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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    So...I'm back again with my intermittent Internet connection to ask a question that has been plaguing me. What's a "steno" with regard to plot bunnies?

    Edit: you know...going back and rereading that sentence...that's just a plain odd thing to ask.
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      So...I'm back again with my intermittent Internet connection to ask a question that has been plaguing me. What's a "steno" with regard to plot bunnies?

      Edit: you know...going back and rereading that sentence...that's just a plain odd thing to ask.
      It's JenniferJF's version of a plot bunny. It's a little monster-like thing.


        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
        My plot!Nubbins keep multiplying, and my fic writing for Valenship is finding itself in one of those situations where I have no idea which story idea to write!

        For the record, the plot!Bunny couldn't handle it...
        First stenos... now nubbins. what other critters are gonna invade PlotBunny Land?

        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
        VALENSHIP... I need to write a an anti-Valentine's day Valenship story. I told my husband that if proposed to me on V-Day the answer would be an automatic no

        But of course, it wouldn't be anti-shippy.

        Better not be anti-Shippy! That's sacrilege around these parts!

        But Anti-Valentine's? I'm with ya 1000%! {pausing for a moment to reflect on the irony of me being the Ultimate Die Hard Romantic yet utterly *loathing* the "holiday of love" that is Valentine's Day...} {And after said reflection, I have decided it must be all the *PINK*!!!}

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        Why not. Look at my Valenship advert sig . Though I'll admit the actual sig for the day has Sam and Jack on it. Still angsty.

        Cause Valentine's Day... *yawn*

        *Yawn* Yup, I'm even susceptible virtual suggestion. {And you should see my uncaffeinated typing. Horrendous. Thank all passing gods and goddesses for the delete key!)

        But your Valenship alert sig... sorry, can't see the Angst thru the Gutter!

        Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
        Hmmm. An anti-Valentine's Day fic...

        {Spoilered for mentioning an *Other* in the context of a ValenShip fic!}

        Or Valentine's day with Pete (because you know he'd go overboard) and Jack doing something simple for Sam on the day (perhaps not even for Valentine's but something she just appreciates) in comparison...angsty yet fluffy at the same time...
        That's worse than *Anti* Valentine's! That's... that's....

        Nope, not awake enough to finish describing that without falling into unusually hostile -bashing territory, so I'll just leave it at *NO!!!!!*

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        My problem is - ironically - I've already done the S8 Sam-with-Pete Valentine's Day can't-be-together-because... angst, and the Post-Threads can't-be-together-because we're both in different places Valentine's angst, and so I'm searching for something new to say.

        I've got nothing.


        Hmmm.... well, there's always the *one or the other is on death's door* scenario. Or you could do something wacky like fudging the vague calendar of nearly any given Angst episode (100 Days or Shades of Gray might be ideal) so that the episodic events transpire right around Valentine's. Hey, worked for me & Christmas!

        Originally posted by Pol View Post
        So...I'm back again with my intermittent Internet connection to ask a question that has been plaguing me. What's a "steno" with regard to plot bunnies?

        Edit: you know...going back and rereading that sentence...that's just a plain odd thing to ask.

        I'll let Jenn define the *stenos*--she's even got the pic. Something about snarling and fangs, IIIRC. My PlotBunnies don't have fangs, but they have been known to have a less than pleasant temperament on occasion...

        But lately I have noticed that we've got a few other various creatures show up where one might normally expect PlotBunnies.
        Love and hot fudge,
        Bren Ren
        My stories!



          Originally posted by Pol View Post
          So...I'm back again with my intermittent Internet connection to ask a question that has been plaguing me. What's a "steno" with regard to plot bunnies?

          Edit: you know...going back and rereading that sentence...that's just a plain odd thing to ask.
          Cause mine have REALLY big teeth:

          EDIT: And, ftr Bren, I *never* saw the inherent gutteriness of the thing until you pointed it out and now I nearly fall over off the couch laughing every time I see that ship....


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Cause mine have REALLY big teeth:

            EDIT: And, ftr Bren, I *never* saw the inherent gutteriness of the thing until you pointed it out and now I nearly fall over off the couch laughing every time I see that ship....

            Yup, those are the ones. I'd be very very scared if my hordes of cages were filled with those things!

            But as for the sig... Seriously? How can you *not* see the Gutter in *that* Ship?
            Cause really, I think it's probably one of the most phallic I've seen in the universe of Stargate. But please, don't hesitate for a second to correct me if I'm wrong on that score!!!
            Love and hot fudge,
            Bren Ren
            My stories!



              Originally posted by BrenRen View Post

              Yup, those are the ones. I'd be very very scared if my hordes of cages were filled with those things!

