFLMAO bro just saw the vid of AT *points up* and said "if only she was 24 now...and single"




        *wakes up in a stranger's bed*

        Aww, thanks for looking after me, Valerie!

        I really like the nekkid Jack covers, if I use just a little of my imagination it looks like he's laying on to-.

        Though I'm not too keen on the warning-angry-looking Sam pillows.

        *slips into her fluffy Hello Kitty slippers, and follows the coffee and donuts aroma, downstairs*

        That was some party last night - morning - whatever. I don't do timezones, I just stay awake and then regret it in the morning - evening - whatever. LOL

        Happy Valentine's Day Family

        *starts cooking eggs and bacon and fresh orange juice, her mind wondering and wandering*

        Once upon a time, there was this little girl, her name not known. Her blonde curly hair dancing around her face, her bright blue eyes could brighten the darkest night and made you forget your worries and pain. The sun was shining so bright, the blue sky would take anyone's breath away as this little girl was running through a field of white flowers. Petals flying up into the sky, riding the soft breeze.

        Her arms stretched out, her little hands caressing the flowers as she ran through the field. And then right in front of her was a Penguin, staring back at her, waiting. She walked up to him, hugging him tightly and she giggled. "Mommy! Daddy! A pinpin!"

        As the girl hopped and skipped around the Penguin, the bird waddled and flapped its wings, amused by this endearing girl. The little girl turned and ran into the open and loving arms of her dad, her mother hugging him and placing a soft kiss on her daughter's curly hair. "Daddy , it's a pinpin!"

        A warm chuckle and a giggle. "Yeah, Jack, let's take it home."

        Hugging his daughter even tighter, he rolled his eyes at his wife but the love radiated from them. "Sure, Sam, got plenty of room in the freezer for him to settle in."

        Another giggle that would warm anyone's heart. "That's settled then."


        The girl jumped out of his arms and slipped her little hands in her parent's protective ones. The three of them walked back through the field of white flowers, the Penguin happily waddling, trailing after them.

        "Ya know, sweety, a Penguin's got a very special meaning to mommy and me."

        The little girl looked up at him with big blue eyes. "Really?"

        Her mom smiled. "A Penguin choses a lover for the rest of their lives. Like me and daddy."

        Her eyes twinkling, she caressed her daughter's hand with her thumb as Jack stopped them.

        Reaching over, he cupped Sam' cheek with his free hand, and softly kissed her lips.

        Their daughter cheered and giggled as the Penguin flapped its wings and laughed.

        *places everything on plates*

        Anyone hungry?

        Last edited by Lara_SGC; 14 February 2010, 09:07 AM.


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          I don't know how you guys do it! Wow! That was nuts yesterday. When you are serially posting like that, do you even get to read it--or do you have to go back and read it all later? My "send" finger was exhausted just watching you!
          I have no idea. It's all a blur. All I know this morning is.. my fingers are sore and I've got at least five PlotBunnies dancing circles round me as I wake up now.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          I actually read it in real time, more or less. But I was pretty much on the computer most of the day... or at least by it. *cough* playing WoW with hubs *cough*
          Oh. Yes, well, I pretty much read it in real time too. But no hubs to play WoO with. Erm... WoW either.

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
          Aww, this thread isn't sticky anymore.
          Maybe this will help:

          I cannot look at that image and not think DEEP GUTTER thoughts. And it is All Jenn's Fault. It's your fault! And it isn't mine at all!

          Originally posted by Lara_SGC View Post
          *wakes up in a stranger's bed*

          Oh my!

          Aww, thanks for looking after me, Valerie!
          Oh..... I see, said the blind man to his deaf wife....

          I really like the nekkid Jack covers, if I use just a little of my imagination it looks like he's laying on to-.

          Though I'm not too keen on the warning-angry-looking Sam pillows.
          Now I'm jealous. I want nekkid Jack covers! All I have is this life-size anatomically correct Jack doll.... You can keep the Sam pillows, though.

          *slips into her fluffy Hello Kitty slippers, and follows the coffee and donuts aroma, downstairs*

          That was some party last night - morning - whatever. I don't do timezones, I just stay awake and then regret it in the morning - evening - whatever. LOL

          Happy Valentine's Day Family

          *starts cooking eggs and bacon and fresh orange juice, her mind wondering and wandering*

          {For Length:}

          Once upon a time, there was this little girl, her name not known. Her blonde curly hair dancing around her face, her bright blue eyes could brighten the darkest night and made you forget your worries and pain. The sun was shining so bright, the blue sky would take anyone's breath away as this little girl was running through a field of white flowers. Petals flying up into the sky, riding the soft breeze.

          Her arms stretched out, her little hands caressing the flowers as she ran through the field. And then right in front of her was a Penguin, staring back at her, waiting. She walked up to him, hugging him tightly and she giggled. "Mommy! Daddy! A pinpin!"

