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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
    But seriously. I remember when I started watching Sanctuary. My biggest fear was that I couldn't see AT as anyone but Sam as well. But she's just such a great actress, and Helen so different from Sam that it wasn't ever a problem at all.
    Slightly OT on AT and Sam/Helen which I don't think I've shared here yet:
    About a month ago I was watching one of the ComicCon Sanctuary panel videos with AT on it and my 6 year-old daughter was on my lap watching, too. Now, you have to understand, my kids have seen a lot (I mean... A LOT...) of both Helen and Sam. About ten minutes in she suddenly said, "Hey! That's the person who play's Helen..."

    My 9 year-old son looked up at the screen. "Oh.. yeah."

    About five minutes later, my daughter said, "Mom.... Know what?... I think she's Samantha Carter, too..."

    My 9 year-old glanced up at the TV briefly, then looked at his sister in disgust. "Don't be stupid."

    rofl. Which is almost literally what I did...


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      Slightly OT on AT and Sam/Helen which I don't think I've shared here yet:
      About a month ago I was watching one of the ComicCon Sanctuary panel videos with AT on it and my 6 year-old daughter was on my lap watching, too. Now, you have to understand, my kids have seen a lot (I mean... A LOT...) of both Helen and Sam. About ten minutes in she suddenly said, "Hey! That's the person who play's Helen..."

      My 9 year-old son looked up at the screen. "Oh.. yeah."

      About five minutes later, my daughter said, "Mom.... Know what?... I think she's Samantha Carter, too..."

      My 9 year-old glanced up at the TV briefly, then looked at his sister in disgust. "Don't be stupid."

      rofl. Which is almost literally what I did...
      I agree, the two do look very different. It's not just the hair, it's the body-language, etc. It just speaks to AT's acting ability really.
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Slightly OT on AT and Sam/Helen which I don't think I've shared here yet:
        About a month ago I was watching one of the ComicCon Sanctuary panel videos with AT on it and my 6 year-old daughter was on my lap watching, too. Now, you have to understand, my kids have seen a lot (I mean... A LOT...) of both Helen and Sam. About ten minutes in she suddenly said, "Hey! That's the person who play's Helen..."

        My 9 year-old son looked up at the screen. "Oh.. yeah."

        About five minutes later, my daughter said, "Mom.... Know what?... I think she's Samantha Carter, too..."

        My 9 year-old glanced up at the TV briefly, then looked at his sister in disgust. "Don't be stupid."

        rofl. Which is almost literally what I did...
        lol, that is too cute

        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        I agree, the two do look very different. It's not just the hair, it's the body-language, etc. It just speaks to AT's acting ability really.
        it sure does, i have never though sam when watching sanctuary or vice versa... amanda is an incredible talent!
        "...but I think if I were to describe myself in pure feminist forms, I would say I want equality. We want respect not because we're women, but simply because we're human beings..." AT 'Live peace. Speak kindness. Dwell in possibility.'


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Slightly OT on AT and Sam/Helen which I don't think I've shared here yet:
          About a month ago I was watching one of the ComicCon Sanctuary panel videos with AT on it and my 6 year-old daughter was on my lap watching, too. Now, you have to understand, my kids have seen a lot (I mean... A LOT...) of both Helen and Sam. About ten minutes in she suddenly said, "Hey! That's the person who play's Helen..."

          My 9 year-old son looked up at the screen. "Oh.. yeah."

          About five minutes later, my daughter said, "Mom.... Know what?... I think she's Samantha Carter, too..."

          My 9 year-old glanced up at the TV briefly, then looked at his sister in disgust. "Don't be stupid."

          rofl. Which is almost literally what I did...

          AT on Sanctuary

          I was really impressed when I saw AT in the first episode of Sanctuary. I remember in one interview she said she had to reinvent herself as an actress to approach this new role. I think she couldn't have done a better job!!!


            I missed yet another gutter conversation... Next time I won't
            I still can't green you for the awesomeness... so I though I would just repost one of your masterpieces

            Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
            LOL! Cute!

            But that wasn't torture...

