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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
    If first you don't succeed, try, try try, try.. again!
    You know Jack kissed her many, many times in those months.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      You know Jack kissed her many, many times in those months.
      I think its so cute that he wants to 'do it right' with her, and hands in his resignation before making his move despite the fact that it would all get erased anyway... may be something to do with his military mentality though.
      "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


        Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
        I think its so cute that he wants to 'do it right' with her, and hands in his resignation before making his move despite the fact that it would all get erased anyway... may be something to do with his military mentality though.
        I think it shows his romantic side. I mean that kiss was wonderfully over the top. When Sam asked why he was resigning he made it clear it was for her. He's playing out a fantasy here, which is very sweet.

        Sam's fantasy world on the other hand was definitely more steamy.


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          I think it shows his romantic side. I mean that kiss was wonderfully over the top. When Sam asked why he was resigning he made it clear it was for her. He's playing out a fantasy here, which is very sweet.

          Sam's fantasy world on the other hand was definitely more steamy.

          Of course she had many more years of frustration.


            I'm late on this, but I can't NOT do S/J quiz!!
            Shipper U Master Quiz #1: Multiple Choice

            1. The first time Sam and Jack meet Sam asks Jack if he would like to . . .

            c. Arm wrestle

            2. When Sam and Jack visit Felger’s lab Jack protects Sam from . . .
            a. Sparks from a malfunctioning weapon

            3. When Jack is lost with Maybourne Sam loses her temper and snaps at . . .
            a. Bill Lee

            4. Sam is not around to stop SG-1 from taking hostages and acting as terrorists on a mission because she was . . .

            b. In Washington, D.C. with Jack

            5. Jack’s reaction to learning from Daniel that he and Sam were engaged in an alternate reality was to . . .

            c. Cite the regulations

            6. Jack was surprised Sam agreed to use of the time machine to retrieve a ZPM from ancient Egypt because she wouldn’t let him use it to . . .

            c. See the Cubs win the world series

            7. As Sam and Jack leave the extraction ceremony for Baal, Sam mentions that she wants to . . .
            a. Talk about plans for a moon base

            8. When Sam describes to Hammond how she would like to use the stargate to send a super heavy element into the K’Tau sun Jack gets very excited because . . .
            a. Sam praises him for his correct understanding of wormhole physics

            9. Jack is willing to do almost anything to find Sam when she goes missing from the parking lot of her gym, including . . .
            b. Giving away his National Geographics to a homeless guy

            10. When Sam is taken over by Jolinar she tries to let Jack know she is not herself by . . .

            c. Punching Jack on the shoulder

            btw, hlndncr, I LOVE some of your multiple choice options! Especially the one about wrestling in blue jello!


              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
              Of course she had many more years of frustration.
              Lol I was about to say "because by that stage she had more years of frsutration"
              "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                Lol I was about to say "because by that stage she had more years of frsutration"
                Great minds!


                  Shipper U Quiz #2: Guess the Shippy Moment

                  Identify the shippy moment from the pics. Include the name of the show, the season and title of the episode, and a brief description of how the scene is shippy (quotes permitted).