          As the girl hopped and skipped around the Penguin, the bird waddled and flapped its wings, amused by this endearing girl. The little girl turned and ran into the open and loving arms of her dad, her mother hugging him and placing a soft kiss on her daughter's curly hair. "Daddy , it's a pinpin!"

          A warm chuckle and a giggle. "Yeah, Jack, let's take it home."

          Hugging his daughter even tighter, he rolled his eyes at his wife but the love radiated from them. "Sure, Sam, got plenty of room in the freezer for him to settle in."

          Another giggle that would warm anyone's heart. "That's settled then."


          The girl jumped out of his arms and slipped her little hands in her parent's protective ones. The three of them walked back through the field of white flowers, the Penguin happily waddling, trailing after them.

          "Ya know, sweety, a Penguin's got a very special meaning to mommy and me."

          The little girl looked up at him with big blue eyes. "Really?"

          Her mom smiled. "A Penguin choses a lover for the rest of their lives. Like me and daddy."

          Her eyes twinkling, she caressed her daughter's hand with her thumb as Jack stopped them.

          Reaching over, he cupped Sam' cheek with his free hand, and softly kissed her lips.

          Their daughter cheered and giggled as the Penguin flapped its wings and laughed.

          *places everything on plates*

          Anyone hungry?

          Nope. I think all that fluffy syrupy sweetness killed my appetite for a while!
          Happy Valentine's Day!!!
          to all who are inclined to celebrate such lovey-dovey holidays.

          Yeah, yeah... a die-hard romantic who loathes *this* particular greeting card holiday. Who'd'a thunk it?
          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!




            I'm so innocent.


            After this, though, I fear I owe apologies to the world at large:

            And I haz pancakes and sausage here. No orange juice, though. Hmmm... Orange Juice.

            EDIT: Clickie for biggie


              .... That's just.....

              Love and hot fudge,
              Bren Ren
              My stories!



                So... I was just reading a fic that has a pregnancy in it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand so I decided I would just include these few little tidbits for anyone planning on writing a fic with a pregnancy in it (any other ladies that have had children, feel free to add as well).

                Spoilered in case you just don't want to know LOL

                1. A woman's ovulation is not entirely a mystery. In fact, you can know that you're due to ovulate just by "signs" (without getting too graphic here) - and can even know the day you ovulated if you do temp taking. (as a side note, I am *not* talking about the rhythm method, I'm talking about a continuous and regular monitoring of one's body).

                2. Jack can do math.

                3. First trimester symptoms - some have all, some have none, some have a few to varying degrees: exhaustion, the poorly monikered "morning" sickness, bloating, cramping, mild spotting, also your hips start to spread.

                4. Sex can be determined at around the 20th week by ultrasound - I know it can also be determined by amnio but since I never had one I don't know when they do those

                5. A woman will generally feel the baby move for the first time around 18-21 weeks (women who have had children tend to catch on earlier b/c they know what they're feeling).

                6. From the very beginning you have to pee. A lot. My husband and I took a road trip when I was a month along. We stopped a lot.

                7. Most doctors, after confirming your pregnancy, will wave at you and say "See you at the 12th week" at which time you will then hear the heartbeat.

                8. Jack can do math.

                9. Strange cravings are hyped up - some women may have them, although generally I just got a hankering for something I normally liked and just had to have it. Like McD's nuggets. And I never made my husband go anywhere in the middle of the night.

                10. Also, I personally had heartburn cuz I carried my baby "high", some women carry the baby low and they get back pain.

                11. Your water does not always break. I had to have my broken for me in the hospital to induce labor.

                12. Jack can do math.

                13. Labor and delivery for the average first time woman is 14 hours. Some few have the super-births of which we envy, others, like a friend are in labor for two days.

                14. Pushing for the first time woman averages out to about two hours - I pushed for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I also cracked jokes the entire time.

                15. Epidurals can be your friend. So are the nurses and it's possible you will become so emotional that you will want to make the nurse your best friend for life. There's a lot of hormones floating around in there.

                16. My first thought when my son was born was "OH CRAP, there really WAS a baby in there!"

                17. Jack can do math.

                Um.... I think that's it.

                La la la la... and remember every woman's experience is disgusting and painful in its own special way. So try to avoid what Hollywood tells you, compile experiences from your favoritest women, and please, please, please remember, Jack can do math.


                  OT Childbirth:
                  Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                  16. My first thought when my son was born was "OH CRAP, there really WAS a baby in there!"
                  ROFLMAO. My first thought was, "Oh, Crap. He's HUGE."

                  Though he was 10% of my prepregnancy weight, so he really was.

                  And, fyi it was a good 5 minutes after each of my kids was born that I thought to ask what sex they were... and by then it was just a matter of looking away from hands and eyes and ears to other less important parts. In the actual event it's less important really than you'd think.

                  In general, though, the thing that amazes me about fanfic is:

                  a) the amount of people who seem unable to do 5 mins of research prior to writing and

                  b) the amount of people who have word processors lacking spell checkers. Forget about grammar checkers.


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    OT Childbirth:
                    ROFLMAO. My first thought was, "Oh, Crap. He's HUGE."