            Then what do you call it?
            : D Just a little harmless fun.
            Harmless? It's bringing back years of grade-school tormenting from all the school bullies.
            : D Told ya you're an easy target.
            Go pick on someone your own size.
            : D I would, but the Asgard are dead.
            Ha ha.
            : D
            I'm going back to reading now, if you don't mind.
            : D I don't mind as long as you stay away from--
            Level 32. I know.
            : D Just so we're clear.
            As mud.
            : D In which you are a stick.
            Would you just go away already?
            : D Back to watching the cameras.
            Why you all are so obsessed with that, I'll never understand.
            : D Have you seen their chemistry?
            I guess after pointedly ignoring it for so many years, I'm immune to its charms.
            : D Pity the fool.
            I resent that.
            : D Resemble.
            That too.
            : D There may be hope for you yet.
            Sticking my tongue out again.
            : D Still watching the cameras.


            <grumbling about the IMG limits here....>
            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


              I'm wondering why I tried to read others Threads today!!!!
              I had no idea of how many no-shippers there were out there!
              And I also understood that there is no way to change their opinions!!!
              Ok, I'm sooooooooo shipper...but when I read what they write I can just think that they are blinds!!! I mean, one person can not appreciate the S/J ship ()...but to say that there is NOTHING between them shown in the show!!!!!????

              I need a Grace gif right now!!!!!!!!!
              My vids Sig made by me


                Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                To help keep us on-topic tonight...I pose a question...

                For all those soooo married shippers out there...

                How did the proposal happen?
                Ok, so I'm a couple of days late for this but. . .

                Sam: You did say Always, right?
                Jack: Yep.
                Sam: As in always?
                Jack: Yep.
                Sam: Does this mean we're engaged?
                Jack: Wanna head for Vegas?

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  That is why I don't leave my happy place here on the Thread. It's a scary world out there. People are just plain crazy. Loco. Nuts. Bonzo. Three french fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!

                  EDIT: Yup, still feelin' a little wacko myself. Woke up dreamin' I'd won a hundred-million dollar lottery jackpot. And after I shared the good news with my Ship family that I'd be THE PTB producing Movie 3, Daniel (yes, the character, not the actor) kept following me around begging me not to kill him again. Best I could offer was to not *keep* him dead...
                  Love and hot fudge,
                  Bren Ren
                  My stories!



                    That is why I don't leave my happy place here on the Thread. It's a scary world out there. People are just plain crazy. Loco. Nuts. Bonzo. Three french fries short of a happy meal. WACKO!!!!!!
                    One of my favorite quotes. My husband and I refer to people sometimes as "condiment faced". Luckily, only he and I know what we mean.

                    I'm wondering why I tried to read others Threads today!!!!
                    I had no idea of how many no-shippers there were out there!
                    And I also understood that there is no way to change their opinions!!!
                    Ok, I'm sooooooooo shipper...but when I read what they write I can just think that they are blinds!!! I mean, one person can not appreciate the S/J ship ()...but to say that there is NOTHING between them shown in the show!!!!!????

                    Especially when the producers/actors/directors/writers have admitted that it's there! I don't get it, either--or those Sam/Daniel shippers. Not understanding them at all!
                    My Stories: FFdotNet
                    My Stories AO3
                    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Despite the fact that I love football, I can't sustain an interest in watching unless I really like one of the teams. So, with the Titans out, I'm done for the season...except for the commercials on the "Big Game."*

                      * Fears being sued by the NFL if she utters the actual game name -- LOL!!!
                      Football OT - I am the same way. If my team isn't there, not interested. I am a San Francisco 49ers fan (there is no way I am going to be a fan for those Lions) so I haven't watched very many playoffs or superbowls for the past few years.

                      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

                      AstraPerAspera mentioned Jack in a Hawaiian shirt (as a joke) totally unaware (as was I) that my stenos would find that hysterical...

                      The Not-So Secret Life of General O'Neill
                      I loved how Sam was so relaxed and happy (because of Jack, of course) that she wasn't embarassed that people saw her in her pink bikini.
                      I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                        Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                        I'm wondering why I tried to read others Threads today!!!!
                        I had no idea of how many no-shippers there were out there!
                        And I also understood that there is no way to change their opinions!!!
                        Ok, I'm sooooooooo shipper...but when I read what they write I can just think that they are blinds!!! I mean, one person can not appreciate the S/J ship ()...but to say that there is NOTHING between them shown in the show!!!!!????

                        I need a Grace gif right now!!!!!!!!!

