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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Hi Y'All.

    I finally decided to get my hands dirty with some S/J related fan art. The pic's size is 779 x 889px, hence the spoiler tags:



      Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
      Hi Y'All.
      I finally decided to get my hands dirty with some S/J related fan art. The pic's size is 779 x 889px, hence the spoiler tags:
      Oh, your awesome art so makes me say...I'll see your "Samantha 'Carter' O'Neill" magazine and raise you with:

      Or even better: ('cause she signed it an has her own copy which she said was "really great!")

      Manip by me, May 2009.
      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


        Originally posted by Tachyon View Post
        Hi Y'All.

        I finally decided to get my hands dirty with some S/J related fan art. The pic's size is 779 x 889px, hence the spoiler tags:

        My vids Sig made by me


          The suuuuuuuuuun is shiiiiiiiiining it feeeeeeeeeeels good and nobody is going to stop me now


          KISSY KISS!


            Jann, who would want to stop you from posting that?

            Click here daily to give free mammograms

            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


              Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
              Jann, who would want to stop you from posting that?
              Da evil anti shippers*nods*

              Who never come in here...but well...

              Oh and was just watching TV and suddenly thought of hockey which made me think of Jack which made me think of S/J...then Valentinesday...

              And thought that on Sunday perhaps Sam would like to go out of dinner or so for valentines day but because of the Olympic games and hockey there Jack prefers to watch that...and stays in...
              Makes a plot bunny...hint hint!


                Jack would be watching hockey and the curling. *nods* Sam would be rolling her eyes at the whole thing, but secretly watching the speed skaters or something.

                Click here daily to give free mammograms

                It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                  Tachyon, that's some lovely artwork! Always love Pol's, too

                  I dunno, am I in the minority that thinks Sam may just like a sport or two? I could see her out there playing street hockey with Jack.
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                    Jack would be watching hockey and the curling. *nods* Sam would be rolling her eyes at the whole thing, but secretly watching the speed skaters or something.
                    Yay! Speed skating! the dutch people have some good ones
                    Me loves can see the....shapes....very well

                    And I do think Sam would like a sport...but since Jack stole the remote and is watching hockey...she doesn't get a chance and prefers to be snuggled on the couch with Jack over going to another room jus to watch her sport.


                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                      Tachyon, that's some lovely artwork! Always love Pol's, too

                      I dunno, am I in the minority that thinks Sam may just like a sport or two? I could see her out there playing street hockey with Jack.
                      Nope. I'm sure she's played a sport or two. I can see her playing soccer in high school and then running cross-country in high school and at the Academy. Definitely. Which means that I can really see her playing a good game of street hockey some afternoon with Jack, Daniel, Teal'c, and Cassie, with Janet on the steps offering commentary...ooh, and thus, a ficlet is born...


                      But, since I have a dissertation chapter due next week, no ficlet from me in time for Valenship! I'm just gonna have to enjoy everyone else's great work.

                      Edit: In fact, these are the Women's Athletic events offered at the Academy

                      I'm thinkin,' since the AF has always had a big push on the well-rounded thing, our Sam Carter excelled in Cross Country, Rifle, and Soccer.

                      I'd also bet that Jack ran track in high school; something his teachers pushed him into to burn off excess energy, and to keep in shape for hockey.

                      Edit x2: fic idea: Sam comes out in faded Air Force Hockey t-shirt and Jack sees it, asks about it, and she tosses out that someone she sort of dated (you can't really date at the Academy) played on the team.

                      I'm tellin' you, if you're stuck for fic ideas, visit the Academy athletics site:

                      Okay, I really am going back to my chapter now!
                      Last edited by Pol; 12 February 2010, 11:54 AM.
                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Those sound like the beginnings of some good little ficlets, Pol! How about for tomorrow? You can whip 'em out! I believe!

                        Me, I'm going to the gym after work and then planing my butt on my couch to watch the opening ceremonies tonight So - no writing for me!

                        I think Sam would have done Cross Country, Rifle and Volleyball.
                        Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                          I think Sam would have done Cross Country, Rifle and Volleyball.
                          I have to agree with you on this. Volleyball does seem to be something she'd be good at--she's tall and has long arms.

                          Although I'm not sure she'd have been into the team sports things. I think she probably would have been more into single player games--or her course load would have been so enormous that she would have been hard put to add anything else into her schedule.

                          But I can see a ficlet arising out of sports with the "team". I can see Jack trying to teach them how to go curling once the pond freezes over during the winter.

                          Uh-oh--Gutter. . .

                          really, truly it's gutter--don't proceed, I beg you!

                          I can see him letting her slide his stone?

                          Sweeping her path?

                          Delivering his rock?

                          I'm soo sooo bad. And I'm truly ashamed of myself for laughing. . .
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                            I have to agree with you on this. Volleyball does seem to be something she'd be good at--she's tall and has long arms.

                            Although I'm not sure she'd have been into the team sports things. I think she probably would have been more into single player games--or her course load would have been so enormous that she would have been hard put to add anything else into her schedule.

                            But I can see a ficlet arising out of sports with the "team". I can see Jack trying to teach them how to go curling once the pond freezes over during the winter.

                            Uh-oh--Gutter. . .

                            really, truly it's gutter--don't proceed, I beg you!

                            I can see him letting her slide his stone?

                            Sweeping her path?

                            Delivering his rock?

                            I'm soo sooo bad. And I'm truly ashamed of myself for laughing. . .
                            i think sam would have been good at volleyball but i dont know if thats really her kind of sport, i totally see her doing cross country and rifle though haha

                            loving the ficlet ideas about Jack and the team playing hockey, which id write, but i prefer to leave the S/J stories to the masters

                            hahaha i love your gutter aka, nothing like a good dip in the gutter to cheer a shipper up
                            thanks sg4ever for the awesome icon!!! (dont steal it!!!) My FanFic


                              *claps hands for gutter* Me likey! oh and ROFL

                              As for watching opening ceremony...if I can keep's a tiny bit late in my time zone


                                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                                I have to agree with you on this. Volleyball does seem to be something she'd be good at--she's tall and has long arms.

                                Although I'm not sure she'd have been into the team sports things. I think she probably would have been more into single player games--or her course load would have been so enormous that she would have been hard put to add anything else into her schedule.

                                But I can see a ficlet arising out of sports with the "team". I can see Jack trying to teach them how to go curling once the pond freezes over during the winter.

                                Uh-oh--Gutter. . .

                                really, truly it's gutter--don't proceed, I beg you!

                                I can see him letting her slide his stone?

                                Sweeping her path?

                                Delivering his rock?

                                I'm soo sooo bad. And I'm truly ashamed of myself for laughing. . .
                                And I sit her chortling with ashamed as well.

                                But...not really.

                                RE: Olympics watching:
                                Our neighborhood goes all-out for the Olympics, winter and summer. Or at least about 5 families do. I'm a jock, I rowed (sculled) and speed skated (short track - "go fast, turn left, don't fall down) at the elite amateur and now "master's" (read: "old lady (humph at 42-in-14-days!)) level. Anyway...summer and winter, we do a mini "torch run" up and down the street (with flashlights and tons of laughter), sucking in the kids and everyone. Then we wind up at one house or another and have buffet-style dinner while ooh and aahing over the opening ceremonies. We each represent a country. Last summer I was "Ireland," this winter I'm decked out in my Vancouver Canucks jersey and being "Canada." We're nuts, but loads of fun!

                                See you all tomorrow!
                                Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."

