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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Sorry I quit playing these past few days. I needed to get back to work on my Ship Day vid and I'm finally done!

    I don't think I'll be able to get another done in time though.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      Mmmm, I'd eat chocolate that way.
      Me too!!!
      My vids Sig made by me


        Drabble Prompt #8
        Whispers in the Dark



        Sam turned her head in the darkness as they sat hunched in the cold, trying to stay under the Jaffa’s radar. It was freezing on this planet, and unless she wanted to actually climb into his jacket, she doubted that she would get any warmer... (Not that she hadn't seriously thought about it, for, you know, body heat purposes).

        "Yes Sir?" She whispered, her side pressed to his.

        "I'm glad it’s you, you know, here...with me..." She got a thrill at his words.


        "I think it would be a bit awkward if it were Teal’c.” He squeezed his arm around her shoulder slightly.

        She grinned.
        "You ended the world for me, because you believed I could bring it back." -unknown


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          It's getting close to ship day and there's a lot going on in the thread right now, but don't forget your drabbles! Only three more days left in the Drabble Challenge!

          Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

          Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

          Drabble Prompt #8
          Whispers in the Dark

          This could be considered a follow up to my #7 submission.

          “Sir, do you have any ibuprofen left?”

          “Yeah. Let me just…” he clicked on his flashlight, retrieved the pills and clicked the flashlight back off. “Headache not getting any better?”

          “It’s not the headache, sir.”

          He flashed back to earlier in the day when they were still coming down off that drug. “Sorry I bit you.”

          “Sorry I scratched you.” She didn’t sound all that sorry.

          “Sorry I bruised your wrists.”

          “Yeah, that might be tough to explain.”

          “You sorry for anything else?” he led.

          “Sobering up too soon to...”


          “I don’t get ‘just say no’.”

          He just grinned.
          Visit me all over the place! FFN | AO3 | My Website |Twitter |Tumblr


            Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
            Drabble Challenge


            There was a problem, a big problem. But actually, it was small. Only one little piece of chocolate left, too small to cut it in half.

            'You eat it.'
            'No, you.'

            Why does she always have to be so polite?
            Why does he always have to be so polite?

            'That's enough!' said Sam, put the piece in her mouth and leaned over to kiss him.

            'Here, share the taste.'

            And with that their kiss lasted longer than any piece of chocolate could ever have.


            'Try it.'
            'No, thanks, it looks too weird.'

            'Hm, yes, but it tastes good.'

            'Please. It does not hurt.'
            When could he ever resist her saying please.
            'Just a little bit.'

            She reached over the table and fed him a spoonful.
            He turned it in his mouth. He smiled.
            'You're right, that's good. I promise I'll never say anything about your blue jello.'

            Sorry, they're both about food.
            And please, keep in mind, I'm not used to write and these are my very first attempts.


              prompt #8



              “Shhh, keep quiet or you’ll ruin my plan! You don’t want people to find us here, do you?”

              “Do you have a plan?”

              “Oh yes! I’ve been thinking about it all evening but I had a hard time to free you from your crowd of admirers.”

              “I don’t have admirers”

              “Sam, on-world or off-world, you always have admirers.”

              “So, during a party at the White House with the President of the United States of America, you were thinking to drag me into a dark storage room?”

              “You betcha.”


              “I wanted to kiss my wife.”

              “So, what are you waiting for flyboy?”
              My vids Sig made by me


                My drabble for Prompt #8: Whispers in the Dark.

                Jacob/Selmak, grateful for the momentary quiet, guided the Tel’tak toward their destination while SG-1 bunked down for some rest.

                Then Jacob’s Tok’ra enhanced hearing began picking up whispers from the darkened cargo hold.

                “Now, Sir?”

                “Perfect time. We’re the only ones awake.”

                “What about my dad?”

                “Just keep it down; he won’t know a thing. C’mon Carter, we both want it.”

                Next Jacob heard rustling, sucking, slurping, lips smacking, even giggling.

                Steaming Jacob lunged toward the back, raising the lights.

                He was confronted with Colonel O’Neill and his daughter huddled in a corner holding cups of Jell-o.

                “D’oh! I told you to keep it down Carter; now we have to share.”


                  Originally posted by Kate1013 View Post
                  Originally posted by Lucycat View Post
                  Yeah, I didn't get the pottery either. I thought it may have been like in Groundhog Day Bill Murray's character learned to play the piano during his loops, so they showed Jack learning a skill so unlike his character. It would have been amusing if he actually made pottery for everyone in a later episode, a subtle wink to show that he mastered the pottery craft during the loop.
                  I've always thought that too! I'm sure there is a fic out there that mentions Jack giving people pots afterwards for birthdays and such. Unless that's just in my head...
                  Well in A Karswyll's The Aschen Confederation Jack has a ceramics business; he makes them, sells them and gives pottery lessons.

