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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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      Originally posted by trinity3 View Post
      So much so that she even begins to get up without telling Jack to give her a minute and there's nothing in her body language that suggests that she even expects him to leave.

      That's why it OoM for me
      If I remember correctly, she does put her hand up to hold the blanket in place when she sits up. But that still leaves her getting up to get the clothing from the guy who's white outfit she was wearing. That had to be awkward. Trying to hold the blanket in place while removing the guy's clothing so she could wear them. Unless, of course, Jack did the removing of clothing and gave them to her and then stood guard while she got dressed.


        Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
        I'm with you XFchem!! I don't read fics where Sam marries Pete, that's just wrong on so many levels!!
        I've read a few, and will never do so again. Though in one, just as they say "I do" some crooks drive by the chapel and shoot the place up, killing Pete in the process. So Sam was married and a widow in just a few moments time.

        In a couple of others, they wind up divorced before very long.

        I prefer the ones where they break up before the wedding. Or the ones where they don't get past the first date for whatever reason.


          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
          I've read a few, and will never do so again. Though in one, just as they say "I do" some crooks drive by the chapel and shoot the place up, killing Pete in the process. So Sam was married and a widow in just a few moments time.

          In a couple of others, they wind up divorced before very long.

          I prefer the ones where they break up before the wedding. Or the ones where they don't get past the first date for whatever reason.
          I'm not sure which I dislike more; the abusive Pete and passive/stubborn Sam fics or the ones where Pete was killed (for whatever reason) and Sam ends up with Jack.

          Probably the latter though because it makes Jack second choice, even if in her heart he was always number one. I prefer Sam coming to that conclusion herself and handling the situation in a mature way rather than being 'forced' into it.
          Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
          Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
          On FFnet or AO3

          My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


            Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
            regarding sam marrying pete, it seems like during threads she already had doubts about going through with the wedding it just seems like jacob's death was the final straw for her to finally make her decision.
            In my mind it all was just one big disastrous snowball. It started as a nothing serious, bit if fun and ended up in a very close call with marriage, mainly cos Sam really is just too nice and because she felt like it was what she was supposed to do. If at any point Jack had of said something she wouldn't have thought twice about breaking it off, thankfully Sam did come to,the conclusion it wasn't right eventually, and actually all it took was one word form jack 'always'
            Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


              Originally posted by Lt.Colonel John Sheppard View Post
              regarding sam marrying pete, it seems like during threads she already had doubts about going through with the wedding it just seems like jacob's death was the final straw for her to finally make her decision.
              She was already having doubts at the time of "Affinity" or it would never have taken her two weeks to accept the proposal.


                Originally posted by SGSuzi View Post
                In my mind it all was just one big disastrous snowball. It started as a nothing serious, bit if fun and ended up in a very close call with marriage, mainly cos Sam really is just too nice and because she felt like it was what she was supposed to do. If at any point Jack had of said something she wouldn't have thought twice about breaking it off, thankfully Sam did come to,the conclusion it wasn't right eventually, and actually all it took was one word form jack 'always'
                Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                She was already having doubts at the time of "Affinity" or it would never have taken her two weeks to accept the proposal.
                I agree, on both counts. If it takes you two weeks to agree to a proposal, there's something off. And (as I have learned) it's okay to be alone; it's much worse to be with someone and lonely! But, I think, at that point, that's part of where her thought process was. She couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel in the war, and here was this guy who said he wanted him in his life.
                Let me say this: I'm not a fan of Pete (seriously, how can they actually make fun of his behavior with the whole FBI check, etc.?), but I don't demonize him either. It almost seemed like Sam was a rebound relationship (from his divorce) with the way he reacted to things.
                Just my 2 cents' worth.



                  The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                  Season 2: Secrets – Jack meets Jacob and shares a few mysterious smiles with Sam, "We have our moments" (11)


                  Season 2: Out of Mind – Jack is a little distracted by Sam’s naked body (16)

                  Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


                    The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                    Season 2: Secrets – Jack meets Jacob and shares a few mysterious smiles with Sam, "We have our moments" (12)


                    Season 2: Out of Mind – Jack is a little distracted by Sam’s naked body (16)


                      Originally posted by fems View Post
                      I read 'mother' instead of muse at first and was thoroughly confused! Angsty romance fics are usually the best, in my opinion.

                      A word of advice though;

                      try to guesstimate how long the story is going to be or at least get an outline of the important parts (like beginning, middle and end and which things have to happen) you want to include, or you might get carried away with the story and end up with a very long story that takes on a life of its own. I didn't really have any of that for my first fic except for a vague idea of what was to happen (what was mentioned in the summary and some major life changing stuff) and just started writing and, encouraged by my lovely reviewers, kept going... and going... and going... until I had 80 chapters and >300K words. And even then I needed a 25-chapter sequel to give it a proper ending for myself (and still have more ideas for sequels)...