              But as for the sig... Seriously? How can you *not* see the Gutter in *that* Ship?
              Cause really, I think it's probably one of the most phallic I've seen in the universe of Stargate. But please, don't hesitate for a second to correct me if I'm wrong on that score!!!
              I'd agree.. but this is STARGATE so it'd have to stand in a VERY LONG line.

              EDIT: I mean.. have you seen the Zat.. or the staffs... or those things in the Wraith hands... or the stinkin' gate itself (and those are just the examples sitting on top of my brain) .... Like I said...loong line.

              EDIT 2: Come to think of it, fish in a pond are starting to look like the height of subtlety.


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                I'd agree.. but this is STARGATE so it'd have to stand in a VERY LONG line.

                EDIT: I mean.. have you seen the Zat.. or the staffs... or those things in the Wraith hands... or the stinkin' gate itself (and those are just the examples sitting on top of my brain) .... Like I said...loong line.

                EDIT 2: Come to think of it, fish in a pond are starting to look like the height of subtlety.
                Yes, yes, yes, I saw all of those.

                I meant spaceship in particular. Has there been a more... blatant... spaceship?

                If there has and I'm just blanking, I am Officially blaming it on insufficient caffeine after one too many late nights this week.

                EDIT: And with all *that* on the top of your brain, I'm even more amazed that you didn't see the Gutter in *that* sig...
                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!





                  Though considering their track record, a ship like this was inevitable. Almost.. you know.. Destiny.

                  I swear I wouldn't be here if I could figure out how to write my next chapter... It's meant to be UST gutter, and now I just can't concentrate.

                  *Points to Bren*

                  It's all *her* fault! And it's not even Stargate I'm writing


                    ha ha!!!
                    Love and hot fudge,
                    Bren Ren
                    My stories!



                      :: muddles in :: Jenn - why don't you take a break and write us a nice guttery married S/J drabble or something along those lines?? Surely that would purge everything...

                      I on the other hand have been horrible today. I meant to write S/J but haven't gotten around to it... meant to work on my Sanctuary fic, but it's still sitting there being ignored... while I do what? Read Janeway/Chakotay fic :: headdesk :: I should learn that there's only room for one ship at any given time. And that sounds so guttery if you say it out loud.


                        Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                        :: muddles in :: Jenn - why don't you take a break and write us a nice guttery married S/J drabble or something along those lines?? Surely that would purge everything...

                        I on the other hand have been horrible today. I meant to write S/J but haven't gotten around to it... meant to work on my Sanctuary fic, but it's still sitting there being ignored... while I do what? Read Janeway/Chakotay fic :: headdesk :: I should learn that there's only room for one ship at any given time. And that sounds so guttery if you say it out loud.
                        And now I've got three kids and one husband looking at me wondering if maybe Mom has finally lost it... Cause in the midst of the present context, it doesn't even have to be said out loud...

                        And the problem isn't writing what needs to be written... the problem is easing into it gently.


                          More fun and games: The favorite S/J episodes list isn't even close to being completed.


                            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                            And now I've got three kids and one husband looking at me wondering if maybe Mom has finally lost it... Cause in the midst of the present context, it doesn't even have to be said out loud...


                            And the problem isn't writing what needs to be written... the problem is easing into it gently.
                            And we're SPLASHING! LOL. Yes well, maybe the ship just needs an oil change


                              Originally posted by Nynaeve506 View Post
                              And we're SPLASHING! LOL. Yes well, maybe the ship just needs an oil change
                              You know what they saw about Military Helicopters? Never get into one that's not leaking oil because it's out of oil.


                                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                                You know what they saw about Military Helicopters? Never get into one that's not leaking oil because it's out of oil.
                                ROFL - in that case you ought to bring your own!

                                Random Military Story that is completely without innuendo (seriously):
                                My father is a retired C-130 pilot and if there's one thing about C-130s... well they're finnicky (now they have the computerized J models but that's a different story). There was this S. 9 episode of JAG I was watching and I swear to you that everything that happened with the exception of landing on an aircraft carrier had happened to my father at some point (not at the same time, but he actually had a reputation for in flight emergencies and none of them were his fault...). Anyway, one time they ended up running low on fuel (as dad explains it, fuel gauges are an estimation at best. If it's on E you might have enough, you might not, you'll know when you fall out of the sky - apparently they had taken on some extra cargo before taking off) and in order to land they had to break up a Naval training exercise. They wanted him to ditch the plane, but there's never really been a "successful" ditch of a C-130 over water so they opted to try to make it to land. They interrupted a fancy dinner or something (I only remember that this was the point where dad told them he was landing the plane with or without lights) to land at the nearest base... and had everyone in their dress uniforms to help them land Don't be surprised if you see some of my dad's stories show up in fanfic eventually. They're just too outrageous for real life at times