                  1. SG1, S5, Warrior, Jack's proud of Sam's weapons proficiency.

                  2. SG1, S7, Evolution, Jack says goodbye to Sam before he goes off to rescue Daniel in Hondorus.

                  3. SG1, S3, Urgo, Jack is thinking of Sam in a bikini!

                  4. SG1, S1, Singularity, Jack gives Cassie puppy.

                  5. SGU, S1, (don't know SGU episode titles!), Jack gives Sam condolences when she loses men in battle.

                  6. SG1, S4, Other Side, Sam is troubled by Jack's decision to close the iris on the alien "hitler" dude.

                  7. SG1, S2, In the Line of Duty, Sam was just wheeled by on a gurney after the Asrak attack.

                  8. SG1, S7, Lost City, Jack resigns, gives command to Carter.

                  9. Sg1, S7, Fallen, Jack nitpics Sam's crazy plan. She says, "Crazier than blowing up a sun?"

                  10. SG1, S6, Metamorphisis, Jack picks up Sam to carry her to be cured in Nirtti's machine


                    1 The Warrior - Jack's pride at Sam's marksmanship

                    2 Evolution Part 2 - After Jack tells Sam he's going to Honduras after Daniel

                    3 Urgo - Jack thinking of Sam in a bikini

                    4 Singularity - Jack spoiling Cassie with a made up Earth rule

                    5 SGU Incursion Part 1 - Jack says "I'm sorry Sam" over her losing two F302 crews

                    6 The Other Side - After hearing Alar hit the iris

                    7 In the Line of Duty - while Janet attempts to keep Sam's heart going as Jolinar dies

                    8 Lost City Part 2 - in the engine room of the teltak

                    9 Fallen - Jack's comment about the plan to on Anubis' ship being crazier than blowing up a sun

                    10 Metamorphosis - Jack grabs Sam to put in the DNA machine to restore her DNA
                    No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                    It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                      Shipper Quiz #2:

                      1. Stargate SG-1, Season 5, “The Warrior,” Sam shows off her skills in front of a bunch of male Jaffa – and Jack is oh, so proud of her!

                      2. Stargate SG-1, Season 7, “Evolution, Part 2,” Jack and Sam wish each other luck with their respective missions.

                      3. Stargate SG-1, Season 3, “Urgo,” Jack’s inner thoughts are brought into the open when Urgo spills the beans that he was thinking about “Maui, with the little bikinis.” Of course, Sam’s intrigued.

                      4. Stargate SG-1, Season 1, “Singularity,” Sam smiles at Jack’s insistence that “Every kid has got to have a dog.”

                      5. Stargate Universe, Season 1, “Air,” Sam and Jack on a conference call regarding the attack of the Icarus Base.

                      6. Stargate SG-1, Season 4, “The Other Side,” Sam gets a glimpse of a disconcerting side of Jack when he orders the Iris to be shut in order to prevent any of the Eurondans from coming through.

                      7. Stargate SG-1, Season 2, “In the Line of Duty,” Jack worries about Sam after she and Jolinar are tortured by the Ashrak.

                      8. Stargate SG-1, Season 7, “Lost City, Part 2,” Jack resigns and hands command of the mission over to Sam.

                      9. Stargate SG-1, Season 7, “Fallen,” Jack admits that he thinks that Sam’s plan is the wackiest they’ve ever come up with.

                      10. Stargate SG-1, Season 6, “Metamorphosis,” Jack carries a dying Sam to safety after Nirrti scrambles her DNA.
                      The Return of King Arthur
                      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                        Wow! things sure are heating up for ship day! I leave for 2 weeks and this thread explodes!

                        I did have internet at Orchestra camp but not enough time to participate so here's both shipper quizzes in one go!
                        I'll admit, the second was much harder!

                        Shipper U Master Quiz #1: Multiple Choice

                        1. The first time Sam and Jack meet Sam asks Jack if he would like to . . .
                        a. Get a beer
                        b. Go fishing
                        c. Arm wrestle

                        2. When Sam and Jack visit Felger’s lab Jack protects Sam from . . .
                        a. Sparks from a malfunctioning weapon
                        b. Felger’s advances
                        c. Chloe’s advances

                        3. When Jack is lost with Maybourne Sam loses her temper and snaps at . . .
                        a. Bill Lee
                        b. Jonas Quinn
                        c. General Hammond

                        4. Sam is not around to stop SG-1 from taking hostages and acting as terrorists on a mission because she was . . .
                        a. Recovering from a serious injury
                        b. In Washington, D.C. with Jack
                        c. Temporarily assigned to Area 51

                        5. Jack’s reaction to learning from Daniel that he and Sam were engaged in an alternate reality was to . . .
                        a. Propose to Sam in this reality
                        b. Make Daniel take it back
                        c. Cite the regulations

                        6. Jack was surprised Sam agreed to use of the time machine to retrieve a ZPM from ancient Egypt because she wouldn’t let him use it to . . .
                        a. Visit their future children
                        b. Return to the days of the time loop
                        c. See the Cubs win the world series

                        7. As Sam and Jack leave the extraction ceremony for Baal, Sam mentions that she wants to . . .
                        a. Talk about plans for a moon base
                        b. Go fishing
                        c. Do battle with him in a ring of Jello, preferably blue