                        I think we've been reading the same thread today And you know what? I feel exactly the same way!! Our thread is like Sanctuary And don't worry, everyone has their own opinion, but at the end of the day, we are following canon here


                          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                          I'm wondering why I tried to read others Threads today!!!!
                          I had no idea of how many no-shippers there were out there!
                          And I also understood that there is no way to change their opinions!!!
                          Ok, I'm sooooooooo shipper...but when I read what they write I can just think that they are blinds!!! I mean, one person can not appreciate the S/J ship ()...but to say that there is NOTHING between them shown in the show!!!!!????

                          I need a Grace gif right now!!!!!!!!!
                          I tried that once. It was very scary. That is why I don't venture out of this thread very much. I like to have my Sam and Jack fluff and I don't want anyone to ruin it for me. Don't even try to change their opinions, it will only get messy and it isn't worth it. You know and we all know the truth. They saw it: fishing.

                          Speaking of Fishing (morning commute OT) -
                          This morning as I was taking my children to school, the radio morning show asked "85% of men don't know this about women, what is it?" to win a prize. One man called in and answered where babies come from, which wasn't the correct answer. The DJ then asked the man, do you know where they come from? The man said: daddy's fish swim to mommy's pond. My eyes opened up with excitement from that answer, because we all know that is what Jack did to Sam.
                          I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                            One of my favorite quotes. My husband and I refer to people sometimes as "condiment faced". Luckily, only he and I know what we mean.

                            Especially when the producers/actors/directors/writers have admitted that it's there! I don't get it, either--or those Sam/Daniel shippers. Not understanding them at all!
                            When I first read this, I thought that you had written something else. (condom faced)

                            That is what I get for trying to read fast. Also, I am still trapped in the gutter pool. *looks around to all the familiar faces*

                            EDIT - I forgot to mention about the Sam/Daniel shippers. Sam clearly said in Season 7's Fallen that there had never been anything between them in that way. <mod snip>
                            Last edited by Shipperahoy; 25 January 2010, 03:54 PM. Reason: Please no remarks about other shippers
                            I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                              Originally posted by Treknik View Post
                              I loved how Sam was so relaxed and happy (because of Jack, of course) that she wasn't embarassed that people saw her in her pink bikini.
                              That's actually one of the things I love about Sam post-Threads, and she's just become more so as the show's gone on from there. She's got this general attitude of "I don't care what you think" about her that's just fantastic. (to clarify, that's what you think about *her* personally... not other people's general input)

                              Also, as for the rest of GW... I know several folks (myself included) who ended up on this thread discussing S/J - and even the show itself - almost as default mainly because it was the only place we felt we could actually discuss the show and the characters we'd seen on TV. I just *can't* discuss what happened or, even more, Sam or Jack as characters with someone without the common agreement that Sam loves Jack and vice versa. It's not the *only* aspect of the characters, but it's important enough that to try to really discuss and interpret the show in any kind of meaningful way without being able to include that is impossible for me... And anyone's interpretation which simply ignores anything and everything indicating Sam and Jack want to be or are more than simply comrades and friends, while I respect their right to an opinion, isn't something I'm going to be able to pretend to take seriously. Not when there's enough canon information to show that they're just wrong. (and yes.. I said it... because it's *true*)

                              Now, someone who doesn't want them to be more... Or who is simply a HUGE Daniel fan and so has no time for Sam and Jack is a different story... But trying to interpret, for example, Sam and the choices she made and her character's evolution from S7 to where she's at now without including her relationship with Jack... Can't do it.
                              Last edited by JenniferJF; 25 January 2010, 09:32 AM.


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                That's actually one of the things I love about Sam post-Threads, and she's just become more so as the show's gone on from there. She's got this general attitude of "I don't care what you think" about her that's just fantastic. (to clarify, that's what you think about *her* personally... not other people's general input)
                                I have noticed that about Sam in Season 9. She is so different from Season 1-8 Sam, that even though I like it, it is going to take time to adjust to it. Now, if I saw the two of them together, post Season 8, it would help. I know I will in Season 10 and Continuum, but I'm not there yet. I am just viewing Season 9 for the first time and the next episode to watch is Ripple Effect. I have heard comments on this issue, but I am going to watch and express my own opinion when I do view it.
                                I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them

