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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Just a half an hour to Ship Day!

    I'm getting all the opening posts ready right now!

    I'll leave a notice on this thread with a link once the Ship Day thread is open!


      *rubs hands together in excited anticipation* 23 minutes and counting...


        Originally posted by Sam-n-Jack-in-<3 View Post
        *pops in* Hello! Long time no see! Been extremely busy with life and that 'other' fandom of mine (Star Wars), but was determined to make it back for Ship Day. My copy of Photoshop has gone AWOL and my SG muse is on life support, so I may not be able to contribute anything.
        That's ok -we would just love to have you there and participating. If you get suddenly inspired, that's just the bonus.

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        In her dreams, Jack calls her Samantha!
        I know! Sounds weird doesn't it?

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I think Jack would tell Sam that she deserves more. Not because he doesn't love her, but because he's put her so high up on a pedastal.
        I always thought it was because a) she deserved more in life than a just a career and b) she didn't need to wait for him, since neither of them can bring themselves to leave the program, and he wants her to be happy...even if it means seeing her with someone else.

        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        Shipper U Quiz #10: True or False

        Our final quiz! One last chance to prove your Shipper knowledge.


        1. True or False: Sam has never actually heard Jack call her “Samantha.” TRUE

        2. True or False: Jack steps in front of a staff weapon and is shot in the knee protecting Sam. TRUE

        3. True or False: Jack is embarrassed when Sam finds out that they were married in an alternate timeline. TRUE

        4. True or False: Jack has never held Sam’s hand in the briefing room. FALSE

        5. True or False: Sam is put on down time after collapsing on a mission and Jack tells her to go pick flowers. TRUE

        6. True or False: Teal’c hears Jack’s confession that he cares about Sam a lot more than he’s supposed to. TRUE

        7. True or False: Jack calls Jacob “Dad” only when talking about him with Sam, never talking to him. TRUE

        8. True or False: The first time Jack sees Sam after being released from the Ancient stasis chamber he runs to her and places his hand on her thigh. TRUE

        9. True or False: Sam refused three fishing invitations from Jack. FALSE

        10. True or False: Jack loses to Daniel in a bet about Sam. TRUE
        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        *rubs hands together in excited anticipation* 23 minutes and counting...
        15 minutes. heh heh. *runs off to drabble*
        sig by Ikorni

        "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
        "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

        SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


          *blows party horn* SHIP DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          sig by Ikorni

          "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
          "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

          SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


            Happy Ship Day!!!!

            The Ship Day Thread is now open.

            That's where the party will be for the next 24 hours. So go on over and get this party started!!!!




                Shipper U Quiz #10: True or False


                1. True or False: Sam hears Jack call her “Samantha” in Emancipation.

                2. True or False: Jack steps in front of a staff weapon and is shot in the knee protecting Sam in Jolinar’s Memories.

                3. True or False: Jack is embarrassed when Sam finds out that they were married in an alternate reality in Point of View.

                4. True or False: Jack momentarily takes Sam’s hand in the briefing room in Moebius 1.

                5. True or False: When Sam is put on down time after collapsing on a mission Jack tells her to go fly a kite or knit something in Ascension.

                6. True or False: Teal’c hears Jack’s confession that he cares about Sam a lot more than he’s supposed to in Divide and Conquer.

                7. True or False: Jack calls Jacob “Dad” in Seth with Jacob and the entire team present.

                8. True or False: The first time Jack sees Sam after being released from the Ancient stasis chamber he runs to her and places his hand on her thigh in New Order 2.

                9. True or False: Sam refused four fishing invitations from Jack in Nemesis, Small Victories, The Curse, and Sight Unseen.

                10. True or False: Jack loses to Daniel in a bet about Sam in The Light; although he tells Sam the bet was about curling.


                  Happy Ship Day everybody! D

                  You'll find someone, someday.
                  I'd rather die than lose Carter.
                  What is an Oprah?


