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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
    ahem...I don't want to monopolize the thread today ...but I finished my new drawing!
    Be kind with me! It's the first time I tried to make a manip through a drawing!
    This is how I see them waking up together for the past several years now.

    So married!
    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
      ahem...I don't want to monopolize the thread today ...but I finished my new drawing!
      Be kind with me! It's the first time I tried to make a manip through a drawing!

      Love it, very cute. Just how it should be.
      Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
      If you want something in life, you have to work for it

      Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


        OT: My view of fan fic/vids

        My opinion is that using someone else's work for inspiration is not inappropriate, nor does it require permission, unless they were going to make a profit off of it. Then you would have to bring the original/true rights holder into the discussion and it becomes a very messy proposition.

        If there is something in the fic that you don't want to be associated with you can certainly ask that the author include a disclaimer and/or advertise your distaste for the product yourself. (You have at least as much access to channels of communication as that author does, or perhaps even more so since your work clearly has scope and reasonance to a wider audiance.)

        And really she didn't have to mention where her inspiration came from. I would be happy for the added publicity. It would get me additional viewers/readers and new fans.

        That's why sites like even exist in the first place is because most creators and rights holders of these works consider it a good thing for their brand. I know a lot of fan fic writers and vidders who get all offend when authors and creators discourage or forbid fan works.

        We are using these characters and these clips without permission from the true rights holders. You have a fan of your vid who decided to create a fan fic. Seems like the same thing to me.

        But hey, if want to discourage and limit your fans that's up to you.


          Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
          Hmm I think I'd be flattered that someone wanted to use my idea but angry that they didn't ask your permission first, that's just common courtesy. The writer doesn't know if you were planning on writing your own story or if you've already written a story with those characters/storyline.

          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          Well, actually, I'm siding more with Sam/Tor these days, Jack's jist nae fit Sam's lookin fae, ye ken! Meh I'll go away, stop channelling the Aberdonian from Brave and stop typing Doric lol. (That means "Jack's not what Sam's looking for, you know!" For anyone not from Scotland, in case you wanted to know. Probably not lol)
          I totally got that -and I didn't struggle to translate it...I read it, and the meaning popped into my fron...

          I blame the tiny drop of MacDonald blood in my background.

          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post

          I remember seeing this vid before...and longing to see a full story written of it: I thought it was very creative. Beautifully done, XF.

          Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
          Oops, my bad! Still, there's a Scottish link I suppose. However, the Islanders off Scotland have stronger accents usually than mainlanders so that would've been even funnier to see! I never really paid attention to SG-1 after season 8, it just wasn't the same.
          ...I'm 'hearing' all of your posts in a Scottish accent now... >.< {{hugs}}

          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post

          Lovely! Thanks for applying your talent to the S/J ship and for sharing the results with us.
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
            [I][FONT=Comic Sans MS]

            I totally got that -and I didn't struggle to translate it...I read it, and the meaning popped into my fron...

            ...I'm 'hearing' all of your posts in a Scottish accent now... >.< {{hugs}}

            It's much easier to understand when you speak it out loud than when it's written I think.

            And lol at hearing my posts in a Scottish accent! Sadly, I did not inherit my grandad's Dundonian accent, in RL I sound like a slightly higher pitched Rachel Weisz!
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

              Season 8: Moebius 1: Surreptitious hand holding in the briefing room (9)


              SGU: Jack offers Sam some comfort when her 302 pilots are lost, actually calling her "Sam" (9)


                Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                *waves from behind trin's back...snickers...*

                I'm here.
                Maybe I was just missing your posts.