                        8. When Sam describes to Hammond how she would like to use the stargate to send a super heavy element into the K’Tau sun Jack gets very excited because . . .
                        a. Sam praises him for his correct understanding of wormhole physics
                        b. He loves listening to Sam technobabble
                        c. He’s imagining Sam naked

                        9. Jack is willing to do almost anything to find Sam when she goes missing from the parking lot of her gym, including . . .
                        a. Bribing Colonel Simmons
                        b. Giving away his National Geographics to a homeless guy
                        c. Shooting Maybourne

                        10. When Sam is taken over by Jolinar she tries to let Jack know she is not herself by . . .
                        a. Kicking Jack under the briefing room table
                        b. Kissing Jack in the locker room
                        c. Punching Jack on the shoulder

                        Shipper U Quiz #2: Guess the Shippy Moment

                        Identify the shippy moment from the pics. Include the name of the show, the season and title of the episode, and a brief description of how the scene is shippy (quotes permitted).

                        For example:

                        Answer: SG-1, S1, Children of the Gods: The first time Jack sees Sam.



                        Ep: Sesonse 7? don't remember the name - the one in which we learn of Joma Seceu and Teal'c fights the "first prime of imophet" (who is really the gou'ald himself). Jack asks Sam to demonstrate the killing power of the earth weapons they have come to offer in trade and she shoots not the log, but the string above the log


                        Affinity? "I wouldn't be here"?


                        URGO! umm...the part where he's thinking about sandy beaches and bikinis?

                        Season 1 "the nox" - Nefreyu talks with Sam and Jack goes "no, you can't keep him"


                        SGU - ep 1? Sam is on the Hammond, Jack back at HWS and she's reporting on how things went

                        Enemies? Don't remember the name of the ep but it's the one where they try to become friends with some people who want heavy water to fuel their complex but it turns out that these guys are all for racial purity. When the other side starts bombing them, SG1 escapes through the stargate and the picture happens after Jack closes the Iris on the leader, even though he knew the leader was coming through and would be killed.


                        They're in the tel'tac going towards Proclarash Taonas... "sir I was going to tell you..." "I know.."

                        No idea.


                        Why do I not remember ep names?? Season 5 or 6 aka the Jonas season. This is the one where they find another planet where Niirti has been messing people, this time with the help of an ancient machine. The pic is of Jack carrying her to the machine so that Wotan can fix Sam's DNA.


                          Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                          Yeah, I didn't get the pottery either. I thought it may have been like in Groundhog Day Bill Murray's character learned to play the piano during his loops, so they showed Jack learning a skill so unlike his character. It would have been amusing if he actually made pottery for everyone in a later episode, a subtle wink to show that he mastered the pottery craft during the loop.
                          I've always thought that too! I'm sure there is a fic out there that mentions Jack giving people pots afterwards for birthdays and such. Unless that's just in my head...


                            Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                            I've always thought that too! I'm sure there is a fic out there that mentions Jack giving people pots afterwards for birthdays and such. Unless that's just in my head...
                            Nope. I have read a few of those in my time as an SJ OTPer... they're out there
                            "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


                              Shipper Quiz #2

                              1. 5.18 The Warrior – showing off Sam’s shooting skills
                              2. 7.12 Evolution Part 2 – saying goodbye before they go on their missions
                              3. 3.16 Urgo- bikinis
                              4. 1.14 Singularity - „Every kid has got to have a dog.“
                              5. SGU – never seen it
                              6. 4.02 The Other Side – right after Jack closes the iris
                              7. 2.02 In the Line of Duty – Jack „crying“ after the Ashrak tortured Sam
                              8. 7.22 Lost City Part 2 – Sam trying to talk to Jack, he being all „epic“ answering, „I know.“
                              9. 7.01 Fallen – „wacky plans“
                              10. 6.16 Metamorphosis – Jack carrying Sam back to Niirti’s machine

                              Okay, I have to admit 9 really gave me a headache.
                              Because come on, it’s Sam’s season 7 hair, but Jack’s looks like season 3, which threw me off at first. I seriously couldn’t remember it being so long at the beginning of season 7. I think it’s time for a rewatch.


                                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                                It wasn't until I saw these screengrabs on this thread here that I realized that Hammond had a face going on. Bwahahah! Don S. Davis is my hero.