                    Originally posted by always_sj View Post
                    Happy Ship Day everybody! D
                    C'mon, over to the ship day thread!!
                    sig by Ikorni

                    "When Colonel Maybourne and yourself were stranded off world, Major Carter felt a similar sense of frustration. She despaired at the thought of never seeing you again." ~Teal'c
                    "I didn't leave,because I'd have rather died myself,than lose Carter." ~Jack O'Neill

                    SaraBahama FanFic; AO3


                      HI everyone

                      thought i would drop by in here,

                      I'm pretty new to SG fandom, having watched the original movie and some of the series when originally aired and for some reason not getting into it, we have started watching from the beginning along with the kids and now i'm totally hooked, I get withdrawel symptoms if im on late shifts and can't watch for a few days.

                      Of course I have got totally sucked in with the Jack and Sam storyline, i sensed the attraction early on and am loving lookung our for the signs and interactions between them. We are currently just starting season 8 and have watched both parts of New Order and going to start Atlantis now aswell.

                      I know form reading stuff that we don't get any definate confirmation of Jack and Sam being together and that I'm going to have to take the signs as confirmation and use my own imagination. I can't say I'm looking forward to RDA not being in the series but then I can think that they are finally together when they are not working so closely together.

                      I do think it is made really obvious the amount of love between them, just the way they look at each other all the time, they way Jack takes every opportunity to touch Sam and the utter heart wrenching looks on each others faces whenever one of them is in danger.

                      My favourite Jack and Sam moments so far have been divide and conquer, window of opportunity, grace, the end of heroes which i think are the obvious ones, but also just little bits like where Jack is presenting Sam with her promotion in new order, the look of admiration and love on each others faces, and all the hugs and looks in each episode.

                      It's all a bit frustrating that we dont get confirmation but after all this is Sci Fi and the purpose of that is to get your imagination working.

                      I like to imagine that the 3rd movie will be made and Sam will meet with an old colleage, when they say colonel Samantha Carter nice to see you again, she will reply with actually it's Colonel Samantha O'Neill now.....two L's (sorry if i have the rank wrong i'm not sure how high she progresses to in the end)

                      wow i rattled on so much!!!!! sorry
                      Thanks to the wonderful Meredithe5 for the awesome sig


                        Hi SGSuzi!

                        You picked a great day to stop by. We are having a party!

                        So join us on the Ship Day Thread for lots of Sam/Jack Shippy goodness!


                          Hi SGSuzi and welcome! You've picked the perfect day to join our family. Right now we are having our annual Ship Day at a special thread. Come on over and join us there. Ship Day 2012


                            I was a tad bit disturbed that at 2am Syfy had "Affinity" on...on Ship Day!!! The horrors! I put a DVD in, because I just couldn't watch it. Not my favorite for several reasons. Now, off to the Ship Thread!


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              I absolutely love it!

                              Apparently I'm all out of green for the moment, so you'll just have to be satisfied with a boatload of virtual green
                              Thanks Jan. Fortunately I accept all forms of green

                              Originally posted by fems View Post
                              That one was great! I like how you combined the prompts and would have greened you but I have to spread it around first...

                              I really hope there will be lots of people online tomorrow for Ship Day considering I can't green most of the 'regulars' here before spreading it around. Would be a shame if I can't green everyone...

                              Thank you **is happy**

                              Originally posted by fems View Post
                              Okay, it looks like my muse performs better under pressure. I managed to squeeze out a few more drabbles.

                              3. Compromising Positions

                              - Jack

                              “Cassie!” Jack frowned and opened the door for her to enter. “Weren’t you staying with Carter?”

                              The teen stormed past him and plopped down on the sofa with a grunt. “We had a fight.”

                              Jack dragged a hand through his hair and let out a deep sigh. It didn’t sound like Carter, but Cassie had been acting out a bit since Janet’s passing. “What happened?”

                              “She was being, like, totally unreasonable!”