                Good to see you

                Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                The Best Shippy Moment is . . .
                Season 8: Moebius 1: Surreptitious hand holding in the briefing room (4)


                SGU: Jack offers Sam some comfort when her 302 pilots are lost, actually calling her "Sam" (6)

                I think that, whilst the "Sam" was good, it could have just been the fact that they're now both in command of a whole department/ship and Sam is now a full bird Colonel so Jack felt that he could call her that without sounding too personal (I've noticed the Generals seem to use first names a lot when dealing with the higher ranking officers, Hammond always did with Jack). Whereas the hand brush was highlighted in neon lights by the director which means that it's not just a blink and you might miss it if you choose moment. It actually meant something to the writers!
                Good analysis Amber.

                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                I saw on ffnet that someone started a fic based on my AU trailer vid. I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed that she didn't ask my opinion first...
                I can understand the range of emotion. One the one hand its flattering, but on the other you want to be recognized for the work you've done. So I get that. Perhaps the writer is just inexperienced in such things and was so inspired by your work that it slipped her mind.

                In your position I'd like to think I'd give the benefit of the doubt, but I understand how you feel.

                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                It took me really a long time to make that vid, especially it was hard to find the right clips.

                I did leave a review and I just got this reply:

                Thank you so much for your review. I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to ask
                you sooner for your permission to use your video as reference but I just had
                this drive to write it down before I forgot it and before I lost my nerve to
                do it. I hope it lives up to your expectations and reflects what you portrayed
                in your video.

                Still It would have been polite to actually ask me first!
                Besides I still have in mind how I imagine a fic for my vid and I stick with that! It's my mind after all!

                You really are talented XF. Brava!

                Your vids always tell a story in my mind.

                Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                ahem...I don't want to monopolize the thread today ...but I finished my new drawing!
                Be kind with me! It's the first time I tried to make a manip through a drawing!

                Jack certainly looks happy. As he should be
                sig by Mada
                As a matter of FIC


                  The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                  Season 8: Moebius 1: Surreptitious hand holding in the briefing room (10)


                  SGU: Jack offers Sam some comfort when her 302 pilots are lost, actually calling her "Sam" (9)

                  That was a super tough one. Every time I read someone's analysis I changed my mind lol.

                  I went with the hand holding (Ha. I first typed 'Sam holding')

                  Yeah, I went with the hand holding because of what it meant to me at the time that I saw it. In the SG-1 world, before the fishing, when we just longed to see interaction/contact between them.

                  I chose Moebius but it doesn't mean I don't think Jack calling her Sam in public like that is super shippy as well. Just going by how I felt at the time.
                  sig by Mada
                  As a matter of FIC


                    Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                    ahem...I don't want to monopolize the thread today ...but I finished my new drawing!
                    Be kind with me! It's the first time I tried to make a manip through a drawing!
                    That is amazing!
                    Sig made by Nola
                    Latest fic Thin Blue Veil


                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      I've recently been going back through old Sam/jack fanfic for stuff I missed from the early years, there's quite a treasure trove though I'm finding a lot of missing live journal link and links to older defunct archives. It's a shame because a lot of the good authors seemed to have stuff on them.
                      This is why I LOVE the Internet Wayback Machine! I can't tell you how many stories (SG-1 and others) that I've found because of it.

                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      I saw on ffnet that someone started a fic based on my AU trailer vid. I don't know if I should be flattered or annoyed that she didn't ask my opinion first...
                      Originally posted by meredithe5 View Post
                      Hmm I think I'd be flattered that someone wanted to use my idea but angry that they didn't ask your permission first, that's just common courtesy. The writer doesn't know if you were planning on writing your own story or if you've already written a story with those characters/storyline.
                      I can see both sides (as far as being excited about being inspired), but, even after reading the response you got, I think I'd be a bit annoyed. Like meredith said, you could have been planning on writing your own story based on it. It's just common courtesy. And they could have contacted you after they wrote the story, but before posting it.

                      Originally posted by AmberLM View Post
                      Yep. I also can't believe people actually steal fanfic and put their name on it! Why anyone would do that is beyond me. I doubt it would ever happen to my fic, it wouldn't be worth the trouble lol but it's awful that people do it.
                      I remember a few years ago when this was running rampant. I don't understand why people feel the need to do stuff like this. If you want to be the author of a story, then write it!