                  Vicky Ocean's Mysterious Distance has Jack with a pottery workshop

                  There is a fic with Jack joining the gang on the Odyssey for Unending, Christmas rolls around and everyone finds gifts made out of ceramic from Jack. He used the Asgard core to make himself a pottery wheel, clay and a kiln.
                  No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
                  It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                    Quiz 2

                    1. SG-1, S 5, "The Warrior": Jack is proud of Sam as she shows off her shooting skills.

                    2. SG-1, S 7, "Evolution Pt. 2": They say goodbye to each other as they both go off on dangerous missions.

                    3. SG-1, S 3, "Urgo": Jack thinking about bikinis.

                    4. SG-1, S 1, "Singularity": Jack has given Cassie a dog and Sam is amused at him.

                    5. SG-U, S 1, (I don't know the name of the episode): Jack calls Carter "Sam" after she loses some of her crew in battle.

                    6. SG-1, S 4, "The Other Side": Jack orders the iris to be closed knowing that Alar will go 'splat' against it.

                    7. SG-1, S 2, "In the Line of Duty": Sam has been attacked by the Ashrak and Jack is worried about her.

                    8. SG-1, S 7, "Lost City Pt. 2": Sam takes over command as Jack goes all 'ancienty'.

                    9. SG-1, S 7, "Fallen": Jack teasing Sam about her crazy plan.

                    10. SG-1, S 6, "Metamorphosis": Sam's DNA has been messed up and Jack is worried she's about to die.


                      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                      My drabble for prompt #6: A Quarrel and a Kiss:

                      Everyone at the SGC knew when they were fighting.

                      He avoided her lab and snapped at everyone. She never left her lab and spoke to no one.

                      After three days Teal’c had had enough.

                      He brought them into the briefing room and told them he was invoking the earth custom of “kiss and make up.”

                      Teal’c then planted a big wet smooch on Jack’s lips and walked out the door.

                      Sam doubled over laughing.

                      “Ack . . . yuck! Not funny, Carter.”

                      Sam brushed her lips to his and departed, still giggling.

                      Jack’s persistent smile conveyed to all the quarrel was over.
                      I can't green but loved it.

                      Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                      I have to say that I'm enjoying the drabble game. Unlike many of the great fic writers of this thread, I'm not used to write. I hope you like my contribution nonetheless

                      prompt #7


                      “Sir, there’s no time.”

                      “I know.”

                      A force shield separated them.

                      So close and yet so far.

                      He had known for a long time that his feelings for her were deeper than he wanted to admit, even to himself.

                      He just didn’t realise how deep they were.

                      “Sir, just go!”


                      An epiphany.

                      The realisation hit him like a punch to the chest.

                      A sharp pain stabbed through his heart.

                      Time stood still.

                      He couldn’t break eye contact with her.

                      He couldn’t leave her.

                      He would rather have died himself than lose her.

                      He loved her.
                      Very nice.

                      Originally posted by amaradangeli View Post
                      Special little almost-gutter-but-not-quite nod for XFchemist.

                      "Then you know what, Jack? Put up, or shut up."

                      "Excuse me?" He almost couldn’t believe Daniel said that to him. Almost.

                      "We’ve been stuck here for six days, high on," he floundered for the name and finally gave up, "whatever this stuff is. You’ve done nothing but go on and on about how good she looks, how good she smells, how good she tastes –"

                      "That’s purely hypothetical," Jack defends.

                      "Yeah, well, you’re driving her insane."

                      "She’s driving me insane."

                      "You’re driving all of us insane! She won’t tell you, but I will: put up, or shut up already."
                      I would pay to see this scene.

                      Originally posted by Wild Flower View Post
                      It's been a long week so I'm sorry if this isn't brilliant.

                      She looked into his eyes and knew this was the point of no return.

                      Her eyes darted down to his lips again as his face grew closer.

                      They'd waited so long and now there were no restrictions. No rules. No regulations. No excuses.

                      Now there was just her and there was just him. Alone on his deck under a star-filled sky and there was nothing else to say.

                      What would happen after this? Her mind raced ahead as his face continued to draw steadily closer. Her breath caught in her throat as his lips caught hers and suddenly none of it mattered. The future, the past. It was nothing compared to this.

                      Seems strangely like one of my other drabbles. Obsessed with kisses me. Oh well
                      Aren't we all

                      Originally posted by Cairistiona View Post
                      Drabble Challenge


                      There was a problem, a big problem. But actually, it was small. Only one little piece of chocolate left, too small to cut it in half.