                              “Dominic had stopped by and… well, she kinda walked in on us in a, eh, compromising positi–”

                              “Ack! Not another word, I don’t want to hear it!”

                              - Sam

                              “Thank you for bringing her back, Sir,” Sam said, referring to Cassandra.

                              He shrugged, looking ill at ease. “Isn’t that what this whole shared legal guardian thing is about?”

                              “I guess.”

                              “I figured you two should talk and that wasn’t going to happen with her at my place.”

                              Sam smiled gently. “Did she tell you-”

                              “Ack! Just talk to her once she gets out of her room and make sure none of the details reach my ears, Carter!”

                              She chuckled softly at his flushed face, again wondering why Janet had decided they – CO and 2IC – should look after Cassie together…

                              6. A Quarrel and a Kiss
                              - Jack

                              “Your leader is a fortunate man.”

                              Jack pricked up his ears when he overheard the chief talking to Daniel but kept looking ahead and returned Carter’s soft smile when he caught her eyes twinkling over the campfire.

                              “What do you mean, great leader?”

                              “He travels with his betrothed–”

                              Jack nearly choked on his wannabe s’more but Daniel quickly corrected the natives before he had to step in.

                              “But their quarrels, sleeping accommodations and sharing of food and water… They are not bound by a kiss?”

                              “No! We aren’t, eh, ‘bound by a kiss’ on Earth. They just work together…”


                              - Sam

                              “Oh, for crying out loud, Carter!”

                              Sam rolled her eyes, summoning her patience and schooling her features like a good little soldier. “Sir, with all due respect…”

                              “Don’t pull that crap on me, Colonel.”

                              “Excuse me, Sir?”

                              His eyes narrowed at her and he waved his hand around. “That little condescending tone of yours-”


                              “Oh, come on!”

                              Taking a deep breath, Sam tried to calm down. This was getting them nowhere. “I apologize, Sir. I did not mean any dis-”

                              “Please! Just kiss and make up already before the sexual tension suffocates the rest of us,” Cassie cried out.

                              8. Whispers in the Dark


                              With her this close he could smell the soft scent of her shampoo and feel her curves pressed against him. She was surprisingly soft despite her toned figure and Jack couldn’t help but wonder if it was a sign that they seemed to fit together so perfectly. Her breathing was loud in the small space, every exhale hitting his neck and setting his nerves on fire. His senses seemed to be in overdrive and he blamed it on the darkness.

                              “Christ, Carter!” He whispered when she turned around, her six brushing his groin.

                              “Sorry, Sir, almost done.”

                              Damn escape pods.

                              9. Under the Influence

                              Jack sat back on Daniel's sofa, watching the ‘new’ SG-1 interacting over pizza and beer. They were no longer his team or Carter’s, now Mitchell officially was the team leader and Vala had recently been accepted as the fifth member.

                              “What about you, Jack?”

                              “My favorite alien influence, Daniel?” He smirked, his eyes finding Carter’s. “Oh, I don’t know. Probably P3X-797 or P3X-595…”

                              She flushed and by now he knew exactly how far down that went. “Oh, those designations you remember!”

                              “Those weren’t mentioned in the mission reports – and I read them all!” Mitchell commented as the other guys laughed.

                              10. By My Side


                              Sam closed the door as the last of the guests left her house and went back into the living room. She was exhausted, and emotionally drained after the death of her father and her breakup with Pete.

                              “Sir, you’re still here.” Due to her confusion it came out more like a statement than a question, but she hadn’t seen him for over an hour and thought he’d already left.

                              “Just wanted to help you clean up. It was a nice service, Carter. I’m sure Dad would have approved.”

                              “Thank you, Sir.”

                              He frowned. “For what?”

                              “Standing by my side.”


                              Now I shall finally go to bed and will join you all in a couple of hours for Ship Day!
                              We'd better keep the pressure on then, cause those were great!
                              sig by Mada
                              As a matter of FIC



                                made by nolamom

                                *runs back to the Ship Day thread*