                    Though he was 10% of my prepregnancy weight, so he really was.

                    And, fyi it was a good 5 minutes after each of my kids was born that I thought to ask what sex they were... and by then it was just a matter of looking away from hands and eyes and ears to other less important parts. In the actual event it's less important really than you'd think.

                    In general, though, the thing that amazes me about fanfic is:

                    a) the amount of people who seem unable to do 5 mins of research prior to writing and

                    b) the amount of people who have word processors lacking spell checkers. Forget about grammar checkers.
                    Childbirth OT


                    We found out Eli's sex with the ultrasound - we're planners and since technology let us... LOL

                    But yes, I agree, a little research goes a long long way when it comes to these types of things. Of course you might find this even more funny - all I could think (and talk about) while pushing was how hungry I was and could anyone see the head yet?? I'm pretty sure the first thing I started asking about after Eli was born was where my food was...

                    My husband tells people that the moment I tell you I'm hungry, you might as well feed me because my brain just entirely shuts down except for the singular thought of FOOD. And it's true if labor and delivery was any indication...


                      In case anyone's interested, the original manip is:

                      Not my best work, but not *awful* lol The original commercial quality was such it was hard to match.


                        *runz in all a fluster*


                        Is it just me being thick, or has the Who Posted feature on the threads disappeared? I can't find it!!!!! I've got the Valenship badge ready to add names, but I can't. find. who. posted. I really don't have time to go through 87 pages and write down everyone's name

                        *begs* Somebody please tell me it's still there!


                          It's there. I don't know how to access it but someone accessed it yesterday.... but it's there!!


                            *trips over Bren's Plot Bunnies*

                            Bren! I do hope you separated the female and the male bunnies!

                            *goes around the house, giving Orange Juice*

                            Vitamins are important! Especially after such a party

                            LOL, Jenn, I knew you just had to go and do it

                            OT Pregnancy:
                            Ah, morning sickness. I once wrote a fic (not uploaded anymore though) where Sam had morning sickness; throwing up and immediately wanting a hamburger with pickles. And a reviewer told me I should do more research and that I should stop writing if I didn't know what I was writing about. I just shook my head; that WAS me when I was pregnant. Shannon's right. Every woman experiences her pregnancy in her own unique way. But yes research is important - even for readers.

                            Jack looking at his Sam wearing his new Valentine's gift.


                              Oma, here's the list:

                              Who Posted?
                              Posts 331 JenniferJF
                              Posts 186 sg-1fanintn
                              Posts 164 starlover
                              Posts 122 Nynaeve506
                              Posts 121 gatebee
                              Posts 106 Lara_SGC
                              Posts 102 Devilish Me
                              Posts 72 UhSir
                              Posts 67 Rachel500
                              Posts 57 yessika
                              Posts 56 Egle01
                              Posts 44 BrenRen
                              Posts 44 Valerie_Jackson
                              Posts 22 dipsofjazz
                              Posts 20 Estrela
                              Posts 19 SamJackShipper93
                              Posts 17 Oma-1
                              Posts 15 Torzy86
                              Posts 15 Traveler Enroute1
                              Posts 14 Akamaimom
                              Posts 12 SqueeG-1
                              Posts 10 mad_gater
                              Posts 10 Everlovin
                              Posts 7 trupi
                              Posts 6 XFchemist
                              Posts 6 SciFiGeek17
                              Posts 6 Chelle DB
                              Posts 5 AstraPerAspera
                              Posts 5 gater62
                              Posts 5 Lt.Colonel John Sheppard
                              Posts 4 Treknik
                              Posts 4 Tachyon
                              Posts 4 Keaira Taegan
                              Posts 4 planet_tv
                              Posts 3 Mala50
                              Posts 3 Pol
                              Posts 2 zuz
                              Posts 2 rowrqueen
                              Posts 2 majorsal
                              Posts 2 Noxbait
                              Posts 2 Cagranosalis
                              Posts 2 TrueRomantic
                              Posts 1 m_wendy_r
                              Posts 1 MajorSam
                              Posts 1 nell
                              Posts 1 Jumper_One
                              Posts 1 digdeeper
                              Posts 1 Regularamanda
                              Posts 1 DutchIndeed
                              Posts 1 luvnjack
                              Posts 1 Fluffy17
                              Posts 1 Krissie678
                              Posts 1 Bucky
                              Posts 1 Amalthea
                              Posts 1 kusanagi
                              Posts 1 sugarshaker
                              Posts 1 katjoy
                              Posts 1 josiane
                              Posts 1 shel
                              Posts 1 kiwigater
                              Posts 1 es!
                              Posts 1 Blacky Kitten
                              Posts 1 SeNedra

                              Hope that helps


                                Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                                It's there. I don't know how to access it but someone accessed it yesterday.... but it's there!!
                                That's stopped the panicking from getting out of hand, thanks! Now I just need to find it.......

                                Edit: Thanks Lara!!! *huggles* Where was it?