                      'You eat it.'
                      'No, you.'

                      Why does she always have to be so polite?
                      Why does he always have to be so polite?

                      'That's enough!' said Sam, put the piece in her mouth and leaned over to kiss him.

                      'Here, share the taste.'

                      And with that their kiss lasted longer than any piece of chocolate could ever have.


                      'Try it.'
                      'No, thanks, it looks too weird.'

                      'Hm, yes, but it tastes good.'

                      'Please. It does not hurt.'
                      When could he ever resist her saying please.
                      'Just a little bit.'

                      She reached over the table and fed him a spoonful.
                      He turned it in his mouth. He smiled.
                      'You're right, that's good. I promise I'll never say anything about your blue jello.'

                      Sorry, they're both about food.
                      And please, keep in mind, I'm not used to write and these are my very first attempts.

                      Originally posted by sasha713 View Post
                      Drabble Prompt #8
                      Whispers in the Dark



                      Sam turned her head in the darkness as they sat hunched in the cold, trying to stay under the Jaffa’s radar. It was freezing on this planet, and unless she wanted to actually climb into his jacket, she doubted that she would get any warmer... (Not that she hadn't seriously thought about it, for, you know, body heat purposes).

                      "Yes Sir?" She whispered, her side pressed to his.

                      "I'm glad it’s you, you know, here...with me..." She got a thrill at his words.


                      "I think it would be a bit awkward if it were Teal’c.” He squeezed his arm around her shoulder slightly.

                      She grinned.
                      sig by Mada
                      As a matter of FIC


                        Loving all the drabbles guys
                        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                          Shipper U Quiz #2: Guess the Shippy Moment

                          Identify the shippy moment from the pics. Include the name of the show, the season and title of the episode, and a brief description of how the scene is shippy (quotes permitted).


                          1. SG-1, S5, The Warrior: Jack’s pride in Sam’s shooting skills
                          2. SG-1, S7, Evolution: Jack’s discussion with Sam before leaving to rescue Daniel and the looks of concern between them.
                          3. SG-1, S3, Urgo: Jack silently denying he’s thinking of bikinis to Sam
                          4. SG-1, S1, Singularity: The flirty looks over the dog Jack gives to Cassie.
                          5. SGU, S1, Incursion: Sam reports to Jack on the mission and that she has lost two of her men. He tells her "I'm sorry, Sam" - the first time we hear him call her Sam in years!!!
                          6. SG-1, S4, The Other Side: Sam’s shocked look when Jack orders the iris closed.
                          7. SG-1, S2, In the Line of Duty: Jack wipes away a tear when they bring Sam into the infirmary.
                          8. SG-1, S7, Lost City: Jack tells Sam to take command; he says he trusts her and resigns.
                          9. SG-1, S7, Fallen: Jack teasing Sam about this being the craziest plan they’ve ever come up with.
                          10. SG-1, S6, Metamorphosis: Jack carries Sam to the DNA machine that will save her life.


                            Shipper U Quiz #3: Match the Speaker

                            Match the Speaker in Colum A with the correct Quote in Colum B.

                            Colum A Colum B
                            1. Daniel Jackson A. "Is this a problem?"
                            2. General Hammond B. "I like women. I just have a little
                            problem with scientists."
                            3. Jack O'Neill C. "Welcome to my life."
                            4. Teal'c D. "I hope to one day have a special relationship."
                            5. Jacob Carter E. "I know Major Carter means a great deal to you."
                            6. Janet Fraiser F. "It's time to let go of the things that
                            prevent you from finding happiness."
                            7. Kerry Johnson G. "You gotta prepare yourself for the
                            possibility that she may not be
                            coming back."
                            8. Harry Maybourne H. "In all the time that you were looping, were you ever tempted to do something crazy?"
                            9. Sam Carter I. "Is the Air Force the only thing keeping you two apart?"
                            10. Mala J. "She dispaired at the thought of never seeing you again."


                              Shippy Commentary

                              To get us into the spirit of the our upcoming shipper holiday and celebrate ten years of Ship Day goodness you are invited to participate in a group shipper commentary for ten of our favorite shippy episodes.

                              Tonight's Episode:

                              This is how it will work. On the scheduled day all shippers are encouraged to watch the appointed episode and comment on this thread as they watch. I will be watching every evening at 9 pm EST if you would like to join in live with me. If you can't make the schedule feel free to comment on any of the episodes and related discussions at anytime. And as Jack would say . . . HAVE FUN!!


                                Everyone ready for Threads? We start in a few minutes!

                                by Cags

