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Sam Carter /Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread 2.0

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    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    Yay fics! Nice!

    Just kept me busy for another 20 min

    Very slow day at work..and probably rest of the week, since half of the team has training till Friday.
    I'm taking a day off. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish a new Glinda fic, cutting coupons (so that I can go grocery shopping--I'm like one of those "extreme couponers" they show on TV. It's become a little addicting.), and reading stories to my two year old. I worked hard yesterday, so I deserve a lazy day today, right?


    and forever!
    My Stories: FFdotNet
    My Stories AO3
    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


      Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
      I'm taking a day off. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish a new Glinda fic, cutting coupons (so that I can go grocery shopping--I'm like one of those "extreme couponers" they show on TV. It's become a little addicting.), and reading stories to my two year old. I worked hard yesterday, so I deserve a lazy day today, right?


      and forever!
      Sure! I wish I could; but not yet the time for lazying around. I get vacation in the middle of June!

      Can't wait to see another Glinda story. I love your Glinda series! As for the coupons...I tried it but miserably failed; I'm just not good at that! (plus I'm still young so it isn't that nessesary yet)

      Do you think Sam and Jack use coupons? I don't think so...


        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        Sure! I wish I could; but not yet the time for lazying around. I get vacation in the middle of June!

        Can't wait to see another Glinda story. I love your Glinda series! As for the coupons...I tried it but miserably failed; I'm just not good at that! (plus I'm still young so it isn't that nessesary yet)

        Do you think Sam and Jack use coupons? I don't think so...
        Why not? Any way to save money.
        The Return of King Arthur
        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


          Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
          I'm taking a day off. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish a new Glinda fic, cutting coupons (so that I can go grocery shopping--I'm like one of those "extreme couponers" they show on TV. It's become a little addicting.), and reading stories to my two year old. I worked hard yesterday, so I deserve a lazy day today, right?


          and forever!
          I enjoy finding coupons I can use. It's actually sort of fun to see how much I can save. I recently had a coupon for $5 off a 20 lb. box of kitty litter at Safeway. It normally cost $13 or so, and between the Safeway Club Card discount and the $5 off coupon, I wound up paying about $5 for that box of kitty litter. I've managed to save lots on food stuff, too. It's sort of a game with me right now to see how much I can save.

          Wonders if Jack and Sam would use coupons, or just skip it?


            I think Sam just finds a brand that she likes and buys the same thing everytime without even looking at the price. Coupons take time and what time Sam has she would rather spend doing other things (and I'm sure Jack has several ideas of how productively to spend their free time ).

            As for Jack, he really only buys one thing right? Are there coupons for Guiness?
            Last edited by hlndncr; 13 April 2011, 01:22 PM.


              Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
              I'm taking a day off. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish a new Glinda fic, cutting coupons (so that I can go grocery shopping--I'm like one of those "extreme couponers" they show on TV. It's become a little addicting.), and reading stories to my two year old. I worked hard yesterday, so I deserve a lazy day today, right?


              and forever!
              Bounces. A new Glinda fic. Can't wait.

              By the way, are Deserving You and Blow the Man Down part of the Glindaverse since both feature young Ben?
              No Sam w/o a Jack and no Jack w/o a Sam.
              It's like and immutable law of the multiverse.


                Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                I'm taking a day off. Playing on the computer. Trying to finish a new Glinda fic, cutting coupons (so that I can go grocery shopping--I'm like one of those "extreme couponers" they show on TV. It's become a little addicting.), and reading stories to my two year old. I worked hard yesterday, so I deserve a lazy day today, right?


                and forever!
                I wish I had a play day. I'm cleaning.

                OT My House:

                I live in a house that belonged to my friend's late parents. The deal is I live here rent free in exchange for cleaning and caring for the house. For the most part it's a pretty sweet deal. The house is huge (4 bdrms, 3 baths, eat in kitchen, diningroom, two family rooms, sun room, laundry room, bsmt, garage, etc.) The neighborhood is awesome (could never afford it on my own). Her husband takes care of the grounds and maintenance (or hires people to do it).

                The downside? 1) Nothing in the house has been updated since the early 70s. Avacado and brown shag carpets (in the downstairs family room the carpet actually goes up the walls). Wood panelling. Psychedelic wallpaper. Wiring and appliances that are falling apart. 2) The previous owners were hoarders and my friend is too. It's very difficult to clean this place out when she won't let me throw anything away. (I usually toss stuff and tell her husband. We then agree that we won't be telling her because she has no idea what's here anyway.) So when I first moved in three years ago you could barely get through the front door. It took me over a year just to clear the main floor (and I only mean surfaces I have yet to open any drawers or cupboards--too scary). I'm working on the master suite now. Two weeks and I can finally see floor.