                      Since then I've made it a point to get proper outlines and try to envision how many chapters (and what length) I would need, because it's so easy to get sidetracked and basically lose sight of the plot, especially when it's a romance fic. Not that I'm not proud of my first fic but there are things that made me frown/cringe or wonder why I even included it because it detracts from the actual story I had in mind. Since then I've tightened things up a bit after a thorough editing session but I can't really start deleting events without altering the story now.

                      Also, if you're gonna write two fics at the same time make NOTES! I learned this the hard way with my second and third (the above mentioned sequel) fic, which I wrote simultaneously. The worst part was that they were both set around season 8 and in one Janet was alive and Jacob dead and in the other one it was the other way around. With updating thrice a week (twice for Lost and once in the weekend for Family) details started slipping and at one point I even accidentally "killed" Jacob in the fic he was supposed to be alive in! Fortunately it was only a mention of Sam's "late" father and one of my first reviewer caught it within minutes of my upload, so I quickly changed it.

                      In the end I wrote down the important details (and differences) of the fics on a post-it and stuck both on the wall next to my monitor, which made it a whole lot easier to keep track of things.

                      Nowadays, I simply use OneNote for all my fic notes, though.

                      Thanks very much for the advice, I've been trying to work out whats happening, got a plan written for the other one and know where i'm going with it. OneNote? Might have to have a look at that.

                      Yes, I try to avoid those too, since a lot of them have him being abusive and Sam simply taking it because she wants her marriage to work. It's like fanon's version of Jonas Hanson all over again!

                      I am guilty of the two of them getting married though, and him being an ass but like I said it was my first fic...

                      She already had doubts when he proposed, why else would it take her two freaking weeks to accept?!
                      Seems like I'm heading down a similar route as your first fic although I'm not going near the wedding, or any of the marriage. It starts with Sam having left Pete.

                      Regarding the abusive Pete in fics, I don't believe she would stay with someone who was abusive just to make her marriage work. She's changed a lot since she was with Jonas Hanson. 'First Commandment' itself seemed to highlight how wrong his behaviour was to her and her inability to make peace with her choice. She accepted he was in the wrong and moved on. From that point on she's grown as a woman and as a soldier and is now independent and self assured - I believe its Jack's influence and trust in her. He didn't question her abilities in her field and nurtured the soldier within.

                      Jacob's death seemed to be the turning point regarding Pete. When he told her to follow her heart it was the permission she needed to go for it with Jack. Before then, I agree, what started out as fun, got serious and she was in way over her head trying to find a way out.

                      You seem to have experience with these kinds of fics and I don't want to post something on ffnet everyone abhors and I regret having ever thought of. I might PM you with a brief plan for your advice if that's ok?
                      Don't get it right, get it written - Unknown, they haven't decided who said it first
                      If you want something in life, you have to work for it

                      Turn off lights not in use, buy local produce where possible, recycle all you can. Help save YOUR planet.


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        I've read a few, and will never do so again. Though in one, just as they say "I do" some crooks drive by the chapel and shoot the place up, killing Pete in the process. So Sam was married and a widow in just a few moments time.

                        In a couple of others, they wind up divorced before very long.

                        I prefer the ones where they break up before the wedding. Or the ones where they don't get past the first date for whatever reason.
                        Oh, I hear you there.
                        I think it's very hard to get the feel of characters right in the story arc from Chimera to Threads (and it's for this reason that I don't particularly like such stories even though Threads is a seminal moment for S/J) so I'd rather steer clear of fics that attempt (and don't always succeed) to explain the rationale behind Sam's behaviour.

                        Originally posted by brendini View Post
                        I agree, on both counts. If it takes you two weeks to agree to a proposal, there's something off. And (as I have learned) it's okay to be alone; it's much worse to be with someone and lonely! But, I think, at that point, that's part of where her thought process was. She couldn't see a light at the end of the tunnel in the war, and here was this guy who said he wanted him in his life.
                        Let me say this: I'm not a fan of Pete (seriously, how can they actually make fun of his behavior with the whole FBI check, etc.?), but I don't demonize him either. It almost seemed like Sam was a rebound relationship (from his divorce) with the way he reacted to things.
                        Just my 2 cents' worth.
                        Oh, Shanahan's not demonic, of course. But it's hard not to extrapolate from his character that he's stalkerish, possessive and manipulative, traits that I dislike immediately.
                        Last edited by Ikorni; 06 April 2013, 07:17 PM.
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                              Good night!


                                The Best Shippy Moment is . . .

                                Season 2: Secrets – Jack meets Jacob and shares a few mysterious smiles with Sam, "We have our moments" (13)


                                Season 2: Out of Mind – Jack is a little distracted by Sam’s naked body (16)

                                Sorry I'm late on this tonight. I was at a ball. (Tired but happy! )

                                I choose Secrets because those smiles are just too cute. Had to raise Jacob's suspicions about those two right from the start.

                                Tonight's Winner: Jack is distracted by Sam's naked bod.