                      The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                      Season 8: Moebius 1: Surreptitious hand holding in the briefing room (11)


                      SGU: Jack offers Sam some comfort when her 302 pilots are lost, actually calling her "Sam" (9)

                      I agree, that was hard! I have to go with the hands, though. It was a sign that things had shifted in their relationship, to me.


                        brendini - I know! I really don't understand it.if you think a plot bunny is that good, I'm sure you could come up with something similar yourself. Most fanfic is based on similar ideas anyway, it's the writing which makes it good or bad.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                          Be kind with me! It's the first time I tried to make a manip through a drawing!

                          It's wonderful, well done!

                          And I understand your feelings about the fanfic based on your video. I've had several gifs "stolen" on tumblr, where some users have posted them as their own work. It's really annoying, but I'm trying to feel honored instead: someone actually likes my work enough to steal it....


                            Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                            I say be flattered. You inspired someone!

                            Isn't that what we do when we write fan fic and make vid and pics based on the work of others who gave us these shows and characters we love?
                            I agree with being flattered. However, while there are few rules that govern fanfic (and even fewer that do so effectively), it *would* be considered polite to give the inspirator (actual word? probably not...) a heads up of what's going down. I understand that there's a risk in the original vid-maker saying 'no' and then the dilemma of trying to decide whether or not to abide by the maker's wishes or posting the fic anyway.

                            Hlndncr has good point, from a rational point of view. It's kind of a double standard to desire consultation before our work is utilized by another, when we so blatantly borrow from SG-1 without consulting MGM. But there's also an emotional aspect to something like this that undeniably *does* need that extra step.

                            I come from the another end of the spectrum, where a reviewer wrote an original song based on my story "Strangers on a Train". She asked me permission; I nervously replied 'yes'. Granted, she was already on better terms with me than this author was with XF. She was a regular reviewer, and we had struck up a conversation long before she even asked about the song. So with her my predominant, overwhelming emotion *was* to feel flattered, and honored.

                            But if I had found the song by accident? If I had seen mention of my story in the video description, but not known the creator? I still would have been flattered, but it would have been mixed with a combination of terror ("what if it's horrible and not anything like my original idea?") and disappointment ("would it have been so hard to let me know?").

                            To me, fanvids and fanfics are raw, natural pieces of work. TV shows and films are so polished, and so many hands have touched it that even if we *could* ask permission, who would we ask? But stories and vids are, more often than not, the work of a single individual. They may be mere shadows of the original universes they've been borrowed from, but fanfics and vids are incredibly more intimate. And I think that's where the sense of violation comes in.


                              selene I've read your Strangers on a Train fic and it's fantastic! Where is your fic posted? I can't find it again!
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                                Season 8: Moebius 1: Surreptitious hand holding in the briefing room (11)


                                SGU: Jack offers Sam some comfort when her 302 pilots are lost, actually calling her "Sam" (10)


                                I'm going with SGU, because a) The hand-holding thing totally psyched me out (a brushing of hands is NOT handholding! *pouts*) so I'm not choosing that mostly out of spite, and b) the "Sam" moment was really quite touching.

                                This moment is layered with the duality of marriage and profession. The use of "Sam" is a poignant indicator of the deepened relationship, but it's the tenderness of Jack's voice the gets me. It's as though Sam has crossed a rubicon of sorts, in terms of learning to be a leader. She's made hard decisions before, but this one was particularly difficult, because not only would the blast most likely kill the pilots she left behind, she has to make the conscious decision to leave them behind, which as we know is something that SG-1 doesn't do lightly.

                                So when Jack reassures her, he's simultaneously communicating his understanding of the decision's difficulty and his acknowledgement that he would have done the same. She had made the right decision, no matter how hard it was to make. And in using "Sam", he sends her his love, and shows her the solidarity any husband gives his wife.