                But, believe it or not, I've lived in much worse. I spent a year in the slums of Brazil--four months of that without running water.

                A dump truck and a bulldozer and this really could be a lovely house.

                But it is free rent in DC. So still worth it.


                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  I actually looked into going...but it's after I go back to the Netherlands...if only it had been in the beginning of June; I would have been there! *sighs*

                  Oh and hlndncr you in DC? If only I had known... I've been there several times this/end last year.
                  You're leaving Atlanta before Amanda gets there, you know? She's one of the guest at Dragon*Con.

                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  Do you think Sam and Jack use coupons? I don't think so...
                  Are they on Earth long enough to care about spending a little less money on food? And I think they order too much for it to matter. ;P
                  Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                  Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!


                    Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                    I think Sam just finds a brand that she likes and buys the same thing everytime without even looking at the price. Coupons take time and what time Sam has she would rather spend doing other things (and I'm sure Jack has several ideas of how productively to spend their free time ).

                    As for Jack, he really only buys one thing right? Are their coupons for Guiness?
                    I've seen coupons for Guinness, if you can believe it.

                    Since I don't drink alcohol, I just don't clip them out.

                    He also buys salsa and hot dogs, remember.

                    I don't think that Jack and Sam use coupons. I think that they've been wise with their finances and don't see the point if it's just the two of them. It takes more time than they'd want to spend doing it (ha ha --yes, I see the pun). I, on the other hand, figure it's my job as a stay at home mom to save every penny I can.

                    Coupons/Shopping OT
                    My best shopping trip so far has been to buy 98 items of food and personal products (everything from frozen veggies to shampoo) for a 97% savings. I think I spent a few bucks on the entire order. I routinely save anywhere from 55% to 80% at the grocery store. I HATE spending more than I have to.

                    I get six copies of the Sunday paper and then collate, staple, and cut all the coupons at once, which I then put into baseball card holders in a HUGE binder. I also subscribe to a service where they tell me which of the large stores in my area have items that coordinate with the coupons that I have. Today, I spent a little over a hundred dollars and saved $203. Ka-ching! It's totally a high for me. I especially love finding clearance items that I have coupons for--they're usually free. I haven't spent more than a dollar for a box of cereal in a few years. I have around 60 boxes on hand at any time. We're usually favorites when the kids have food drives at school, too. I just load them up with oodles of stuff that I've gotten for free or almost free, and donate away. It's awesome.
                    My Stories: FFdotNet
                    My Stories AO3
                    Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
                      You're leaving Atlanta before Amanda gets there, you know? She's one of the guest at Dragon*Con.
                      I hate life right now.
                      That's the first week I go back to school in...guess..the Netherlands.

                      It would have been the perfect opportunity. So sad.

                      Are they on Earth long enough to care about spending a little less money on food? And I think they order too much for it to matter. ;P
                      I don't think so. I mean I don't think Sam will ever think about saving money on food with coupons. She perhaps will have a customer card of the grocery store she goes to, but that will be it.
                      Jack lives on take-out and beer. No real shopping for him.


                        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                        I think Sam just finds a brand that she likes and buys the same thing everytime without even looking at the price. Coupons take time and what time Sam has she would rather spend doing other things (and I'm sure Jack has several ideas of how productively to spend their free time ).

                        As for Jack, he really only buys one thing right? Are their coupons for Guiness?
                        Maybe he gets a volume discount?


                          Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                          Maybe he gets a volume discount?
                          Perhaps they know him and just send the delivery guy to his house.

                          I don't know, though. I don't think that he drinks all that much. I'm thinking that he wouldn't enjoy the "drunk" sensation--that he doesn't like to give up control over himself and his actions. So, as much as he enjoys the bottle now and then, I don't think that's all he does.
                          My Stories: FFdotNet
                          My Stories AO3
                          Thanks, Oma, for the Sig!


                            Originally posted by Akamaimom View Post
                            Perhaps they know him and just send the delivery guy to his house.

                            I don't know, though. I don't think that he drinks all that much. I'm thinking that he wouldn't enjoy the "drunk" sensation--that he doesn't like to give up control over himself and his actions. So, as much as he enjoys the bottle now and then, I don't think that's all he does.
                            I agree; certainly "knowing" the fact of how much time they spend on base before he became a general, I don't think he drinks that much. I think he drinks one or two just because he likes it, but he knows when to stop.

                            Daniel on the other hand...


                              Wow, I've been sick these past few days, so I've been playing catch up. Lots of pages to go through!

                              Favorite episodes...
                              Sam: Death Knell
                              Jack: Abyss
                              Shippy: Beneath the Surface

                              Castle OT
                              There was also an episode that took place on the set of a soap opera, and there was talk of obsessive shippers.


                                (((shipper thread)))


                                this place is THE best!


