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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
    I was so hoping fo a gif like this. Thanks Nola!
    well, I couldn't green you, so I had to do something!


      Nine Days 'til Ship Day!

      Cassie, why am in this wedding dress?

      Cassie: Because Sam, there’s only nine days to Ship Day and we have to find you the perfect outfit.

      I don’t think this is it.

      Cassie: Are you kidding? This dress has “Squeeeeee” written all over it!

      Cassie: Fine. If you don’t like that one, try this.

      Cassie, I didn’t like this dress the first time I wore it!

      Cassie: But Sam, Jack said you looked great and he even called you “Samantha!”
      If that doesn’t scream fluff, I don’t know what does.

      Can’t we try something a little more down to earth?

      Cassie: Fine.

      Well, this is a little more like it.

      But I don’t see what’s shippy about my uniform.

      Cassie: Are you kidding? Love at first sight, Sam.

      Cassie: It’s so romantic.


        Nine Days 'til Ship Day!

        Maybe I should just go with jeans and a t-shirt.

        Cassie: Jack, help me out here. Sam doesn’t like any of the outfits
        I’ve picked out for her to wear for Ship Day.

        Oh, I know exactly what Carter should be wearing for Ship Day.

        Sir, I don’t care what the Shippy Hippies do; I am not going to this party nekkid.

        Wouldn’t dream of it, Carter.

        Well, maybe in my dreams.

        But I’ve got two words for you, Carter.

        Tank Top.

        Now that’s more like it!
        Last edited by hlndncr; 19 July 2012, 07:09 AM.


          Nine Days 'til Ship Day!

          Jeans and a sweater it is.


          Look at it this way, Sir, it’s what I wore the first time we went fishing.

          Cassie: Squeeeeeeeeee!


            Time for another Drabble Challenge!

            Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

            Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

            Drabble Prompt #7
            Turning Point


              Originally posted by selene0789 View Post
              In honor of the pic story posted by hlndncr, here is a drabble that breaks the fourth wall.


              “Carter, I get that it’s getting close to Ship Day…”


              “And I know that there’s this Ripple Challenge going on—“

              “Drabble, sir.”

              “Right, that. Anyway, I wanna point out—for the record—that I don’t think this is what hlndncr meant by ‘A Quarrel and a Kiss’.”

              They both glance pointedly at the fletched arrow protruding from her thigh. It's superficial, but she’ll be off that leg for a few weeks. Bed rest too… Lots of bed rest.

              Blue eyes blink up at him coquettishly. “Does that mean I don’t get a kiss?”

              “I never said that…”

              Love it! I'm so honored. GW won't let me give you any actual green; so here's some virtual green!


                Originally posted by fems View Post
                Well, that was easy! I hope it'll get more difficult as we get closer to Ship Day!
                I don't know if they will be harder (you may just know your shippy stuff), but every quiz will be a little bit different.


                  New Campfire in the works, honest. Will aim for 'Ship Day.

                  Called: "Jack's Valley."

                  Actually, it'll post the day before because I'm headed back up to Vangroovy on 'Ship Day.
                  Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    I don't know if they will be harder (you may just know your shippy stuff), but every quiz will be a little bit different.
                    I do know a lot of shippy stuff... Have to if I write divergence S/J fics!
                    Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                    Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                    On FFnet or AO3

                    My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.



                      New Stargate SG-1 app!
                      Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


                        Originally posted by Pol View Post
                        not for android!
                        My vids Sig made by me


                          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                          Drabble Prompt #7
                          Turning Point
                          Everyone has a stress point, a breaking point and a turning point. The key is discovering that someone who gives you the strength to survive it all.

                          Stress point:
                          Sam stands before a house she’s meant to share with a man she doesn’t love.
                          Jack stands silent as the woman he loves leaves his home in distress and the woman he’s with looks on.

                          Breaking point:
                          Her dying father tells her she can’t let anything stand in the way of her happiness.
                          His now ex-girlfriend tells him he’s making a big mistake.

                          Turning point:
                          “Thank you . . . for being her for me.”


                            Originally posted by XFchemist View Post
                            not for android!
                            I know Just not fair
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                              Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                              Time for another Drabble Challenge!

                              Ten Drabbles in Ten Days!

                              Remember, this doesn't have to be hard. Just a fun little scene/story in 100 words or less. It can be humorous or sad, poetry or prose. Post them here whenever the muse strikes you (or you strike it)! I'll post a new prompt every 24 hours or so for the next ten days.

                              Drabble Prompt #7
                              Turning Point

                              She had lived an exciting life and been shaped by many pivotal events.

                              Mom’s death, the Challenger disaster, applying to the Academy, her engagement to Jonas, SGC vs NASA, being Tok’ra-ed, falling for her CO, making alien alliances, getting marooned on a spaceship, going on a blind date with a friend of her brother, defeating the Replicators and the Goa'uld, losing her father and Selmak, her engagement to Pete, going fishing with Jack…

                              Learning alternate realities were a fact Sam couldn’t help but wonder about the turning points.

                              Except for one, of course; she and Jack were a universal constant.
                              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
                              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
                              On FFnet or AO3

                              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                                [QUOTE=hlndncr;13428702]Here’s how this will work:
                                1. Each day I’ll post a quiz comprised of ten questions that will test your shipper knowledge.
                                2. Post your replies on the thread in spoilers.
                                3. The next day I’ll post the answers in spoilers for the previous day’s quiz.
                                4. Keep track of your own score. A perfect score is 100.
                                5. On Ship Day you may have demonstrated enough knowledge to receive your Master Shipper degree.

                                Shipper U Master Quiz #1: Multiple Choice

                                9. Jack is willing to do almost anything to find Sam when she goes missing from the parking lot of her gym, including . . .
                                a. Bribing Colonel Simmons
                                b. Giving away his National Geographics to a homeless guy
                                c. Shooting Maybourne

                                Is #9 a trick question?
                                c. Of course Jack is not only willing to work with Maybourne, but would shoot him in a heartbeat.
                                b. He did give away his NatGeo mags.
                                a. I can't remember if Jack attempted to bribe Simmons but we all know he would have if he'd had any leverage he could use against him. Anything to get Sam back.[spoiler]

                                Edited to try to get spoilers to work. Sorry you guys, must be this idiot ipad again.
                                Last edited by RamonaThePest; 19 July 2012, 10:29 AM. Reason: spoilers not working
                                sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)

